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Far Eastern University AUGUST 2021

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Plate Title: Architectural Lettering
Release Date: Week 2
Duration: 1 Week
Target Submission Date: Week 3

• Write using architectural lettering
• Differentiate the lettering techniques
• Practice writing in all caps, single stroke, Gothic style
Step 1 Use 2 sheets of 15” x 20” Plain white paper
Step 2 Mount the paper on the drafting table. Use T-square or straight edge for paper alignment.
Step 3 Prepare the margins, title block and plate composition.
Step 4 Using your T-square/ruler, draw very light horizontal lines, 1cm apart. Then draw very light vertical lines 1
cm apart. These lines are your guidelines.
Step 5 Divide the paper, the left side is for writing all capital extended letters and numbers and the right side is for
writing all capital condensed letters and numbers.
Step 6 Leave 2 horizontal boxes vacant and use 4cm as the height of all letters. In assessing the width of an
extended letter, use the rule horizontal is equal to vertical, or 4x4. For the condensed letter use a 4x3 rule.
Step 7 Once the alphabet is complete write the paragraph shown on Figure 1
Figure 1 Lettering Techniques
Most architectural lettering is a single-stroke Gothic font. Lettering is drawn freehand and within light horizontal
guidelines. Typically lettering is 1/8” high.
All lettering uses uppercase letters. Lowercase letters are rarely used in technical drawings.
There are three aspects of good lettering: proportions and forms of the letters, composition, spacing and practice.

Criteria for Grading:

Far Eastern University AUGUST 2021
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

Sample layout:

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