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What is human resource management (HRM)?

HRM can be defined as the effective management of people in an organisation. HR management helps
bridge the gap between employees’ performance and the organisation’s strategic objectives. Moreover,
an efficient HR management team can give firms an edge over their competition.
Role of HR managers:
Recruitment: One of the major responsibilities of a HR manager is to recruit personnel. The success of
an organisation largely depends on the workforce employed, so it is essential that the right people are
hired for the right role.
Learning and development: Learning is a continuous process and essential to enhance employees’
productivity. HR managers are responsible for the orientation and induction of new employees, as well
as the professional development of existing employees. They are responsible for strategising
development programmes. Furthermore, they must have the ability to identify and analyse the areas
that employees need training for.
Building employee relations: Effective employee relations go a long way in boosting productivity and
contributes significantly to an organisation’s success. Employee relations strategies are implemented to
ensure that an organisation caters to the overall well-being of employees.
Compensation and benefits: A major component of a HR manager’s job role is handling compensation
and benefits. They are responsible for devising compensation strategies, performance management
systems and compensation structures, as well as negotiating pay and benefit packages with potential
Importance of HR managers in organisations:
Strategy management: This is an important aspect of any organisation and plays a vital role in human
resource management. HR managers manage strategies to ensure the organisation reaches its business
goals, as well as contributing significantly to the corporate decision-making process, which includes
assessments for current employees and predictions for future ones based on business demands.
Benefits analysis: HR managers work towards reducing costs, such as with recruitment and retention.
HR professionals are trained to conduct efficient negotiations with potential and existing employees, as
well as being well-versed with employee benefits that are likely to attract quality candidates and
retaining the existing workforce.
Training and development: Since HR managers contribute significantly to training and development
programmes, they also play a pivotal role in strengthening employer-employee relationships. This
contributes to the growth of employees within the company, hence enhancing employee satisfaction
and productivity.
Interactivity within employees: HR managers are responsible for conducting activities, events and
celebrations in the organisation which gives way to team building opportunities. Moreover, it enhances
interactivity within employees and instils a sense of trust and respect among peers.
Conflict management: The department to go to when any kind of professional conflict arises between
employees is HR. They ensure that issues and conflicts are resolved effectively, approaching the problem
with an unbiased attitude and encouraging effective communication to reach a solution. In addition,
they help employees understand various ways of developing effective work relationships and the
importance of not letting personal judgement affect their behaviour.
Establishing a healthy work culture: A healthy work culture is pivotal in bringing out the best in
employees. HR managers contribute significantly in setting up a healthy and friendly work culture, which
further translates into better productivity among employees.
Compliance: HR professionals work towards making the organisation compliant with employment laws,
as well as maintaining records of hiring processes and applicants’ log.
Ans 2

These approaches define HRM from different perspectives.

Strategic approach.
Management approach.
Human resource approach.
Commodity approach.
Proactive approach.
Reactive approach.
System approach.

Ans 3a
The success of every business depends on so many things, one of which is strategic human resource
planning. If you are a start-up organization, you will benefit greatly by taking the advice of an HR
consultancy firm or a trained HR agent who will pilot the affairs of your organization.
Poor human resource planning has a long-term and immediate influence on management policies,
employee recruitment, corporate profitability and organizational functioning. In this post, we are going
to talk about effects of poor human resource planning. Team leaders and HR managers often spend
months trying to find the right person for a job. Some reach out to staffing agencies and post dozens of
ads but fail to go through the job analysis process. Skipping this step can lead to bad hiring decisions and
wasted resources. If you want to build a high-performing team, it's crucial to define the role you're
hiring for and set clear expectations.
Organizations that don't conduct a thorough job analysis may end up hiring the wrong people and
setting unrealistic performance standards. They may also have a difficult time attracting talent and
identifying top performers.
The Importance of Job Analysis:
Is This Step Really Necessary?
Ans 3 b
Interview: Definition, Types of Interview
An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person through oral responses to oral
An interview is the way of face to face conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee,
where the interviewer seeks replies from the interviewee for choosing a potential human resource.
Definition of Interview
According to Gary Dessler, “Interview is a selection procedure designed to predict future job
performance on the basis of applicants’ oral responses to oral inquiries.”
The interview is the most critical component of the entire selection process.
It serves as the primary means to collect additional information on an applicant. It serves as the basis for
assessing an applicant’s job-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is designed to decide if an
individual should be interviewed further, hired, or eliminated from consideration.
Types of Interview
There are several types of interview;
Unstructured (Nondirective) Interview.
Structured (Directive) Interview.
Situational Interview.
Behavioral Interview.
Job-related Interview.
Stress Interview.
Panel Interview (Board Interview).
One-On-One Interview.
Mass Interview (Group Interview),
Phone Interview

Ans # 4 a
salary compression
Pay compression, also known as wage compression or salary compression, occurs when employees with
the same skills and experience are paid differently. Sometimes, new hires or employees with less
experience may end up being paid significantly more than tenured employees with more experience.
Orientation training
Orientation means providing new employees with basic information about the employer. Training
programs are used to ensure that the new employee has the basic knowledge required to perform the
job satisfactorily. ... Unfortunately, orientation and training programs are often overlooked.
What is the Logbook? ... The Logbook allows you to record and track the key employee information that
is important to your company, from equipment and uniform, to accidents and injuries
Alternative staffing refers to hiring individuals on a part-time or as needed basis, typically under short
term contract and for specific services as opposed to full-time personnel.
Negligent training occurs when an employer fails to provide sufficient training to allow an employee to
perform their job safely. This may occur if a worker is under-trained, or if their supervisor or trainer fails
to follow proper training procedures.
Job aids are tools or devices that help people do their jobs. Memory joggers and instruction cards, for
example, are job aids. The term includes anything which helps people complete their jobs successfully.
Job aids help us avoid making mistakes. They also guide us through the necessary steps to complete a
A Realistic Job Preview (RJP) is a recruiting tool used to communicate both the good and bad aspects of
a job. Essentially, it is used to provide a prospective employee a realistic view of what the job entails.

Why careful selection is important?

Once you have a pool of applicants, the next step is to select the best candidates for the job. This usually
means whittling down the applicant pool by using the screening tools explained later tests, assessments
centers, and background and reference checks. Then the prospective supervisor can interview likely
candidates and decide who to hire.
Selecting the right employees is important for three main reasons: performance, costs, and legal
Performance: First your own performance always depends in part on your subordinates. Employees
with the right skills will do a better job for you and the company. Employees without these skills or who
are abrasive or obstructionist won’t perform effectively and your own performance and the firm’s will
suffer. The time to screen out undesirables is before they are in the door, not after.
Cost: Second, it is important because it’s costly to recruit and hire employees. Hiring and training even a
clerk can cost $ 5,000 or more in fees and supervisory time. The total cost of hiring a manager could
easily be 10 times as high once you add search fees, interviewing time, reference checking and travel
and moving expenses.
Legal Obligations: Third, for US employers it’s important because of two legal implications of
incompetent hiring. First, equal employment laws require non-discriminatory selection procedures for
protected groups.
What is a job posting?
A job posting is an external advertisement of your open job position which purpose is to attract
candidates. It is written in an engaging tone and it contains information not only about the job position
but also about your company and the benefits you offer
Succession planning is a strategy for passing on leadership roles—often the ownership of a company—
to an employee or group of employees. Also known as "replacement planning," it ensures that
businesses continue to run smoothly after a company's most important people move on to new
opportunities, retire, or pass away.
Companies use a recruiting yield pyramid for ensuring enough numbers of prospective employees from
where they would select the employees. Some employers use this pyramid to calculate the number of
applicants they must generate to hire the required number of new employees.
Broadbanding is a job grading structure that falls between using spot salaries vs. many job grades to
determine what to pay particular positions and incumbents within those positions.

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