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Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Tools

With digitalisation in almost every field and Artificial Intelligence being used practically
everywhere, AI has become the world’s new normal. It has become such an intrinsic part of
everybody’s daily lives that imagining going without it even for a day has become nearly
impossible. We keep using AI without even noticing it. Some of the best examples of how
deeply entrenched AI is in our everyday routines are social media, chatbots, e-payments, digital
assistants, Google Maps, text editors, facial recognition and detection, search algorithms - the list
goes on and on. This is because AI has numerous benefits over human labour, including
increased efficiency, revenue growth, cost reduction, and increased customer satisfaction.
Even though Artificial Intelligence has advanced significantly, the AI we know and use is only
beginning to scratch the surface of the real potential we can achieve. AI is not only being used on
the basic level to make our lives easier but is also being used in massive operations like curbing
terrorism and protecting wildlife by using face recognition and electronic surveillance. Many
such problems, which earlier were thought to be impossible or unsolvable, are now being easily
solved by leveraging AI.
That being said, AI also comes with many nuances because of its architecture made up of so
many networks. Not everything can be easily tracked, and these nuances can get overwhelming
over time. Therefore, it is better to use AI tools and frameworks to make your work much easier
and less time-consuming. These tools can help you develop and optimise neural networks, which
otherwise requires a lot of thought.
Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Tools
From the first computer (Alan Turing’s “Theory of Computation”) to game AI’s to smartphones,
humankind has always found a way to make life easier for themselves. AI tools help in the
development of programs that will assist us in our day to day lives.
You can learn to integrate AI into your business or learn how to use AI tools by choosing to
learn from some of the best courses offered on the subject by upGrad. Some of these courses
include PG Diploma in ML and AI, Master of Science in ML and AI (LJMU+IIIT-B), and
Master of Science in ML and AI (LJMU). These courses will help you enhance your knowledge
about ML and AI and help you choose and use the best AI tools to your advantage.
Here is a list of the top 10 AI tools and frameworks that will help you achieve new milestones
and make breakthroughs.
1. TensorFlow- One of the most popular AI tools to be on this list has to be TensorFlow. It
is an open-source library for dataflow programming. It will help you develop and train
ML models with so much ease that it is no hassle. The tools provided by this framework
are comprehensive and allow you to build robust ML-powered applications. Some of the
best features of TensorFlow are:
-works efficiently with multi-dimensional mathematical expressions,
-deep neural networks and good support of machine learning concepts,
-same code can be executed on both GPU/CPU architectures, and
-massive data sets and high scalability of computation.
2. Caffe- Caffe provides a deep learning framework with modularity, expression,
articulation and speed as top qualities. It uses hard coding with highly optimised models
and configurations. It is fully connected to neural network designs. Caffe supports both
GPU and CPU-based computations. It also has an extensible code that helps in dynamic

3. PyTorch- PyTorch is best known for its ability to create a seamless path from research to
creation. It has a comprehensive library and a highly diverse set of tools to help you
achieve your goals. It also has distributed guidance and optimised production for your
convenience. PyTorch has two high-level features: Tensor computing and automatic
differentiation for neural networks.
3. Google ML Kit- Google ML Kit made by Google is one of the most popular mobile app
developers’ tools to build personalised features on Android and iOS. It is optimised for
mobile. Developers can use it to embed machine learning technologies using app-based
API’s. It includes features like barcode scanning, text recognition, face recognition,
image labelling, object detection and tracking, digital ink recognition, etc. It is a powerful
tool in an easy-to-use package. It also has a beta version that offers pose detection, selfie
segmentation and entity extraction.
3. Theano- Theano offers a large variety of features like transparent use of GPU, speed and
stability optimisations, tight integration with NumPy, efficient symbolic differentiation,
and dynamic C code generation(which helps evaluate expressions faster than other
frameworks). Apart from this, it also has tools to detect and diagnose problems and other

6. Keras- Keras is written in Python, so if you prefer the Python way of doing things, Keras
is just the framework for you. Keras is a hidden gem in all the AI tools because it offers
an abstract structure that is needed for compatibility and performance. Also, you can
easily convert it to other frameworks. It’s user-friendly nature and easy extensibility is
why Keras has emerged as the most popular AI tools for the past few years.
7. SciKitLearn- SciKitLearn in a well-known ML library which expands on two essential
libraries- Python, NumPy and SciPy.  You can use it for complex calculations like data
mining, bunching, clustering, extraction, selection, relapse, and order. It has impressive
features like dimensionality reduction, cross-validation, supervised models, parameter
tuning, ensemble methods and manifold learning. All in all, SciKitLearn offers a loaded
library of features that make your work easier and less time-consuming.
8. PyBrain- PyBrain is another open-source library for machine learning. It offers easy to
use training algorithms for trainers. It has an easy-to-use flexible algorithm with both
feed-forward and recurrent networks. It supports both the supervised data set and the
classification data set. It uses Python and uses other libraries of Python to conceive data.
For machine learning, PyBrain can be a good start for a newcomer.
9. Shogun- Shogun is one of the earliest tools for creating AI and ML models. It dates back
to 1999 and has gained a lot of popularity since then. Its machine learning software
library is written in C++, which is unique for its standard and edge-cutting algorithms. Be
it Octave, Python, R, Java, Lua, Ruby or C# using SWIG - it offers algorithms for all.
This is what makes it a popular choice to date among various developers across the

10. H2O: Open Source AI Platform- H2O is an open-source library and a deep learning
platform. It has a distributed in-memory with linear scalability. This AI tool is basically
business-oriented. It also has a paid version known as Sparkling Water which can be used
for risk management, fraud analysis, healthcare, insurance analytics, predictive
modelling, advertising technology and customer intelligence. What makes H2O stand out
is that it uses the most commonly used statistical and ML algorithms, which include
generalised linear models, deep learning, and much more.
These are some of the best tools used by data scientists and engineers globally. With time, more
and more Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools and frameworks are hitting the
market to meet the increased demands. In this scenario, it is wise to develop AI and ML skills to
position yourself as an industry-ready professional. 

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