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Chapter I


Background of the Study

There are many changes happening in the world and one of

these changes is in the way of life of people. People grow

according to the different aspects on how the earth embraces

change. Change somehow affects the simple manner of living of

every person. Studying the economic life of people examines

the development of global market economy as an ongoing over

many centuries.

Human beings are social animals and the centre of

someone’s social life is one of the most important influences

on mental and physical health. Without positive durable

relationship, both minds and bodies can fall apart. Human

survival as a species similarly hinges the capacity for social


When the economy arises, the demand and supply will also

arise. Those people who cannot follow the demand of the

economy will then be the first to be affected. So as the

economic growth of a particular place arises, political and

social lives of every individual will surely be affected.

Dealing with such a situation in regards of economic,

political and social lives of every individual is a very

crucial task but challenging. This study will provide

information on the growth of the particular place, the

Barangay Tabon-Tabon, Baco, Oriental Mindoro. The economic,

political, and social lives of the residents in Barangay

Tabon-Tabon are full of meaningful trusts. If country in

holding the desired cultural and social character of the


Brief Description of Barangay Tabon-Tabon

For a small unit of government, Barangay Tabon-Tabon’s

structure is not a simple one. It has elected Punong Barangay,

a Sangguniang Barangay consisting of seven elected members and

the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman and appointed treasurer,

altogether eleven (11) barangay officials.

The barangay has several powers, duties, and functions.

Among others, the Punong Barangay is empowered to enforce all

laws and ordinances; maintain public order; ensure the

delivery of basic services; enforce laws and regulations

relating to pollution control and protection of the measures

to prevent and eradicate drag abuse, child abuse, and juvenile

delinquency. The Sangguniang Barangay can enact ordinances;

provide for construction and maintenance of barangay

facilities and other public works; regulate the use of public

facilities including waterworks and others. It created a

complex structure and provided funding to a system that simply

cannot effectively deal with the things the system is designed

to deal (Barangay Tabon-Tabon, 2018).

For the last few years, many changes occurred in Barangay

Tabon-Tabon. One of these changes is the transfer in the place

of the people from the Sunken Town. In line with this, the

researchers present lives socially, economically and


Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the economic, political, and

social lives of the resident of Barangray Tabon-Tabon, Baco,

Oriental Mindoro.

Specifically, it strives to answer the following questions:

1. What is the source of living of the people/residents?

2. How do they enjoy their political lives in terms of:

2.1. rights

2.2. duties

2.3. responsibilities?

3. How do they enjoy their social lives in terms of:

3.1. religious festivities/fiestas

3.2. community gathering

3.3. school celebrations

3.2. community service?

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study would be

beneficial to the following:

Local Government Unit. The result of this study will

provide information for the local government of Baco regarding

the life of the residents in Barangay Tabon-Tabon thus; create

programs for the improvement of people’s lives politically,

socially and economically.

Residents of Tabon-Tabon. This study would give

perception to the residents of Tabon-Tabon about their

economic, political, and social lives for them to strive hard

and improve their way of living.

Respondents of the Study. This study will provide a true

picture of their status of living thus; will motivate them to

uplift life.

Future Researchers. This study would serve as a reference

material for future researchers.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on the economic, political and

social lives of the residents of Barangay Tabon-Tabon, Baco,

Oriental Mindoro. It will discuss the source of living,

political rights, duties, and the involvement of the

respondents in social gatherings.

The respondents of the study will be the selected

residents who came from the Sunken Town. The conduct of the

study will be on August to December 2021.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for better

understanding of the study.

Community Gathering. It refers to the events and

celebrations in the community participated by the respondents.

Community Service. It refers to how the respondents,

voluntarily render service work to the community.

Duties. It refers to the political obligation of the

respondents of the study.

Economic Life. It refers the standard of living of the

respondents in Tabon-Tabon when it comes to the utilization of

resources and sources of living.

Political Life. It refers to the rights, duties and

responsibilities of the respondents in terms of political


Religious Festivities. These refer to the Barangay

celebration such as fiestas enjoyed and participated by the


Responsibility. It refers to the political accountability

of the respondents of the study.

Rights. It refers to the political privilege of the

respondents in Barangay Tabon-Tabon.

School Celebration. It refers to the gathering in school

participated by the respondents.

Social Life. It refers to the relationship of the

respondents to other people in their place and how they

interact with one another.

Theoretical Framework

This study adapted the following theories as of the


According to the Modernization Theory of Kendall (2007)’

modernization is not only the process of change but also the

responses to that change. It also looks at internal the

dynamics while referring to social and cultural structure and

the adaption of new technology.

This Modernization Theory connects to the study to

synthesize the main aspects, modernization dependency and

world system globalization. This is the principal theoretical

explanation or connection to interpret development efforts

carried out especially in the development of Barangay Tabon-

Tabon, Baco, Oriental Mindoro. The progress and development in

the lives of the residents who came from the Sunken Town now

residing in Barangay Tabon-Tabon will be the subject under

study in this paper.

Moreover, the Socialization Theory of Lindsey Beach

(2002) started with the notion, that social interaction is

necessary for the development of our human potential and sense

of self. In addition to social interaction there are more

important elements such as biology, media, and other through

which socialization is mediated. Different theories give

different weight to each element

The foregoing theory is related to the present study for

individual peer groups rather than parental figures influence

the personality and behaviour in adulthood. The social aspect

of the respondents’ lives will be under study to determine how

they relate themselves in their present environment.

Supported by Classical Economic Theory by Adam Smith in

Palispis and Sampa (2015), the nation’s wealth was tied

directly to the amount of money and precious goods such as

gold and silver that it has. In this theory, Smith held the

view that it is free trade that produced economic growth not

the accumulation of money in precious goods. This is a

position by how it is expected in most industrial nation.

The approach of Barangay Tabon-Tabon and the strong

belief in the efficiency of free markets to generate economic

development for the people well present the economic life of

the respondents. This study focuses on the economic growth and

activities of the respondents practicing free trade and

commercial activities in out of Barangay Tabon-Tabon.

To strengthen and support this theory, Keynesian Economic

Theory that was advocated by John Maynard Keynes (2015),

economy has profoundly affected the way in which modern states

try to deal with problems as unemployment and inflation.

Keynes believed that some system of economic control was

enjoyable and that it was duty of the economic government to

institute policies that would ensure stable and constant

economic growth.

Applied in this study, it is the duty of the government

to ensure the economic development of places in the country.

Economic policies of the government are important in ensuring

economic development of the people in a certain community as

the subject of this study needs.

Chapter II


Legal Basis

Article XIII of the 1987 Constitution of Republic of the

Philippines, states that the Congress shall give highest

priority to the enactment of measures that protect and enhance

the right of all people to human dignity, reduce social,

economic, and political inequities, and remove cultural

equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common


To this end, the State shall regulate the acquisition,

ownership use, and disposition of property and its increments.

The concept of legal basis is related to the study since it

talks about the national economy, political inequalities and

social justice as well as the benefits to people. As stated

above, the commitment to create economic opportunities,

political and social equality is main goal of the said basis

to the describe the status of life of the people in Barangay

Foreign literature

According to Dornbusch(2011), all economists are in

favour of policies that move the aggregate supply curve to the

right by increasing potential GDP. Such supply-side policies

as removing unnecessary regulation, maintaining an efficient

legal system, and encouraging technological progress are all

desirable, although not always easy to implement. However,

there is a group of politicians and pundits who use the term

“supply-side economics” in reference to the idea that cutting

tax rates will increase aggregate supply enormously-so much,

that tax collections will rise rather than fall.

According to Reiner (2013), the basic economic cost

unemployment is forgone output. When the economy fails to

create enough jobs for all who have the necessary skills and

are willing to work, potential production of goods and

services is irretrievably lost.

In the article of Scudwellari (2013), he explained that

the fewer social connection as person had, the poorer their

health and vice versa. “With each additional social connection

that you have, you get an added beneficial effect for your

health. Notably, those connections are the most important to

physical health during adolescence and old age, two stages in

life when people voluntarily make their own social

connections, as opposed to mid-life when we are likely to have

children and living parents.

According to Michael, Nora, Daniel, (2015) through

a series of focus group discussions conducted in northern and

central Vietnam, this study gives voice to the lived economic

experience of families with disabilities and how they manage

the economic challenges associated with disability. The

dynamic of low and unstable income combined with on-going

health care and other disability-related costs gives rise to a

range of coping mechanisms (borrowing, reducing and foregoing

expenditures, drawing upon savings and substituting labour)

that helps to maintain living standards in the short-run yet

threatens the longer-term welfare of both the individual with

disability and their household. Current social protection

programs were reported as not accessible to all and while

addressing some immediate economic costs of disability, do not

successfully meet current needs nor accommodate wider barriers

to availing benefits.

In the article of Zaid(2019) the impact to politics.

Research shows that polarization is affecting families,

workplace, school, neighbourhoods, and religious organizations

stressing the fabric of our society, Antagonism might feel

necessary in condition of injustice-many American would agree,

for example , that polarization needed to happen when the

SOUTH clung to slavery. But being aware of the price we all

pay for polarisation might motivate us to reduce it, before

the worst effects take hold. Here’s a list of reasons why

American should strive to avoid worsening social and political

antagonism-and to build bridge with each other.

These literature provide information regarding social,

economic and political ideas which the present study needs for

the explanation of its finding when conducted.

Local Literature

According to Atienza, (2016), the concept of

identity is related to social, cultural and to paved the way

for lasting change, for instance when Filipino first held

elections in the 1900’s, only Filipino males could vote and

participate. However, when Filipino women became more educated

either in the Philippines or abroad they were enlightened

about their rights, particularly suffrage or the right to

vote. Consequently, the campaign for women’s suffrage gained

ground in the 1930s. The framers of the 1935 Constitution

allowed women to vote by virtue of a law that was passed by

the National Assembly.

According to Sampa and Palispis (2015), all societies

have an economy which can be viewed as a social institution

organized around production, consumption, and distribution of

goods and services. It operates in a generally predictable

manner. Goods are commodities ranging from necessities (food,

clothing, and shelter) to luxury items (cars, swimming pools,

and yachts). Services are activities that benefit others; the

work of a priest, physician, teacher, and computer technician.

In the local literatures cited the economic, social and

political condition of the residents in Barangay Tabon-Tabon

may be viewed.

Foreign Study

In the study of Stuckey (2018) entitled, “Political

Vocabularies: FDR, the Clergy, Letters, and the Elements of

Political Argument”, it was revealed that result of the crisis

of political authority was caused by the unsent of the crisis

of political authority was caused by the unsent of the Great

Depression. Democrats in the 1930s were beginning to prefer a

political imaginary in which political authority was cantered

in the federal government and in the person of the president.

Republicans on the other hand, both presidential and federal

power. These different views of legitimate political world-

different political imaginaries, which were coming to be

ordered by different political vocabularies just as these

imaginaries offered different views of political authority.

According to Mathe’s study (2017) entitled, “Engagement,

Passivity and Detachment”, the 16 years old students’

perception of the relationship between people and politics is

valuable for citizenship and social studies education as an

increasingly polarized political climate poses challenges to

democratic politics and consequently to young people’s

political engagement and participation.

In the study of Chem(2019) entitled, “Financial and

Economic Lives”, financial considerations regarding the

economic life of an asset include the cost at the time of

purchase, the amount of time the asset can be used in

production, the time at which it will need to be replaced, and

the cost of maintenance of replacement. Changes in industry

standards or regulation may also be involved. New regulations

may render current equipment obsolete or raise the required

industry standards for assets are required in industry

standards. Further, the economic life in one asset may render

the second asset useless until the first asset is repaired or


According to Christian(2015) entitled, “How Facebook is

changing our social lives” according to a survey of over a

thousand people, “females, younger people and those not

currently in a committed relationship were the most active

Facebook users”. Regarding personality, a study of over 1000

Australians reported that “[FB] users tend to be more

extraverted and narcissistic, but less conscientious and

socially lonely, that nonusers”. A study of the actual FB use

of over a hundred students found that personality was a more

important factor that gender and FB experience, with high

scorers in neuroticism spending more time on FB. Meanwhile

extraverts were found to have more friends on the network that

introverts (“the 10 per cent of our respondents scoring the

highest in extraversion had, on average, 484 more friends that

the 10 per cent scoring the lowest in extraversion”).

In the study of Jim (2016) entitled “An Active Social

Life Associated With Well-Being in Life” as to why family-

oriented goals did not appear to lessen the decline in well-

being, Gerstorf said it may have to do with the complexity of

family relationship later in life, but more research would be

required to determine it. “Family life is often a mixed bag

and represents not only a source of joy, but also of worry and

tensions, stress and sorrow. For example, valuing one’s

partner often makes people vulnerable to declines in well-

being when the partner suffers from cognitive or physical

limitations,” said Gerstorf.”Similarly, relationships with

adult children can be ambivalent, especially when children can

be ambivalent, especially when children differ in values and

have not attained (in the eyes of their parents) educational

and interpersonal success”.

The studies connect to the present study since they

provide information regarding economy and economic life and

political issues relative to the relationship of people and

the government which the researchers will be studying through

the people in Barangay Tabon-Tabon.

Chapter III


This chapter present the research design, research

locale, respondents of the study, research instrument,

validation of the questions, and data gathering procedure that

will be used in this study.

Research Design

This study will use descriptive survey method to analyse,

interpret and report the present status of Barangay Tabon-

Tabon in terms of economic, political, and social lives of its


Research Locale

The study will be conducted in Barangay Tabon-Tabon,

Baco, Oriental Mindoro through the efforts of its residents as

respondents of the study in answering the self-prepared

questionnaire which will be administered by the researchers.

The said barangay became the new habitat of the people from

the Sunken Town. The study would like to determine the status

of living of these people in their new home place.

Respondents of the study

This study will use Slovene’s formula to get the sample

size of the residents of Barangay Tabon-Tabon as respondents

of the study.

Research Instrument

This study will utilize a self-prepared questionnaire

for the respondents to get their status economically, socially

and politically.

Validation of the Questionnaire

The questionnaire that will be used in this study will be

validated during the proposal defines by the panellists

namely; chairperson of the panel, major critic, grammarian,

statistician, and adviser of the researchers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will secure letter of permission from the

Baco Community College administrator, Dr. Elizabeth A.

Maravilla, Ph.D. noted by the researcher professor, Dr.

Whelma C. Villanueva, RL for the Barangay Captain of Tabon-

Tabon for the conduct of the study in the target respondents.


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Viviana, Z (2011). Princeton University Press, Economic Lives.

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Christian, J (2015, October) “How Facebook is Changing our

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Jim, S (2016, March) an Active Social Life Associated with

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A Senior Thesis Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the Bachelor of Arts in History
Poblacion, Baco, Oriental Mindoro

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree



December 2019

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