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Project Report

In Partial Fulfillment of Internship of Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Sushama Naina
Regd. No. 1225109435

Under the guidance of

Mrs.Shoba Ponada Mr. Sandeep Sahu

Assistant Professor, Circle Head HR -AP
Gitam Institute of Management Aditya Birla Retail.

Gitam Institute of Management, Gitam University,


Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh


I SUSHAMA NAINA hereby declare that this project report entitled “A Study on
Employee engagement stratergy in Aditya Birla Retail Stores -Hyderabad”,
submitted by me, under the guidance of Mrs. G. Arti, Assistant Professor of GITAM
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Visakhapatnam, is my own and has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute or published earlier.





This is to certify that this report titled “A Study on Employee Engagement Stratergy
in Aditya Birla Retail-Hyderabad” have been successfully completed at More stores -
Hyderabad by Sushama Naina in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
the Degree of Master of Business Administration to GITAM INSTITUTE OF
MANAGEMENT, Visakhapatnam is a bona-fide work carried out by her under my





A report of this nature involves the support and contribution of many people, I believe
that I would be lacking in my duty if I do not express my gratitude to them.

It is my greatest pleasure to thank PROF, K.SIVA RAMA KRISHNA, Dean & Principal,
GITAM INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Visakhapatnam, for giving us the opportunity
to do this project work.

I would like to express my heart full thanks to Prof. M.V.Ram Prasad, MBA (HEAD
do the project.

I convey my deepest sense of reverence to Shri. Sandeep Sahu (Circle Head HR

Aditya Birla Retail-AP) for spending his valuable time with us despite of his busy
schedule. I am indebted to him for his clinical suggestions he made while going through
this script. I also thank him for providing valuable material.

My sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my faculty guide Mrs. Shoba Ponada who took
keen interest in my project to make it a beneficial exercise.

Finally, I would like to convey our special thanks to Store Staff & other Employees of
Aditya Birla Retail Ltd MORE super market outlets for giving me the opportunity to work
on this project.


1. Executive Summary - 6

2. Section-1: Conceptual Frame work -8

Employee engagement – what is it?
Employee engagement – why is it important?

3. Section-2 : Methodology -11

a) Need of the Study
b) Objectives of the Study
c) Research Design
 Data collection methods –QUESTIONNAIRE
 Data tabulation
 Analysis method

4. Section-3 : Organisation Profile - 13

a) Industry profile
b) Organisation profile
c) Topic profile in the organization

5. Section-4 :Analysis of the study -30

6. Section -5 : Findings,Suggestions and Conclusions -52

7. Bibilography

Employee Engagement Strategy

Prepared for Aditya Birla Retail

Executive Summary
Aditya Birla Retail Limited is a part of the Aditya Birla Group. The Group has named it
‘More’. It offers products such as fruits, vegetables, grocery, frozen food, bakery,
homecare, personal care and pharmacy. It also provides FMCG products and house

Aditya Birla Retail — MORE has a clear vision statement as “To consistently
provide the Indian consumer complete and differentiated shopping experiences
and be among India’s top retailers while delivering superior returns to all
stakeholders”And is currently working on a workforce strategy that will deliver that
improvement. As part of that thinking, Aditya Birla retail requires an employee
engagement strategy to ensure that it understands what it can do to help support
employee engagement at a system level during this period of transformational change,
appreciating that the relationship that staff have is with their employing organisation and
improving employee engagement is the responsibility of the employer. It also
acknowledges that there are other professional, social and demographic changes
that continually change how people relate to their organisations. This means that their
loyalty, advocacy and pride cannot be taken for granted and constant attention needs to
be given to system level barriers and enablers.

Employee engagement describes the involvement of people at all levels in

positive two-way dialogue and action to deliver the highest quality and create great
places to work – where people find their work meaningful and are willing to work

together, for the future success of their organisation. Aditya Birla Retail intends to
differentiate itself by providing very competitive prices and the right selection of products
in a friendly and exciting environment. Over time, they will be developing their own

• Employee engagement drives the employee toward cognitive & emotional

commitment to the organization.
• Engaged employee understands what the Company is trying to achieve & helps it
make happen.
• Employee engagement influences
• Employee performance
• Retention
• And “discretionary effort”

Measures of employee engagement :

• Job involvement

• Engaged employee is totally engaged in the job assigned to him. His

involvement is not so much because of the extrinsic rewards but
because of intrinsic satisfaction derived from carrying out his job.

• Organizational Commitment

Employee identifies with the organization and there is perfect harmony between
his beliefs, values and goals and those of the organization.


Employee engagement – what is it?

There is a complex and detailed body of academic literature that explores the
development of the concept of employee engagement over the past 10 – 15 years. This
literature suggests it is more than staff satisfaction, builds on organisational citizenship
behaviour and commitment to include intellectual,emotional and behaviour elements
and describes the employee’s sense of identification, advocacy and
pride and desire for the organisation to succeed10.
Employee engagement is about the employee’s experience of work. It is
about the combination of factors that make the individual feel involved and willing to
behave in ways that go beyond the day to day minimum and to work towards the longer
term objectives of the organisation.
Employee engagement is a step ahead than employee satisfaction . .:

Belief in the organization

Desire to work to make things better
Understanding of the business context and the bigger picture
Respectful of and helpful to colleagues
Willingness to go the extra mile
Keeping up to date with developments in the field

10 Engagement Commandments
1) Strong leadership to build confidence in employees .
2) Robust and employee friendly systems,processes and programs.
3) Communication,including periodically sharing of future plans pf the
4) Open,fair and transparent work environment.
5) Defined goals and expectations.

9) Competative compensation and benefits.

10) Worklife balance and fun at work place .

Employee Engagement – Why is it important?

During interviews and focus groups there was an immediate acceptance that
employee engagement is important for the benefit of employees, patients and
organisational performance. Nevertheless it is important to consider the evidence before
directing effort and resource to an employee engagement strategy. Why should senior
managers and Trust Boards pay attention to employee engagement.

High levels of employee engagement have been shown to have a number of positive
Higher productivity and organisational performance.
Increased operating and net profit
Improved customer focus
Lower levels of absenteeism and
Higher levels of staff retention.

The research literature and case studies that attempt to quantify the impact
of engagement and disengagement present a more or less consistent view that
organisations should take this seriously.They also suggest that typical levels of
employee engagement provide a significant opportunity for improvement with
consequent positive impact on both organisational performance and staff well-being.

The box below provides some of the key facts for making the case for employee
engagement, based on research by other organisational development specialists:

The case for employee engagement

1. A global study of over 50,000 employees found that those employees who are most
engaged perform 20% better and they are 87% less likely to leave.
Corporate Leadership Council 2004

2. Along with a survey of 664,000 employees at 50 global companies, Towers Perrin-ISR

compared the financial performance of companies with varying levels of employee
engagement over a 12 month period. It found that three financial indicators – operating
income, net income and earnings per share – rose when engagement was high and fell
when engagement was low.
People Power, ISR/Towers Perrin, 2006

3. Engaged employees indicate a better understanding of how to meet customer needs –

70% versus 17% of the non-engaged workers.
Measuring True Employee Engagement, Right Management, 2006

4. A CIPD research report found that engaged employees take less sick leave, perform better
and are more likely to recommend the organisation they work for and are less likely to quit.
Working Life: Employee Attitudes and Engagement, CIPD, December

5. Engaged employees take an average of 2.69 sick days per year while the disengaged
average 6.19.
Gallup 2003


Methodology :

a) Need of the study :

For several years now, 'Employee engagement' has been a hot topic in
corporate circles. It's a buzz phrase that has captured the attention of workplace
observers and HR managers, as well as the executive suite. And it's a topic that
employers and employees alike think they understand, yet can't articulate very easily.
Employee engagement is a very big deal. There is clear and mounting evidence that
high levels of employee engagement keenly correlates to individual, group and
corporate performance in areas such as retention, turnover, productivity, customer
service and loyalty.
The role of Employee engagement as an enabler of change and continuous
This explores how employee engagement is used to support the formal
mechanisms and approach to change.
This also considers how different forms of internal communications are used
to support employee engagement.

b) Objectives of the study :

Employee engagement is a critical ingredient of individual and
organizational success. Engagement is strongly influenced by leadership quality, as
well as by job and organization features. This research was designed to determine if
the potential for employees to be engaged in work can be predicted at the time of
their initial application for work. These studies also provide additional evidence about
the impact of employee engagement on important business outcomes.

Three specific objectives were set:

 Employee Engagement stratergy followed by Aditya Birla Retail.

 The Effectiveness of Employee Engagement programs.
 To Motivate employees about Employee Engagement programs.

c) Research Design :
The method used for collecting data has been through both the primary source as
well as through secondary source.

Data collection The sampling design employed here is non-probability sampling

otherwise called as convenience sampling. The data here is being collected for the
first time, hence the primary data. The method employed to collect primary data is
questionnaire method. This method of collecting data through questionnaires is
most extensively employed in various economic and business surveys. This method
is appropriate when the universe is large and wide geographically. It is free from the
bias of the interviewer, answers are in respondents own words. Respondents have
adequate time to give well thought out answers. Respondents, who are not easily
approachable, can also be reached conveniently. In order to test the accuracy of the
questionnaire „pilot study‟ (Pilot survey) has been conducted. The questionnaire
used in the survey is structured form where the questions are both closed and open

Data tabulation Here, simple tabulation used, i.e., result of one – way table which
supply answers to questions about one characteristics of data only. Data is tabulated
in percentages and represented in form of pie-charts and bar diagram.

Analysis method Analysis of data, for closed ended data is tabulated in

percentages and represented in form of pie-charts and bar diagram. For some open
ended data, maximum respondent‟s answers were compared and selected answers
which are same for all respondents and given as the common or majority answers
opted by them.

SECTION 3-Organisational Profile

India is the 10th most industrialized country .It is the hub of operations for most
of the major global players in the industry today.Investment during last 5 years
estimated at US $ 15 billions.Industry growth rate estimated at 7.3%.

Indian Retail Industry :

The Indian retail industry is the 5th largest in the world.Comprising of the organisied and
unorganized sectors.Indian retail industry is the one of the fastest growing industries in
India,especially over the last few years.Though initially the retail industry in India was
mostly unorganisied,however with the change of tastes and preferences of the
consumers,the industry is getting more popular these days and getting organisied as
well.with growing market demand ,the industry is expected to grow at a pace of 15-30%
annually .The India retail is expected to grow fom 35,000 crore in 2004-05 to Rs
109,000 crore by the year 2010.

Growth of Indian Retail

According to the 8th Annual Global Retail Development Index(GRDI) of AT
Kearney.Indiaretail industry is the most promising emerging market for Investment.In
2007,the retail trade in India had a share of 8-10% in the GDP(Gross Domestic
Product)of the country.In 2009,it rose to 12%.It is also expected to reach 22% by 2010.
According to a report by Northbride Capita,the India retail industry is expected
to grow to US$ 700 billion by 2010.By the same time,the orgnisied sector will be 20% of
the total market share.It can be mentioned here that,the share of organized sector in
2007 was 7.5% of the total retail market.
 Retail formats in India
Hypermarts/supermarkets: large self-servicing outlets offering products from a
variety of categories.
 Mom-and-pop stores: they are family owned business catering to small sections;
they are individually handled retail outlets and have a personal touch.

 Departmental stores: are general retail merchandisers offering quality products

and services.
 Convenience stores: are located in residential areas with slightly higher prices
goods due to the convenience offered.
 Shopping malls: the biggest form of retail in India, malls offers customers a mix of
all types of products and services including entertainment and food under a
single roof.
 E-trailers: are retailers providing online buying and selling of products and
 Discount stores: these are factory outlets that give discount on the MRP.
 Vending: it is a relatively new entry, in the retail sector. Here beverages, snacks
and other small items can be bought via vending machine.
 Category killers: small specialty stores that offer a variety of categories. They are
known as category killers as they focus on specific categories, such as
electronics and sporting goods. This is also known as Multi Brand Outlets or
 Specialty stores: are retail chains dealing in specific categories and provide deep
assortment. Mumbai's Crossword Book Store and RPG's Music World are a
couple of examples.
Challenges facing Indian retail industry

 The tax structure in India favors small retail business

 Lack of adequate infrastructure facilities
 High cost of real estate
 Dissimilarity in consumer groups
 Restrictions in Foreign Direct Investment
 Shortage of retail study options
 Shortage of trained manpower
 Low retail management skill

The Future

The retail industry in India is currently growing at a great pace and is

expected to go up to US$ 833 billion by the year 2013. It is further expected to reach
US$ 1.3 trillion by the year 2018 at a CAGR of 10%. As the country has got a high
growth rates, the consumer spending has also gone up and is also expected to go up
further in the future. In the last four year, the consumer spending in India climbed up to
75%. As a result, the India retail industry is expected to grow further in the future days.
By the year 2013, the organized sector is also expected to grow at a CAGR of 40%.

Aditya Birla Retails plans expansion in India

Aditya Birla Group, the business conglomerate is set to increase the

number of its retail outlets in India. The company is on an expansion mode and has
announced to increase the number to 500 such retail stores across India. The group
entered into the Indian retail business a year ago and has 400 retail outlets called
'More'. It has strong presence in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Vadodara,
Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mangalore, Pune, Mysore, Vizag and Vijaywada. During the
launch of its Vadodara outlet of 'More', Mr. Kumar Mangalam Birla, Chairman of the
group, said by the end of March 2008 the numbers of 'More' retail outlets to be
increased to 500 from 430. Mr. Birla points out that his company's first retail store
was launched in Pune, in May 2007 and now has presence in almost all major and
minor cities of India. Industry sources believe that at this rate of growth the company
may also end up the financial year 2008-2009 with 500 new stores of "More".
Dedicated Electronic Supermarkets are also in the pipeline of the company and is
expected to roll out a few outlets very soon.

He further said that the estimated size of the Indian retail market is around US $ 300
billion and the cumulative market share of supermarkets and hyper markets in India
is less than 4%. Although the Indian retail sector is registering decent growth but
huge potential is still untapped and the multi-chain retail stores are yet to reach their
desired level of growth in India. He added that the Indian consumer was long due for
world class shopping experience and with increased per capita income the target
seems achievable. Mr. Birla also said that his company has aggressive expansion
plans across India. At present the company has two mega-stores in the country and
it wishes to increase its number substantially soon. Mega-store is a shopper's
paradise it offers more than 60,000 products catering to each and every need of a

The company has already identified few development sites and is on the look out for
more viable options for infrastructure development. With the launch of India's first
hypermarket - the 'More Mega Store', the company took a giant step in making its
mark in the organized retail market of India. This colossal hypermarket is about
70,000 square feet and the average size of each mega store would be of around
80,000 square feet. Further, these giant retail stores house around 60,000 SKUs of
different types and brands of merchandise. Mr. Birla said that 10 more hypermarkets
are on offer.

He points out bottle necks like high real estate prices in the Tier I cities, which is a
stagnating factor and most of the second rounds of hypermarkets can be expected in
Tier II cities. Moreover, glitches like protest from traders and middleman towards
growth of organized retail in India may eat away the growth opportunity it offers.


Vision : "To consistently provide the Indian consumer complete and differentiated
shopping experiences and be amongst India's Top retailers, while delivering superior
returns to all stakeholders".
“To deliver superior values for our customers ,shareholders, employees & society
at large.”

 Integrity
 Commitment
 Passion
 Seamlessness
 Speed


A US $28 billion premium conglomerate, the Aditya Birla Group is in the

League of Fortune 500. It is anchored by an extraordinary force of 100,000 employees,
belonging to 25 different nationalities. The Group has been adjudged "The Best

Employer in India and among the top 20 in Asia" by the Hewitt-Economic Times and
Wall Street Journal Study 2007.

The Group operates in 25 countries - India, UK, Germany, Hungary, Brazil, Italy,
France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Australia, USA, Canada, Egypt, China, Thailand,
Laos, Indonesia, Philippines, Dubai, Singapore, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Vietnam,
Malaysia and Korea.

Globally the Aditya Birla Group is

A metals powerhouse, among the world's most cost-efficient aluminium and copper
producers. Hindalco-Novelis is the largest aluminium rolling company. It is one of the 3
biggest producers of primary aluminium in Asia, with the largest single location copper

No. 1 in viscose staple fibre

The 4th largest producer of insulators

The 4th largest producer of carbon black

The 11th largest cement producer

Among the world's top 15 BPO companies and among India's top 4

Among the best energy efficient fertiliser plants

In India
A premier branded garments player

The 2nd largest player in viscose filament yarn

The 2nd largest in the Chlor-alkali sector

Among the top 5 mobile telephony companies


A leading player in Life Insurance and Asset Management

Among the top 3 super-market chains in the Retail business

Rock solid in fundamentals, the Aditya Birla Group nurtures a culture where success
does not come in the way of the need to keep learning afresh, to keep experimenting.

Beyond Business - The Aditya Birla Group is :

Working in 3,700 villages

Reaching out to 7 million people annually through the Aditya Birla Centre for Community
Initiatives and Rural Development, spearheaded by Mrs. Rajashree Birla

Focusing on : health care, education, sustainable livelihood, infrastructure and

espousing social causes .Running 41 Schools and 18 Hospitals


ABRL is committed to assure our consumers of the quality of our products and services
on a consistent basis and earn consumer trust and recognition of ABRL as India's
premier retail organization. The above will be achieved by :

1. Ensure that the products available at the stores meet the regulatory and statutory
requirements through implementation of best practices (Good Manufacturing
Practices, Good Hygienic Practices, Good House Keeping, etc.) at every stage
and in every operation.
2. Ensuring that for 'Own Brand', the products meet our stringent specification
requirements; while at our processing sites and extended supplychain, the
manufacturing practices and processes meet the highest standards of GHP &
GMP at every stage and in every operation.

3. Ensuring that manpower resources are committed, competent, fully trained and
working in a seamless manner.
4. Ensuring that different functions including buying & merchandising, supply chain
management, operations and business partners understand and share our
concern for quality.
5. Implementing a rigorous, credible & efficient assessment, inspection, testing &
certification system.
6. Striving for continuous improvement through dynamic review process.

ABRL is also committed to respecting our Corporate Social and Environmental


Aditya Birla Retail Ltd :

Aditya Birla Retail Limited is the retail arm of Aditya Birla Group, a USD 28 billion
Corporation. The Company ventured into food and grocery retail sector in 2007 with the
acquisition of a south based supermarket chain. Subsequently Aditya Birla Retail Ltd.
expanded its presence across the country under the brand "more." with 2 formats
Supermarket & Hypermarket.

more. for you - Conveniently located in neighbourhoods, more. supermarkets cater to
the daily, weekly and monthly shopping needs of consumers. The product offerings
include a wide range of fresh fruits & vegetables, groceries, personal care, home care,
general merchandise & a basic range of apparels. Currently, there are over 600 more.
supermarkets across the country.

more.MEGASTORE - is a one-stop shopping destination for the entire family. Besides a
large range of products across fruits & vegetables, groceries, FMCG products,
more.MEGASTORE also has a strong emphasis on general merchandise, apparels &


Currently, five hypermarkets operate under the brand more.MEGASTORE in Mysore,

Vadodara, Aurangabad, Indore and Bengaluru.

Clubmore. - our loyalty program, currently has a strong membership base of over 1
million members.

Aditya Birla Retail Limited. currently has an employee strength of over 11,000. Key
functions are headed by professionals with vast retail experience in India & globally.

Quality & Value through own labels:

Aditya Birla Retail Ltd provides customers a wide choice of products under its own
labels. The objective is to provide quality products at attractive price points to
customers. Since quality of the products is of prime importance, stringent quality norms
have been set and are followed. All manufacturing partners are the best in their class.


.Thomas Varghese, CEO - Aditya Birla Retail Ltd.

Russell Berman, CEO-Hypermarket

Satendra Aggarwal, CEO-- Supermarket


Ramesh Mitragotri, CPO

Vidhya Srinivasan, Head – Strategy

Manoj Krishnan, CIO

T V. Venkataraman, Head - Internal Audit

Shiv Murti, Chief Merchandising Officer


Reid & Taylor Awards 2009
Aditya Birla Retail Limited was presented the prestigious "Retail Best Employer of the Year" at the

Aditya Birla Group ranked the No. 1 Best Employer by the Hewitt - Economic Times
Survey 2007.
The US $ 24 billion Indian conglomerate, Aditya Birla Group, was ranked number one in India and
among the best in Asia...

Golden Spoon Award - Most Admired Food Retailer of the Year: Private label F&G
The Coca-Cola Golden Spoon Awards honors enterprise, innovation and achievement in the business
of food...

Best VM at In-Store Asia Summit

more. for you supermarket won the Visual Merchandising & Retail Design merit award for the Best VM
in the Supermarket Category...




SALAD (Sales Achievement Linked Award)


 To drive store sales & efficiencies of more stores on monthly basis.

 An opportunity for the store employees to share the profits made by
meeting/exceeding targets.
 Inspire & reward permoncance.

Over-riding Features:

 Ease of understanding for beneficiaries.

 Applicable to a store from the 3rd month onwards from date of launch.

Groups for salad

1. SM
2. ASM

 105% Achievement of forecasted sales (monthly sales).
 Shrinkage value restricted below 1% of sales.
 F&V Dump below 7% of F&V sales.

Any unauthorized absence shall be a disqualifier.

Monthly Component
 Monthly sales target will be considered.
 Based on the achievement levels (105% & 110%) employees of each group shall be
paid an amount as per the table shown:

Group Designation 105% 110%

Achievement Achievement
1. SM 1500 3000
2. ASM 1000 2000
3. CSS/Sr.CSS 500 1000
4. CSA/Sr.CSA 400 800

Additional Opportunity
Quarterly Shrinkage Deterrent Award

Norm:Tolerance limit for shrinkage - 1% of sales

Shrinkage <1% of sales ------------- payout 20% of savings

shared among all employees
Qualifier : cumulative quarterly sales@100% achievement.

Quaterly Payout Summary

Gross earning [Rs] potential per quarter [3 months] @ 105% achievement

Group Quarterly incentive Shrinkage deterent bonus

Store manager 4500 Additional
ASM 3000 Additional
CSS/Sr.CSS 1500 Additional
CSA/Sr.CSA 1200 Additional

Target communication & payout dates

 Zonal head will communicate the monthly storewise targets on the last Monday of the
Month through territory manager.
 The store manager in consultation with consultation with cluster manager has to divide

store targets into respective section targets on a weekly basis for all the weeks in a
particular month.
 Quarterly incentives & shrink bonus shall be paid on the subsequent month of the quarter.
 Mode of payment shall be through bank transfer only[through payroll]

employee of the month

Purpose: Amongst all our dedicated employees,there will some who exceptional sincerity towards
work and serve as role models to inspire others.To appreciate their efforts,they would be awarded
the title “employee of the month”


 On the criterion based in the evaluation sheet in a cluster.

 All the store employees with 100% attendance.
 Employees who have completed atleast 30 days of sales cycle.
 The store should be have a minimum rating of 1 star in the STAR concept.


 The certificate of “employee of the month” would be awarded by the territory

manager/zonal head in front of the store team members in a cluster (every month).
 An announcement on the notice board along with the “photo of the employee” in the zonal
office and store will be made by the territory HR along with a picture of the employee in the
ABRL-SM news letter.


 The award is based on 5 criterion defined in an evaluation sheet on rating scale 1-3(1 being
the lowest or 3 being the highest)
 The performance of an individual will be evaluated in a calendar month i.e 1st
of the month.
 The employee will be nominated by their cluster manager using the citation/evaluation
sheets along with the comments.
 Evaluation sheets that do not have any citations from the cluster manager will not be

considered for the award.

 The forms will be distributed by the territory HR manager to all cluster manager
of every months.
 All selected entires will be sent by the territory HR manager of the cluster to the zonal HR
head and operation head by the 8th of every month to sign the certificate and send back to
the territory HR by the every month.
 The award for “employee of the month” should be declared and given between the 10
15th of every month(on the date of disbursement of the award,the staff member needs to be
an active employee).

“star”- (store team achievement and recognition)

Is a store performance recognition team .
 To create a healthy competitive environment and team spirit
 Inspire,recognize & reward team performance.

This program is applicable for all supermarket stores spread across India.It is a quarterly event.


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5


A)Sales achievement for Quarter 50%

B)Shrinkage value control 15%

C) F&V Dump and shrinkage control 25%

D)SOP Scores 10%

 Each of the parameters will be rated on a 5 point rating scale.
 Weighted average rating STAR will be the decider for STAR recognition calculated by star
recognition calculator.

Parameter rating norms

A) Sales achievement for the quarter B)shrinkage value control rating scale
rating scale
Below 1% of sales 1
90% Below 0.85% of sales 2
93% Below 0.70% of sales 3
100% Below 0.65% of sales 4
105% Below 0.85% of sales 5

C)F&V dump and shrinkage control rating D) SOP Scores rating scale
SOP rating 4-5 1
Below 10% of F&V sales 1 SOP rating 5.1-6 2
Below 8% of F&V sales 2 SOP rating 6.1-7 3
Below 7% of F&V sales 3 SOP rating 7.1-8 4
Below 6% of F&V sales 4 SOP rating 8.1 above 5
Below 5% of F&V sales 5

 Store will not qualify for STAR recognition if any of the parameters fall below rating 1
 STAR recognisied store team need to wear the STAR (mandatory)badges for the store
 STAR rating of the store can differ every quarter
 If any store doesn’t have F&V section then,the weightage for the F&V(15%) would be equally
distributed between the other 3 parameters.
 STAR ratings will be a qualifier for

1.”CEO trophy” – 3 star rating needed

2.”SPARK”(soon to be launched)

3.”employee of the month”-1 star rating needed.

Please note:

Non compliance to any of the company’s values by the sstore or individual will automatically disqualify
the store or individual from the scheme.

(Quality reward and recognition event)

To create a healthy competitive environment.


To contribute to top line and bottom line sales.

To engage employees as partners.

Inspire and reward team performance.


Stores which have completed 3 months before the part of the event.




Gold Medal for store members

Cash prize

Cluster manager - Cash award Rs 50000

Store manager - Cash award Rs 40000

ASM/CSS - Cash award Rs 20000

CSA/Sr.CSA - Cash award Rs 10000


Silver Medal for store members

Cash prize

Cluster manager - Cash award Rs 37500

Store manager - Cash award Rs 30000

ASM/CSS - Cash award Rs 15000

CSA/Sr.CSA - Cash award Rs 7500


Cluster manager - Cash award Rs 25000

Store manager - Cash award Rs 20000

ASM/CSS - Cash award Rs 10000

CSA/Sr.CSA - Cash award Rs 5000

Award distribution event

 Best store (Pan India)-award ceremony with photo session along with CEO-ABRL,CFO-
ABRL,CEO-SM and function heads of SM.
 Best store(zone) award ceremony with photo session along with CEO-SM,HR HEAD-

SM.Regional Head,Zonal Head.

 CM of the bes store on PAN India basis could be nominated for young achievers program on
behalf of ABRL(as per ABG policy)


 Top store selected from each zone.

 The top two stores from the above pool will be selected for the national award.
 Staff members

1.All store staff need to be allocated to the store before the star of the event(as per the manning

2.Outsourced frontline staff will be eligible (Kolkata & kerala)

3.Stores staff absconding during the event will not be eligible for the award(voluntary & in voluntary)

4.Only full time employees are eligible for the event.

5.In back fill-any new staff joining the store will not be eligible if he/she joins with in first 2 months of the

6.At the time of the disbursement of the award the staff should be an active employee.

7.In Case of ultimately death or a permanent disability of any store staff during the event-pro-rata award
will be added his/her full & final settlement.

Qualifier (criterion for the best stores)

1.First qualifier –Minimum 3 STARS rating in the STAR recognition team.

2.Winning criteria (zonal level)-Store achieving maximum sales with a rating of 3 STAR and above.

3.In case of a tie the following will be considered in the order mentioned:

1.Sales achievement for the quater Store with highest sales will be selected

2.Shrinkage control Store with least value will be selected

3.F&V dump and shrinkage control Store with least F&V dump and shrinkage
value will be selected
4.SOP scores Store with highest score will be selected

*In case of a TIE the above applicability , the reward will be shared equally.

4.Winning criteria (National level)


a)The top 2 stores from the zonal winners will be selected.

b)The rules for selecting the winner will be same as for the zonal level.

5.Extra mile award:Criterion could be any of the following

a) VM Award-as per the norms of the VM award.

b)The award will apply to all stores with minimum 3star rating.

6.Non compliance to any of the company’s values by the store/individual wll automatically disqualify the
store/individual from the scheme.

SECTION 4-Analysis
This analysis was conducted in ten Aditya Birla Retail outlets in Hyderabad.The locations
are Jubliee hills,Kondapur,Mehadipatnam,Begumpet,Ameerpet,Old Mothi Nagar,
New Mothi Nagar,Vengal Rao Nagar,Kharithabad and Krishna Nagar.The employees
Engaged in the analysis are 107 includes store managers(SM)assistant store managers
(ASM),Traniees and customer sales associate(CSA).

SALAD (Sales Achievement Linked Award)

1.What are the long term schemes are you aware of ?
This analysis shows the percentage of awareness of the incentive programs to the

Employees of the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.The analysis was conducted on three

basis if the employee is fully aware of the program he will be rated as YES.In the case if

he is partially aware he will be rated as PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has

zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 12
NO 60
Partial 35



2.What is SALAD ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the full form of salad to the

Employees of the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.The analysis was conducted on three

basis if the employee is fully aware of the program he will be rated as YES.In the case if

he is partially aware he will be rated as PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has

zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 12
NO 76
Partial 19

YES NO Partial
18% 11%


3.What are targets in SALAD ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the targets of salad

In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.The analysis was conducted on three

basis if the employee is fully aware of the program he will be rated as YES.In the case if

he is partially aware he will be rated as PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has

zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 17
NO 61
Partial 29
YES NO Partial
27% 16%


4.what is the Minimum achievement forcasted sales required ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the minimum achievement

Forcasted sales required for salad,In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 17
NO 68
Partial 22
YES NO Partial
21% 16%


5.what is the Minimum Shrinkage value required ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the minimum shrinkage

value required for salad,In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 24
NO 75
Partial 8
YES NO Partial


6.what is the Minimum F&V dump required?


This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the minimum F&V

dump required for salad,In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 17
NO 75
Partial 15
YES NO Partial
14% 16%


7.Do you have knowledge about Quaterly Shrinkage Deterrent Award?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the Quaterly shrinkage

Deterrent award In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

NO 100
Partial 7

YES NO Partial



8.What are the incentives provided forstoremanager/ASM/CSS/Sr.CSS/

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the incentives provided

For salad In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

YES 13
NO 61
Partial 33
YES NO Partial
31% 12%


Employee of the month


This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the EMPLOYEE

OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.


The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

YES 11
NO 69
Partial 27
YES NO Partial
25% 10%


2.what is the eligibility for employee of the month ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the eligibility for

EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 83
Partial 20
YES NO Partial


3.what is the evalution criteria for the employee of the month ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the evaluation criteria for

EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

NO 84
Partial 17
YES NO Partial


4.what is the % of attendance needed for employee of the month ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the % of attendance

Needed for EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

YES 34
NO 71
Partial 2

YES NO Partial


5.what is the duration needed for selecting as employee of the month ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about the duration needed

For selecting as EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 13
NO 93
Partial 1
YES NO Partial
1% 12%


6.Who is the authorized person to nominate employee of the month ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows who is the authorized person

to nominate EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 13
NO 93
Partial 1
YES NO Partial
1% 12%


7.What are the minimum days required to be completed in the sales cycle by

the employee? This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows what are the
minimum days required to be completed in the sales cycle by the employee

to nominate as EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 13
NO 94
Partial 0
YES NO Partial



1.What is STAR ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows about STAR and its full form

In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 10
NO 79
Partial 18
YES NO Partial


2.what are the parameters for STAR ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the parameters of STAR

In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 10
NO 78
Partial 19

YES NO Partial


3.what is the %of the sales achievement needed for the quarter ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the % of sales needed for quarter

STAR In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 10
NO 87
Partial 10
YES NO Partial
9% 9%


4.what is the % of Shrinkage value ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the % of shrinkage value

needed for quarter for STAR In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 87
Partial 11
YES NO Partial
10% 8%


5.what is the % of F&V dump and shrinkage value needed ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the % of F&V needed for quarter

STAR In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 87
Partial 11
YES NO Partial

10% 8%


6.what is the % of SOP scores needed ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees knows the % of SOP scores needed for

STAR In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 87
Partial 11
YES NO Partial

10% 8%


7.Do you have knowledge about STAR ratings will be a qualifier for ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about STAR ratings will be a

Qualifier for ! In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 98
Partial 1

YES NO Partial
1% 7%


CEO TROPHY-Quality reward and recognition event

1.What is CEO TROPHY ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about CEO trophy

In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 13
NO 92
Partial 2
YES NO Partial
2% 12%


2.what is the eligibility criteria ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about eligibility criteria for CEO
trophy In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 12
NO 92
Partial 3
YES NO Partial
3% 11%


3.What are the levels in CEO TROPHY ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about in CEO trophy In the Aditya
Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO

NO 92
Partial 9
YES NO Partial
8% 6%


4.what are the rewards provided for Best store PAN-INDIA no-1(champion) ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about rewards provided for Best
store PAN INDIA no-1 in CEO trophy In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 93
Partial 9
YES NO Partial
8% 5%


5.what are the rewards provided for Best store PAN-INDIA no-2(runner ups) ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about rewards provided for Best
store PAN INDIA no-2 in CEO trophy In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 93
Partial 9
YES NO Partial
8% 5%


what are the rewards provided for Best store at each zone (quarterly) ?
This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about rewards provided for Best
store at each zone(quarterly) In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 100
Partial 2
YES NO Partial


7.No.of STAR ratings required for CEO TROPHY ?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about No.of star ratings required for
CEO trophy In the Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

YES 14
NO 93
Partial 0

YES NO Partial


8.What are the incentives provided for SM,ASM,CSS,Sr.CSS,CSA,Sr.CSA?

This analysis shows the percentage of employees have knowledge about incentives provided In the
Aditya Birla Retail-More outlets.

The analysis was conducted on three basis if the employee is fully aware of the program

He/she will be rated as YES.In the case if he/she is partially aware he/she will be rated as

PARTIAL and in the same manner if he has zero% knowledge he will be rated as NO.

NO 92
Partial 12
YES NO Partial
11% 3%



YES 112
NO 576
Partial 168

YES NO Partial
20% 13%


YES 94
NO 587
Partial 68
YES NO Partial
9% 13%


YES 65
NO 603
Partial 81
YES NO Partial
11% 9%


YES 63

NO 747
Partial 46
YES NO Partial

5% 7%




1.What are the long term schemes are you aware of ?

2.What is SALAD ?
3.Do you have knowledge about the targets in SALAD ?
4.what is the Minimum achievement forcasted sales required ?
5.what is the Minimum Shrinkage value required ?
6.what is the Minimum F&V dump required?
7.Do you have knowledge about Quaterly Shrinkage Deterrent Award ?
8.What are the incentives provided for storemanager/ASM/CSS/Sr.CSS/CSA/Sr.CSA ?



10.What is the eligibility for employee of the month ?

11.what is the evalution criteria for the employee of the month ?

12.what is the % of attendance needed for employee of the month ?
13.what is the duration for employee of the month ?
14.Who is the authorised person to nominate employee of the month ?
15.What are the minimum days required to be completed in the sales cycle by the employee?

16.What is a STAR PROGRAM?

17.What are the parameters for STAR?
18.What is the % of sales achievement needed for the quarter?
19.What is the % of shrinkage value ?
20.What is the % of F&V dump ?
21.What is the % of SOP scores required ?
22.Do u have knowledge about star ratings will be a qualifier for ?

23.What is CEO trophy ?

24.What is the eligibility criteria ?
25.What are the levels in CEO trophy ?
26.What are the rewards provided for best store PAN INDIA no-1 (champion)
27.What are the rewards provided for best store PAN INDIA no-2 (runner ups)
28.What are the rewards provided for best store at each zone (quarterly)
29.No.of star ratings required for ceo trophy ?
30.What are the incentives provided for storemanager/ASM/CSS/Sr.CSS/CSA/Sr.CSA ?


The role of key groups: senior management:
 This includes an exploration of who holds accountability for employee engagement and
how governance arrangements support it.
 The role of employee engagement as an enabler of change and continuous improvement:
 This explores how employee engagement is used to support the formal mechanisms
and approach to change.
 This also considers how different forms of internal communications are used to support
employee engagement.


Leadership to enhance employee engagement

Work to secure the longer term leadership capability through inclusion of leadership as
a core component of professional training and supporting to develop an appropriate high quality
leadership undergraduate curriculum.
Partnership working to enhance employee engagement
 Complete the review (and take into account the national review findings) to provide
commitment and clarity about the role and strategic focus of the regional partnership

forum. Without this clarity the partnership forum is unlikely to have a strong positive
impact across the system in building employee engagement, indeed it is likely to
undermine it.
 Once this clarity is in place, invest in supporting the partnership capacity to deliver.
This might take the form of secretariat or research support for any work that flows from
the partnership discussions to ensure momentum that is not entirely reliant on the
good will and capacity of individual members.
 Once this clarity is in place, invest in the development of the partnership relationships
so that there is a shared commitment, understanding and trust to fulfil the role. A
mature partnership forum will, for example, produce its own business plan, be able to
rely on the good intentions of others even when the going gets tough, is clear about its
agenda and priorities and follows through on actions. It can then be seen as a model
for local partnership working to follow
 Encourage at local level the active involvement of staff side in the design, prioritisation
and communication of employee engagement strategies
Internal communications
 Aditya Birla Retail to ensure a steady flow of key messages to senior managers across the
system to support the development of understanding and debate around the strategic
direction and creating a better future for patients together with support materials which
make the messages relevant to different staff groups.
Line management development
 To raise the profile and signal the value of great line managers, an option could be to
sponsor an award for best line manager as nominated by their team. This could
include categories that reflect some of the specific line management challenges for
example best line manager of remote workers, best line manager for the development
of potential, etc.
Bottom up service development
 In developing the knowledge base and conference and awards ,
ensure that learning from bottom up service improvement activity is highlighted and
 In the procurement and evaluation of leadership development, consider how improved
employee engagement is included as an outcome.


ADITYA BIRLA RETAIL Employee Engagement Standard

 All leaders and managers are able to describe what they are doing to maintain and improve
employee engagement within the context of their organization.
 The improvements in employee engagement leads to higher productivity and transformational




Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (2007) Employee Engagement

Available online at:

Aditya Birla
Indian retail - United States

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