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Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of SBR considered = 34m x 34m

= 1156 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 1156 m2

No of layers = 2

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 2312 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 439280 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 1156 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 1907400 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 2346680 INR

Area of CCT considered = 16.9m x 12.9m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 218.01 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 218.01 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 218.01 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 41421.9 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 218.01 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 359716.5 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 401138.4 INR

Area of sludge sump and pump house considered = 19.03m x 12.415m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 236.257 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 236.257 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 236.257 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 44888.83 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 236.257 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 389824.05 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 434712.88 INR

Area of Centrifuge considered = 13.60m x 11.55m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 157.08 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 157.08 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 157.08 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 29845.2 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 157.08 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 259182 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 289027.2 INR

Area of RSPH considered = 20.30m x 9.66m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 196.098 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 196.098 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 196.098 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 37258.62 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 196.098 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 323561.7 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 360820.32 INR

Area of Admin Building considered = 25.83m x 14.5m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 374.535 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 374.535 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 374.535 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 71161.65 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 374.535 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 617982.75 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 689144.4 INR

Area of Air Blower considered = 17.60m x 11.90m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 209.44 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 209.44 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 209.44 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 39793.6 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 209.44 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 345576 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 385369.6 INR

Area of PTU considered = 25.345m x 10.550m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 267.389 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 267.389 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 267.389 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 50803.91 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 267.389 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 441191.85 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 491995.76 INR

Area of Guard room considered = 8.6m x 8.6m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 73.96 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 73.96 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 73.96 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 14052.4 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 73.96 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 122034 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 136086.4 INR

Area of Staff quarters considered = 14.42m x 13.46m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 194.09 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 194.09 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 194.09 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 36877.1 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 194.09 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 320248.5 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 357125.6 INR


Area of Septage Holding considered = 10.06m x 10.06m
2.5m+ 2.5m+
= 101.203 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 101.203 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geogrid req = 101.203 m2

Cost Of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 19228.57 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 101.203 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 166984.95 INR

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 186213.52 INR

Area of Roads considered = 107.338m x 4.5m

= 483.021 m2

1 Area of Geogrid layers = 483.021 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 483.021 m2

Cost of Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 91773.99 INR

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 483.021 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = 1650 per m3

Expected cost = 796984.65 INR

Total Area of Geocell/Geogird = 4823.083 m2

Total Expected cost of Geocell/Geogird = 916385.77 INR

Total Quantity of GSB = 3667.083 m3

Total Expected cost of GSB = 6050686.95 INR

Total Expected cost of Soil Stabilization = 6967072.72 INR

If additional piles are provided for Grid 4.5 x 4.5 m to a depth of 4.5m then ,

Estimated number of Piles for SBR = SBR area/(4.5*4.5)

= 57.0864198

Say 60 Piles

Estimated number of Piles for CCT = CCT area /(4.5*4.5)

= 10.7693827

Say 15 Piles

Total number of Piles for additonal stability = 75 Nos

Volume of concrete for one pile (450mm dia) = 0.72 m3

Volume of concrete for one pile (300mm dia) = 0.32 m3

Total volume of Concrete (450mm dia) = 54 m3

Total volume of Concrete (300mm dia) = 24 m3

Cost of M30 grade concrete /m3 = 6000 INR

Cost of concrete for 450mm diameter pile = 324000 INR

Cost of concrete for 300mm diameter pile = 144000 INR

Pile driving Cost /m = 950 INR

Pile drving cost for 4.5m depth = 4275 INR

Total cost for pile driving = 320625 INR

Total cost Pile for 450mm (concrete + driving cost ) = 644625 INR

Total cost Pile for 300mm (concrete + driving cost ) = 464625 INR

If Pile driven with Soil Stabilization then ,

Total Cost = 7611697.72 INR (450mm)

= 7431697.72 INR (300mm)

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of CCT considered = 16.9m x 12.9m

= 218.01 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 218.01 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 218.01 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 41421.9

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 218.01 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 41421.9

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of sludge sump and pump house considered = 19.03m x

= 236.257 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 236.257 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 236.257 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 44888.83

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 236.257 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 44888.83


m3 for 1m depth
Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of Centrifuge considered = 13.60m x 11.55m

= 157.08 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 157.08 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 157.08 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 29845.2

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 157.08 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 29845.2

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of RSPH considered = 20.30m x 9.66m

= 196.098 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 196.098 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 196.098 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 37258.62

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 196.098 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 37258.62

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of ADMIN considered = 25.83m x 14.5m

= 374.535 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 374.535 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 374.535 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 71161.65

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 374.535 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 71161.65

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of BLOWER considered = 17.60m x 11.90m

= 209.44 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 209.44 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 209.44 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 39793.6

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 209.44 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 39793.6

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of PTU considered = 25.345m x 10.550m

= 267.389 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 267.389 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 267.389 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 50803.91

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 267.389 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 50803.91

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of GUARD considered = 8.6m x 8.6m

= 73.96 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 73.96 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 73.96 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 14052.4

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 73.96 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 14052.4

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of STAFF QUATRS considered = 14.42m x 13.46m

= 194.09 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 194.09 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 194.09 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 36877.1

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 194.09 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 36877.1

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of STAFF QUATRS considered = 10.06m x 10.06m

= 101.203 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 101.203 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid req = 101.203 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 19228.57

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 101.203 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GSB = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 19228.57

Soil Stabilization Cost

Area of ROAD considered = 107.338m x 4.5m

= 483.021 m2

1 Area of Geocell/Geogrid layers = 483.021 m2

No of layers = 1

Total area of Geocell/Geogrid re = 483.021 m2

Cost Of geocell /Geogrid = 190 per m2

Expected cost = 91773.99

2 GSB Cost

Quantity = 483.021 m3 for 1m depth

Cost of GS = per m3

Expected cost = 0

Total cost of Soil Stabilization = 91773.99

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