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e-san05eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ALARM LIST A. LIST OF ALARM CODES (CNC) Ad LIST OF ALARMS (PMC) A3 ALARMS (SERIAL SPINDLE) Ad ERROR CODES (SERIAL SPINDLE) = «73 A.ALARM LIST AA LIST OF ALARM CODES (CNC) (1) Program errors /Alarms on program and operation (P/S alarm) APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents 000__ | PLEASE TURN OFF POWER “parameter which requires the power of was input, tum off power 007 | THPARITY ALARM TH alarm (A charactor with noorroct party was inpul Correct the tape, ‘002 | TV PARITY ALARM V alarm (The number of characters ina Block Is od@) This alarm wl bo generated only when the TV check is effective. 003 | TOO MANY DIGITS Data exceeding the maximum allawable number of digits was input (Reterto the item of max. programmable dimensions.) 004 [ADDRESS NOT FOUND “Anumeralorthe sign”— was input withoutan address atthe beginning of a block. Modify the program 005 | NO DATA AFTER ADDRESS ‘The address was nat folowad by he appropriate data but was folowed by another address or EOB code, Mody the program, (005 ILLEGAL USE OF NEGATIVE SIGN | Sign"— "input error (Sign "—"was input afer an address with which k ‘cannot be Used. Or two of more *~" signs were Input) Mosity the program, (007 ILLEGAL USE OF DECIAL POINT [Decimal point=. input error (A decimal pointwasinputafter an address with which ean not be used. Or two decimal points were input) Moaity the program, 003 [ILLEGAL ADDRESS INPUT Unusabie character was input in significant area Modify the program. O70 IMPROPER G-CODE "An unusable G cade or G code corresponding o he function nat pro Vided is specified, Moclty the program. O11 |NOFEEDRATE COMMANDED | Feedrate was not commanded fo a cuting eed or the feodrate wasin= adequate. Modify the program, ‘CANNOT COMMAND GS ‘synchronous feed is specified without the opton for dieading / yn (M series) chronous feed 014 [IELEGAL [EAD COMMAND Tn variable [ead threading, the [ead Incremental and decremental out (Tseres) putted by address K exceed the maximum command value or a com- mand such that the lead becomes a negative value is given. Modify the program. TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED | Analtomptwas mado to move the machine along iheaxos butthonam= (M series) ber ofthe axes exceeded the spacitiad number axes controlled simul taneously. Modify the program. "TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED | Avatfempthas been made to move the tool along mare than the max ors | (rseres) ‘mum number of simultaneously controllad axes. Alternatively, no axis ‘movement command or an axis movement command for two or more ‘axes has been specified in the block containing the command for kip Using the torque limit signal (G31 P98/98). The command must be ac- ‘companied with an axis movement command fora single axis, in the same block (020 [OVER TOLERANCE OF RADIUS | incrcularinterpalaton (G02 or G03), dference ofthe distance between the start point and the center ofan are and that between the end point and the center ofthe arc exceeded the value specified in parameter No 3410. 027 ]ILLEGAL PLANE AXIS. COMMAN: [Anaxienot ncludedin the solociodplane (by using G17, GTB, GTa)was DED commanded in circular interpolation. Modify the program. 022 [NOGIRGLE RADIUS ‘The command for crcular interpolation lacks arcradus Ror coordinate I, J,orKof the distance between the start pointto the center ofthe arc. = 64 e-sa005eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ‘Number Message Contents 023 |IELEGAL RADIUS COMMAND | Increularnterpolaion by radius Gesignalion, nagalve value was Com (Tseres) manded for address R. Modify the program, {025 | CANNOT GONNIAND FOIN GOZIGOS | FO (ast food) was instructed by F1 digit column Teed in Groular Iter: (M series) polation. Modify the program, Dat —|NO__AXES _CONMANDED _ IN [Noaxisis specifiodin G49 and G44 Docks forthe ool longi oTeettype G43/G44 (M series) c. Cfsetis not canceled but another axis is offset forthe tool length offset type C. Modify the program ‘028 ILLEGAL PLANE SELECT Tnthe plane selodion command, two ormoreaxes inthe same drection are commanded Modify the program. TILEGAL OFFSET VALUE The offsot values spocifiod by H code i Too large: coe (Mere) Moly the program, TELEGAL OFFSET VALUE ‘The offset values specified by T code Is too large (sores) Modify the program. TCLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER The offsot number specified by DIN code for tool length afsatorcuttor (Wi series) Compensation is too large. Allenatvely, the number of an additional workpiece coordinate system specified with the P code is too large. 030 Mosity the program, TELEGAL OFFSET NUMBER Tha offsat number iT funcion spactied for tool asa stool large. (Tseres) Modify the program. 031 [ILLEGAL P COMMAND ING10 | insettingan offsetamount by G10, the offset number following adaress P was excessive of t was not specified, Moaity the program, 052 [ILLEGAL OFFSET VALUE IN G10 | insetting an ofset amount by G10 orin wiltng an ofsel amount by 976 tem variables, the offet amount was excessive NO SOLUTION AT GRE “Kpait of iniersecton cannot be determined Tor euttar compensation, ows (sere) Moaity the program 8° TNOSOLUTION AT CRE ‘paint of intersection cannot be determined Tor foal nose radius com (Tseres) pensation. Mody the program, NO GIR ALLOWED INST-UP/EXT | The slart up or cancel was going t be performed in te GOD or GOS aaa [ELKO ser08) ‘mode in cutter compensation C, Modify the program. NO GIR ALLOWED INST-UP/EXT | The start up of cancel was going o be performed in the G02 or GOS BLK (T series) ‘mode in tool nase radius compensation. Mody the program, CAN NOT COMMANDED G39 ‘Gas commanded In caller componsaton B cancel mode or on he ae [MseF) plane other than offset plane. Mody the program, 8° CANNOT COMMANDED Gat ‘Skip ailing (G31) was speciied in Tool nose radlus compensation (sores) ‘mode, Modify the program. 035 | CANNOT COMMANDED G37 ‘Skip cating (G31) was specified in catter compensation mode (M series) Moaity the program. ‘CANNOT CHANGE PLANE IN GRG | Ga0 is commanded on the plane other than affeat plane in after com (Mseires) pensation B, The plane selected by using G17, G18 ar G19 s changed os7 In cutter compensation C mode, Modify the program, ‘GAN NOT CHANGE PLANE INNRG | Tha offea plana is ewilched in foal nase radius compansalion seires) Modify the program, INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR | Overcutting wil occur in cutter compensation because the arc stat BLOCK (M seires) point or end point coincides with the are center Moaity the program, ox ay the progr INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR BLOCK (T series) ‘Overelting wil oocurintoal nase rads compensation bocausetheare start point or end point coincides with the arc center Moaity the program A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents 055 | GHFICNRNOT ALLOWED INNRG | Chamfering or comer R was specifed wit a Startup, a cancel, or (Tseres) ‘itching between G41 and G42 intoo! noseradius compensation. The program may cause overeutting to occur in chamfering or comer R. Moaity the program. (040 INTERFERENCE IN G90/G84 [ Ovorcatting wil occurinfoalnase rads componsation n-canned oye BLOCK (T series) 690 oF G94. Mody the program, INTERFERENCE INCRE ‘Ovarcuiting wiloccurincutier compensation, TwoormoreBlocksare (Mseires) consecutively spectied inwhich functions such as the auxiliary function and dwell functions are performed without movementin the cutter com- on pensation made. Modify the program. INTERFERENCE INNRC ‘Overclting wil occur in fool nose radius compensation (Tseies) Modify the program. ‘042 | GASIGAB NOT ALLOWED IN CR | Tool offset (G45 to G48) 8 commandad in cater compensation, Modify (M series) the program. 044 | G2T-GBD NOT ALLOWED IN FIXED | One of G27 to Ga0 is commanded in canned cyclo made, CYC (M series) Moaity the program. (045 [ADDRESS —Q__ NOT FOUND | in canned cycle G7S/G83, the dopihof each cul (Q) snot epectiod. A (G73/683) (M series) tematively, Q0 is specified, Correct the program ‘045 ILLEGAL REFERENCE RETURN | Other an PZ, P3 and PA are commanded for 2nd, 3rd and ath refer COMMAND cence positon return command. ‘a7 ILLEGAL AXIS SELECT Two armore parallel axes (mn paralal with abasic ans) have bean spec- (M series) fied upon start-up of trree~ while pressing , and only the program being ecited willbe deleted Register the delated program. 709 [PISALARM ‘valve other tan 0 or twas specified after Pin the GOS code, or no value was specified 710 [DATA OVERFLOW ‘The absolute value of fixed decimal polt display data exceeds the al- lowable range. Modify the program. = 69 — A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents TT CALCULATED DATA OVERFLOW | The resul of calculation turns Out fo Be Tnvall, an alarm No.T11 Tse sued, 1087 to~10-28, 0, 10°29 to 1087 Modify the program. 712 [DIVIDED BY ZERO ‘Division by zero was specified. (nctuding an 60") Moaity the program. 713 _ [IMPROPER COMMAND ‘Auction which cannot be used In custom macro is commanded Moaity the program. 114 [FORMAT ERROR IN MACRO ‘There isan errorin other formals than Moaity the program, 715 |TILEGAL VARIABLE NUMBER | A value not defined as a variable number is designated in the custom ‘macro or in high-speed cycle machining, ‘The header contents are improper. Ths alarm is given inthe following High speed cyele machining 4. The header corresponding tothe specified machining cycle number called is not found, 2. The cycle connection data value is out ofthe allowable range (0-939), 3, The number of data in the header is out ofthe allowable range (o- 32767), 4. The start data variable number of executable format data is out of the allowable range (#20000 ~ #85535) 65, The last storing data variable numberof executable format data is cut ofthe allowable range (#85535), 6. The storing start data variable numberof executable format data is overlapped with the variable number used in the header. Moaity the program. 71 [WRITE PROTECTED VARIABLE | Tho eft side of substtuton slaloment fsa varable whose SuBStTuton |sinhibted. Modify the program. 11a [PARENTHESISNESTING ERROR | The nesting of brackel exceads the upper limit (quintuple) Mosity the program, 71 LEGAL ARGUMENT The SORT arguments negative. Or BOD argument js hegatve, ana other values than 0 to 9 are present on each line of BIN argument Moaity the program. 72. |FOURFOLD MACRO MODAL-CALL | The maaro modal calls spedifed four Tod Moaity the program. 723 [CANNOT USE MACRO COMMAND | Macro conirol command is used during ONC operation, INDNC Modify the program. T2_ [MISSING END STATEMENT DO END dos not correspond to 1: 1. Mody the program: 725_ | FORMAT ERROR IN MACRO “ Tormatis erroneaus, Mody the program 726 __|TULEGAL LOOP NUMBER THDOn, 12 n_Se spol established. Moai the program 727 [NC, MACRO STATEMENT IN SAME | NC and custom macro commands coexist BLOCK Modify the program, 728 |TLEGAL MAGRO SEQUENCE | The sequence number specified inthe branch command was not to NUMBER 9998. Or, it cannot be searched. Modify the program. 729 [ILLEGAL ARGUMENT ADDRESS | An address which isnot alowed in ie used Modify the program, 730 [ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION [An ax control command was given by PMG to an axis controled by CNC. Or an axis control command was given by CNC to an axis con- trolled by PMC. Maaity the program, — 680 — e-sa005eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ‘Number Message Contents Ta [TOOMANY EXTERNAL ALARM | Five or more alarms have generated in extemal alarm message MESSAGES Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause. 732 [ALARM NUMBER NOT FOUND | No alarm No. concerned oxsis in extemal alarm message lear Check the PMC ladder diagram, 733 [TLEGALDATAINEXT ALARM MSG | Small section datas erroneous i external alarm mossago or extomal operator message. Check the PMC ladder diagram TELEGAL ANGLE COMMAND ‘The Index tae indexing postioning angle was instucted in other than (series) an integral mutple ofthe value of the minimum angle 135 Modify the program. ‘SPINDLE ORIENTATION PLEASE | Withautany spindle orientation , an allopt was made for spindle ndox- (seres) ing. Perform spindle orientation. TCLEGAL AXIS COMMAND Tnindextable Indexing Another controlaxis was nstucted together with (M series) the B axis. 136 Mogi the program, GIH-CODE & MOVE GMD IN SAME [A move command of alher axes was spectied fo the same block as BLK (Tories) spindle indexing addresses C, H. Modify tne program, Ta? [M-GODE & MOVE CMD IN SAME |Amove command of otior axes was specified tothe same block as N aLK. Code related to spindle indexing, Modify tre program, 738 [SUPERIMPOSED DATA OVER: | The total distrbution amount ofthe GNC and PMG is foo large during FLOW superimposed contol of the extended functions for PMC axis contro 739 [CANNOT CHANGE PMC GONTROL | An axis s selected in commanding by PMC axis contol AXIS Mosity the pragram, 741 [CANNOT COMMAND G51 IN GRG_ | G51 (Scaling ON) is commanded inthe lool feet mode. (M series) Mody the program. 742 [ILLEGAL SCALE RATE ‘Scaling magnification is commanded n other than 1 — 680988. (M series) Correct the scaling magnification setting (G51 Py or parameter 5411 or 5421), 743 [SCALED MOTION DATA OVER- | The scaling reslls, nave distance, coordinate valueandrcular radius FLOW ‘exceed the maximum command value. Correct the program or scaling (M series) ‘mangifcaton, 74a [ILEGAL PLANE SELECTED The coordinate ration plane and are or cuter componsalion © plane (i series) must be the same, Mody the program, 745 JILLEGAL CONDITIONS IN POLAR | The condifons are incorect wren the polar coordinate ierpolation COORDINATE INTERPOLATION | stars oritis canceled 4) In modes other than G40, G12,11613.1 was specified 2) ‘An erro is found in the plane selection. Parameters No. 5460 and No, 5461 are incorrectly specieg, Moly the value of program or parameter. 745 [IMPROPER G CODE ‘ codes which cannol be specified in ha polar coordinate nterpolalion| mode was specified, See section I-4.4 and modi the program. 748 [TLEGAL SETTING DATA [Ratomatis comor override deceleration rates aut ofthe sotto range (i series) ‘of judgement angle, Mody the parameters (No.1710 to No.1714) 749 |FORWAT ERROR IN GTOLS ‘Acode other than 1,2 1 or P2 was speciied as the ife count ype (M series) inthe extended too! life management, 750 ]ILEGAL TOOL GROUP NUMBER | Tool Group No, exceeds the maximum allowable valve Moaity the program. 7&1 [TOOL GROUP NUNBER NOT | The tool group commanded in the machining programs nat Sol FOUND Moaity the value of program or parameter. 752 [NOSPACEFOR TOOL ENTRY | The number of ools within one group exooeds the maximum value re istorable, Modify the number af tools — 61 A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents 753 [T-SODE NOT FOUND TrtoollTe data regaiation aT code wasnolspeated where one should be, Correct the program. 154 [NOT USING TOOL IN LIFE GROUP | When the group Is nat commanded, HBS or D88 was commanded: (M series) Correct the program. 765 [ICLEGAL T-CODEIN MOS Tnthe machining program, MOS and T code inthe same block domnatcor- (M series) Fespond to the group in use. Correct the program. TLLEGAL T-CODEIN Ma Group No-An which is spocifiod with Taa 86 of the machining programy (Tseres) do nat included in the tool group in use. Correct the program. 756 _ [PIL COMMAND NOT FOUND rand commands are missing atthe head of program in which the tool ‘raupis sat. Correct the program, TT [TOO MANY TOOL GROUPS The number of foal groups to be sel exceeds the maximum alowable value, (See parameter No, 6800 bit 0 and 1) Madly the program 758 |TLEGAL TOOL LIFE DATA The fool ie to be satis Too excessive, Modi te setting value 759 TOOL DATA SETTING During executing a ife data seting program, power was turned off INCOMPLETE Set again WISMATCH WAITING M-CODE | Diffent M code is commanded in heads 7 and 2 as walling M code, too [sere (At opal) Moaity the program G72. NESTING ERROR 7X subpragram which performs rotational copy with G72.1 contains (M series) another G72.1 commana Tet [G72.1 NESTING ERROR “Aubprogram which performs parallelcopy with G72. 2 containsanolh- (M series) er 6722 command qa [COMMAND G58/G59_ INDEPEN: [GBS and GB9 aro not ndapendenly commanded in balance cut DENTLY Tsseries (At two-path) | Modify the program, 76 [ILLEGAL TOOL GEOMETRY DATA | Incorrect tol figure data in interference check (Attwo-path) Set correct data, or select correct tool igure data, 775 [ILLEGAL G107 COMMAND Conditions when performing circular mterpolation stan or cancel not Correct. To change the made to the cylindrical interpolation mode, spac- itythe commandin format f'GO7. 1 otation-axisnameradius of yin er TWPROPER G-CODE IN G107 | Any the folowing G cades which cannot be speciiedin the oyindvical (M series) interpolation mode was specie 1) G codes for postioning: G28,, G73, G74, G78, G81 ~ G88, including the codes specifying the rapid traverse cycle 2) G codes for setting a coordinate system: G52, 692, 3) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 G54-G59 16 Moly the program THPROPER G-CODEING107 | Anyofine following G codes which cannot bo spocTiedin ihe cyindical (Tseres) interpolation mode was specified 4) codes for postioning: G28, G76, G81 ~ G88, including the codes speclying the rapid traverse cycle 2) G codes for seting a coortinate system: G50, G52 3) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 Gé4~G59 Moaity the program. 77 [CHECK SUM ERROR ‘Check sum error (GosMove) Modify the program. 778 [GOS COMMANDED IN GETIG42 | GOS was commanded in fe GATIGAZ mode, MODE Correct the program. 779 [PARAM (NO. 7510) SETTING ‘The number of controlled axes set by te parameter T510 exceeds he ERROR ‘maximum number. Modify the parameter setting value. 7a) | CONMUNIGATION ERROR Romate buffer connocton alarmbas gonorated. Confirm tie number of (REMOTE BUF} cables, parameters and V0 device, — 6 e-sa005eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ‘Number Message Contents TéT__ [FORMAT ERROR IN GBT BLOCK — | GBT block format error ebbing machine] (Hobbing machine, EGB) (M seres) 1) T (aumber of test) has not been instructes 2) Data outside the command range was instructed by either, L, Qor P. 3) An overflow occurred in synchronization coefficient calculation. Moy the program. 782 [G81 NOT COMMANDED (G83 (C axis servo lag quaniiy oft) was instructed though synehro- (Hobbing machine) (M series) ‘ization by GB1 has notbeen instructed. Correct the program. (habbing machine) 783 [DUPLIGATE G&S (COMMANDS) | G83 was instructod bofore canceled by GeDafter componsalingfortne (Hobbing machine) (M series) C axis servo lag quantily by G83. (hobbing machine) 7a [ILLEGAL COMMAND IN GBT ‘A command not to be instructed during synchronization by GT was (Hobbing machine, EGB) (M seres) instructed. (hobbing machine) 1) AG axis command by G00, G27, G28, 629, G30, etc. was instructed. 2) InchiMetric switching by G20, G21 was instructed 7a [RETURN TO REFERENCE POINT | G81 was insirucied without performing reference postion retum afer (Hobbing machine) (M series) power on or emergency stop. (hobbing machine) Perform reference positon return 7a [PARAMETER SETTINGERROR | Parameter error regarding GBT hobbing machine) (Hobbing machine, EGB) (Mseres) |+) The C axis has not been set tobe a rotary axis. 2) Ahob axis and position coder gear ratio setting error Modify the parameter. 780 |WLEGAL AXIS SELECT Th ihe constant surface spoed contol, te axis specification fs wrong, (See parameter No. 3770.) The specified axis command (P)containsan egal value Correct the program. 734 | SPINDLE COMMAND IN ‘A contour control made, spindle posfioning (Gs-axis control) mode, or ‘SYNCHRO-MODE, Figld tapping mode was specified during the serial spindle synchronous control made, Correct the program so thatthe serial spindle synchro- ous control made Is released in advance. 187 __ [C-AXIS COMMANDED IN SPINDLE | The program specified a movement along the Gs~axis when the signal MODE CON(OGN=G027#7) was of. Corect the program, or consult the PMC ladder ciagram to fing the reason the signals not tumed on, 739__ | MAGRO WORD UNDEFINED Undefined macro word was used. Modify the custom macro 200 |ITLEGAL S CODE COMMAND | nthe right tap, an S value s out ofthe range or snot specified Modify the program. 207 | FEEDRATE NOT FOUND IN RIGID [in the rigid tap, no F value fe specified TAP Correct tne program. 202__ | POSTTIONTSI OVERFLOW Ta the Aigid tap, spindle datibutfon value Isto largo, (Systom ern 203 | PROGRAMMISS AT RIGID TAPPING | In tha Aigid tap, postion fora rigid M code (MB) or an'S commands correct, Mody the program, 204 [ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION Tnthe rigid tap, an axis movementis speciied between the rigid Mode (M29) blockand G84 or G74 for Mseries (G84 or G88 for Tseries)block Moaity the program. 205 | RIGIO MODE DI SIGNAL OFF Rigid mode DI signals not ON when GBé or G74 for M series (G84 or G88 for T series) is executed though the rigid M code (M29) Is speci fied.Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the reason the DI signal (©GNGO6 1.1) isnot tumed on, 208 _ | GANNOT CHANGE PLANE lane changeover was instructed in he rig mode (M series) Correct the program. — 683 — A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents Zid [CANNOT COMAND MT9EMTOS —[MOE_and MOS are executed i The schedule operation, W108 Ts ‘executed in the DNC operation. Modify the program, 1) The exocuton of an M198 or M9 command was attempted during scheduled operation. Altematively, the execution of an M198 com- ‘mand was attempted during DNC operation. Correct the program. The execition of an MOG command was attempted by an interrupt macro during pocket machining in a multiple repettive canned yet. Zit | GST (HIGH) NOT ALLOWED IN G59 [G31 is commanded in the por rovolulon command when the Nigh speed skip option is provided. Maaity the program, TCLEGAL PLANE SELECT ‘The arbitrary angle chamferng oracomerRs commandedarthe plane one |tMtseries) Including an adational axis. Correct the program. TLLEGAL PLANE SELECT The direct drawing dimensions programming is commanded for the (T series) plane other than the Z-X plane, Correct the program, 7a |ICLEGAL COMMAND IN ‘Movement is commanded for the axis to be synchronously controled ‘SYNCHRO-MODE, Any ofthe following alarms occurred in the operation withthe simple synchronization canto. 1) The program issued the move command tothe slave axis 2) ‘The program issued the manual continuous feed/manusl handle feedincremental feed command tothe slave axis, 3) The program issued the automatic reference position return com: ‘mand without specitying the manual reference positon return after the power was turned on. 4) The difference between the positon error amount ofthe master and slave axes exceeded the value specified in parameter NO.8313, TELEGAL COMMAND IN “A move command has been speciied for an axs subject to synchro ‘SYNCHRO-MODE (T series) nous contra 774 |IKLEGAL COMMAND IN Coordinate system 1s set oF Tool compensation of the shit ype SYNCHRO-MODE executed in the synchronous control. Correct the program. ZiT | DUPLICATE G5T.2 (COMMANDS) | G51-21G251 fe further commanded In the GST2IG2S1 mode, Modify (Tseries) the program, 278 [NOT FOUND P/Q COMWAND INP or is nat commanded in the G261 block, or the command value is 6251 (T series) uta the range. Modity the program, Zia | COMMAND G250/G257 ‘GIST and G250 are not Independant blocs INDEPENDENTLY (T series) 220 |ICLEGAL COMMAND IN Inthe synchronous operation, movements commanded by the NC pro- ‘SYNCHR-MODE (T sories) ‘ram or PMC axis contol interface for tho synchronous axis, ai |IELEGAL COMMAND IN Polygon machining synchronous operation and axis controlor balance SYNCHR-MODE (T series) cutting are executed at atime, Modify the program. 22 [DNC OP NOT ALLOWED IN Tnput and output are executed at aime in the background edition BG.-EDIT (M series) Execute a correct operation. 224 _ [RETURN TO REFERENGE POINT _ | Reference postion rotum has nol boon performedbofore ihe automatic (M series) ‘operation star's, Perform reference posiionretum only wnen bitOof pa ameter 1005 is 0, TURN TO REFERENCE PONT (T series) Roferonce pastion returns necassary before Gyo San — 64 — e-sa005eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ‘Number Message Contents [25 | SYNCHRONOUSIMIXED CONTROL | This alarm = generated in The folowing Groumstances, (Searched for ERROR T series (At two-path) during synchronous and mixed control commana. + When there isa mistake in axis number parameter (No. 1023) sot- ting 2. When there is a mistake in control commanded Mogity the program or the parameter, 236 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SYNCHRO-| A ravel command has been sent the axe being synchronized nay MODE T series (At two-path) chronous made. Modify the program or the parameter. 2B | CANNOT KEEP SYNCHRO-STATE | This alam is generated in he folowing creumsiances, (Tseres) \When the synchro/mixed state could notbe Kept due to system over loa. 2 The above condition occurred in CMC devices (hardware) and syn chro-state could not be Kept (This alarm is not generated in normal use conditions.) 230 | R CODE NOT FOUND ‘The infeed quantity R has not been instructed forthe GT61 Block. Or (Hobbing machine) (M series) the R command value is negative. Correct the program. 231 [ILLEGAL FORWAT INGT0 ORLS0 [Any of he folowing errors occurred in the specified format atthe pro grammable-parameter input 1 Address N or R was not entered. 2 Anumber not spectied fora parameter was entered 3 The axis number was to large. 4 An axis number was not spectied inthe axis-type parameter. 5 An axis number was specie in the parameter which is not an axis ‘ype. Correct the program. 6 In the locked state set by the password function, an attempt was made to sat bit (NES) of parameter No. 3204 to Oor changathe con- tents of parameter No, 3210, 7 An attempt was made to change a program encryption parameter (parameter No, 3220 to 3223), Zid | TOO MANY HELICAL AXIS Tiree or more axes [inthe normal drection contol mode fwo oF more COMMANDS (M series) axes) were spectied as helical axes inthe helical interpoation mode, 2a | DEVICE BUSY When an atierpl was made to use a unitsuch as thal connected lathe RS-232-C interface, other users were using it a | BPISALARM ‘While punching was boing performed with te function ar controling ax temal V0 units background esiting was performed 240_ [BPISALARM Background eating was performed during MDI operation Zit [ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G022/G08.2_| The end point, |, J, K,orRis missing rom a command orinvolite inter: (M series) polation 22 |IELEGAL CONMAND IN ‘An invalid value has been specified for nvolute interpolation. G02 216032 + The start or end point is within the basic circle + 1d, Kor Ris set 00 + The number of rotations between the start of the involute curve and the start or ena point exceeds 100 243 OVER TOLERANCE OF END POINT | The end points not onthe volute curve which includes the sian polrt (M series) and thus falls outside the range spectied with parameter No, 5610. 2a | PISALARM Ththe skip function aclvated by te forque imiteignal, the numberofac- (Tseres) cumulated erroneous pulses exceed 32767 before ne signal was input Therefore, the pulses cannot be corrected with one distribution, Change the conditions, such as feed rates along axes and torque limit, and try again A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents 25 | T-COBE NOT ALOWEE IN THIS [One ofthe G codes, GB, GTO, and GOA, which cannat be specie i BLOCK (T series) the samo block as a T code, was spectiod with a T code 2B Duringread ofan encrypted program, an allomptwasmadotostorethe program with a number exceeding the protection range, (Gee parameter Nos, 3222 and 223.) BT When an encrypted program Is auiput, EIA Is sat for the punch code, Specity ISO. 250 | ZAXIS WRONG COMMAND (ATC) A value for the Z-axis has been spectiog in a block forthe tool ox (WM series) change command (MOST_) on a system with DRILL-MATE ARC installed 251 [ATCERROR “This alarm Issued in the folowing cases (ORILL-MATE} (M series) + An MO6T_command contains an unusable T code. + An MQ6 command has been specitied when the Z machine coordi nate is postive + The parameter fr the current tool number (No. 7810) is set to 0 + An M08 command has been specified in canned cycle mode. + Areference position rtum command (G27 to G48) and M06 com: ‘mand have been spected in the same block. + An MOS command has been specified In tool compensation mode (G41 to Gas) + An M06 command has been specified without performing reference position retum after power-on or the release of emergency stop, + The machine lock signal or Z-axis ignore signal has been tumed on during tool exchange, + A pry alarm has been detected during tool exchange, Refer to diagnos's No. 530 to determine the cause. 252 [ATO SPINDLE ALARM “An oxcoasive error arose dunng spindie postioningtor ATO. For dota, (M series) refer to diagnosis No, 831. (Only for DRILL-MATE) 253 | GOB IS NOT AVAILABLE ‘Alarm details (M series) Binary input operation using high-speed remote buffer (G05) or high speed cycle machining (G08) nas been specitied in advance control ‘mode (GO8P1). Execute GO8PO; to cancel advance control mode, be- fore executing these GO5 commands, 4500 _ | REPOSITIONING INHIBITED ‘A reposivoning command was speciied in the GraularInerpolation (602, 603) mode, 502 ILLEGAL COMMAND INBOLT |ina bolthote cco (G26) command, he radius () was sol fo zero ora HOLE negative value, orthe number ofholes(K) was setto zero, Alternatively, I,J. ork was not specified. 503 ILLEGAL COMMAND INLINE AT |in'a Ino-at-anglo (G76) command the number ofholes (K) was sotto ANGLE zero oF anegalive value. Alternatively |, J or Kwas not spectied, 4504 ILLEGAL COMMAND INARG Than aro (G77) command, the radius ) ar the number ofholes (K) was seta zero or a negative value. Altematively, |, J, K, of P was net specl- fie. 4505 _ LEGAL COMMAND IN GRID Tha gid (676, G78) command, the number of holes (PK) was sat to zero oF anegative value. Alternatively |, J K, or P was not specie. 4506 ILLEGAL COMMAND INSHARE ina shear proof (G86) command, the lool size (P) was salto zero, orthe PROOFS blanking length (I) was 1-5 times larger han the tool size (P) orless. A. Ih or P was not specified. 4507 | CLEGAL COMMAND IN SQUARE |ina square (G87) command, he toalsize (RO) was saltozerooraneg- ative value, or the blanking length (|, J) was three times larger than the tool size (P,Q) or less. Alternatively |, J P, or Q was not spectieg, — 686 — e-sa005eN02 APPENDIX A. ALARM LIST ‘Number Message Contents 508 [TTLEGAL CONMAND INRADIUS —|ina radius (G88) command, the traveling plch (Q) or radius ()was set to zero or a negative value, ofthe aveling pitch (Q) was greater than orequaltothearclength. Altemativly J, K,P, or Q was not specified 4509 |TTLEGAL COMMAND IN CUT AT | na catatangle (G89) command, he traveling lich (G}was setto ze, ANGLE negative value, or another value larger than or equal othe length (I). Allematively | JP, oF @ was not specie. 4510_|TULEGAL COMMAND IN Tha inear punching (G48) commane, the traveling distance was sotto LINE-PUNCH zerooravalue 1 5imesiargerthanthetoolsize P)orless. Altemative- iy, Pwas not specie 57 |TULEGAL COMMAND IN ina Greular punching (G46, G27) command, the same postion was CIRCLE-PUNCH specified fr both startandend points ofthe arc, radius(R) fhe arcwas Seto zero, ofthe piteh (2) was Se oa value exceeding he ar longth Altematvely or Q was not specified 4520 [7 MINAIBITED IN T code, M code, G04, G70 or GTS was specified in the nibbling mode NIBBLING-MODE 4521 _ [EXCESS NIBBLING MOVEMENT __| Inthe nibbling mode, the Xaxis or axis Wavelng distance was larger «y than or equal the limit (No. 16188 to 16183). 4522 [EXCESS NIBBLING MOVEMENT | Inthe dreularnibbing (G68) or usual nibbingmode, the C-axs traveling © distance was larger than or equal tothe imit (No. 18194) 4523 _|TULEGAL COMMAND IN Tra circular ribbing (G56) command, the traveling pitch (Q) was setto CIRCLENIBBL 2ef0, a negative value, ora value larger tran or equal tthe limit (No. 16185, 16187), orthe racius(}) was set to zero or anegative value, Al tematively. |, J,K,P,oF Q was not speciiod 4524 [TULEGAL COMMAND IN Tha Tnear nBbling (G59) command, the traveling pich (G) was sotto LNE-NIBBL 2zer0, negative value, ora vale large” than or equal to the limit (No 16186, 16187), Atematively |, J Po Qwas not spectied 4550 [NB MACRO NUMBER ERROR | The number orstoring andcaling by an or Bmacrowas seito avalue beyond the range rom to 5. W531 [UN MACRO FORMAT ERROR | Anallersptwas made fo sore a macro whe sorng anathior macro us ing @ UorV macro, ‘AV macro was specified although the processing to store a macro was notin progress, }\U macro number and V macro numer do not correspond with each thor 4552 IMPROPER UN MAGRO NUMBER | The numberof an inibied macro (nuniber beyond te range from OT to 99) was specifed in a U or V macro command 4553 _ [UV MACRO MEMORY OVERFLOW | An attempt was made fo stare foo many macros wi a U or V macro command 4534 | WMACRO NOMBER NOT FOUND | Macro number W spedifed in aU of V maere command isnot stored 4535 [UNMACRONESTING ERROR | An alfompl was made to calla macro which is defined Tree Times or more using @ U or V macro command An attempt was made to store 15 or more macros inthe storage area for macros of number 80 t0 98. 4535 [NOW.Q COMMAND IN Wor was nat specifedin the command fortaking maliple workpieces MULTI-PIECE (673,674), 4537 _[TULEGAL O VALUE IN MULTI-PIECE ||n the command or taking mliple workpieces (O73, G7#), Gis salto value beyond the range from 1 to 4 4538 |WNO.NOTFOUNO IN acre number W specified inthe command for taking muligie work MULTI-PIECE pisces (G73, G74) isnot stored — 687 = A.ALARM LIST APPENDIX B-s3005EN02 ‘Number Message Contents [539] MUCTEPIECE SETTING IS ZERO | The command for lacing muliple workpieces (G73, GTa] was specTied although 2er0 is specified forthe function to take multiple workpieces (No. 18206 or signals MLP1 and MLP2 (PMC adress G231, #0 and #1), "540 | MUCTFPIECE COMMAND WITHIN | The command for acing mullple workplaces (G73, G74) was spectiog MACRO when aU or V macro was being stored [542__| MUCTFPIECE CONMAND ERROR | Allnough GS6PO was specified, te G7 command was Issued Although G88KO was specified, the G74 command was issued. 643] MULTEPIECE O COMMAND ‘Aihough GS8PO was spocifed, te G value forthe G74 command was ERROR rot 1 oF 3 Atrough G98K0 was specified, the Q value fr the G73 command was rot 1 or, "64a MULT-PIECE RESTART ERROR [in the command for resuming taking muliple workpieces, the resume Position (P}is set toa value beyond the range from 1 to total number of Workplaces to be machined, 4643 ILLEGAL TOOL DATA FORMAT | The quaniityoffool data patorns abe saved sToo argoToftthe usable area (16 KB). 4600__|7, G COMMAND IN Tn the Inear inlerpolaion (G01) mode or Graular Inerpalation (G02, INTERPOLATION (G03) mode, a T command or C-axis command was specified. 601 INHIBITED TM COMMAND. Trthe block of O52, GTZ, O73 or GT a Tor Moommandwas spectied ‘602 | LLEGAL TCODE ‘The specified T command s nol cataloged on the [ool register screen [60S] CAXIS SYNCHRONOUS ERROR | The diference betwoon the posilon deviation value of G1 axis and G2 axis exceeds the parameter value (No, 16364, 16365) with the C-axis, synchronous control function. ea | LEGAL AXIS OPERATION [A Cran command was specified n the block contaringa T command for multiple tools. “4630 | CLEGAL COMMAND IN LASER inthe laser mode, a nibbling command or paliern command was spec MODE fed. Inthe tracing mode, an attempt was made to make a switch to the punching mode. [6a LEGAL COMMAND INPUNGH —|intie punching mode, a G code of laser control (G13, G24, G31, oie) MODE was specified 4650 IMPROPER G-CODEINOFFSET | in the auttor compensation mode, an Inhibited G code (pattem com MODE mand, G73, G74, G75, ete) was specifies 4700 PROGRAM ERROR (OT #) ‘The value specified in te X-axks move command exceeded the poslive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) “4701 | PROGRAM ERROR (OT) The value specified n the X-axis mave command exceeded the nega tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) 4702 _ | PROGRAM ERROR (OT +) ‘The value spectiodin he V-anis move command exceeded the posiive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) 4703 | PROGRAM ERROR (OT) ‘The value specified inthe Y-axis move command exceeded tre nega tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) “470 PROGRAM ERROR (OT 1) The value speaifiedin tho Z-axis move command exceeded te postive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) 4705 | PROGRAM ERROR (OT) The value specified inthe Z-axis move command exceeded the nega tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check) 000 LEGAL COMMAND CODE The spectfed code was meorredtin he igh-precision Contour controT (M series) (HPCC) mode. 003 ILLEGAL PARAMETER (HPGG) | There's an invalid parameter (series) — 688 —

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