Experiment-3 Lab Manual

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Aim: To conduct load test on compound DC generator for cumulative and

differential compounding and to draw its performance characteristics.
Apparatus used:
Compound DC generator, DC supply, Prime mover, Tachometer, Lamp load,
Two rheostats (300Ω, 3A), Two ammeters (0-20A), Two voltmeters (0-300V),
Connecting wires.
Compound DC generator:
In a compound DC generator, there are two sets of field windings. One of them
is connected in series having few turns of thick wire, and other is connected in
parallel having many turns of fine wire with the armature windings. The
generators which has both shunt and series fields is called compound DC
generators. If the magnetic flux produced by the series windings assist the flux
produced by the shunt windings, then the machine is called cumulative
compounded. If the series flux opposes the shunt field flux, the machine is
called differentially compounded.
External characteristics of DC compound generator

External characteristics of DC compound generator is drawn between terminal

voltage and load current. By adjusting the no. of amp-turns in the series field
winding, we can get the following external characteristics.
1) If the series turns are so adjusted that with increase in load current, terminal
voltage also increases, then the generator is called over-compounded. When the
load current increased, the flux provided by the series field also increases. It
gives the additional generated voltage. If the increase in generated voltage is
greater than the voltage drop due to armature reaction and ohmic drop, then
terminal voltage of generator increases.
2) If the series turns are so adjusted that with the increase in load current, the
terminal voltage remain constant, the generator is called flat compounded.
When the load current increases, the flux provided by series field also increases
and gives additional generated voltage. If the increase in generated voltage is
equal to voltage due to armature reaction and ohmic drop, then terminal voltage
of generator remain same as no load voltage.
If the series field winding has lesser number of turns, then the rated terminal
voltage becomes less than load voltage and the generator is called under-
compounded. It is so because the increase in generated voltage is lesser than the
voltage drop due to armature reaction and ohmic drop.

Circuit/ Connection diagram:

1. Keep supply and load switches in off position.
2. Make the connections according to the circuit diagram.
3. Keep the rheostat of prime mover at minimum and the rheostat of generator at higher
4. Switch on the main supply and gently turns on the starter.
5. Increase the resistance of the prime mover rheostat and measure the speed of generator by
using the tachometer. Stop increasing the resistance when the speed reaches the rated speed.
6. Measure the input and output current and voltage when increasing the load
7. Switch the S1 and S2 terminal and repeat the above procedure.
8. Calculate input and output power and estimate the efficiency.
9. Plot the graph of output current vs. voltage for both the configurations.
10. Plot the graph of efficiency and output current.

Observation Table:
1) Differential compound generator (w=1496 rpm)
Sl. No. Iin(A) Vin(v) Pin(W) Iout(A) Vout(V) Pout(W) Efficiency
1. 5.8 220 1276 0 240 0
2. 7.5 220 1650 1.8 220 396
3. 8.2 220 1804 3.3 194 640.2
4. 7.2 220 1584 4 138 552
5. 4 220 880 1.5 0 0
2) Cumulative compound generator (w=1490 rpm)
Sl. No. Load Iin(A) Vin(v) Pin(W) Iout(A) Vout(V) Pout(W) Efficiency
1. NL 5.1 220 1122 0 242 0 -
2. NL 5.8 220 1276 0.9 240 216 16.9
3. NL 8.5 220 1870 2 256 512 27.37
4. NL 9.5 220 2090 2.9 254 736.6 35.24
5. NL 11 220 2420 3.8 252 957.6 39.5
6. NL 12 220 2640 4.8 250 1200 45.45
7. NL 13 220 2860 5.6 250 1400 48.95
8. NL 14.5 220 2190 6.5 250 1625 50.94
9. NL 15.8 220 3476 7.5 248 1860 53.5
10. NL 17 220 3740 8.4 250 2100 56.14

Power= voltage × current
% Efficiency= × 100


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