Week 7 Assignment - Jennylyn Cortel - Strength Exercise

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Assignment 1

Research different strength exercise with pictures and instructions on how to execute the exercise, either
with machine, equipment or body weight.

2 - Chest Muscle

2 - Back Muscle

2 - Shoulder Muscle

2 - Leg Muscle

2 - Arm Muscle
Jennylyn N. Cortel


Different Strength Exercises


Why it rocks: This quintessential chest move Why it rocks: In addition to working your
really works your entire body, and it's oh-so chest, this move fires up your core in a major
satisfying to nail. way.

How to: Start in a high plank position, with How to: Start in a high plank position. Keep
shoulders over wrists, core tight, and legs back flat and shoulders and hips level while
straight and engaged. Maintaining a straight lifting left hand up off mat and bending at
line from head to heels, bend elbows to lower elbow to tap right shoulder with it. Replace left
body toward floor in one piece. Press back to hand, then repeat on the opposite side. That's
start. That’s one rep. Perform eight to 12 reps, one rep. Perform eight to 12 reps, rest for 15
rest for 15 seconds, then continue on to your seconds, then continue on to your next move.
next move. (You're doing five to eight (You're doing five to eight total.) Once you're
total.) Once you're finished, rest for one finished, rest for one minute, then repeat
minute, then repeat twice more for a total of twice more for a total of three rounds.
three rounds.
Pro tip: Keep abs engaged by pulling your belly
Pro tip: Elbows should point out at 45 degrees button toward spine to prevent shoulders and
away from ribs during pushup. hips from moving throughout the exercise.


Mimicking a barbell row, a wide dumbbell row allows you an increased
range of motion and can help you address any muscular imbalances on
BACK MUSCLE EXERCISE one side versus the other. Choose light- to moderate-weight dumbbells to
start — 10 pounds should work — and work your way up from there. If
you have a bad low back, use caution with this exercise.

How to: 

1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and hinge at the waist, stopping

when your upper body forms a 20-degree angle with the ground.
Your palms should be facing your thighs, and your neck should
remain neutral. Allow the dumbbells to hang down in front of

2. Begin to row with your elbows at a 90-degree angle, pulling them

up toward the sky. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the
3. Return to start and repeat, completing 3 sets of 12 reps.

Hitting your core, especially your lower back, Supermans are

deceivingly hard, even though you’re technically lying on the ground.

How to:

1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended over your head.
2. Engage your core and glutes. Lift your upper and lower body
off the ground as high as they’ll go. Pause for 1 second at the
top. Return to the start position in a controlled motion.

3. Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.


The cross-arm stretch targets the rotator cuff muscles. You should feel a good
stretch in the rear shoulders.

How to:

1. Stand with your feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart and bring
your right arm up to a little less than shoulder height.

2. Place your left hand on your right elbow and gently pull your right arm
across your body using the left hand to support your arm.

3. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds.

4. Repeat on the opposite side.

5. Do each side 3–5 times.


Commonly known as a yoga move, Snyder says Child’s Pose is a good way to

open the shoulder joint into flexion (forward bending) and to stretch
your latissimus dorsi, or lat, muscles. Your lower back can also benefit from this

How to:

1. Kneel on an exercise mat. Make sure your body is upright.

2. Slowly crawl your hands forward until your arms are extended in front
of you. Keep your gaze downward.

3. Lower your torso onto your thighs or forehead
and your static lunges work
on the the same muscle groups as a regular lunge. But in
this case, you’re not performing that explosive movement because your feet will
4. Hold this position while taking three deep breaths.
be planted in one spot the whole time.
5. Repeat 3–5 times.

Stationary lunges are more knee-friendly because they help you maintain form
without the movement that may end up putting added pressure on your joints.

Equipment needed: none

Muscles worked: quadriceps, glutes, calves, and hamstrings

1. Start
with your legs together. Take 1 large step back with your left leg and
lift your left heel up so just your tippy toes are on the floor. Focus on
putting all your weight in your right heel and right quadricep. Your upper
body should stand tall with your core engaged, and your shoulders should
be back and relaxed. Keep looking straight ahead of you so your
Stationary Lunge

This exercise tests the overall strength in your legs because it involves explosive power

Equipment needed: leg press machine

Muscles worked: quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and glutes

1. Start off by sitting down in the leg press with your heels
on the platform. They should be about shoulder-width apart with both feet in
line. Both knees should be slightly bent and in line with your ankles.

Note: Don’t lock out your knees

while performing this exercise; you want to make your muscles do all the work


Strengthen your shoulders and arms with simple, yet effective circular motions. You
can do this exercise in a matter of minutes without any equipment.

How to:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend both arms out straight to
your sides to form a T with your body.

2. Slowly rotate your shoulders and arms to make forward circles about 1 foot in
ARM CIRCLES 3. Continue for 15 circles, then reverse directions and complete 15 rotations in
the opposite direction.

4. Do 3 sets total.
Build your triceps by using only your body weight. While you can do this on the floor, opting for a couch,
bench, chair, or sturdy coffee table also works as a great base.

How to:

1. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the furniture you’re propping yourself up on.

2. Shift your pelvis and bottom forward so there’s a 3- to 6-inch gap between your back and the
object — giving you clearance as you dip down.

3. Bend your legs in a 90-degree angle with your feet planted firmly on the ground, or extend them
out in front of you (but don’t lock your knees).

4. Slowly lower your body down and back up, focusing on engaging your triceps.

5. Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.


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