Essay On Health and Fitness Related Components - 010521

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Jennylyn Cortel

Essay on Health and fitness related components

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform

aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through

proper nutrition moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without

undue fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now considered a

measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be

healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations. Setting a fitness goal can help

you break through a fitness and/or weight loss plateau. Your body gets used to doing the

same exercise every day at the same intensity. As it gets used to it, it stops working as hard. You may not

reach your aerobic heart rate and you may not burn as many calories.

There where the five components of fitness, first Cardiovascular endurance. Cardiovascular

endurance (also known as cardiorespiratory endurance or aerobic fitness) refers to your body's ability to

efficiently and effectively intake oxygen and deliver it to your body's tissues by way of the heart, lungs,

arteries, vessels, and veins. By engaging in regular exercise that challenges your heart and lungs, you can

Maintain or even improve the efficient delivery and uptake of oxygen to your body's systems, enhance

cellular metabolism, Ease the physical challenges of everyday life.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) links regular physical activity to a reduced risk

of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, improved bone health, enhanced mental health,

and improved quality of life with age. Starting a workout program that enhances cardiovascular fitness is of

particular importance. Running, walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, circuit training, and boxing are just a

few of the many workouts designed to benefit heart health.

Second is muscular Endurance. Muscular endurance is one of two factors that contribute to overall

muscular health. Think of muscular endurance as a particular muscle group's ability to continuously

contract against a given resistance. Long-distance cyclists offer a clear example. To continuously pedal a

bike over a long distance, often up steep inclines, cyclists have to develop fatigue-resistant muscles in their
legs and glutes. These are evidence of a high level of muscular endurance. For Our everyday health, we

may develop enough endurance to simply climb up stairs or to lift and carry groceries from car to our

house. However, for those who want to become an endurance athlete and the one who compete in sports

one must have a higher focus training regimen.

Third one Is Muscular Strength. While muscular endurance refers to how fatigue-resistant a particular

muscle group is, muscular strength refers to the amount of force a particular muscle group can produce in

one, all-out effort. In strength training terms, it's your one-rep max.

Like muscular endurance, muscular strength is muscle group-specific. In other words, you may have

incredibly strong glutes, but comparatively weak deltoids; or incredibly strong pectoral muscles, but

comparatively weak hamstrings. This is why a well-balanced strength training program that targets all of

your major muscle groups is so important.

Fourth one is Flexibility. Flexibility is important at any age. It plays a role in unhindered movement and

can affect your balance, coordination, and agility. Maintaining a full range of motion through your major

joints can reduce the likelihood of injury and enhance athletic performance. As we get older, the importance

of flexibility becomes even clearer. Think of individuals who are elderly: Many may walk with a shuffle or

have a hard time reaching their arms over their heads. This may affect their quality of life, making it more

challenging to perform activities of daily living, such as reaching items on high shelves, picking up items off

the floor, or simply moving effectively to catch their balance if they start to fall. While completely stopping

the aging process isn't possible, protecting your joints and maintaining mobility can help keep you spry well

into your later years. How we can increase flexibility. Simple ways we can work flexibility exercises into our

day even at home. Static stretching, where you hold a stretch for 10 to 30 seconds at a time. Workouts that

take you through dynamic stretching exercises like yoga.

And Fifth one is Body Composition. Body composition, or your body's ratio of fat mass to fat-free

mass, is the final component of health-related physical fitness. Because high levels of fat mass are

associated with negative health outcomes, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, attaining and

maintaining a healthy body composition is a goal of just about all regular exercise routines. to improving

body composition is often an outcome of working on and improving the other four components of fitness. If

you're regularly hitting the gym, doing cardio, strength training, and working on flexibility, chances are

you're developing muscle mass (fat-free mass) while reducing fat mass.
A person who is physically fit is capable of performing and enjoying daily activities. The importance

of being physically fit cannot be understated. More people are at risk to cardiovascular diseases,

depression, obesity, hypertension, and other health issues because of their fitness level. In order to get fit

and healthy a healthy lifestyle can help you thrive throughout your life. Making healthy choices isn't

always easy, however. It can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or prepare

healthy meals. However, your efforts will pay off in many ways, and for the rest of your life.

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