Complaint: Commissioner@afp -

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3 Reece Kershaw 31-8-2021
4 Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police
5 Forwarded via email
7 Cc: Mr Scott Morrison via email
8 Advisory Committee on Vaccines, Therapeutic Goods Administration
9 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Pharmacovigilance and Special Access Branch, MDP 122
11 Committee Support Unit, Therapeutic Goods Administration
12 PO Box 100, WODEN ACT 2606 Attn: Scheduling & Committee Support Section, MDP 122
14 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier
16 Mr Martin Pakula,,
18 20210831-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police-
19 Suppl-12-Medical discrimination
21 Sir,
22 I am bombarded with information from my readers but to be honest I have to select certain
23 information because it is beyond my time and ability to put to pen everything alerted to me.
24 Nevertheless, I appreciate readers doing so. But first see how out Chief Health Officers value
25 lives!

30 Officials in Australia are Killing Babies in the Name of COVID
31 August 29, 2021 renegade 0 Comments
32 Four newborn babies in Australian died (aka were murdered) because health officials would not
33 allow them to receive proper care due to COVID restrictions.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 2


4 Yes, this is in my view a clear example how little value is given to a newly born child, when a
5 Premier claims something like: every life” is one too many to lose. It underlines the disregard to
6 human lives!
8 There is these videos:
11 Australian Parliament Introduction of Bill. Dedicated to the truck drivers of the nation.
14 Alex Berenson full speech at CPAC on Censorship, Big Tech Tyranny, and Freedom of
15 Speech
18 Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee
20 - 16 mins
21 Spike protein is very dangerous, it's cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret
22 Weinstein)
25 Our legal team just DESTROYED the 'health experts' in court under oath
31-8-2021 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 3


4 See also the video:
5 Wake Up Australia
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 4

2 (N1) More privacy violation
3 Lorraine <>

4 Mon, 30 Aug at 5:13 pm

5 Received the following from Bevan ...

9 My wife had an appointment with her hairdresser and now is bound to cancel it because
10 Premier Daniel Andrews appears to have dictated that only a person who is vaccinated can attend
11 to a hairdresser. Never mind the hairdresser previously explained to my wife and myself she
12 opposed the scam vaccination regarding COVID-19. As such, this medical discrimination is
13 proceedings unabated to essentially force those who are not vaccinated, regardless of any
14 medical condition that prevents vaccination, to now be provided with ordinary services. An 88
15 year woman is denied even now to go to a hairdresser unless she first places her own life in peril
16 to be jabbed never mind her constitutional rights
18 The following will also make clear that the Framers of the Constitution intended to have CIVIL
19 RIGHTS and LIBERTIES principles embedded in the Constitution;
20 HANSARD 17-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
21 Australasian Convention)
23 the protection of certain fundamental rights and liberties which every individual citizen is entitled to
24 claim that the federal government shall take under its protection and secure to him.
27 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
29 Mr. HIGGINS.-Suppose the sentry is asleep, or is in the swim with the other power?
31 Mr. GORDON.-There will be more than one sentry. In the case of a federal law, every member of a
32 state Parliament will be a sentry, and, every constituent of a state Parliament will be a sentry.
33 As regards a law passed by a state, every man in the Federal Parliament will be a sentry, and the whole
34 constituency behind the Federal Parliament will be a sentry.
37 In Leeth v Commonwealth,
39 “the essential or underlying theoretical equality of all persons under the law and before the courts is and has been a
40 fundamental and generally beneficial doctrine of the common law and a basic prescript of the administration of
41 justice under our system of government.”
43 Furthermore, the making of coercive statements to force people to get vaccinated would effectively amount to an indirect
44 form of mandatory vaccination. Indeed, from a constitutional point of view, the jurisprudence of the High Court indicates
45 that what cannot be done directly, cannot be achieved indirectly without violating s. 51 of the Constitution.
47 This point is also addressed in a comment of Justice Webb in British Medical Association v Commonwealth:
48 “If Parliament cannot lawfully do this directly by legal means it cannot lawfully do it indirectly by creating a situation,
49 as distinct from merely taking advantage of one, in which the individual is left no real choice but compliance”.
51 I have previous indicated that in my view the Federal Government holding a person in
52 QUARANTINE having been assessed by a medical doctor to suffer from a “man-kind”
53 infectious disease then could pursue that the person is treated regarding the disease by a qualified
54 medical doctor (specialist), and this may include a special vaccination if this is required to
55 overcome the infectious disease. However, I do not accept that the Federal Government can
31-8-2021 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 5

1 pursue persons to be allegedly placed in QUARANTINE, not having been assessed by a medical
2 doctor to be a person at risk of having a “man-kind” infectious disease and neither can have
3 others do so on its behalf. Obviously, the Federal Government can neither itself or use others to
4 do so on its behalf, to demand anyone to be vaccinated to suit its “national immunisation
5 campaign” that has in my view no basis in law for the Federal government to pursue. Neither to
6 allow the States to use all kinds of terrorizing demands/restrictions that effectively means that
7 unvaccinated Australians and other persons (such as visitors) are treated as second class citizens.
9 In my view Premier Daniel Andrews, for example, must be required to provide reliable evidence
10 that the “cases” he so often use as a ground to apply all kinds of restrictions (and this is not
11 intended to mean I agree with any or all of those restrictions to be valid in law if such evidence
12 were to be presented) are based upon his “COVID” “CASES” and each and everyone can be
13 established by proper medical science, that they are based upon the “isolated”/“purified” SARS-
14 CoV-2 virus and not something else. If he fails to present this indisputable evidence then he
15 ought to be charged for terrorism, treason, crimes against humanity, and other criminal offences
16 that may be applicable to be charged with. And the Chief Health Officer Sutton likewise be
17 charged. Both also for having misused telecommunication facilities to terrorize Australians and
18 others by their in various manners scaremongering conduct.
20 If Joe Blow was to call out that there is a bomb and cause panic and even resulted in harm
21 inflicted upon Australians when there never was a bomb then no doubt he could face various
22 criminal charges. Well, in my view claiming time and time again that there are COVID
23 “CASES” then this cannot be any lesser as a criminal offence. Joe Blow if he would use
24 telecommunication to make threats about a bomb, etc, regardless he may not actually have one
25 can nevertheless be charged for making those threats. Likewise where Premier Daniel Andrews
26 and others are making claims about COVID-19 and this causes untold harm to many innocent
27 persons then the full force of the law must be applied.
29 I do not accept that Premier Daniel Andrews, the Chief Health Officer or others working with
30 them to achieve their form of terrorism can then be excused of having exemption of prosecution,
31 this as first of all Premier Daniel Andrews has no legal position to implement or otherwise apply
32 any “national immunisation campaign”. Not even Scott Morrison and/or Greg Hunt can seek
33 exempotion from prosecution as there is no such constitutional power to pursue a “national
34 immunisation campaign”. The fact that as I understand it Scott Morrison was the architect of
35 the “No Jab, No play” also may underline that this is a repeat, albeit more drastically where the
36 thumbs his nose on the constitution and its limitations.
40 action_3964903.html?utm_source=morningbriefnoe&utm_medium=email2&utm_campaign=mb-2021-08-
41 26&mktids=10bf66daf178c8a11b83895a46f65f79&est=EhpffzOTqngvZ2CgXz8H0HOfQ08NXocG%2FSYiV7vyJv4zYwm4hh
42 LQ0%2FsnhdkuGG0wg3a4G4rSd55W
43 Vaccine Mandate in Ecuador Province Defeated by Legal Action (

45 Vaccine Mandate in Ecuador

46 Province Defeated by Legal Action
49 August 25, 2021 Updated: August 26, 2021
31-8-2021 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 A grassroots organization defeated a government-backed COVID-19 vaccine

2 mandate in Ecuador’s Loja Province on Aug 5.
3 On July 6, the Emergency Operations Committee (EOC), which is a crisis response branch
4 of Ecuador’s state-level government, released a decree mandating COVID-19 vaccines for
5 province residents over 16 years of age by Aug. 9.
6 The decree, which came as a shock to residents, imposed restrictions on unvaccinated
7 individuals, including entry into government buildings, bill payment locations, banks,
8 restaurants and other areas of daily commerce.
9 Nick Vasey, the founder of Human Rights Ecuador, spoke to The Epoch Times about the
10 steps his organization took before the mandate went into effect.
11 “You had to extrapolate the real end result of all this,” Vasey said. “They [EOC] gave the
12 Ecuadorian community zero time to respond to their decree and planned to steamroll the
13 population.”
14 Human Rights Ecuador is a Loja-based group that promotes medical freedom.
15 Vasey’s lawyer filed injunction paperwork against the EOC on July 30. The lawyer then
16 scheduled a meeting for Aug. 3 with the Loja Ombudsman’s office. This proved to be a
17 critical step since the provincial ombudsman could override the measure put forward by
18 the EOC. Consequently, the Loja Ombudsman’s office released a statement released a
19 statement (
20 exigir-carnet-de-vacunacion/ on Aug. 5 dismissing the vaccine mandate on the grounds of
21 it being “unconstitutional.”
22 Vasey added, “There was formidable and constitutionally binding human rights opposition
23 to the proposed measure.”
24 Ecuador’s Constitution guarantees citizens the right of refusal and treats all citizens
25 without distinction of political ideology, socio-economic or cultural condition as equal
26 before the law. Human Rights Ecuador claims on its website that the proposed vaccine
27 mandate is also contrary to the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human
28 Rights, which takes precedence over local regulations under Article 425 of Ecuador’s
29 constitution.
30 On Aug. 5, the Constitutional Court of Ecuador ruled against extending the state of
31 emergency in the provinces of Guayas and El Oro, which was originally requested by
32 President Guillermo Lasso’s government. The newly elected President Lasso took office
33 on May 24 of this year and claimed he would vaccinate 9 million people in the first 100
34 days of his administration. However, without the extended state of emergency, the EOC
35 lacks the administrative power to push COVID-19 vaccines.
36 Vasey asserted that Loja was just the proving ground for a vaccine mandate program being
37 drafted by different state governments, of which Guayaquil is likely to be the next.
38 Guayaquil is Ecuador’s most populous city with over 5 million residents, in a nation of
39 17.9 million people.
40 The tiny South American nation suffered considerably in the first and second waves of
41 the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic. Nearly 32,000 people died of
42 COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP virus, commonly known as the novel
43 coronavirus.
44 Images surfaced last year of dead bodies being left in the streets outside residential homes
45 and hospitals due to a critical lack of available resources to handle the fast accumulating
46 number of victims. The grim phenomenon was especially prevalent in Guayaquil, many of
47 whose residents remain fearful of the effects of the virus.
48 Ecuador has administered at least 15,516,237 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to date. During
49 the last week, the country administered an average of around 250,098 doses per day.
50 The Minister of Public Health, Ximena Garzón, released a statement on June 9 explaining
51 her department will continue coordinating with the armed forces and National Electoral
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 Council to set up mass vaccination centers nationwide. Many of the aforementioned

2 centers are voting locations that were used during the general election earlier this year.
3 The Epoch Times contacted the EOC office in Loja for comment with no response.
6 I have previously already referred to the polio scam where infected polio vaccines were used
7 upon Australian children and now will add some other expose. In my view it is totally irrelevant
8 if any contaminated polio vaccination had already been used, as the moment it was established
9 the vaccine was contaminated then in law it should never have been allowed to continue to be
10 used, as well as that all and any child injected with the contaminated polio vaccine should have
11 its parents/guardian notified with precise details, etc.
14 ones?utm_campaign=&utm_content=Zerohedge%3A+The+Durden+Dispatch&utm_medium=e
15 mail&utm_source=zh_newsletter
16 What The Polio Vaccines Can Teach Us About The COVID Ones
19 SATURDAY, AUG 28, 2021 - 10:30 PM
20 Authored by Peter Surkiss via American Thinker (emphasis ours),

21 Prior to the 1950s, paralytic polio was a scourge. FDR was crippled from it while in his
22 30s, the March of Dimes was started to combat it, and photos of rows and rows of children in
23 iron lungs were common in the media. From this situation, vaccines were developed to combat
24 the disease.

25 Iron Lung
26 (Image: Library of Congress via Picryl, public domain)
27 Recommended Videos
28 Polio is caused by one of three types of poliovirus that can cause paralysis and death. In the
29 1950s, two vaccines were independently developed to combat it, one by Jonas Salk and the
30 other by Albert Sabin. Polio was eradicated, and today those vaccines are thought of
31 as miracle drugs. But were they?
31-8-2021 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 In the early 1950s, Salk was the first to come out with a vaccine. His was designed to treat all
2 three polio viruses at once. His approach seemed basic enough. It was to grow polioviruses in
3 the lab, kill them, and then inject healthy children with the dead viruses. The idea was that
4 the dead viruses could not reproduce, so they could not harm the children. The
5 children's immune system, however, would detect the injected viruses and produce effective
6 antibodies against them, thus creating immunity against polio.

7 Just prior to beginning mass inoculations, samples of the Salk vaccine were sent to the
8 National Institutes of Health (NIH) for safety testing.

9 There, when bacteriologist Dr. Bernice Eddy injected the vaccine into her monkeys, some
10 of them fell down paralyzed. She concluded that the virus was not entirely dead as
11 promised. Instead, the virus was active and could reproduce in its host. Eddy sounded the
12 alarm and presented her findings. A debate ensued in the corridors of power. Advocates for
13 caution were overruled, and the mass inoculation proceeded on schedule.

14 The inoculation of children began in 1955. Within days, some injected children were
15 coming down with polio. Some were even spreading the disease to
16 family members. Subsequent investigations determined that the vaccine had caused 40,000
17 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and ten dead. Alton
18 Ochsner, a professor of surgery at Tulane Medical School, was such a strong proponent of
19 proceeding with the inoculation program that he gave vaccine injections to his grandchildren to
20 prove that it was safe. Ochsner's grandson died from polio a few months later, and his
21 granddaughter contracted polio but survived.

22 This fiasco has become known as the Cutter incident. It's named after the manufacturer of the
23 vaccine. The vaccine was recalled and retested for safety, but the damage had already been
24 done in the mind of the public.

25 Let's continue to the second version of the polio vaccine, the Sabin.

26 In 1957, inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) and live but weakened oral poliovirus vaccines
27 (OPV) were prepared in primary cell cultures derived from rhesus monkey kidneys.

28 According to the American Association for Cancer Research, it was later determined that
29 the vaccines made from these cultures were contaminated with the infectious cancer-
30 causing virus SV40. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention estimates that up to 30
31 percent of the polio vaccines administered from 1957 to 1963 contained this cancer-causing
32 monkey virus. Dr. Eddy was involved in the discovery of that, too, despite being shunted off
33 to other research after her first discovery.

34 Did this result in a cancer epidemic? Some believe that it did, as there was a sharp rise in
35 soft tissue cancer in the following decades. The medical establishment disagrees, saying only
36 a "small" number of cancer cases can be traced to the polio vaccines. In any event, it was a
37 fact that a cancer-causing virus was present in the polio vaccines and that the government kept
38 the public in the dark. This was done to avoid mass hysteria and to prevent the wrecking of the
39 public's confidence in medicine and vaccines in particular.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 One result of the damage caused by these initial polio vaccines is that strict new safety
2 regulations and procedures were instituted. Also, legislation was passed to exempt vaccine
3 manufacturers from civil damages due to the side-effects of their vaccines. 42 U.S. Code
4 300aa-22 — Standard of responsibility states: "No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a
5 civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the
6 administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988."

7 Polio is practically unknown today. But is that because of the vaccines or other
8 factors? Note, polio is spread by contact with infected feces, which often happens from poor
9 hand-washing. It can be spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water. In some
10 cases, it can be spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes infected droplets into the
11 air. It would seem that as hygiene improved and sanitation got better, polio would
12 diminish. This was all known in the 1950s.

13 Whatever the case, a takeaway lesson from the early polio vaccines is that haste makes
14 waste. Back then, those vaccines were rushed out to the public without being adequately
15 tested due to panic over the disease. One has to wonder if the same sort of thing isn't
16 happening today with the COVID vaccines. There are similarities between what happened
17 then and what's unfolding now, chief among them political pressure for a magic-bullet cure. Is
18 it possible or even likely that political pressure has compromised the safety protocols and
19 standard procedures at the FDA and Big Pharma which are there to ensure only safe vaccines
20 are issued for public use? Time will tell.
23 Let us not ignore the children doomed to an iron lung or other lifelong health issues because
24 scientist, medical doctors and others couldn’t give a hood about the harm they inflicted upon
25 those children by using contaminated polio vaccines.
26 What is clear is that we have so called scientist and medical doctors who do not value quality of
27 life of others very important, let alone their lives. In my view, far too often scientist and medical
28 doctors have gotten away with horrendous harm inflicted upon the many and it is time to stop
29 this rot. Politicians who nevertheless seeks to push this wheelbarrow as to advance their own
30 power base must also be held legally accountable.
33 deaths.aspx?ui=2452e48ee850e01d1c6738932cddb7dcaf9043a15984f355d7aa522cd46b564a&sd=20201124&cid_s
34 ource=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210830_HL2&mid=DM972091&rid=1249548022

35 60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From

36 COVID Are Double Vaxxed
39 americas-frontline-doctors/
40 Important Information to Employers from America’s Frontline
41 Doctors
42 By Gary G. Kohls, MD August 30, 2021

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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4 As your employee, I am requesting that you review this document, provide
5 the requisite information (item 14), and sign the form, in regards to your
6 (proposed) requirement that I be inoculated with one of Big Pharma’s
7 experimental Covid-19 vaccines.
9 The statements below apply tostudents or members of the US Military who
10 are also threatened with being vaccinated – against their will – with
11 experimental vaccines that have not yet been tested for long-term safety
12 or efficacy.

13 1) If I agree to receive an EUA (experimental) Covid-19 injection, does

14 my employee health insurance plan provide
15 complete coverage should I experience an adverse even, or even
16 death?
17 2) As an employee, does my life insurance policy provide any
18 coverage in the event that I die from
19 receiving an EUA Covid-19 injection?
20 3) As an employee, will you be providing Workers’ Compensation,
21 disability insurance, or other
22 resources if I have an adverse event to an EUA Covid-19 injection
23 and am unable to come to work for
24 days, weeks, or months, or if I am disabled for life?
25 4) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that EUA
26 vaccine recipients be provided with
27 certain vaccine-specific information to help them make an informed
28 decision about vaccination.8
29 The EUA fact sheets that must be provided are specific to each
30 authorized Covid-19 injection and are
31 developed by the manufacturers of the injections (Pfizer/BioNTech,
32 Moderna, Oxford/AstraZeneca,
33 and the Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Janssen). The fact sheets
34 must provide the most current and
35 up-to-date information on the injections, and vaccine recipients must also
36 receive information about
37 adverse events. Have you read, understood, and provided me (and all
38 other employees) with these
39 fact sheets and with current information on adverse events so that I/we
40 can make an educated
41 decision?
42 5) Have you reviewed the available databases of material adverse events
43 reported to date for
44 people who have received Covid-19 injections?9,10,11,12 Potential and
45 reported adverse events include
46 death, anaphylaxis, neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders,
47 other long-term chronic diseases,
48 blindness and deafness, infertility, fetal damage, miscarriage, and
49 stillbirth.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 11

1 6) The FDA’s guidance13 on emergency use authorization of

2 medical products requires the FDA to
3 “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given
4 the applicable circumstances…
5 [t]hat they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA
6 product….” Are you aware of this statement?
7 Have you informed all employees that they have the option to refuse?
8 7) With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the
9 Federal Food, Drug and
10 Cosmetic Act, Title 21 U.S.C. 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(I-III)14 reiterates that
11 individuals be informed of “the
12 option to accept or refuse administration of the product, [and] of the
13 consequences, if any, of
14 refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the
15 product that are available and of
16 their benefits and risks.” If EUA Covid-19
17 investigational/experimental vaccines are ever approved by the
18 FDA, state legislation would be required to allow companies to
19 mandate the Covid-19 injections. Are you aware of these facts?
20 8) EUA products are unapproved, unlicensed, and experimental. Under the
21 Nuremberg Code—the
22 foundation of ethical medicine—no one may be coerced to participate
23 in a medical experiment. The
24 individual’s consent is absolutely essential. No court has ever upheld
25 a mandate for an EUA vaccine. In
26 Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003)15, a federal court held
27 that the U.S. military could not
28 mandate EUA vaccines for soldiers: “…[T]he United States cannot
29 demand that members of the
30 armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs” (Id.
31 at 135). Are you aware of this?
32 9) The United States Code of Federal Regulaons16 and the FDA require the
33 informed consent of
34 human subjects for medical research. The EUA Covid-19 injections are
35 unapproved, unlicensed,
36 investigational vaccines that are still in their experimental stage. It is
37 unlawful to conduct medical
38 research on a human being, even in the event of an emergency,
39 unless steps are taken to secure the
40 informed consent of all participants. Are you aware of this?
41 10) According to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guidelines17 and the
42 FTC’s “Truth in Advertising,”18
43 promotional material—and especially material involving health-related
44 products—cannot mislead
45 consumers, omit important information, or express claims. All of this falls
46 under the rubric of
47 “deceptive advertising” (whereby a company is providing or endorsing a
48 product), whether presented
49 in the form of an ad, on a website, through email, on a poster, or in the
50 mail. For example, statements
51 such as “all employees are required to get the Covid-19 vaccine to make
31-8-2021 Page 11 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 12

1 the workspace safe” or “it’s

2 safe and effective” leave out critical information.

3 Critical information includes the facts that Covid-19 injections are

4 unapproved EUA vaccines that “may” or “may not” prevent Covid, won’t
5 necessarily make the workspace safer, and could in fact cause harm.

6 Not providing links or attachments of the manufacturers’ fact

7 sheets and current information on adverse events is omitting
8 safety information. Are you aware of this?
9 11) Since the Covid lockdowns began over one year ago, there have been
10 over 178 reported breaches
11 of unsecured Protected Health Information (PHI), incidents investigated by
12 the Office for Civil Rights
13 (OCR). These breaches exposed millions of people’s personal health
14 information. Although many of
15 these incidents were attributed to hacking, some of the breaches to PHI fell
16 directly under the 1996
17 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), such as
18 sharing a patient’s or person’s
19 information with an unauthorized individual or incorrectly handling PHI.19
20 Can you please explain your
21 obligations to me, under HIPAA law, and how you are going to protect
22 my personal information –
23 both with respect to your requirement that I receive this injection?
24 12) Whereas pharmaceutical companies that manufacture EUA vaccines
25 have been protected from
26 liability related to injuries or deaths caused by experimental agents since
27 the PREP Act1 was enacted in
28 2005, companies and all other institutions or individuals who mandate
29 experimental vaccines on
30 any human being are not protected from liability. Are you aware that
31 you do not enjoy such liability
32 protection?
33 13) Are you aware that employees could file a civil suit against you
34 should they suffer an adverse
35 event, death, or termination from their place of employment?
36 ____________________________________________________________
37 ____________________
38 14) As the legally authorized officer of the company, I have read all of the
39 above information,
40 have provided my employees/students with all of the information that the
41 FDA requires be provided to
42 recipients of the Covid-19 injections, and do hereby agree to assume
43 100%, financial responsibility for
44 covering any and all expenses from adverse events, including death,
45 through insurance coverage or
46 directly. In addition, I affirm that the employee will not be subjected to the
47 loss of their job should
48 they decline to receive a Covid-19 injection.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 13

1 Endnotes:
2 1. Congressional Research Service. The PREP Act and COVID-19: Liming
3 Liability for Medical Countermeasures. Updated Mar. 19,
4 2021. hJps://
5 2. Del Bigtree interviews 3 medical professionals incapacitated by Covid
6 injections. The Highwire, Apr. 29, 2021.
7 hJps://
8 3. America’s Frontline Doctors. Vaccines & the law.
9 hJps://
10 4. Layton, Catharine. Forced to get the COVID vaccine? ICAN may be able
11 to help. The Defender, Jan. 29, 2021.
12 hJps://
13 ican-may-be-able-to-help/.
14 5. hJps://,les/Vaccine%20AJorneys.pdf.
15 6. The Solari Report. Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19
16 injections. Mar. 1, 2021. hJps://
17 ,nancial-disclosure-form-for-covid-19-injecons/.
18 7. The Solari Report. Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities
19 Requiring Covid-19 Injections. May 3, 2021.
20 hJps://
21 universies-requiring-covid-19-injecons/
22 8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID-19 Vaccine
23 Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Fact Sheets for Recipients
24 and Caregivers. hJps://

25 9. UK Medical Freedom Alliance. COVID-19 Vaccine Info.

26 hJps://
27 10. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. hJps://
28 11. CDC WONDER. About the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
29 (VAERS). hJps://
30 12. National Vaccine Information Center. Search the U.S.
31 Government’s VAERS Data. hJps://
32 13. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Emergency Use
33 Authorization of Medical Products and Related Authorities:
34 Guidance for Industry and Other Stakeholders. January 2017.
35 hJps://
36 14. 21 U.S. Code § 360bbb–3 – Authorization for medical products for
37 use in emergencies.
38 hJps://
39 15. Doe #1 v. Rumsfeld, 297 F. Supp. 2d 119 (2003).
40 hJps://
41 16.
42 hJps://
43 bpartB_secon50.24#regulaon_2.
44 17. Federal Trade Commission. Advertising FAQ’s: A Guide for Small
45 Business.
46 hJps://
47 faqs-guide-small-business.
48 18. Federal Trade Commission. Truth in Advertising.
49 hJps://
50 19. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office for Civil
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1 Rights. Breach Portal: Noce to the Secretary of HHS Breach of

2 Unsecured Protected Health Information.
3 hJps://;jsessionid=618
4 E88DD94EE65D46D5785CB2A64355
5 The Best of Gary G. Kohls, MD
6 Dr. Kohls [send him mail] is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. In the
7 decade prior to his retirement, he practiced what could best be described as
8 “holistic (non-drug) and preventive mental health care”. Since his retirement, he
9 has written a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, an alternative newsweekly
10 magazine. His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American imperialism,
11 friendly fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, and the dangers of Big Pharma,
12 psychiatric drugging, the over-vaccinating of children and other movements that
13 threaten American democracy, civility, health and longevity and the future of the
14 planet. Many of his columns are archived
15 at, or at
16 Copyright © Gary G. Kohls, MD
19 Why is these kinds of information not disclosed on the Department of Health website to ensure
20 that any Australian directed to this website are provided with accurate up-to-date information
21 about all and any risk associated with being jabbed! It appears to me that the Department of
22 Health should be more concerned about “health” issues and not pursue some “national
23 immunisation campaign” and by this conceal relevant details from those who consult its
24 website. It is absurd that a Department of Health scandalously uses its website for no more but to
25 pursue “political science” rather than to base its advice upon proven scientific information. It
26 first and foremost task should have been to pursue has an actual “isolated”/“purified” SARS-
27 CoV-2 virus so it could make appropriate recommendations AFTER “clinical trials” were
28 completed. However, its obsession to pursue a “national immunisation campaign” regardless
29 of the serious side effects as well as death as result of any jabbing I view means they are
30 negligent in their laid up duties and obligations. In my view, a “national immunisation
31 campaign” can only be justified if there is an indisputable proven “man-kind” infectious disease
32 that medical doctors have certified to exist with numerous persons. Not some “brain-bubble”
33 that well there might be some disease we can use to cripple the nation and advance our misuse
34 and abuse of power. Even then a “national immunisation campaign” can only be applicable to
35 those who are infected with a “man-kind” disease and not for healthy persons to be subjected to a
36 bombardment of scare mongering advertisements, etc. It never can be used, as is now being
37 done, to deny healthy persons their ordinary rights to move about and/or earn a living as to force
38 them to accept some dangerous poisonous harmful jabbing that has no known long term
39 information, etc.
41 If it's safe for big projects, why not small
42 Senator Zed Seselja <>


44 Mon, 30 Aug at 2:53 pm

46 Dear G. H
48 We know the lockdown is tough here in Canberra for so many, especially those who don’t have the
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1 opportunity of being able to work from home. We know in particular that there have been a lot of
2 small and medium businesses that have been hit really hard.
4 I have been fighting for some sensible changes, and we did get some last week. We saw click and
5 collect as well as contactless delivery now be permitted for small operators, and that is a great
6 thing.
8 We also saw an announcement on the building and construction industry being able to re-open
9 from Friday and I welcome that. Unfortunately, this announcement from Andrew Barr and the ACT
10 Labor Government decided to exclude all businesses in the residential construction sector. They
11 will allow Government, large-scale and civil construction to open, but if you are building someone
12 a home, you are not welcome to return. It is outrageous.
14 These are family businesses who have very few people on a site at a time. If it is safe for a project
15 with 50-100 staff on a site to re-open then why isn’t it safe for a small business, doing a small
16 residential job, with only a handful of staff on site at any given time?
18 The Federal Government is providing assistance to businesses and individuals however, where
19 businesses are able to operate safely, we need to keep them open and keep people in jobs – it is the
20 best option. Not everyone has the ability to work from home. We need to strike a better balance
21 between protecting lives and protecting livelihoods.
23 Share your views with me, I would love to hear from you.
25 Regards,
28 How on earth can a State Government interfere with , as in Victoria, Year 12 students back to
29 school but not others and playgrounds being off limits. While much may be claimed about
30 SARS-CoV-2 being a computer designed virus upon which pharmaceutical companies designed
31 their deadly so called “vaccines”, nevertheless I doubt that this alleged “virus” has been
32 programmed to go along with whatever some state government may from time to time apply as
33 restrictions.
34 Yes, I admit my computer re-sets my computer time automatically pending summer time and the
35 end of it, however I am not going to accept that some alleged “virus” now has been programmed
36 to not attack year 12 students but everyone else it can. Likewise, I do not accept that people can
37 attend to large supermarkets and be free from being infected with this alleged “virus” but that if
38 they go to some small store then well they are in danger as this alleged “killer virus” is then
39 lurking around to try to perhaps kill people.
40 Then we have those curfews as if the claimed “killer virus” will observe not to attack all those
41 working for the government on road projects, etc, but if you are daring to even step outside your
42 property then the “killer virus” will be there knowing you do not have a permit to do so and so
43 you are fair game. Who can ignore that a Government dictates that at a certain time on a certain
44 date certain restriction are coming in force. So, the claimed “killer virus” can then record it on its
45 calendar and set its watch to make sure not to do anything before the time and date arrives. This
46 is AI (Artificial Intelligence) by far overdone, as I view a so called “killer virus” really couldn’t
47 give a hood what any government may dictate. If there is a “killer virus” it will be harmful
48 regardless of any person holding a special permit or time of day, etc.
50 I will refer to an email of Mr Michael Wood, one of my concerned readers regarding AHPRA. In
51 my view there can be absolutely no doubt that AHPRA and Boards it refers to are on a
52 “POLITICAL SCIENCE” quest rather than on “MEDICAL SCIENCE”.

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1 For example, it pursues that all practitioners (medical practitioners, etc,) to be vaccinated
2 regarding COVID-19.
4 20210830-Michael Wood-Ahpra_Position_statement_COVID_19_vaccination_position_statement
6 GY Ahpra & National Boards
7 Position statement
8 9 March 2021
9 Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination
10 What you need to know
11 Vaccination is a crucial part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many
12 registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in
13 educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high
14 participation rates.
16 National Boards strongly encourage all registered health practitioners and students
17 (particularly those undertaking placements in various practice settings) to have the full
18 COVID-19 vaccination course as scheduled unless medically contraindicated.
20 National Boards expect registered health practitioners and students to:
21 1. be appropriately qualified and trained to administer COVID-19 vaccines if authorised, and
22 2. provide accurate information and advice about COVID-19 vaccination including in social
23 media and advertising.
25 As health practitioners and students are members of the general community, vaccination will
26 contribute to achieving the highest possible level of immunity across the community, will
27 provide practitioners and students with a level of protection for their own health if exposed to
28 the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
30 Introduction
32 The National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme) for Australian
33 health practitioners commenced on 1 July 2010 under the Health Practitioner Regulation
34 National Law Act (the National Law) as in force in each state and territory.
36 The 15 National Health Practitioner Boards (National Boards) work in partnership with the
37 Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) to protect the health and safety of
38 the public.
40 National Boards have approved registration standards, codes and guidelines that together form
41 part of the regulatory framework for each profession. These frameworks guide the
42 professional practice of registered health practitioners in Australia.
44 This position statement states the National Boards’ expectations of Australian registered
45 health practitioners in regard to:
46  being vaccinated against COVID-19,
47  administering COVID-19 vaccines, and
48  providing advice and information about COVID-19 vaccination. '

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1 This position statement explains how the Boards’ existing regulatory frameworks apply to
2 COVID-19 vaccination. It should be read in conjunction with the standards, codes, guidelines,
3 position statements and other guidance published by National Boards.
5 1 COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV 2.
6 Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
7 GPO Box 9958 Melbourne VIC 3001 www. 1300 419 495
8 Ahpra and the National Boards regulate these registered health professions: Aboriginal and
9 Torres Strait Islander health practice, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, dental, medical,
10 medical radiation practice, midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry,
11 osteopathy, paramedicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology.
13 This position statement is based on information available in March 2021. Information about
14 COVID-19 and vaccination is still developing and this position statement will be regularly
15 reviewed.
17 Practitioners should check the public health advice from Commonwealth, State and Territory
18 Health Departments for the most recent information about COVID-19 and vaccination.
19 Relevant links are included at the end of this position statement and published on the COVID-
20 19 section of the Ahpra website.
22 National Boards’ position on COVID-19 vaccination for registered health practitioners
24 Vaccination is a crucial part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many
25 registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in
26 educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high
27 participation rates.
29 Registered health practitioners who are trained, educated and competent in all aspects of
30 vaccine management and administration and who are authorised under relevant drugs and
31 poisons legislation can administer a COVID-19 vaccine.
33 Registered health practitioners who are authorised to administer COVID-19 vaccines will be
34 required to complete additional training related to the handling and administration of the
35 vaccines, including the Commonwealth Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccination
36 training program.
38 Vaccination of health practitioners and students serves specific purposes, including:
40  as health practitioners and students are members of the general community, vaccination
41 will contribute to achieving the highest possible level of immunity across the community,
42 and
43  vaccination will provide practitioners and students with a level of protection in relation to
44 their own health if exposed to the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 at work or
45 elsewhere.
47 National Boards strongly encourage all registered health practitioners and students
48 (particularly those undertaking placements in various practice settings) to have the full
49 COVID-19 vaccination course as scheduled unless medically contraindicated.

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1 This is consistent with the National Boards’ expectations, as set out in the codes of conduct or
2 their equivalent that practitioners have a responsibility to participate in efforts to promote the
3 health of communities and meet obligations with respect to disease prevention including
4 vaccination, health screening and the reporting of notifiable diseases.
6 Regardless of their own vaccination status, health practitioners must ensure that there are
7 appropriate measures in place in their practice to manage any risk of transmission of the novel
8 coronavirus that causes COVID-19 to patients, colleagues and the community.
10 Administering and storing vaccines
12 All vaccines must be administered and stored in accordance with the relevant legislation, best
13 practice, organisational requirements, vaccination program requirements and the guidelines
14 and recommendations of the Australian Immunisation Handbook (the Handbook). 3 National
15 Boards recognise the Handbook as providing current, evidence-based advice to health
16 practitioners about the safe and effective use of vaccines and the public health benefits
17 associated with vaccination. Health practitioners must also ensure that up to date and
18 reputable sources of information are accessed to support the provision of advice and
19 information about COVID-19 vaccines.
21 Conscientious objection
23 In the case of a conscientious objection about receiving, authorising, prescribing or
24 administering COVID-19 vaccination, practitioners must inform their employer and/or other
25 relevant colleagues
27 2 In addition, section 11.2.4 of Good medical practice, states that good medical practice for
28 medical practitioners involves making sure you are immunised against relevant
29 communicable diseases. 3 Commonwealth Department of Health (2020). Australian
30 COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. See:
31 programs/covid-19-vaccines/about-covid-19-vaccines/australias-covid-19-vaccination-
32 policy Position statement: Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19
33 vaccination Page 2 of 5
35 (where necessary) of their objection as soon as reasonably practical. For example, a
36 practitioner’s personal beliefs may form the basis of a conscientious objection to particular
37 treatments.
39 In addition to the above, it is important that practitioners inform their patient or client of their
40 conscientious objection where relevant to the patient or client’s treatment or care. In
41 informing their patient or client of a conscientious objection to COVID-19 vaccination,
42 practitioners must be careful not to discourage their patient or client from seeking vaccination.
43 Practitioners authorised to prescribe and/or administer the vaccine but who have a
44 conscientious objection must ensure appropriate referral options are provided for vaccination.
46 While some health practitioners may have a conscientious objection to COVID-19
47 vaccination, all practitioners, including students on placement, must comply with local
48 employer, health service or health department policies, procedures and guidelines
49 relating to COVID-19 vaccination. Any queries about these should be directed towards the
50 individual employer, health service, state or territory health department and/or education
51 provider for registered students. National Boards regulate individual practitioners and not
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 health services or state and territory health departments. Queries about COVID-19
2 vaccination programs should be directed to the Commonwealth, state and territory
3 governments which are responsible for these programs.
5 COVID-19 vaccination information sharing and social media
7 National Boards expect all health practitioners to use their professional judgement and the
8 best available evidence in practice. This includes when providing information to the public
9 about public health issues such as COVID-19 and vaccination. When advocating for
10 community and population health, health practitioners must also use their expertise and
11 influence to protect and advance the health and wellbeing of individuals as well as
12 communities and broader populations.
14 Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best
15 available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation
16 campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be
17 in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory
18 action.
20 National Boards have developed social media guidance to help registered health practitioners
21 understand and meet their obligations when using social media. The guidance explains that
22 registered health practitioners must make sure that their social media activity is consistent
23 with the regulatory framework for their profession and does not contradict or counter public
24 health campaigns or messaging, such as the Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
26 Health practitioners are reminded that it is an offence under the National Law to advertise a
27 regulated health service4 (including via social media) in a way that is false, misleading or
28 deceptive. Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about COVID-
29 19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra.
31 Concerns about the conduct or practice of a health practitioner can be reported to Ahpra via
32 the Ahpra concerns submission portal. National Boards can consider whether the practitioner
33 has breached their professional obligations and will treat these matters seriously and in
34 accordance with established procedure.
36 More information
38 Additional guidance from National Boards
40 The Chiropractic Board of Australia’s Statement on the provision of health information
41 contains important information for chiropractors on vaccination and information sharing.
43 The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s Position statement on nurses, midwives and
44 vaccination provides important information for nurses and midwives on vaccination and
45 information sharing.
47 4 A regulated health service is a service provided by, or usually provided by, a health
48 practitioner (as defined in the National Law).
49 Position statement: Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination
50 Page 3 of 5
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1 National public health information about COVID-19 and vaccination

3 is the official site for the latest information on the novel coronavirus
4 pandemic. Information about national vaccination policy is available from: Commonwealth
5 Department of Health (2020). Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. See:
7 vaccines/australias-covid-19-vaccination-policy.
9 Information about the COVID-19 vaccination training program is available on the
10 Department of Health website. See:
11 vaccines/covid-19- vaccination-training-program
13 The Therapeutic Goods Administration website provides valuable information on COVID-19
14 vaccines, including information about advertising COVID-19 vaccines. See:

19 Position statement: Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination
20 Page
21 4 of 5
23 Document control
25 Approved by All National Boards
26 Date approved 7 March 2021
27 Date commenced 9 March 2021
29 Position statement: Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination
30 Page 5 of 5

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1 As this document issued by AHPRA a Commonwealth Department about “Position statement:

2 Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19 vaccination” then I view this
3 violates:
5 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
7 (xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment,
8 unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services
9 (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family
10 allowances;
13 In my view, this is a collusion/conspiracy to cause medical practitioners and others to comply
14 with “conscription” requirements via a backdoor manner, this even so to my understanding
15 neither AHPRA or for that any medical board has as yet been able to establish by
16 “isolating”/“purifying” the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus.
18 I recall to attend to VicRoads that I had paid my son’s driver’s license renewal. VicRoads denied
19 they had received any payment from me. I was informed that UNLESS I COULD PROVE
20 HAVING MADE THE PAYMENT VicRoads would simply not accept the payment was made.
21 I accepted that this was a reasonable demand and in fact was well prepared for this as I had
22 copied the banks statement showing the payment having been made. After some considerable
23 time waiting finally the manager came back and made known they have numerous payments that
24 have not been processed and the payment I had made (many weeks earlier) was located within
25 those.
27 I am now so to say turning the tables and require that the medical boards and AHPRA as well as
28 every CHO/CMO (Chief Health Officer/Chief Medical Officer) and all others including Prime
29 Minister, Ministers for health, Premiers, etc, claiming there is a SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS prove to
30 the AFP (Australian Federal Police) that each and everyone of them has an actual
31 “isolated”/“purified” SARS-CoV-2 virus. Failing that they MUST all be charged for
32 fraud/deception/Crimes against humanity/etc, and be placed in detention awaiting trial also
33 considering the extensive harm that has been suffered by numerous Australians.
34 Also, anyone who makes a claim of COVID-19 “cases” must be held criminal liable for the harm
35 inflicted upon Australians where they cannot prove by medical examinations, etc, that indeed
36 each and every person referred to was certified to be suffering from COVID-19 and such medical
37 examiner has in possession an actual “isolated”/“purified” SARS-CoV-2 virus as to be able to
38 make an appropriate assessment.
41 National Boards expect registered health practitioners and students to:
42 1. be appropriately qualified and trained to administer COVID-19 vaccines if authorised, and
43 2. provide accurate information and advice about COVID-19 vaccination including in social
44 media and advertising.
47 This (former) quotation clearly refers to “registered health practitioners and students” and not to
48 those not enrolled in any student course such as pharmacist and/or nurses
51 As health practitioners and students are members of the general community, vaccination will
52 contribute to achieving the highest possible level of immunity across the community, will

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 provide practitioners and students with a level of protection for their own health if exposed to
2 the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
5 This (former) quotation is a falsehood in that it states “vaccination will contribute to achieving
6 the highest possible level of immunity across the community” when as I understand it the
7 jabbing doesn’t at all provide any “immunity” and as such neither “will provide practitioners and
8 students with a level of protection for their own health if exposed to the novel coronavirus that
9 causes COVID-19”. While it is claimed that in real terms about 0,8% may be benefiting from the
10 Pfizer so called “vaccine” of a reduction in symptoms, this hardly is shown by AHPRA and
11 neither appears to be coming out from its statement. I view it is a gross deception to claim
12 “immunity” when even Pfizer, as I understand it to be, for one makes clear it doesn’t claim that it
13 provides “immunity”.
16 This position statement states the National Boards’ expectations of Australian registered
17 health practitioners in regard to:
18  being vaccinated against COVID-19,
19  administering COVID-19 vaccines, and
20  providing advice and information about COVID-19 vaccination. '
22 This position statement explains how the Boards’ existing regulatory frameworks apply to
23 COVID-19 vaccination. It should be read in conjunction with the standards, codes, guidelines,
24 position statements and other guidance published by National Boards.
26 1 COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV 2.
28 This position statement is based on information available in March 2021. Information about
29 COVID-19 and vaccination is still developing and this position statement will be regularly
30 reviewed.
34 The statement “COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV 2.” In my view is
35 false/misleading/deceptive unless AHPRA can prove it has in possession an actual
36 “isolated”/“purified” SARS-CoV-2 virus as to be able to make such a claim! How on earth can
37 they claim something when AHPRA has not a shred of evidence such claimed virus exist? How
38 on earth can it then pursue “expectations of Australian registered health practitioners in regard
39 to: being vaccinated against COVID-19,” when so far I am aware of not a single person in the
40 entire world, including the pharmaceutical companies, have a clue what the long term effects of
41 any jabbing will be? Just consider that if doctors/nurses were all end up vaccinated and the
42 predicted death toll as result will decimate the health services then what is Plan B, if there is such
43 plan at all? Surely, it is totally irresponsible to demand/require nurses/medical doctors to engage
44 in being jabbed without any certainty to the long term health issues? How on earth can any
45 medical practitioner then give appropriate advice to any patient?
48 Registered health practitioners who are trained, educated and competent in all aspects of
49 vaccine management and administration and who are authorised under relevant drugs and
50 poisons legislation can administer a COVID-19 vaccine.

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1 Registered health practitioners who are authorised to administer COVID-19 vaccines will be
2 required to complete additional training related to the handling and administration of the
3 vaccines, including the Commonwealth Department of Health’s COVID-19 vaccination
4 training program.
7 As for “Registered health practitioners” I am not aware that pharmacist are registered as such.
8 Meaning the statement is deceptive where it fails to include whomever is involved in the jabbing.
10 Also, there are many reports of drivers being injected in special drive-in facilities for jabbing and
11 then having to drive across the car park to then wait there for 15 minutes. Only at times the
12 driver loses control of the vehicle when seeking to drive across the car park, even merely driving
13 a few metres, and this may underline the complete irresponsible conduct to jab any person who is
14 in charge of a motor vehicle. No one should be jabbed while in charge of a motor vehicle, this as
15 the jabbing in my view makes them unfit to drive, as proven by the many accidents by those just
16 jabbed!
19 Conscientious objection
21 In the case of a conscientious objection about receiving, authorising, prescribing or
22 administering COVID-19 vaccination, practitioners must inform their employer and/or other
23 relevant colleagues
25 (where necessary) of their objection as soon as reasonably practical. For example, a
26 practitioner’s personal beliefs may form the basis of a conscientious objection to particular
27 treatments.
29 In addition to the above, it is important that practitioners inform their patient or client
30 of their conscientious objection where relevant to the patient or client’s treatment or
31 care. In informing their patient or client of a conscientious objection to COVID-19
32 vaccination, practitioners must be careful not to discourage their patient or client from
33 seeking vaccination. Practitioners authorised to prescribe and/or administer the vaccine but
34 who have a conscientious objection must ensure appropriate referral options are provided for
35 vaccination.
37 While some health practitioners may have a conscientious objection to COVID-19
38 vaccination, all practitioners, including students on placement, must comply with local
39 employer, health service or health department policies, procedures and guidelines
40 relating to COVID-19 vaccination. Any queries about these should be directed towards the
41 individual employer, health service, state or territory health department and/or education
42 provider for registered students. National Boards regulate individual practitioners and not
43 health services or state and territory health departments. Queries about COVID-19
44 vaccination programs should be directed to the Commonwealth, state and territory
45 governments which are responsible for these programs.
49 As for “In addition to the above, it is important that practitioners inform their patient or
50 client of their conscientious objection where relevant to the patient or client’s treatment or
51 care.” In my view any medical practitioner and anyone else involved should declare their
52 position, this so the patient can evaluate if any bias is with the advice provided. As for “In
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 informing their patient or client of a conscientious objection to COVID-19 vaccination,

2 practitioners must be careful not to discourage their patient or client from seeking
3 vaccination.” This I view is a violation of the doctor-patient communication and duties and
4 obligations, this as the patient may have similar based objections and entitled to be appropriately
5 advices by the medical practitioner. For this also the statement “all practitioners, including
6 students on placement, must comply with local employer, health service or health
7 department policies, procedures and guidelines relating to COVID-19 vaccination.”
8 Indicates that all are “conscripted” to perform the Federal governments delusional vaccination
9 drive, this as it is a Federal Government initiative (national immunisation campaign) and the
10 Federal Government, albeit unlawfully, entered in a contractual arrangement to purchase the so
11 called “vaccines’ and the States as such cannot via backdoor manner force anyone to cooperate
12 with the Federal Government vaccine mandates, etc.
15 COVID-19 vaccination information sharing and social media
17 National Boards expect all health practitioners to use their professional judgement and the
18 best available evidence in practice. This includes when providing information to the public
19 about public health issues such as COVID-19 and vaccination. When advocating for
20 community and population health, health practitioners must also use their expertise and
21 influence to protect and advance the health and wellbeing of individuals as well as
22 communities and broader populations.
24 Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best
25 available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation
26 campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be
27 in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory
28 action.
30 National Boards have developed social media guidance to help registered health practitioners
31 understand and meet their obligations when using social media. The guidance explains that
32 registered health practitioners must make sure that their social media activity is consistent
33 with the regulatory framework for their profession and does not contradict or counter public
34 health campaigns or messaging, such as the Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy.
36 Health practitioners are reminded that it is an offence under the National Law to advertise a
37 regulated health service4 (including via social media) in a way that is false, misleading or
38 deceptive. Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about COVID-
39 19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra.
41 Concerns about the conduct or practice of a health practitioner can be reported to Ahpra via
42 the Ahpra concerns submission portal. National Boards can consider whether the practitioner
43 has breached their professional obligations and will treat these matters seriously and in
44 accordance with established procedure.
47 The statement “Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts
48 the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national
49 immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards
50 and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible
51 regulatory action.” Clearly refers to “national immunisation campaign” and what the medical
52 boards are doing is acting for and on behalf of the Federal Government to seek to prevent any
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1 medical practitioner to speak out about the dangers of the so called “vaccines”. This I view is
2 showing that the Medical Boards are complicit in an elaborate fraud/deception to conceal the
3 truth from Australians and others subjected to this delusional “national immunisation
4 campaign”. It also undermines the medical profession duties and obligations to be forthright
5 about dangers regarding any so called “vaccines”.
6 Further, as to “Advertising that includes false, misleading or deceptive claims about
7 COVID-19, including anti-vaccination material, may result in prosecution by Ahpra.” I
8 have already set out how there is an elaborate deception and concealment of relevant details and
9 in the process denies any Australian and other person to form an “informed” consent. If anything
10 I have the position that the TGA and Department of health websites are concealing relevant
11 details, are deceptive in their claims, etc.
14 Additional guidance from National Boards
16 The Chiropractic Board of Australia’s Statement on the provision of health information
17 contains important information for chiropractors on vaccination and information sharing.
19 The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s Position statement on nurses, midwives and
20 vaccination provides important information for nurses and midwives on vaccination and
21 information sharing.
23 4 A regulated health service is a service provided by, or usually provided by, a health
24 practitioner (as defined in the National Law).
25 Position statement: Registered health practitioners and students and COVID-19
26 vaccination Page 3 of 5
29 I take it very serious as to this elaborate collusion of Boards to push the “national immunisation
30 campaign” this even so to my understanding not a single person in Australia, including those
31 working for any Department of Health has in possession an actual “isolated”/“purified” SARS-
32 CoV-2 virus as to validly make any recommendations/demands!
35 is the official site for the latest information on the novel coronavirus
36 pandemic. Information about national vaccination policy is available from: Commonwealth
37 Department of Health (2020). Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. See:
39 vaccines/australias-covid-19-vaccination-policy.
41 Information about the COVID-19 vaccination training program is available on the
42 Department of Health website. See:
43 vaccines/covid-19- vaccination-training-program
45 The Therapeutic Goods Administration website provides valuable information on COVID-19
46 vaccines, including information about advertising COVID-19 vaccines. See:
50 The aforementioned quotation claims that is the official site for the latest
51 information on the novel coronavirus pandemic. And yet it fails to provide all relevant details

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 governing the very issues it claims to be the official site for. The same as I already previous did
2 set out with the TGA website.
4 Where is the information on the Department of Health/TGA websites about the following? That
5 is if there is such a thing as COVID-19 and it not referring to some flu/common cold!
8 reveals-true-vaccination-death-rate-vaccinated-more-infectious-official-vaccine-lies/5754216
9 Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases
11 Vaccinated More Infectious
12 A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical
13 Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet makes a complete mockery of the
14 dangerous and ignorant corporations and governments who are seeking to punish the
15 unvaccinated and promote the vaccinated. DELTA AIRLINES in the USA for instance
16 is charging their unvaccinated employees a $200 a month “health insurance”.
17 But this study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-
18 19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated. Vaccinated individuals
19 therefore carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill making them into
20 presymptomatic superspreaders.
21 So DELTA should be charging the vaccinated – or indeed stopping them from coming to
22 work as a danger to everyone else.
25 Former Pfizer Employee : " CHECKMATE,
26 Game Over, We WIN ' Forbidden Knowledge
27 TV
From John Kodric
Date Fri 10:11
28 QUOTE John Kodric email
29 Message Body
31 This is the time we have been waiting FOR !
32 This is the last warning to stop all vaccinating :Who is taking a part of this EXPERIMENTAL VAXX . Is
33 misleading ,them with intent to HARM TO ALL PEOPLE . Also violate the NUREMBERG CODE !
34 We vote these people to parliament to help all Australian people and if you are against us 'YOU ARE
36 If you LOVE Australian people STOP THIS CRIME NOW -TODAY 27-08 2021
37 Please send this GOOD NEWS forward......We all have to stand as one ( 1 ) there is NO left or right
38 because we are on the same boat.. Love you all & regards . Bcc 290
41 cirDate: Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 8:48 AM
42 Subject: Former Pfizer Employee : " CHECKMATE, Game Over, We WIN ' Forbidden Knowledge TV
43 To: john kodric <>
46 Former Pfizer Employee: "Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN" – Forbidden Knowledge TV
48 I’ve been saying that the only way the Globalists can get away with this is by killing us
49 all – or enough of us that there is complete civilizational collapse and there are no
50 judges or courts left to rule against them. This explains their mad dash to jab us all
51 ASAP.
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1 But if enough of us survive, they will have to face the consequences of launching a
2 global genocide campaign that will make the Nazi Holocaust look like a two year old’s
3 birthday party.
4 Karen Kingston believes that this is exactly what will come to pass.
5 Unlike many others, Karen Kingston, who joins Stew Peters, here doesn’t have any
6 questions about the bonafides of the FDA approval of the BioNTech/Pfizer jab.
7 Kingston says this letter to Pfizer US Regulatory Lead, Amit Patel is standard and it
8 unequivocally grants them the license to produce the vaxxine and it demands that within
9 14 days, they provide the ingredient list and any changes to protocols and boosters and
10 other safety issues, which she believes Pfizer has long since thrown out the window.
11 Not only is the letter standard but the standards that this approval is now
12 imposing on BioNTech/Pfizer are a checkmate that will lead to their undoing!
13 She says, “If Pfizer has not been honest with the American People and the FDA in
14 regards to what’s in these vials, they have 14 days to come clean.”
15 She believes that the inconsistency of the adverse events (myocarditis, clotting,
16 miscarriages, central nervous system disorders, magnetization, etc.) suggests that,
17 “We’re not dealing with a consistent product.”
19 She sees strong evidence that Pfizer is already trying to hedge against the
20 likelihood that they will NOT succeed in killing us all and that they will, indeed
21 face justice – and that this FDA approval is actually a checkmate!
22 With over 20 years as a business analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device
23 industries and as a former Pfizer employee who has been involved with several of their
24 product launches – including the VIAGRA re-launch – Kingston says that the fact that
25 Pfizer has no website for their newly-branded Comirnaty®, this tells her, “Pfizer
26 knows, ‘Game Over. Checkmate.’
27 “They are already going to be held accountable for intentionally harming the
28 American People with a product, as a manufacturer. What they don’t want to do is
29 now have charges brought against them as the marketer.”
30 She says that typically, Pfizer would have had their new product website “locked and
31 loaded” six months to a year in advance of their FDA approval and that it would’ve
32 gone live as soon as they were approved. But there is no Comirnaty® website.
33 “[The] institutions that have been marketing to the American People have been the
34 CDC, the NIH, the FDA and the Mainstream Media. Those have been the
35 marketers. Those have been the propaganda arms, those have been the ones
36 misleading the American People to line themselves up – and unfortunately, in some
37 cases, to line their children up – to be injected with an unapproved, experimental
38 biological agent.
39 “Pfizer has not acted as a marketer and if they do, there’s a…whole slew of multi-
40 billion-many-times-over lawsuits that can be brought against them.”
42 Kingston says that Pfizer has been guilty, not just of civil but of criminal laws. “Under
43 the FDA approval process and the ‘passive reporting’ of serious adverse events, it was
44 Pfizer’s responsibility to report adverse events to the FDA, that was their job, not just
45 through VAERS but through another system that was put through their ownership…
46 “It would appear that they have not provided full disclosure of all the serious adverse
47 events and deaths that were a result of these injections, so that would be intentionally
48 misinforming the FDA and the American People.
49 “So there will be criminal charges, plus they have two weeks to come clean as to
50 what is in these injections. So if these injections are not consistent in all of the
51 ingredients from the microgram – the 30 mcgs of mRNA, to only containing the four
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1 lipids, including the one PEGylated lipid with polyethylene glycol – which also was not
2 disclosed, really to the American People. That was only available before the package
3 insert came out and the IND Application, Initial New Drug Application and Phase 3. It
4 was not in the HCP Fact Sheet, originally. I did not see it there. Maybe I misspoke, but I
5 read that thing many times and couldn’t find it there.
6 “So there was a lot of information that was not disclosed to the American People and
7 that could be interpreted as intentionally misleading them with intention to harm.”
8 Alas, Pfizer is not alone, the Swamp is deep and wide and respected institutions, like the
9 Mayo Clinic are now publishing “studies” that are labeling these many adverse events
10 as “COVID-19 breakthrough in vaccinated patients.”
11 I wonder who paid/threatened them to do that?
13 Some people want a polemic about the presence of graphene oxide in the vaxx, which
14 they don’t see on the ingredient list. To her, there is no debate. As she has previously
15 explained, it was was redacted from Pfizer’s US patent due to its alleged status as a
16 “trade secret” but she did find it listed without redaction in Pfizer’s Chinese patent.
17 She says the Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine are the same thing and in the July
18 2020 Moderna patent, US #10703789B2, which talks about the lipid nanoparticles, the
19 phospholipid, the cholesterol, the cationic (positive ionic-charged lipid) and the
20 PEGylated polyethylene glycol lipid.
21 The same patent describes the hydrogel, a compound which she says is composed
22 primarily of graphene oxide, which is why she says, “I’m as confident that
23 graphene oxide is in these as I am that gravity exists” and she maintains that
24 graphene oxide is the “main ingredient in the COVID shots.”
26 Stew says, “They knew that was in the patent, they knew about myocarditis, they knew
27 about respiratory issues, they knew about Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and they
28 knew about pregnancy complications, didn’t they? They also knew about shedding,
29 didn’t they?”
30 “Yes,” she replies. “That was very clearly discussed in a FDA meeting in August of
31 2015, where they used viral-based gene therapy products. This is a viral-based gene
32 therapy product…what would that be?
33 “You can make a synthetic virus, such as a modified RNA and then it’s injected into the
34 body and that code produces a pathogenic virion or virion particle.
35 “So what would that be? You take a synthetic RNA, you take that code, inject it into the
36 CD4 cells and then your CD4 cells produce the spike protein.
37 “That’s exactly what this is. In that document, there’s two things they talk about: 1)
38 Progeny, which I just explained. Your body is now producing billions, if not trillions of
39 a spike protein, which is pathogenic, which means it can be harmful to you and they
40 also talk about another thing called 2) Shedding, what is shedding? If you’re injected,
41 your being able to transmit to another person via contact (mucous membranes and
42 whatnot) transmit the spike proteins to another person.
43 “And in the Phase One trials, they talked about women who were of child-bearing
44 age and who could potentially become pregnant, not only did they talk about not
45 wanting you to participate in the trials, unless you were using two forms of birth
46 control, if you were a male participant, you were not allowed to be near a pregnant
47 woman.
48 “If you went to an event, a party and you breathed near a pregnant woman – this
49 is not an exaggeration – you had to report it to the Safety Board. That’s not a
50 normal protocol. And if you take a look at the approval letter, I want to read you
51 one of the studies Pfizer is required to do, post market-approval. This should be
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1 evidence enough to anybody that shedding is real and we have not figured out a
2 way to quarantine it and qualify it and it’s a risk to women who are pregnant, as
3 well as to young infants.
4 “So, this study is entitled, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Exposure During
5 Pregnancy, a Non-Interventional Post-Approval Safety Study of Pregnancy and Infant
6 Outcomes in the Organization of Teratology Information Specialist Mother-to-Baby
7 Pregnancy Registry.
8 “So there’s two key words, here: ‘Vaccine Exposure’ is not ‘Vaccine Injection’. ‘Non-
9 interventional’ means you were ‘Not Injected’.
10 “They are tracking women who are pregnant and who have newborns, to see if when
11 they’re around vaccinated people, if the pregnant woman, if her baby is harmed and has
12 birth defects and if a newborn becomes sick or ill after being around people who are
13 injected. That’s the purpose of that study. [Because Pfizer knew]. The FDA knew, too…
15 It’s so diabolical. Not only did Obama pass the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act,
16 which legalized government propaganda against the American People, resulting in
17 the spectacular gaslighting about Trump, COVID, the vaxx and which has led to
18 the imminent implosion of the Mainstream Media, Obama passed two other acts,
19 which have enabled Big Pharma to do all of the criminal things that we’ve seen
20 with the COVID vaxx, including the dropping of the requirement of running
21 animal trials before human trials, the requirement to prove actual clinical efficacy
22 and the waiving of Informed Consent!
23 She says, “Under the Obama administration, there were two acts that were passed, that I
24 think most people remember the names. There was the PAHPRA Act, the Pandemic and
25 All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013 and the Cures Act, that was
26 passed in December of 2016 through Congress. And under both those acts, they were
27 able to basically throw out all the FDA laws and regulations that mitigated risk for new
28 drugs and biological agents.
29 “Those included doing animal trials, proving safety in animals before doing human
30 trials. Those included doing good manufacturing practices, making sure the quality,
31 consistency of products that you were administering to people was consistent and safe.
32 “It also included not having to prove actual, statistically- and clinically-significant
33 efficacy…One of the other things it waived was Informed Consent! The laws that
34 they passed – these laws that our Congress passed – literally violate the Nuremberg
35 Code!
36 “So our Congress passed legislation that allowed our government to commit
37 Crimes Against Humanity against the American People. So to the American
38 People, I say, ‘Wake up and start paying attention to what those elected officials, to
39 what our government is doing.'”
40 Stew says, this information gives him encouraging insights into Donald Trump’s recent
41 rhetoric about the vaccine, which he’ll cover in another show.
42 When he asks her if Pfizer knows who got what in their injections, she says she can’t
43 confirm but “It appears that people who were injected have a barcode and lot number
44 that matches up with them and with the Electronic Health Records System, it should be
45 pretty easy to track who was injected with what, as well as…the CDC has a vaccine
46 tracking system.
48 Her parting words are, “For those people who are nervous about the mandates:
49 this is checkmate. Game over. We won. It’s going to take some time for the gavel to
50 come down and for people to be prosecuted and for the truth to come out.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 “But if you’re being pressured by your employer or your child’s being pressured
2 by the school to get injected, just get a copy of this letter. If you read this letter, the
3 safety of this product is unknown. They’re doing one study with the sequelae;
4 myocarditis among those who are injected and it’s not going to be completed and
5 submitted until 2027!
6 “So there’s a very high risk. There are other myocarditis studies in here, for children
7 ages 5-15. There’s another study in here about reducing the amount of mRNA in those
8 under the age of 30, because of fear of immunogenicity, which is ADE, Antibody-
9 Dependent Enhancement. Just read the authorization. It is horrifying. It’s as
10 horrifying as any Stephen King novel I’ve ever read. This is enough evidence to
11 say, ‘No. I’m not putting myself at harm or my child at harm.
12 “The other thing I have to say is that, if you have not been injected, yet or even if
13 you have: as you are becoming aware of this information, speak up. Show up. Go
14 to your local county meetings regarding the mandates, tell them that you’re not
15 going to be part of this experiment anymore. Tell them that you have sovereignty,
16 you have authority over your body and over your child’s body.
17 “If you love America, if you love your freedoms, if you love your liberties, if you
18 believe in the faith of the hope in our posterity; our children, our children’s
19 children and our children’s grand-children, then you will stand up and you will
20 speak out!
21 “James 3: Faith is nothing without deeds. If you love this country, stop sitting by
22 and waiting for Trump to come in and save you and rescue you. Show up and
23 speak out and speak out with the authority that you have, under the Constitution
24 and the Bill of Rights.”
26 END QUOTE John Kodric email
28 As Pfizer (a pharmaceutical company) recognized all along that “SHEDDING” can cause harm
29 to unvaccinated person, including to pregnant women and their unborn babies or even after they
30 are born, as well as other unvaccinated person in particular those suffer health problems already
31 then to demand all practitioners to be vaccinated regarding COVID-19 would for example deny
32 both my wife and myself to even consult a medical practitioner in person,. After all
33 “SHEEDING” can be deadly for both of us.
34 It means my wife is not totally prevented of any hospital care where the risk of SHEDDING is
35 extremely high. My wife has maintained her Medibank private health insurance for more than 50
36 years but effectively is now prevented to use it when it comes to medical care and any hospital
37 care.
39 What AHPRA and Medical boards have done is in violation to discrimination legislation now set
40 up a ramped discrimination that denied a person to have a medical consultation or medical
41 treatment in a hospital or other medical facility where there are doctors and nurses which are not
42 vaccinated and so not a risk of “SHEDDING”.
44 As I previously extensively have set out that SARS-CoV-2 claimed virus has not been
45 “isolated”/”purified” then clearly AHPRA/Medical Boards are not relying upon “science”
46 at least not “medical science”. As it is unlawful to discriminate then I do expect nothing less
47 that you immediately have all charged whom are involved in this kind of discrimination.
49 Obviously, there is more to it all.
51 For example, any person who for medical reasons is not to be vaccinated now can be harmed by
52 ‘SHEDDING” by those who are vaccinated. This means a visit to your GP (General Practitioner)
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 can be life threatening, as the doctor may advice your medical condition cannot allow for a jab
2 regarding COVID-19 but he/she just was “SHEDDING” and the patient now is medically
3 compromised just to seek a face to face consultation with the GP. And where a consultation
4 needs to be in person, such as the GP having to personally do some checking then in essence the
5 WARNING must be; Do not go to any GP for health consultation as he/she can be SHEDDING
6 the killing machine.
7 Any medical doctor/nurse, etc, attending to residents in nursing homes and/or any medical
8 facility should then be fitted with a communication device that in audio format states something
9 like: “Please do not come near me as I may be SHEDDING which could cause harm to your
10 medical condition.” Or something of that kind of warning.
12 I in my readings of the TGA & Department of Health website doesn’t disclose anything about
13 “SHEDDING” and I recall neither anything about magnetism.
16 questioning-mandatory-masking.aspx
17 Medical Boards Hunting Down Doctors Over Mask Mandates
19 In this case I understand it backfired because the4 now is a complaint against the medical Board
20 itself after they already withdrew their hot pursuit after the doctor.
21 However, we need to do the same with AHPRA and the various Medical boards as to where on
22 earth they can dictate for medical practitioners to be “vaccinated” against an alleged virus they
23 themselves are unable to “isolate”/“purify”? How indeed can they dictate the doctors to be
24 vaccinated without anyone as yet knowing the long term harm that may flow from being
25 vaccinated?
26 How does any Medical Board/AHPRA know the harm any “vaccinated” medical
27 practitioner/nurse may inflict upon any patient?
28 As I understand it natural immunity is the best protection, but when someone had gained natural
29 immunity and then subjected to “SHEDDING” by a medical practitioner/nurse, etc then this can
30 cause serious medical problems to the patient. Also, to vaccinate a person who already gained
31 natural immunity I understand is dangerous and unethical, as it cannot benefit the person at all
32 but can only cause harm/additional harm.
34 It is absurd that for as long as 5G has been used as I understand nit there really was never any
35 proper safety studies performed. The same as the so called “vaccines are safe” when in the end it
36 turns out no follow up records were done and kept, yet, medical doctors and others around the
37 world were ongoing parroting that “vaccines are safe”, a blatant lie and deception.
41 Children’s Health Defense earned a huge legal win in the court of appeals this week
42 against the 1996 FCC safety guidance stating that wireless technology is safe unless it
43 raises the temperature of your internal organs. Another step closer to bringing attention
44 to the serious safety and privacy concerns with the mass rollout of 5G.

45 #ChildrensHealthDefense #CHD #RobertFKennedy #RFKJr #5G #DataHarvesting

46 #TeleCom #FCC #TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW229
47 POSTED: August 23, 2021

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1 As for the following if this was considered regarding this claimed COVID-19 there were ample
2 of alternatives without any injections required but that didn’t seem to suit those making huge
3 amounts of monies from so called “vaccines”.
4 • • The disease for which the product is intended is serious or immediately life threatening,
5 has the potential of causing an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic and it is reasonable to
6 consider the product for an EUL assessment, e.g., there are no licensed products for the
7 indication or for a critical subpopulation (e.g., children);

8 • • Existing products have not been successful in eradicating the disease or preventing
9 outbreaks (in the case of vaccines and medicines);

10 By this, as I understand it from reports, many lives were lost and many more suffered
11 horrendously and the concealment by the TGA and Department of Health I view was a major
12 problem in Australia in that regard.
14 QUOTE 20210213-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE – TGA, vaccinations, DNA & the
15 Rule of LAW-Supplement-
17 Emergency Use Listing Procedure - WHO | World Health Organization
18 8 Jan 2020 ... This definition implies a situation ... The goal of the procedure is to define the steps that WHO
19 will follow to establish ... emergency use only.
21 4. Eligibility of candidate products
22 The three product streams (vaccines, therapeutics and IVDs) each have specific requirements
23 for products to be eligible for evaluation under the EUL procedure.
24 In order to qualify for assessment under this procedure, the following criteria must be met:
25 • • The disease for which the product is intended is serious or immediately life threatening,
26 has the potential of causing an outbreak, epidemic or pandemic and it is reasonable to
27 consider the product for an EUL assessment, e.g., there are no licensed products for the
28 indication or for a critical subpopulation (e.g., children);

29 • • Existing products have not been successful in eradicating the disease or preventing
30 outbreaks (in the case of vaccines and medicines);
31 • • The product is manufactured in compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practices
32 (GMP) in the case of medicines and vaccines and under a functional Quality Management
33 System (QMS) in the case of IVDs, and;
34 • • The applicant undertakes to complete the development of the product (validation and
35 verification of the product in the case of IVDs) and apply for WHO prequalification once the
36 product is licensed. For that purpose, the remaining clinical trials and other testing needed to
37 complete the development of the product must already be underway at the time of the
38 application for an EUL4.
40 WHO may consider reviewing a candidate product for EUL that does not meet all of the
41 requirements. In such situations, the application letter and documentation provided to WHO
42 should justify the application of the product although it does not meet all eligibility
43 requirements.
46 Therefore, “EMERGENCY USE ONLY” must not be deemed to exist in regard to any
47 person already having had COVID or already battling COVID. Neither do I view that to
48 change a person’s DNA falls within this category in particular where, as set out below, the
49 changing of the DNA is merely to a certain strain and may not at all be against any mutation.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 What we now have is forcing the elderly to be “GUINEA PIGS” for the pharmaceutical
2 companies without them having allegedly any legal liability. That in my view is not and never
3 can be deemed to be “EMERGENCY USE ONLY”.
4 END QUOTE 20210213-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE – TGA, vaccinations, DNA
5 & the Rule of LAW-Supplement-
7 One has to ask why has the TGA and Department of Health as I view it concealed this
8 magnetism issue? Just consider those working in the IT industry with computers that their
9 magnetism may very well cause problems to computer programs.
12 Disturbing New Info Emerges On Apparent “Magnetic” Side Effects Happening to
13 Some COVID Vaccinated People
15 It’s no secret that many people are leery about taking the vaccine for a number of reasons, namely because it
16 hasn’t gone through the lengthy trials needed in order to receive FDA approval. However, a lot of folks are also
17 convinced that the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a sinister plot to microchip the masses.

18 One of those conspiracy theories involves “magnetized proteins.”

19 Here’s some background:

20 Back in 2016, researchers at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville genetically engineered a magnetized
21 protein called “Magneto.”

22 That protein was then placed into a virus and injected into an animal’s brain. The point of the research was to
23 use the “Magneto” portion to manipulate neural activity under the remote influence of magnetic fields.
24 From The Guardian
25 …the researchers inserted the Magneto DNA sequence into the genome of a virus, together with the gene
26 encoding green fluorescent protein, and regulatory DNA sequences that cause the construct to be expressed
27 only in specified types of neurons. They then injected the virus into the brains of mice, targeting the entorhinal
28 cortex, and dissected the animals’ brains to identify the cells that emitted green fluorescence. Using
29 microelectrodes, they then showed that applying a magnetic field to the brain slices activated Magneto so that
30 the cells produce nervous impulses.
31 In one final experiment, the researchers injected Magneto into the striatum of freely behaving mice, a deep
32 brain structure containing dopamine-producing neurons that are involved in reward and motivation, and then
33 placed the animals into an apparatus split into magnetised a non-magnetised sections. Mice expressing
34 Magneto spent far more time in the magnetised areas than mice that did not, because activation of the protein
35 caused the striatal neurons expressing it to release dopamine, so that the mice found being in those areas
36 rewarding. This shows that Magneto can remotely control the firing of neurons deep within the brain, and also
37 control complex behaviors.
38 Creepy stuff, right?

39 So, you can imagine what happened when viral videos began appearing online showing magnets “stuck” on
40 people’s arms after they received COVID-19 vaccines.

41 Watch:

42 In this next video, an anti-vaccine nurse demonstrates how the Covid vaccine turned her entire body into
43 one big magnet.

44 Watch:

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Anti-vaxx nurse demonstrates how the Covid vaccine turned her entire body into one big
2 magnet!
3 — John Aravosis 🇺🇸🇬🇷🏳️🌈 (@aravosis) June 9, 2021
7 Disturbing New Info Emerges On Apparent “Magnetic” Side Effects Happening to
8 Some COVID Vaccinated People
10 A paper published for the 2020 International Symposium On Wearable Computers discusses the use of
11 Magnetic Biosensors in order to monitor social distancing in an effort to prevent COVID-19.

12 In short, it’s a wearable magnetic-field sensing system.

13 Here’s what ACM Digital Library states about the project:

14 We present a wearable, oscillating magnetic field-based proximity sensing system to monitor social distancing
15 as suggested to prevent COVID 19 spread (being between 1.5 and 2.0m) apart. We evaluate the system both in
16 controlled lab experiments and in a real life large hardware store setting. We demonstrate that, due physical
17 properties of the magnetic field, the system is much more robust than current BT based sensing, in particular
18 being nearly 100% correct when it comes to distinguishing between distances above and below the 2.0m
19 threshold.
20 Here’s a video from one of the authors of the study:

24 death/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=WJBreaking&utm_campaign=ct-breaking&utm_content=western-
25 journal&ats_es=a706e995ec590e9480340416ca68a7e0
26 Coroner Confirms COVID Vaccine at Fault for News Presenter's Death
28 Her headaches became more severe, and she began struggling with her speech.

29 Imaging indicated she had suffered a brain hemorrhage, and doctors attempted to relieve
30 the mounting pressure on her head by removing part of her skull, the BBC reported.

31 It was too late, however, and Shaw passed away five days later, on May 21.
32 Are you still worried about getting vaccinated against COVID-19?

33 In light of stories such as Shaw’s, many Americans still are. And considering some of the
34 serious side effects we’ve heard about — and even death — maybe there’s a good reason
35 for the skepticism.
36 Medical professionals across the spectrum still maintain that such drastic side effects are
37 “extremely rare.”

38 But from anaphylaxis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, thrombosis and myocarditis to reports of

39 deaths following the jab(s), it’s naturally concerning — regardless of how “extremely rare”
40 these reactions might be.

41 Are you willing to risk it?

42 I will never tell anyone whether to get vaccinated. Not only is that decision personal; I
43 maintain it is never wise to accept advice from those who don’t have to live with the
44 consequences of that advice.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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4 Darwin protesters placed under tribal law – tell Covid cops to go jump | Cairns News
5 Darwin protesters placed under tribal law – tell Covid cops to go jump
6 Aug 30
7 Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
10 law-at-darwin-protest/
Entire Gathering Placed Under Protection Of Tribal Law At Darwin ProtestTranscript of
David Cole’s Speech here. Thank Uncle Jimmy I value your knowledge, guidance and
teachings Thank you Chris Bell for the opportunity to speak and for your tireless work to
protect the people ….Imagine if we were in the 8th Century –
11 Transcript of David Cole’s Speech here

12 Thank Uncle Jimmy I value your knowledge, guidance and teachings

13 Thank you Chris Bell for the opportunity to speak and for your tireless work to protect the
14 people ….Imagine if we were in the 8th Century – SPARTAN!!!!
15 I Acknowledge the country I’m standing on. Larrakia Land, Sovereign Tribal Land
16 My name is David, my Tribal name is Lurnpa, I stand before you simply as a man and I stand
17 here as a Tribal Lore Man on Sovereign Tribal Lands. I am no part of this fictitious fraudulent
18 and treasonous system.
19 Acknowledge and thank everyone that’s here today and I acknowledge all the truth speakers
20 and freedom fighters all over the world, in Unity we seek freedom.
21 I Acknowledge Souvlaki Grill and Chill for standing for our human rights, we all need to
22 stand with you, your fight is our fight.
23 Why are we here today? We’re tired, sick, and frustrated from the corporate draconian,
24 totalitarian rules being enforced upon the people by armed corporate agents who are
25 nothing but private hired mercenaries.
26 There is no pandemic; there is only fear mongering to enslave the people and harm the people
27 for the corporate greed of a wealthy few.
28 There is no killer virus; yes corona virus has been around for a hundred years but it is simply
29 a mild form of the flue. The covid-19 virus is a laboratory made virus developed in the us and
30 released in China. IOt is a bio weapon
31 This pandemic is a mask for the already collapsed fiat currency system that has imploded. The
32 US corporate government failed to pay their interest rate on their debt as of the 14th Feb
33 2021. All fiat currencies have a 34 year life cycle, this cycle is at 68 years, its bust.
34 There is a global corporate hustle as to who will control the new world reserve currency and
35 given China is thriving, they make a good target to attack and blame for crashing the global
36 financial markets, but it is the West and the Greedy Elites who have created this fiasco for us
37 all through their greed and criminal actions.
38 This Covid 19 is a bio weapon manufactured in a US lab and released in China, which has
39 become the West’s new Boogie Man.
40 The fake pandemic has been used to usher in the NWO, One World Government and
41 unlawfully erode all our basic human rights.
42 Malanderri Mckarthy advised me on the first lock down, “I am very concerned about the laws
43 they are passing while we are on lockdown”
44 Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies)
45 Bill 2020
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Amends the: Defence Act 1903 to: streamline the process for calling out members of the
2 Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reserves, including for the purposes of responding to
3 natural disasters or emergencies; and provide ADF members, other Defence personnel and
4 members of foreign forces with immunity from criminal or civil liability in certain cases
5 while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and
6 response; Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 to ensure that Reserve members
7 who are subject to a Reserve Call Out Order will continue to receive the existing protections.

8 This is of concern: If you are a civilian, police officer, military domestic or foreign, all must
9 and should be held accountable for any crime, why would a government provide immunity
10 and protection for domestic and foreign soldiers to commit crimes and have immunity? Why?
11 Its so they can enforce their corporate draconian rule through force and use foreign private
12 soldiers to do so, because I do not believe that most local police and military would harm their
13 fellow Australian’s, unfortunately by following their orders with these corporate rules (not
14 law) they are harming us all.

15 We have no protection or recourse if we get sick or die from these experimental vaccines;
16 Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if
17 something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines. THIS MEANS IF YOU DIE YOU

19 The pharmaceutical industry is the biggest industry that exists and sick people are good
20 business. If you die from pharmaceutical drugs the most you can sue for is 240K if you die
21 from Vaccines – you have no recourse, Vaccines have become a safe haven for the few Elites
22 to create their next wealth production, Fizer predicts a 58 billion profit from these early roll
23 outs, its all about business and humanity is the commodity at the expense of Genocide against
24 the Populations.

25 The US congress has realised their population is sick on pharmaceutical drugs and have
26 tightened their approval of many drugs, so they are merely shifting their business to vaccines.

27 The patents for these Vaccines were developed in 2001 for Covid, so someone had a crystal
28 ball and crated a vaccine for a virus that was yet to be released by a bat in China 20 years
29 later, this is a long planned attempt to depopulate while they usher in the NWO One World
30 Government and create a new era in which we are being farmed by these criminal Elites and
31 sold out by these corporate agents impersonating public officers.

32 I realised many years ago something was wrong with this government, I set out to find
33 answers as to who they are and what I found was this.

34 Each and every state and Territory is it’s own privately owned corporate Country/Government
35 registered on the stock exchange, registered under UNIDROIT which is a corporation
36 registered within the Vatican.
37 NT Gov: 84085734992
38 These are not lawful governments, they are corporations run by corporate agents imposing
39 unlawful laws on the population harming the people and our families while they deprive us of
40 our liberty and freedom and harm us with bio weapons developed to depopulate humanity,
41 this is the greatest crime against humanity in the history of our recorded existence, we must
42 resist.
43 Why are these corporate laws invalid?
44 • On the 24th of October 1970, the United Nations passed a resolution 262525 which
45 stipulates the following; To bring about a speedy end to colonialism, having due regard to the
46 freely expressed will of the peoples concerned.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 • The Crown formally withdrew from this continent in 1973 to which the Australian
2 Government had an opportunity to do the lawful thing according to the 1900 constitution
3 which states there is only two way you can change laws in this Country.

4 1. By Royal Seal of Assent, the Crown must approve the law changes
5 2. By referendum of the people.
6 The government did neither and this is reflected in the Australian Law Journal which
7 warned the government back then what they were doing was in breach of the constitution
8 and unlawful and that they were steering the ship of course.
9 Sir Harry Gibbs, who is a retired High Court Judge and now deceased, sums it up best
10 “I therefore have come to the conclusion that the current legal and political system in use
11 in Australia and its States and Territories has no basis in law”.
12 No laws have been valid here since 1973, however under Tribal Lore, no west minister
13 laws have been valid here since 1788 and the 1900 constitution section 51/26 states
14 clearly these laws do not apply to Aboriginal people. They knew from the beginning we
15 the Tribes already had our own law system and parliament system in place and still do to
16 this very day. In fact the only law that hold any validity on this continent is Tribal Lore
17 and it is our way to look after and care for everyone who is on our lands. Right now we
18 have 25 million people who have no legitimate government and are being harmed on our
19 lands by a corporate entity, this is wrong and it’s time the Australian and Aboriginal
20 people Unite to lawfully stand down these corporate agents and through the approval of
21 the Tribes we can offer to the Australian People a lawful and honourable Australian
22 government that will serve the people, rather than the people remain slaves to the
23 corporate elite who committing genocide against humanity.

24 There are cures for the natural occurring Coronavirus which is a mild form of the flu.
25 Coincidently the flu deaths have gone to zero and the Covid deaths are exactly the same as the
26 average flu deaths each year. Coronavirus is seasonal and follows a six to nine month life
27 cycle and then they will fade.
28 Common Sense Must Prevail
29 • In North America the average covid death age in 78.6 and the average death in North
30 America is 78.6
31 • You must wear a mask while ordering food but it will not affect you if you eating and sitting
32 down
33 • You must social distance in airports but then get on a plane and I counted 16 people within a
34 1.5 mtr radius of myself
35 • If you get the Vaccine you can still be a carrier but you must get follow up shots to be sure
36 your protected
37 • It doesn’t live under UV light (the Sun) it dies in ventilation, the wind blows it away and it
38 is absolute insanity that we are being forced to wear masks inside and out and stay in doors
39 increasing the risk.
40 • The Carbon Dioxide levels are raised by over 9000 times higher than the recommended
41 human risk
42 • The swabs actually do not test for Covid and are in fact sterilised with Etholine Oxide which
43 is a high carsonagenic that causes several forms of Cancers and they are swabbing our
44 children with this toxic substance.
45 • There is no flu and cold season, only vitamin D deficiency season. 2000 Genes in our bodies
46 are controlled by vitamin D, 5 % of our bodies G nome is controlled by vitamin D, it is the
47 master key to our immune system. But they tell us to stay in doors and wear masks. If you are
48 vitamin D deficient you are susceptible to all flu’s and viruses. Normal vitamin D levels
49 reduces the Covid hospitalisation by 90% that’s the world data based on scientific fact.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 • If there is a treatment for a disease the federal government cannot approve a vaccine, by law.
2 • Ivermectin kills Coronavirus 99% of the time, its cheap and has been used for many years
3 but is suddenly outlawed, why cause it offers a solution that does not require Vaccines, which
4 destroys their Vaccine industry and it is safe with no adverse affects. There are many other
5 cures that are being ignored for the sake of a trial vaccine. Those who say Ive had it and I’m
6 fine must keep in mind that most side affects will take several months before they affect you,
7 time will tell.
8 • There is blood on the hands of those who have denied populations clean cheap cures and
9 many who have dies have dies in vane. This does not include the death rates from people
10 having the vaccine, this is a crime against humanity on a mass scale and we the people are the
11 target.
12 The list goes on and on and the hypocrisy of this fraud is laughable

13 The Real Pandemic

14 Child Abuse
15 • I have first hand evidence of High level child abuse, rape and murder at the top of the
16 system both in the NT and Nationally, which has all been tabled within state and federal
17 governments and simply sweaped under the carpet and covered up. I have received personal
18 witness statements from people who have been subjected to the sick satanic behavior that
19 takes place within the Freemasons across this Country, thisd is a Global sickness.
20 • There are currently 29 suppression orders in the Federal Australian Government for High
21 level child abuse rings operating all the way to the top of this government. One suppression
22 order in particular involves 28 prominent Australians, two of which are x prime ministers of
23 Australia and these files have suppressed by the parliament for 89 years, Bill Heffernan has
24 tried in vane to have the suppression orders overturned but they remain suppressed. Such
25 crimes can not be suppressed but they do, cause like any corporation they merely change the
26 rules and make them up as they go to protect themselves from prosecution, we are dealing
27 with criminals people.
28 • 8 Million children disappear every year around the world with only 17% recovered, that
29 means 6.3 million children vanish and we are concerned about a flu. Only 60% of the
30 Countries record missing children, so that figure would be far greater given the other 40% are
31 not recording the number of children that go missing each year, this is the real Global
32 Pandemic, the Children.
33 • Now if you think this issue is a foreign issue, your wrong, we have evidence of children
34 being sacrificed under the Hill Song Church in Western Sydney and this evidence was tabled
35 in the NSW parliament on the 17th September 1997 by the Hon. Franca Arena and this
36 evidence was again sweaped under the carpet. And what does this so called Prime Minister of
37 Australia Scott Morrison do, he gives his mate Brian Houston the Founder of Hill Song
38 Church a green card to leave the Country where he has fled to the US and now probably
39 Mexico.
40 • Last year a close friend and associate of mine reported child abuse in Moree NSW which
41 lead to 135 arrests across several states and resulted in 78 children being rescued who zip tied
42 under basements in SA, this was last year, no mention of that on the News hey?
43 You know why, cause the media is owned by the same corporate conglomerates who are
44 running this entire fraud. The scare mongering and covering up of such crimes by the media
45 makes them complicit in the injury harm and loss we all face. The child abuse across the
46 planet is the real pandemic and those controlling this corporate government rule our so called
47 public officers through bribery, blackmail and cohersion, and for most of the politicians they
48 simply say nothing or they lose their free ride and good money while we all suffer. Its time
49 we stand down these criminal corporate agents as a people.
50 • Each and every bureaucrat, politician, police officer and military agent are knowingly or

31-8-2021 Page 38 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 unknowingly committing criminal offences under the constitution and crimes act. Merely the
2 crime of impersonating a public officer carries a three year prison sentence and combined
3 these crimes amount to 29 years imprisonment, not withstanding the injury harm and loss they
4 are causing the people from their illegal actions.

5 • They are not lawful public officers they are corporate agents
6 • These are not lawful laws, they operate under statutes which constitutes military rule under
7 the Lieber code.
8 • These so called laws are nothing more than corporate rules and the entire system including
9 the judicial system are complicit in upholding these crimes against us the people
10 • The police and military are in fact private mercenary corporate agents, who are supposed to
11 serve and protect the people not serve these corporate criminals. But the NT police
12 association is also it’s own privately registered corporate entity and we are simply business to
13 them, that’s why the government is now trying to fine everyone to generate income for this
14 NT government system because it too is, financially, ethically and morally bankrupt and void
15 of any empathy for the people it is supposed to serve and protect.
16 Every Corporate Agent impersonating public officers enforcing these draconian laws are not
17 void of liability.
18 • Under the Nuremburg Trials 1946-1949, Yamashita Standard 1946 and the Roman Statute,
19 signed in 1998 and effective as of 2002, you can not say you were merely following or taking
20 orders and can not plead ignorance, all agents of the Government and all private
21 contractors/agents are personally and vicariously liable for their actions. Every corporate
22 agent knowingly harming us the people just like the German soldiers who are committing
23 genocide against humanity should all be held accountable for your crimes.

24 Where are the honourable police and military who have signed up to serve and protect the
25 people, you work for us not for a corporation, you swear your oath to people, well its time
26 you stand up and uphold the rule of law, cause based on legal facts none of this is legal and it
27 is your responsibility to act, stand up! Your failure to act makes you all complicit.
28 We need assertive action – We need lawful rebellion – We need to Unite as Humanity against
29 this attempted Genocide and when we the people realise that the Power rests with the People
30 and we Unite, we can free the people from these tyrannical laws.
31 We can not March here today and rest tomorrow, we need assertive action to hold these
32 corporate agents to account, we need to meet regularly as a people and plan and strategize
33 what actions we can and must take.
34 We need good legal advice and guidance on the process of lawful citizens arrest under lawful
35 rebellion, we need to act, our freedom and liberty is at stake, but worst of all so are our lives
36 and those of our families and fellow human beings, we must stand in Unity, it is the key.
37 The Sovereign Tribal people of these lands call on all Australian’s to stand with us in Unity,
38 as a member of the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation we extend our hands to all people
39 residing on this continent to stand with us and together we can erode this sickness governing
40 our lives and build a healthy future for all Australian people in partnership with the true
41 Sovereigns of these lands and through the only lore that holds any validity on this continent,
42 we urge the protective services to stand with the people, not with these corporate agents
43 harming us all.
44 A Barrister once told me, if you witness a crime you must report it, you must do something
45 about it, well this is a crime that we must all expose and stand together united as one and seek
46 justice for all and ensure we do all we can to afford the people of Australia and the world their
47 right to freedom, liberty and our basic human rights, anything less is giving in on our current
48 and future generations.
49 I leave you with this.
50 The power is not in the corporate agents harming us all, the power is the people and when we
31-8-2021 Page 39 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 stand united for the freedom of us all, only then can we overcome this tyranny and fraud that
2 threatens our very existence.
5 This last quoted article I included as to show that this is not just a one of abuse/misuse of powers
6 regarding the claimed COVID-19 but that politicians have placed themselves repeatedly above
7 the rule of law. Essentially they view likely that the AFP is too weak to e
9 This “medical discrimination” is yet another part of their corrupt conduct, and the AFP MUST
10 act and stop this and pursue the proper enforcement of the Rule of Law. The TGA and
11 Department of health must be held legally accountable as their priority should be the health and
12 wellbeing of Australians and not that their priority is to enforce at all cost the
13 unconstitutional/unlawful “national immunisation campaign”.
15 This part of the COMPLAINT must be considered with the other parts as well as all writings I
16 published at Scribd.
18 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
20 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
21 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


23 (Our name is our motto!)

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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