Grade 5 Pollination Key Concepts

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Grade 5

Name of the Chapter: Chapter 4 – Pollination

The vocabulary word and the definition / summary of key concepts

Key Vocabulary & Concepts

Concept Defination Image

1. Bisexual Flower: Bisexual flowers are
those flowers which
possess both stamens
and carpels. For
example, Hibiscus, lily,
rose etc

2. Monosexual or A unisexual flower is
unisexual flower: defined as a flower that
possesses either
stamens or carpels.
They do not have both
stamens and carpels.
For example, papaya,
coconut, etc.

cucumber flowers

3. Pollination It is the process of

transferring pollen
grains from the male
part of the flower(i.e.
stamen) to the female
part of the same or
different flower (i.e.
4. Self pollination: When the pollen grains
are transferred from the
anther to the stigma of
the same flower or
another flower of the
same plant, it is called

5. Cross-pollination When the pollen grains

are transferred from the
anther of a flower of
one plant to the to the
stigma of a flower of
another plant of the
same type, it is called
6. Pollinators Pollination takes place
mostly with the help of
insects, birds and
animals. These agents
of pollination are called


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