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Indonesian Music

Music III - Topaz


Indonesian were the last of

the huge groups of people
who migrated in the
Southeast Asian countries.
Its culture has been
influenced by Shamanism,
Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islamic, and Western
Trade and Conflicts

Indonesians came into

contact with the Mongols,
Chinese, Arabs,
Portuguese, Dutch,
English Traders and
The rich interaction with
other cultures has brought
about a wide range of
musical styles in
Indonesian Music.
 An archipelago
 Consist of more than 13,000 island.

 Has the most ethnical diverse

population in the world.

 300 ethnic groups that speak 250

Despite of the diversity,
they are brought together
by their language
and their religion (Muslim).
 A term used for various types of
orchestra played in Indonesia.
 Refers to the traditional form of

Indonesian Music.
 An orchestra composed of

various percussion instruments.

 Composed of Gong-Chimes,
Bronze gong, drums, flutes and
metallophones, singer.
 Each gamelan is slightly

different, but they have the

same organization.
Animism in Gamelan
Animism – a belief that a spirit or divinity
resides within every object.

 Gamelan is sacred.
 Believed to have supernatural power.
 Gamelan is well-respected.
 Gamelan is a way of linking individuals.
 Gamelan music is formal.
 Traditionally, gamelan is only played at
certain occasion.
 Ritual, ceremony, celebrations, shows etc.
 Gamelan provides livelihood.
 Gamelan used as an accompaniment.
 Polyphonic with nuclear theme.
Two Popular Gamelan

Javanese Gamelan
Balinese Gamelan
Balinese Gamelan
 Made up mostly of gongs and more
 Basic Characteristics- is the sudden
changed of tempo and dynamics.
 It uses fast rattling cymbal.
 Produces very bright sound.
Javanese Gamelan
 Percussion dominated which
sometimes referred to as GONG-
CHIMES musical ensemble.
 Gong AGENG is believed to be the
main spirit of Javanese Gamelan.
 Composed of bronze gongs and
metallophones, cymbals, a time beater.
 Gamelan music is in cycle. The
music will repeat over and over
until the drummer gives a signal
to end a performance.
 Gamelan is in Polyphonic
Stratification structure.
 Music composed by layers of

melody lines or rhythm patterns.

5 Categories of Polyphonic
 Theme
 Elaboration
 Punctuation
 Counter-Melody
 Rhythm
Musical Scales of Indonesia

 Measuring device for pitch
vibration used to locate the
tone position of the notes of
the Slendro and Pelog in the
diatonic scale.
 This is a pentatonic scale,
without half steps.
 Commonly referred to as the

“male” tonal system.

 Each notation has its own tone

and solmization.
Notation Tone Solmization

1 Barong ji (siji)
2 Gulu lo (loro)
3 Dhadha lu (telu)
5 Lima ma (lima)
6 Nem nem (enem)
Three MODES or Pathets
 Slendro pathet nem – the
lowest mode
 Slendro pathet songa –

medium high
 Slendro pathet manyura –

highest mode
 This is s seven tone scale
involving half steps.
 Commonly referred to as the

“female” tonal system.

 Notation are different from

Notation Tone Solmization
1 Ben ji (siji)
2 Gulu ro (loro)
3 Dhadha lu (telu)
5 Pelog pat (patpat)
4 Lima ma (lima)
6 Nem nem (enem)
7 Barong pi (pitu)
Three MODES or Pathets
 Pelog pathet lima – the
lowest mode
 Pelog pathet nem – medium

 Pelog pathet barong –

highest mode

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