CAED 500C - Component A: Summer Class, S.Y. 2020-2021

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CAED 500C – Component A

Summer Class, S.Y. 2020-2021

Submitted by:

Cherlie Mae A. Dumaluan

( 1252 )

Week 1 - ULOc - Let's Check Activity

1. In your journey to becoming fully aware of who you are, what influences did
your role models have had towards the following:
a.) Career Choice – Being a role model for obligation, in my experience as a
working student, as their team leader in a team, doing your best, especially in
work and leadership duties, may inspire others, to have their dedication not
only for the leaders but also for the job duty. It is critical to be responsible to
maintain a growing and healthy working environment.

b.) General attitude towards self and others – Be a respectful role model to
others, especially to ourselves; if you don't respect yourself, you shouldn't
expect others to respect you. You must be aware of others' emotions,
uncertainties, and whatever difficulties they face. Even if they are twins, each
individual is distinct; they have distinct personalities, thus respect must be
maintained at all times.

c.) Your view towards yourself – Allow yourself time; if you don't give yourself
time, you won't be able to think, relax, or feel fatigued, causing you to make a
poor decision in your life. Be a source of inspiration for others while also loving

2. As a matured adult, how would you reconcile the discrepancy between the
influences your role models have toward you, and your own view and
impression of who you are?
 You must show to your group that you are a mature adult by always
being fair, honest, and consistent. Don't participate in gossip, and don't
allow it among your coworkers. People want assurance that you have
their backs, and you should use every opportunity to demonstrate this.
Your expectations of others are determined by your values, attitudes,
and behaviors.

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