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 The structure and features of the potential complement

predicate verb + de 得 + verb/stative verb
Positive form
zuòdewán 做得完 can finish doing ...
predicate verb + bù 不 + verb/stative verb
Negative form
zuòbùwán 做不完 can’t finish doing ...

  predicate verb + de 得 + verb/stative verb + ma 吗?

Ma 吗 question form zuòdewán ma? 做得完吗?can finish doing?

  predicate verb + de 得 + verb/stative verb + predicate verb + bù

Choice-type question form zuòdewán zuòbùwán? 做得完做不完?can finish doing?
1. The negative form uses bù 不 to replace de 得.
2. Potential complements do not take le 了, because they express possibility, not an
accomplished fact or completion of an action.
3. Potential complements are not used in bǎ  把 -Sentences because bǎ 把 -
sentences focus on result, not possibility.
4. The positive form and the ma 吗 -question form can use néng 能 before the
predicate verb. It does not change the meaning of the sentence.
5. Potential complements cannot be modified by adverbs such as hěn 很, fēicháng
非常, etc.
Before you move on, study some examples of these forms in complete sentences.
1. Positive form

1.1       Jīntiān de gōngzuò bù duō, liǎng diǎn yǐqián yídìng gàndewán.  
  There is not much work today. We can definitely finish it before two

1.2       Zhèi zhāng zhuōzi bú zhòng, wǒ yí ge rén bāndedòng.  
  This table is not heavy. I can move it by myself.

1.3       Bú yòng kāi dēng, wǒ kàndeqīngchu.  
  No need to turn on the light. I can see clearly.

1.4       Tā zhème yònggōng, yídìng kǎodeshàng dàxué.  
  He’s so hardworking. He will definitely be able to pass the college entrance
2. Negative form

2.1       Zhèixiē Hànzì zhēn nán xiě, wǒ zǒngshì xiěbùhǎo.  
  These characters are really hard to write. I can never write them well.

2.2       Wǒ-de Yīngwén shū zhǎobúdào le.  
  I can’t find my English book any more.

2.3       Hē-le chá wǒ jiù shuìbùzháo jiào le.  
  After drinking tea, I won’t be able to fall asleep.

2.4       Shuōbúduì kěyǐ zài shuō yí biàn.  
  If you can’t say it correctly, you may say it again.
3. Ma question form

3.1       Yì tiān xué liù ge Hànzì, nǐ jìdezhù ma?  
  You study six characters a day. Can you remember them?

3.2       Tā shuō de zhème kuài, nǐ tīngdedǒng ma?  
  He speaks so fast. Can you understand?

3.3       Zuòzài hòubiānr de tóngxué kàndeqīngchu ma?  
  Can students sitting in the back see clearly?

3.4       Nǐ yí ge rén chīdeliǎo zhème duō fàn ma?  
  Can you alone eat so much food?
4. Choice-type question form

4.1       Shān hěn gāo, nǐ shàngdeqù shàngbúqù?  
  The mountain is high. Can you climb it?

4.2       Nǐ míngtiān láideliǎo láibùliǎo?  
  Can you come tomorrow?

4.3       Tā pǎodekuài pǎobúkuài?  
  Can he run fast?

4.4       Zhèi jiān jiàoshì zuòdexià zuòbúxià èrshí ge rén?  
  Can this classroom seat twenty people?
5. used with néng 能

5.1       Zhème duō gōngzuò nǐ néng gàndewán ma?  
            Can you finish so much work?

5.2       Wǒ néng tīngdedǒng shōuyīnjīli de Zhōngwén jiémù.  
            I can understand the Chinese programs on the radio.

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