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WW1 Assignment #1-3

ITC C103 – 104I
1ST SEM, SY 2021- 2022

Submitted By:

Labadan, John Eriel C.

Pineda, Jude Emmanuele D.

Gatchalian, Isaac Ace. M.

Submitted To:

Prof. Virginia B. Loyola

CSE – IT Faculty


August 24, 2021

WW1: Prelims Assignment #1 - M1U1

1) True or false? All types of computers use CPU and system memory.

• True, the hardware that defines a computer is the CPU and memory. without these
components, a computer could not function and both components are essential to run
2) What type of computer is most likely to need peripheral devices?

• Desktop computer
3) What type of computer is best suited for using in a job where you have to make notes and be
able to move around easily?

• Smartphone/Handheld Computers are the best suited type of computer when taking
notes and carrying it easily around the place, because of their smaller screen sizes and
less hardware.
4) Why don't laptops make good servers?

• Laptops tend to have less RAM capacity, Less CPU performance due to having a regular
CPU will make the laptop overheat and shutdown. That’s why laptops don’t make good

5) Why isn't a smartphone a good tool for writing a report?

• Smartphones aren’t a good tool for writing reports, because phones don't allow people
to see large chunks of text. Smartphones has Touchscreen or min keyboards that are not
optimized for writing lots of text, though it is possible to attach them as peripheral
devices. Unlike personal computers, it has peripheral devices like keyboard and mice
which gives a proper workplace or environment to write a report.

6) What type(s) of IoT appliance are less likely to be controlled via a home automation hub?

• The IOT appliance that are less likely to be controlled via home automation hub would
be, Modern cars and medicine devices because these devices are not controlled via
home automation hub. They are only smart appliances used on certain electronics
rather than home automation software like domestic appliances, security systems, and
streaming media players.

WW1: Prelims Assignment #2 - M1U2

1) What should you do before attempting to set up a new computer system?

• Navigate an OS and use input devices

• Check contents
• Read Instructions
• Position devices and cables
-Trip hazards
-Air flow

• Proper keyboard and mouse placement

• Sitting position and monitor placement

2) When setting up a desktop computer, what factor should you consider when deciding on the
location of the system case?

• A place that has proper ventilation of air so the computer cannot be suffocated and not
on top of a carpet.

3) What factors should you consider when positioning input and output devices?

• Having it where the hands can have proper positioning and having it conveniently
placed in front of the person who’s using it.
4) You have to sign into Windows—does it matter if the CAPS LOCK light on the keyboard is

• Yes, is matters a lot because having your passwords in lower case and having the caps
lock button on makes the password incorrect.

5) You have to open a word processing application but you cannot see an icon on the desktop.
What should you do?

• In windows, look for the start menu whereas it was designed to be the primary source
to access all applications in Windows. look for the shortcut in Start Menu or Start Screen
and find the word processing application. Then, add the shortcut on the desktop.

6) Your colleague has to run many applications at the same time and finds it difficult to know
which icon to choose when switching between them. What alternative method could you

• I will tell my colleague to press Alt tab on the keyboard because it shows previews of
the window. This short cut held down while the Tab key is pressed to cycle through the
icons of all the windows. When the Tab key is released, the highlighted window is
brought to the foreground. Windows can also show previews of the window contents
when pointing at the taskbar icon.

7) Your colleague is using a laptop and you notice that he laboriously clicks the mouse
repeatedly to scroll through the document you are co-editing. What technique could he use to
be more productive?

• He could use the left button on the trackpad and drag his finger through the trackpad up
or down. Or he could just plug in a mouse so that it can be much easier.

WW1: Prelims Assignment #3 - M1U3

1) What function of an operating system is performed by the "shell?"

• The basic function of the “shell” is to provide the user a proper interface with the
2) What type of file in an OS is the main means of providing coordination of hardware

• A Device driver is required on every hardware component which gives the ability to be
configured and used by the user.

3) What is an example of an open-source operating system?

• Unix, Linux, Android, Chrome OS are the following examples of an open-source

operating system that is designed to be publicly accessible. anyone can see, modify, and
distribute the code as they see fit.

4) What type of computing device(s) is macOS designed for installation on?

• Desktop computers/ workstation and laptop

5) True or false? Windows 10 is the first 64-bit edition of Windows.

• False. Windows 10 is quite correctly described as a version than an edition, and 64-bit
versions of Windows have existed since Windows XP.

6) You have to open a file located on a network server. What should be your first step?

• My first step is to open the file explorer, then I will click on the network object or icon
from the file Explorer and locate the name of the server which is also a name of a
computer hosting the file.

7) What is the technical term for a web address?

• The technical term for a web address is Uniform Resource Locator (URL). In fact,
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is now preferred in web standards documentation,
but URL is more widely known and used. It is used to specify addresses on the World
Wide Web by displaying the information within the following page. A URL is also the
fundamental network identification for any resource connected to the web.

8) What key combination can you use to force the browser to ignore any locally cached files
when refreshing a page?

• The key combination to ignore cached files, would be Ctrl+F5. The following key will
cause the browser to throw out the cache and request a new one from the server.

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