Class - IV Ch. 4 Climate of India

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Class – IV Ch. – 4 Sub. – S.St.

Climate of India

Word meaning –
1. forecast : to say that something will
happen in future
2. slope : a – surface of land that goes
up or down
3. unique : not like anything else
4. altitude : a place that is high above sea
5. moisture : wetness

1. Question and answer.

i) What is weather?
Ans. The day – to – day change in the
atmosphere around us.
ii) What is weather forecasting ? is it


Ans. It is information on how the weather will be

the next day or in the near future. It is very


iii) What is climate?

Ans. It is the weather condition of a large area

over a long period of time.

iv) Does climate influence the lifestyle of


Ans. Climate influences on the types of clothes we

wear, the kind of food we eat and the types of

crops that can be grown.

v) What is the duration of summer in India?

Ans. From March to May.

2. Definition:-
i) Humidity :An amount of water vapour in the air
ii) Atmosphere : The blanket of air that surrounded
the earth.
3. Extra question
i) Name the important season in India.
Ans. Seasons of India :
i) Summer ii) Monsoon iii) Retreating
Monsoon iv) Winter

ii) What are the factors determining the climate

of a place?
Ans. Factors determining

Distance Distance from Direction of

from the equator wind
Altitude of a place Amount of rainfall
Class – IV Ch. – 4 Sub. – S.St.
Revision work
1. M.C.Q’s:–
i) The weather of a place may ………
(a) change b) not change c) rotate
ii) …………. in Rajasthan has a dry climate
a) Jaisalmer b) Delhi c) Ambala

2. Fill up:–
i) Meghalaya receives …………… rainfall
every year.
ii) Distance from the sea helps in determing its
3. True / false : –
i) Trees shed their leaves during autumn
ii) Days are shorts and the nights are longer in
4. Name these : –

i) Any 2 factors that effect the climate

ii) Any 2 important season of India.

5. One word: –

i) Summer months of year in India?

ii) Which types of climate India has ?

6. Question and answer.

i) What is weather ?

ii) What is climate?

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