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Ancetes University Founpation “Angas Cl, Phipps Tel No (6-45) G25 low 1707 (Office of Admins) RECOMMENDATION FORM (63-48) 626-1236, 625-2888 local 179 (AUE Integrated School) ‘Website: winwautedsph Date: Name of Applicant: Sex ‘Schoo! Last Attended: IMPORTANT: Student-Applicant: This form comes intwo (2) copes. Give one copy ofthis form to your elass adviser andthe other o your guidance counselor. Provide each of them a legal size envelop. Person Recommending: The person named above is applying for admission at Angeles University Foundation, Please accomplish this form carefully and place itn an envelope provided by the student-applicant This form is confidential. Please seal and sign te flap ofthe envelope after accomplishing the form. Envelopes which are unsealed and unsigned on the flap will not be acceptod. Thank you, ‘A. How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant? 8, What MentaSchool Abiity Test was given tothe applicant? Please specify Name of Test ‘Standard Score Verbal Description/Classification . Has the applicant been subjected to any ofthe following for disciplinary or administrative action? Pease pul an X matk on the box for your answer. ‘Yes No 1. Brawling Q ao 2. iiking alohote beveragesfiquo a a 3. Gambing in any fomin School a oO 4 Vandaiamin School a Oo 5. Disobedence and disrespect to schol autos Qo a 8. Possession andor use of rugs o o 7. SelPinjurious behavior a oO 8 Suicide attempt a CJ 9 Others (please specify) _ 1D. IsMes helshe affitated with any non-recognized student organizations such as: fraternity, sorority and the ike? Yes E. Isa helshe under any medicationtherapy? Yes. No lyes, medicationtherapy is for treatment of [] Physical Ailments E DevelopmentalLeaming Disabilities 5 Paychological Probiems F. Overall Recommendation, Please check one: TI stongly recommend the applicant for adrission recommend the appicant for admission 1 recommend the applicant for admission wit reservation Brey state reason Ido not recommend the appcant for admission ‘roy state reason RATED BY: POSITION: ‘Signature Over Printed Name ‘AUF-Form-OA-25 September 21, 2016-Rev. 02

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