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CHANDRA BHANU GUPTA AGRICULTURE P.G. COLLEGE Bakshi Ka Talab, Lucknow Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) DEPARTMENT OF SEED TECHNOLOGY B.Sc. (Ag.) 8" Semester Year: 2020-21 Name of Student: Seityoum Singh 5 Roll No. > \BIRBoUQo Dag. Name of Village: UdAhounag Name of Block =: Paraspuy- Name of District : Gironde. Sign of RAWE Coordinator Sign of Investigator INTERVIEW SCHEDULE 1. Details of Selected Farmer's: Si] Name | Age | Sex | Caste | Education | Land Occupation Holding | Major _ | Subsidiary Iran |e (pec | 12 %6 11-2 ho | Appia tune Vinod | 60 | | o@c| ath {Ageia} ____ zle||fele+|r|el- 2 Seed Production Technology of the Farmer 2. Land and its preparation: Si ' ' Soil Sample | Area (in Field ee Weta No Soil Type Testing ae Preparation 1. A Loum ih = 1 ho 2. Apollon a 7 4. 5. Py .. 6. 7. Rawdy=team |= fz a Lho ft 9. 10. 4. General Information SL | NameofCrop | Nameof | Registration | Season | Isolation No. Variety for Seed _| & Year | Distance J. | hoot HD 2967 = 2eg0-a\ 13 mete 2. | What 29 - » a 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5. Seed & Sowing Sl. Seed rate Seed Sowin; Sowin: Now| a cecumoene (Kg/Ha) __| Treatment ‘Time |_Method 1. (CSA Univesity 40 Ka lta | Thivaw Ig Nov |Proadcantig 2. INDDAT Univers Uo Kealfa |rodumal ITMoV iid oily | 3. Avidic 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. Manure & Fertilizer- Sl. | Name of Manure & Dose Application | Application No Fertilizer (Kg/Haet) Time Method 1. |pap + Uvea + mMoP aot ie: 75 = " 2 t Aootfo? 7S !Ifin = PY} 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (10. 7. Irrigation- Sl. Irrigatio A ical Stage of Crop Mea a Irrigation Time Chuck Barin Meitedl O20 -2 © Ansys » §) Bi taisdog| 8. Field Inspection: = Stage of Crop Study of Records 1. | "Tivlentins : Nod) a > 19-14 = Tilvatey a No-d'tienas 16-10) 4. 5. 6. 1. 8. & 10. 9. Weed Control: SL. Weed Weedicide |) ‘Application Application No. | __Name Name ose Time Method . i LE Rall sisany”! Subhas thr Vginfp | 25-30duy pal Srasyivy, | sowing 29 rn ” 72 slele|afoa}a)] ales 10. Roughing 11. Plant Protection: At | Disease/ Insect Name Symptoms Mane - 1 t In Patek 2 | oot Rect ae 9 a 4 13. Harvesting: sl Date Harvesting Method anes ae Lo Mow, By lomloing | Neon 2. \ im 3. t Byte | ALeaia —_ ae |> 7 = 8. 9. 10. 14. Threshing: ae ‘Threshing Nenad Threshing Time 6. ie 9. 10. 15. Yield-Kg/Qt/Acre/Ha. 16. Does seed processed? No c 2. 3. ce | > 10. No 17. Seed Testing- Yes/No SL. No. *Moisture - % *Purity-% Germination Capacity-% 1. ly VE 2. ily {ay a. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 18. Seed Certification: No. 1 19. Storage of Seed: ca Place Method No. 1. [tome = 2. Home. = 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Suggestions \} To store minimuin yioictuu love » 2- To kay seh Mmssiunw . ST wr {Bin c. Phrosphiids, cond Moakathion Sf: OR > Aby aq Student report . The pers iw he village Dove ee 4 aware about aod production» so teey don pe duce to produce gerd » onky fe pony pre teacl, m Fu Village . cookie So ne of Signature Signature of Student — Teacher

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