6.1 Baseline Risk Assessment - PARLIAMENT

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Prepared By Leano Construction Solutions Register Number SHE006.1

Approved By Revision Rev 2

Issue Date 05. 08. 2021 Project Building/Plumbing Maintenance
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Impact (Hazard Effect / Consequence)
Standardized Risk Matrix
(Where an event has more than one ‘Loss Type’, choose the ‘Consequence’ with the highest rating)
1 2 3 4 5
Loss Type
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Single fatality or loss of
First aid case / Medical treatment case Lost time injury /
(S/H) quality of life / Multiple fatalities / Impact on
Exposure to minor / Exposure to major Reversible impact on
Harm to People (Safety / Health) Irreversible impact on health ultimately fatal
health risk health risk health
Material environmental Serious environmental Major environmental
(EI) Minimal environmental Extreme environmental harm
harm – L2 incident harm – L2 incident harm – L2 incident
Environmental Impact harm – L1 incident – L3 incident irreversible
remediable short term remediable within LOM remediable post LOM

(BI/MD) No disruption to Brief disruption to Partial loss of

Partial shutdown / R6m Substantial or total loss of
Business Interruption / Material Damage & Other operation / R120k to operation / R600k to operation /R60M to
to less than R60M operation / R450m and higher
Consequential Losses less than R600k less than R6M less than R450M
Serious breech of law;
Major breech of the
Minor legal issue; non investigation/report to Very considerable penalties &
(L&R) law; considerable
Low level legal issue compliance and authority, prosecution prosecutions. Multiple law
Legal & Regulatory prosecution and
breaches of the law and/or moderate suits & jail terms
penalty possible
Slight impact - public
(R/S/C) Limited impact - local Considerable impact - National impact - International impact -
awareness may exist
Impact on Reputation / Social / Community public concern regional public concern national public concern international public attention
but no public concern

Examples (Consider near-hits as well as

Likelihood Risk Rating
actual events)
The unwanted event has occurred
5 frequently; occurs in order of one or
11 (M) 16 (H) 20 (H) 23 (Ex) 25 (Ex)
Almost Certain more times per year & is likely to
reoccur within 1 year
The unwanted event has occurred
4 infrequently; occurs in order of less than
7 (M) 12 (M) 17 (H) 21 (Ex) 24 (Ex)
Likely once per year & is likely to reoccur
within 5 years
The unwanted event has happened in
the business at some time; or could 4 (L) 8 (M) 13 (H) 18 (H) 22 (Ex)
happen within 10 years

The unwanted event has happened in

the business at some time; or could 2 (L) 5 (L) 9 (M) 14 (H) 19 (H)
happen within 20 years
The unwanted event has never been
1 known to occur in the business; or it is
1 (L) 3 (L) 6 (M) 10 (M) 15 (H)
Rare highly unlikely that it will occur within 20
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:


DESCRIPTION OF WORK/ACTIVITY: Building / Plumbing Maintenance LOCATION: D.P.W - Parliament


Initials & Surname Title/Appointment Signature Construction Manager:

N.S Malefane
Contractors Appointee NAME :

S.T Kokolo
Contractors Supervisor SIGNATURE :
S.J Naicker
Contractors Safety Officer/SHE Rep Comments:
S.J Naicker
Competent Person
Client Representative
Discipline Co-ordinator


Available Adequate Changes Required Remarks
Yes No Yes No Yes No

Procedures: (SOP)
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

3. Hazard identification. Risk assessment and determining controls

The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the on-going hazard identification, risk assessment, and determination of necessary
The procedure(s) for hazard identification and risk assessment shall take into account:
a) routine and non-routine activities.
b) activities of all persons having access to the workplace (including contractors and visitors).
c) human behaviour, capabilities and other human factors.
d) identified hazards originating outside the workplace capable of adversely affecting the health and safety of persons under the control of the organization within the
e) hazards created in the vicinity of the workplace by work-related activities under the control of the organization.

NOTE 1 It may be more appropriate for such hazards to be assessed as an environmental aspect.

f) infrastructure, equipment and materials at the workplace, whether provided by the organization or others;
g) changes or proposed changes in the organization, its activities, or materials;
h) modifications to the OH&S management system, including temporary changes, and their impacts on operations, processes, and activities
I) any applicable legal obligations relating to risk assessment and implementation of necessary controls;
j) the design of work areas, processes, installations, machinery/equipment, operating procedures and work organization, including their adaptation to human capabilities.
The organization’s methodology for hazard identification and risk assessment shall:
a) be defined with respect to its scope, nature and timing to ensure it is proactive rather than reactive; and
b) provide for the identification, prioritization and documentation of risks, and the application of controls, as appropriate.
For the management of change, the organization shall identify the OH&S hazards and OH&S risks associated with changes in the organization, the OH&S management
system, or its activities, prior to the introduction of such changes.
When determining controls, or considering changes to existing controls, consideration shall be given to reducing the risks according to the following hierarchy:

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Controls

Before construction start, the Baseline Risk Assessment is a theoretical assessment before the construction start in order to highlight the foreseen hazards, but this is not
intended to be seen as an absolute 100% of hazards that may occur.

The Principal Contractor or their appointed Contractor should take this and whatever hazards that may be presented, due to the unique process which get used to execute the
specific construction activity.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:
This Baseline Risk Assessment provides recommendations regarding the control measures, it is however the Principal Contractor duties to ensure that detailed
control measured are addressed in the applicable unique Risk Assessment by the Principal Contractor or their appointed Contractor. The risk rating is
deliberately rated high because there are no controls in this and without the required controls the possibility of the potential risk is very high, as indicated.

List Controls & Pictorial Risk Rating Legal Reference
Potential Potential Risk Methods

(Where available)

Hazard (Source of the potential risk) (Occupational Health
& Safety)

File Approval as Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and

per OHS Recommendations have a picture which Safety Act and Regulations
Requirements and - No Work can be of benefit for (85 of 1993) and
Client Commencement until illiterate readers incorporated safety
- Work commencing prior to file being available and approved. - No valid
Specification approval has been when the detailed standards
registration with COID.
signed off. risk assessment is
- Expired Documentation (e.g. competencies, equipment load test, medicals,
- Client Health and done
work permits) - Documentation not available or approved as per required
Safety Specification.
Client Spec and OHS act.
- Baseline Risk
- Site Conditions
Legal - Employees appointed not in possession of required or valid competencies Cairnmead As far as possible H& 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Appointments and as per Client Spec and OHS Act. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
Recommendation - S
Competency can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Appointment not as per legal requirements. No Work illiterate readers standards
- Lack of experience for appointed position. Commencement when the detailed
until approval has risk assessment is
been signed off. -
Client Health and
Specification. -
Baseline Risk
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Required legal - Documentation not Site Specific. - Policies and Procedure not in place and Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
documentation as approved. - Employees not trained in Policies and Procedures and legal Recommendations - have a picture Act and Regulations (85 of
per OHS act requirements No Work which can be of 1993) and incorporated safety
Commencement until benefit for illiterate
approval has been readers when the
signed off. - Client detailed risk
Health and Safety assessment is
Specification. - done.
Baseline Risk
Assessment -
Training Needs
analysis to be
conducted by
Contractor. -
Communication of
Risk Identification - Method of works not site specific - Risk identification not in place or Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
conducted - Risk identification not site specific - Risk controls not sufficient Recommendations - have a picture Act and Regulations (85 of
- Risk Assessor not competent - Continues Risk evaluation not conducted No Work which can be of 1993) and incorporated safety
Commencement until benefit for illiterate
approval has been readers when the
signed off. - Client detailed risk
Health and Safety assessment is
Specification. - done.
Baseline Risk
Assessment - Method
Statement of Tasks -
Site conditions
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Induction & - Employees entering site not being inducted. - Visitors entering site not Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Medical certificate being inducted / signing visitors’ induction form. - Visitors not being provided Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
of fitness with the necessary personal protective equipment. - Induction being Site induction can can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
conducted on employees without them being in possession of a valid illiterate readers standards
only be done with an
medical certificate of fitness in the form of an Annexure 3. The medical must when the detailed
employee if the risk assessment is
be conducted by a registered Occupational Health Practitioner. - require up to date
Construction vehicles and mobile plant operators entering the site without done.
being inducted. - Driver of delivery vehicles not made aware of the specific
medical is presented
site conditions. - Employees being inducted without valid work permits / at the induction. -
certified ID Copies. Medical fitness
certificates must be
validated by the
principle contractor to
ensure adherence to
the minimum
requirements and
validity of the
document. - Each
person’s ID or valid
work permit must be
inspected before
induction can be
allowed on site for the
List of employees - Number of employees on site not listed on employee lifts. - Number of Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
and Contractors contractors on site not listed on contractor list. - Employee and contractor list Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
not being updated as required. Keep all employees can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
working on site on a
when the detailed
employee list. - Keep risk assessment is
all contractors on site done.
on an update
contractor list. - Enter
new employees and
contractors on the lift
as soon as they have
received the site
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Notification of - Contractor not submitting notification to the DOL as required by legal Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Construction requirement. - Notification not containing the correct information as required Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
by the DOL. - Notification of construction not submitted in the prescribed Contractor to provide can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
timeframe. illiterate readers standards
the DOL with the
when the detailed
required Notification risk assessment is
as legislated. - done.
Notification to
contain the minimum
required information
and to be submitted as
legislated to prevent
work stoppages from
Client and - Client not following requirements as stipulated in the regulations. - Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Designer Duties Designers not appointed in writing and not made aware of their duties. - Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
Designers not following their legal duties throughout the project. Client to follow legal can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
requirements as
when the detailed
stipulated in the risk assessment is
regulations before and done.
during the
construction process. -
Designers on the
project to sign
agreement in
acknowledgement of
their duties on the
project. - Designers to
conduct the required
inspections and
review the required
documentation as
stipulated in the
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Security - No security in place at entrances to construction site. - Unauthorized entry Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
to site. - Theft of materials and equipment. Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
The principal can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
contractor must illiterate readers standards
appoint full time when the detailed
security personnel to risk assessment is
control the access done.
onto site at all times. -
Dedicated access
control sign books to
be available for visitor
sign ins.
Access control - To prevent unauthorized entry into the construction area, beyond the area Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
which was fenced off as per the Engineers drawing, from the gate which the Recommendations: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
contractor controls up to the furthest point of the hoarded area. - Access Only designated can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
control measures not in place at access gates. - Accessing site from unsafe access gates may be illiterate readers standards
areas. - Unauthorized entry onto site due to lack of access control kept unlocked pending when the detailed
measures. that full time security is risk assessment is
placed at the gates. - done.
Only use access gates
at approved by the
Access to Only Authorised persons are permitted access, via their College ID card. Take care to secure As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
roof/plant room by access points to have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
unauthorised prevent unauthorised can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
Roof (and plant room) access doors are colour coded and signed to indicate illiterate readers standards
persons restricted access and/or hazards. persons accessing
roof areas. It is when the detailed
recognised that this risk assessment is
can be problematic, done.
e.g. when frequent
irregular access is
required such as when
transporting materials
onto roofs.
Fragile Fragile roof / skylights are either covered, signed as hazardous or have Those accessing roofs As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
roof/skylights physical barriers around them. In some instances access to the location is where skylights exist have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
restricted to those using fall restraint / arrest equipment. are to avoid these can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
hazard areas where illiterate readers standards
possible. when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Hazardous The College requires that all fume stacks rise a distance of not less than 3 In the event that it is As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
emissions from metres above primary roof level, this provides a high level of protection to necessary to work at have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
fume stacks those workers who may have to access the roof. height on a roof can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
adjacent to e.g. within illiterate readers standards
a 3 metre radius of a when the detailed
Workers are however advised not to work for extended periods of time within
fume stack vent this risk assessment is
a 3 metre radius of a fume stack unless this has been approved by their
should only be done.
undertaken via a
permit to work. In the
event that a fume
stack is less than 3
metres above the
primary roof surface
workers must not go
onto the roof without
the permission of their
No or limited edge Where fully compliant collective edge protection does not exist access will As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
protection only be permitted by adherence to the following : have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
• A safe system of work which sets out the precautions to be taken by when the detailed
operatives. risk assessment is
• No person to be within 2 metres of an unprotected roof edge unless done.
they are using fall arrest / restraint apparatus and working in
compliance with a permit to work.

Operatives to give full regard to weather conditions when planning works on

unprotected roofs.
Roof anchors / All anchor devices and lateral man-safe systems are tagged to indicate they As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
man-safe systems have been tested. The tag will show the next test due date. Do not use any have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
equipment which is not in-date. Only use lanyards and harnesses which can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
comply with the specification of equipment and method statement illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
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System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Roof access Roof access hatches pose openings that must be protected. The simplest As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
hatches approach to controlling this hazard is to simply close the hatch cover once on have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
the roof. However precautions must be taken to ensure that the cover will not can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
latch in a way that prohibits exit. If the hatch must be kept open - for illiterate readers standards
example, to pass up tools and materials - the opening must be protected with when the detailed
a guardrail, or employees must use personal fall arrest equipment during the risk assessment is
time to which they are exposed to a fall. done.

Sloping Roof Sloping roofs are not to be walked on by staff /contractors unless access As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
(>10%) arrangements are included in a safe system of work as agreed via a permit have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
to work. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Slippery roofs Staff/contractors to wear appropriate footwear when accessing roofs and As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
exercise caution where roofs are wet or icy. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Lone Working Lone Working on roofs is not permitted unless with the express permission of As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
a manager or supervisor. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Fixed vertical Staff / contractors to exercise caution when using these ladders. Always Exercise greater As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
(Jacobs) ladders. maintain the maximum number of contacts with the ladder and avoid using caution where ladders have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
hands to carry tools / equipment. Do not use vertical ladders as work are not fitted with hoop can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
platforms. protection. illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Adverse weather Do not work at height in storms or strong winds. Managers / those granting Be particularly mindful As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
permission for roof access are to consider the implications the weather could of the ‘sail’ effect have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
have on the safety of operatives. which large work can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
materials can produce illiterate readers standards
e.g. on plywood when the detailed
sheets, glazing. This risk assessment is
‘sail effect’ can be done.
extremely hazardous,
even in light winds.
Overloading roof Where heavy plant or materials are to be placed on a roof consideration Always consider As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
must be given to the safe working load of the roof. Where there is any doubt distributing the weight have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
the Facilities Management competent person must be consulted. with use of spreader can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
plates, joists or illiterate readers standards
sheeting. when the detailed
risk assessment is

Poor or no Do not carry out work operations in poorly lit areas. Provide additional As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
lighting – extension leads, torches if required etc. Beware of trip hazards have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
lighting presented by extension leads. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Falling objects Where tools or equipment are being used adjacent to a roof edge and there .For added safety As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
is a risk of them falling and injuring those below those items must be consider using can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
attached to a safety lanyard. barriers to cordon off illiterate readers standards
the area below to when the detailed
Be particularly mindful of the ‘sail’ effect which large work materials can risk assessment is
prevent injuries to
produce e.g. plywood, glazing. This sail effect can be extremely hazardous done.
even in light winds blowing material off towers
Good housekeeping
throughout the roof
work is very important.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Unprotected Walking in valley gutters should be avoided unless absolutely necessary as As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
walkways they can often be slippery and the lead flashing can be easily damaged. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
(including in valley can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
gutters) illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Asbestos – e.g. Check the College’s asbestos register and roof hazard profile before work As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
cement roof commences. Follow the College’s asbestos procedure. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
sheets, glazing can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
rope. illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Hot works on No Hot Works are to be undertaken without a Hot Work Permit – A hot Don’t torch directly As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
roofs have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
work permit can be obtained by logging on to the Estates Facilities onto building can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
Customer Services Centre website. Where the work is of an urgent nature materials, flashing, or illiterate readers standards
a hot work permit can be obtained from the Fire Office for South voids in the roof. Be when the detailed
risk assessment is
Kensington or Maintenance Managers at Medical Campuses. careful on steep
slopes; walk-behinds
Any contractor undertaking hot works must comply with the conditions can roll away or tip
required by the hot work permit. over. Don’t pull a
The following are general precautions which should be taken: backward on roofs
• To prevent fires keep flammable material, gases and/or liquids
that exceed a 1in 3
well away from the heat source.
slope set a torch
• Nominate a fire watcher where indicated by the risk assessment; down, always turn it
• Seal off air intakes and roof openings to keep fumes and flame off and set it upright
out of the building. on its legs. Never
hang a torch over a
• Have fire extinguishers available.
roof edge. Stop work
2-3 hours before you
• Make an emergency plan.
leave a job to
• Know the roof’s escape routes. prevent hot spots or
smouldering fires.
• Set up communication between the roof crew, building, and
ground workers. Welding machines to
apply plastic roof
• Know the local emergency numbers for fire and medical membranes reach
services. 1,100°F and use up to
230 volts of
electricity. To prevent
Know first aid for heat illness and severe burns. electric shock, use
circuit breakers and
avoid rain or wet
areas. Don’t touch
grounded objects such
as pipes or scaffolding
while operating the
equipment. Don’t
overheat plastic
membranes, they can
emit toxic compounds.
Document number:
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System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Electrical All staff to work in compliance with IEE Regulations As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Hazards, high have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
voltage can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

UV exposure, Wear appropriate PPE and sun protection cream. Avoid working in direct As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
heat. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
sun light for prolonged periods and take regular breaks, keep hydrated with can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
fresh water. illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Manual handling All Workers to work in compliance with the Risk Assessment / Method As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Statement and apply ‘best practice’ handling techniques. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Hazardous Any known hazards will be detailed on the roof risk profile which is to be As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
substances shared with staff and contractors. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Electromagnetic/R All works associated with telecoms masts will be undertaken subject to As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
adio waves from submission of a risk assessment / method statement and permit to work. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
telecoms can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
transmitters illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Exposure to The College has arrangements in place which satisfy the duties as set out in As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Legionella the Approved Code of Practice (L8) for controlling the risk of Legionellosis. have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
bacteria can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Trip hazards There can be many trip hazards on roofs due to the presence of services, As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
(lightning plant, gantries and roof finishes. Workers should always wear footwear have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
conductors, drain which is appropriate to the task being undertaken and always pay attention can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
vents etc) to where they are walking. Purpose made walkways should be used where illiterate readers standards
provided. when the detailed
risk assessment is

Cradle access Cradle systems are ‘mobile elevating working platforms’ and are not to be As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
systems operated other than by IPAF (International Powered Access Federation) have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
qualified persons. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Head height Wear appropriate PPE. NB Space is constrained in some plant areas As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
obstructions have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Poor Keep areas tidy and unobstructed at all times. Promptly remove unused Report to the Building As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
‘housekeeping’ materials from roof area after works have been completed. Manager any have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
structural damage you can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
may find and any work illiterate readers standards
materials which have when the detailed
been left by others. risk assessment is
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System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Poor Some roofs due to their profile of hazard will be designated as ‘No lone- As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
communications working locations’. Where lone working is permitted, workers are to have the have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
means to communicate with their Supervisor or College Security. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Automatic These will be identified on the roof hazard schematic, which is to be used As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
opening vents and have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
as the basis for Risk Assessment of the work/project to be undertaken and can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
windows can
present trip/fall the adoption of safe working methods. illiterate readers standards
hazards and when the detailed
encroach on risk assessment is
walkways done.

Exposure to wood ■Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) provided at machines and staff are ■Remind staff of the
dust ■trained in using it properly.LEV maintained to keep it in good condition risks of wood dust,
and why these
and working effectively. controls are
■LEV inspected every 14 months by a competent person. necessary.
■Wood dust cleared up using a suitable vacuum cleaner, fitted with ■Remind staff never to
■an appropriate filter.Suitable respiratory protective equipment (RPE) as dry sweep wood dust,
which just spreads the
well as LEV for
dust around.
■very dusty jobs, and staff trained in how to use it.Staff do health
surveillance questionnaire before starting, then
■annually.Any affected staff referred to a medical professional.
Machinery ■All machines guarded according to manufacturers’ instructions. Download information
■Guards inspected regularly and maintained as necessary to ensure their sheets on the safe use
of the machines used
good condition. in the workshop from
■Staff have sufficient space at machines to work safely. HSE website and pin
■Staff monitored by manager to ensure guards always used. them up in mess
■All staff trained in safe use of machines by a competent person.
■All machines braked and fitted with necessary safety features, eg chip
limited tooling etc.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Manual handling ■Staff trained in manual handling. ■Where possible,

■Workbenches and machine tables set at a comfortable height. store tooling next to
the machine to reduce
■Strong, thick gloves provided for handling tooling and pallets. carrying distance.
■Panel trolley and lifting hooks available for moving boards. ■Remind staff to ask
■Systems of work in place for the safe and careful handling of assembled for a new set of gloves
furniture. when old ones show
wear and tear, and not
to try to lift objects that
appear too heavy.
Noise ■Noise enclosures used where practicable, and maintained in good ■Consider if certain
■condition.Low-noise tooling used where possible. machines could be
safely mounted on
■Planned maintenance programme for machinery and LEV systems. anti-vibration
■Suitable hearing protectors provided for staff and staff trained how to use mountings.
them. Check and maintain them according to advice given by supplier. ■Include noise
■Staff trained in risks of noise exposure. emission in
specification for new
■Staff trained in systems of work to reduce noise exposure (eg suitable
vertical spindle
feed rates for certain jobs, timber control etc). moulder, to be
purchased next year.
Vehicles ■Fork-lift truck maintained and inspected as per lease contract. ■Ensure drivers get
■Lift truck operated only by staff who have been trained to use it. out of their vehicle
and stand in a safe
■Pedestrian walkways marked. area while it is being
■Only authorised people allowed in yard for deliveries/dispatch. loaded/unloaded.
Slips, trips and ■Generally good housekeeping – off-cuts cleared away promptly, dust ■Remind staff to clear
falls cleared regularly etc. up spillages of ■wax
or polish immediately,
■Staff wear strong safety shoes that have a good grip. even very minor
■Good lighting in all areas. spillages.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Electrical ■Residual current device (RCD) built into main switchboard. ■Ask landlord when
■Staff trained to spot and report any defective plugs, discoloured sockets or the next safety check
of the electrical
damaged cable/equipment to manager. installation will be
■No personal electrical appliances, eg toasters or fans, allowed. done.
■Confirm with landlord
the system for making
safe any damage to
building installation
electrics, eg broken
light switches or
Site Clearing - Use of unsafe mobile plant or machinery. - Damage of site fence due to site Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
clearing operations. - Damage to existing services not marked or pointed out Recommendation: - All have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
to the Principal Contractor. - Employees being struck by moving plant services on site must can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
working in the area. - No dust control measures in place. - Removing tall be pointed out by the illiterate readers standards
trees unsafely. - Damage to neighboring properties. - Several construction client to the principal when the detailed
vehicles and mobile plant operating in confined space area and unsafe / contractor. - Safe risk assessment is
uncontrolled interaction with employees on site. - Construction vehicle and distance from site done.
mobile plants reverse hooters not working. - Unsafe stockpiles of soil or fence and services
other materials on site. - Unauthorized removal of indigenous & endangered must be established
fauna & flora. by contractor and
must be maintained
and marked. - Dust
control measures must
be implemented by the
principal contractor as
determined by the
requirements. - All
construction vehicles
on site must be
inspected when
delivered to site to
ensure adherence to
the legal requirements
before any usage of
the plant
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Site establishment - Safety signs and notice boards not placed close to entrance of main gate. - Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
Transporting Lay down areas not off sufficient size. - No toilets provided as per Recommendations: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
containers / requirements. - Not informing employees and public what the site rules are. - Mandatary signage can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
temporary offices Damaged / loose wires exposed at site offices. - Material handling can cause must be installed at illiterate readers standards.
to site. crush injuries and falling objects. - Incorrect placement / position of the gates leading to when the detailed
containers / site offices. - Tripping hazards / Fall risk site. - Toilet facilities risk assessment is
Offloading done.
containers / must be installed and
offices. in working condition
when employees start
Container / work on site. -
offices placement. Installation of offices
Demobilisation must be done under
Cleaning the supervision of a
competent person.
Employee - Insufficient employee facilities on site, causing employees to pollute the Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
facilities site. - Polluting the environment. - Facilities not being cleaned and Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
maintained. - No changing facilities available for employees on site. - No There must be toilet can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
canteen / dining / sheltered eating areas available for employees on site. - facilities provided in illiterate readers standards.
No inspections conducted and no checklist completed as per the Cairnmead line with legal when the detailed
Specification. requirements for each risk assessment is
sex working on site. - done.
Facilities to be
cleaned daily by
appointed members
as per specification
requirements. - Eating
areas to be
established at a safe
and secure location on
site. - Waste bins to
be placed at strategic
locations throughout
site. - Changing
facilities to be
provided to
contractors /
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Exit / entry into - Injuries to pedestrians / members of public. - Collision with public vehicles. - Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
the public roads No points men / flagmen positioned at access gates. - No warning signage Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
displayed at the access gates to site for vehicles turning. - No stop and go Construction vehicle can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
process in place should it be applicable. turning areas must be illiterate readers standards
fitted with the when the detailed
applicable signage. - risk assessment is
Areas effected next to done.
public way must have
designated flagmen.

Exit / entry into - Injuries to pedestrians / members of public. - Collision with public vehicles. - Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
the public roads No points men / flagmen positioned at access gates. - No warning signage Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
displayed at the access gates to site for vehicles turning. - No stop and go Construction vehicle can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
process in place should it be applicable. turning areas must be illiterate readers standards
fitted with the when the detailed
applicable signage. - risk assessment is
Areas effected next to done.
public way must have
designated flagmen.
Waste removal - Trip, fall and stumble. - Bearers, stacks or palettes collapse. - Falling load Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
can strike employees. - Scattered or protruding objects. - Incorrect PPE Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
issued to workers. - Incorrect placing of rubble shoots. - Incorrect sorting of Waste must be can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
materials. - Insufficient bins allocated in designated, prominent areas on site removed from site at illiterate readers standards
for employees to make use of to throw their domestic waste in. - Employees regular intervals. - when the detailed
burning waste on site. - Hazardous waste being removed from site as Waste must only be risk assessment is
normal waste. discarded at approved done.
dump sites and proof
of this documentation
must be available
upon request. -
Employees tasked
with waste removal
must be provided with
sufficient PPE as per
task risk assessment.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Parking of vehicle - Damage to structures and equipment. - Injuries to people. - No trained Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
in public road flagman available at obstruction area. - No temporary road closure / lane Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
restrictions warning signage displayed and installed. - No wayleave in place Construction vehicles can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
should lane restrictions / road closures occur. - No temporary / moveable may not be left illiterate readers standards
hoarding in place. - No warning lights available in evenings. - No stop and go unattended in the when the detailed
process in place should it be applicable. public areas. - All risk assessment is
construction plant and done.
machinery to be kept
on site within fenced
off areas. - Roads and
passageways past the
site must be cleaned
daily and must be
maintained constantly.
Working in - Poisonous gas, fume or vapour present in confined space. - Lack of oxygen Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
confined spaces for employees working in confined space area. - The presence of flammable Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
gasses in confined space can lead to fire or explosion. - Employees being Confined spaces to be can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
exposed to high noise levels in confined space. - Employees being exposed inspected and tested illiterate readers standards
to extreme temperatures / changes in temperature in confined space. - before employees can when the detailed
Insufficient safe access for employees in and out of work area. - Risk of be allowed to enter the risk assessment is
exposure to hazards associated with lack of adequate ventilation for area. - Employees done.
activities in confined spaces. must be trained by
accredited training
provider for the work
inside confined
spaces. - Safe and
secured access must
be provided to
confined space area at
all times. - Detailed
risk assessment must
be communicated with
employees before
work commence on
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Material & - Delivery vehicle driver not familiar with the site. - Driver not instructed on Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
equipment site rules. - Vehicle parking in unauthorized area. - Loads incorrectly / Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
handling unsafely off loaded from vehicle. - Loads incorrectly loaded onto vehicle or Must be done under can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
Receiving and off- stacked incorrectly. - No wayleave in place when offloading materials in the supervision of an illiterate readers standards
loading and public road. - Materials have moved on / inside truck or delivery vehicle appointed stacking when the detailed
loading of making it unstable. - Overloading of vehicle. - Materials falling onto inspector as per risk assessment is
equipment and/or employee. - Employee handling materials sustaining hand injuries. - specification. - Must done.
material Materials offloaded in the incorrect area / unsafe area. be loaded at
designated areas only.
- Must be demarcated
when loads are off
loaded. - Employees
must be provided with
the PPE as
determined in the task
risk assessment.
Interface with - No communication with other contractors on premises in close vicinity of Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
adjacent work area. Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
construction Must communicate can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
activities of other daily regarding items illiterate readers standards
contractors. that may affect 3rd when the detailed
party or site access. risk assessment is

Neighbour - Insufficient protection of neighboring premises by not using safety screens/ Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
interface hoarding and barricading. Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- No communication with neighbors regarding noise levels, dust levels and - Communicate with illiterate readers standards
working hours. neighbours regarding when the detailed
- No wayleave in place for road closures / lane restrictions. any items that may risk assessment is
affect their trading or done.
- No / insufficient dust control. - Surrounding roads not cleaned at regular access.
- Ensure that all
neighbours are
informed about noise
and dust work
- Keep the neighbour
areas clean and free
from any debris or
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Interface with - Insufficient protection of neighbouring premises by not using safety Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
existing tenants screens/ hoarding and barricading. - No communication with neighbours Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
regarding noise levels, dust levels and working hours. - No / insufficient dust Communication with can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
control. - Surrounding roads not cleaned at regular intervals. - Services to tenants regarding illiterate readers standards
premises not being protected. - Emergency escape routes not being noise / dust work. - when the detailed
maintained and not left unobstructed. - Poor communication with tenant Communication risk assessment is
regarding work effecting the premises. regarding emergency done.
response plans and
assembly locations. -
Concerning items to
be addressed
immediately via tenant
Night work / After- - No supervision / inadequate supervision on site during after Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
hours work Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
-hours work. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Inadequate illumination. - May only commence illiterate readers standards
after client and council when the detailed
- Rise in increasing shift length. approval is obtained. risk assessment is
- Insufficient breaks. - Must in line with the done.
- Exposed to extreme temperatures (cold) working hour
- Use of drugs on site. requirements as
- Must be done under
strict site management
and supervision.
- Emergency structure
must accommodate
night work.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Concrete work - Truck parking or moving into wrong position, falling into excavation. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
Pumping - Again moving into incorrect position and concrete chute not correctly can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
operations positioned. To commence under
competent illiterate readers standards
Small mixing - Slipping and falling trying to control vibrator. supervision. - when the detailed
plants - Danger offloading (concrete) falling or bucket hitting people. - Operator of Employees must be risk assessment is
Pouring with concrete pump not appointed and not competent. - Concrete pump trained on the pouring done.
ready mix trucks positioned on even floor surface. procedures to follow. -
Placement of - Operator not conducting pre-inspection on pump before operating. Material used for
concrete pouring must be
- Exposure to silica while handling cement bags. inspected before and
Cement bags
(storage & usage) - Excessive noise and vibration particularly with vibrating pokers, power during use to ensure
Pouring floats and mechanical screed boards. the safety of
concrete using - Manual handling – particularly movement of material by spade / shovel. personnel. -
banana bucket. Employees must be
- Gross spillage of concrete. provided with the PPE
- Overloading of temporary works on a specific point / point load with as determined in the
concrete. task risk assessment
- Blocking of concrete pipes.
- Concrete splashing into eyes of employees during casting of concrete
- Concrete burns to hands and feet of employees.
- Falls or injury to hands, arms, ankles, legs etc. from falling on mesh / steel
reinforcing on deck.
- High pressure concrete and aggregate going into eyes, face or any
exposed skin due to standing or working in front of end hose, or opening up
pipe joints when pumping.
- No safe access for employees to area where concrete needs to be poured.
- Temporary works shutters moving out of position while casting concrete.
- All tools and equipment not cleaned thoroughly after concrete has been
- If casting concrete with banana bucket, employees moving underneath
suspended load.
- Basket not fitted to end of pipe when cleaning with sponge ball.
- Concrete pipe not assembled correctly.
- Incorrect cleaning method of pipe.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Concrete breaking - Incorrect position and concrete chute not correctly positioned. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Slipping and falling of breakers due to incorrect handling. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Danger offload (concrete) falling or rubble bucket hitting people. - To commence under illiterate readers standards
competent when the detailed
- Overloading of surface with building rubble accumulating. supervision. risk assessment is
- Employees must be done.
trained on the
equipment procedures
to follow.
- Material used for
breaking must be
inspected before and
during use to ensure
the safety of
- Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Jack hammer / - Employees not wearing the correct personal protective equipment while Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
breaker using jack hammer. - Hand and arm vibrations can cause white finger Recommendation: - have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
operations syndrome. - Injury to back and joints from manual handling. - Damage to To commence under can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
hearing from constant noise. - Electrocution from faulty equipment or from competent illiterate readers standards
Use of electrical when the detailed
jack hammer operating in wet areas. - Operator losing control over the tool. - Foreign supervision. -
objects entering employees’ eyes. - Damage to existing services. Employees must be risk assessment is
Use of done.
compressor jack trained on the
hammer equipment procedures
to follow. - Material
used for breaking
must be inspected
before and during use
to ensure the safety of
personnel. -
Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Operating of - One construction vehicle can bump into another. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
construction Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- A construction vehicle can bump/drive over pedestrians. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
vehicles and - Must be operated by
mobile plant - Unauthorized use of construction vehicle and mobile plant. illiterate readers standards
appointed trained and when the detailed
Transport of - Operator of construction vehicle not appointed and not competent. medically fit operators. risk assessment is
employees & - No reverse hooter installed / not in working condition. - Must be inspected done
materials to site. - Operator not conducting pre-start inspection on machine before operating. daily before use.
Operating plant - Must be parked /
on site. - Operator leaving the vehicle / plant unattended whilst the engine is still
running or with the key still in the ignition. stored on site only at
secured areas.
- Operator speeding on site.
- May not work near
- Construction vehicle / mobile plant parked at an incline without stop blocks excavation edges.
being put in place behind the wheels.
- Must have safe
means of access.
Operating of - Construction vehicle or mobile plant overturning. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
construction Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Construction vehicles and mobile plant operating in close vicinity or next to can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
vehicles and power lines. - Must be operated by
mobile plant illiterate readers standards
- Inclement weather. appointed trained and when the detailed
Transport of medically fit operators. risk assessment is
employees & - Operator speeding on site. - Must be inspected done
materials to site. - Unauthorized / unsafe transportation of employees. daily before use.
Operating plant - Integration between pedestrians and construction vehicles not planned and - Must be parked /
on site. controlled. stored on site only at
secured areas.
- May not work near
excavation edges.
- Must have safe
means of access.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Housekeeping - Housekeeping not being maintained daily. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Scrap, waste and debris not removed from site at appropriate intervals. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Construction areas near build up areas not sufficiently hoarded. - Housekeeping illiterate readers standards
conditions to be when the detailed
- Housekeeping conditions not managed by the site management team. maintained daily. risk assessment is
- Hoarding must be done.
maintained daily and
must be kept up to
- Site management to
be informed of
conditions to ensure
that the housekeeping
can be implemented
as required.
Working at - Falling objects Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
heights / elevated Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Not hooking safety harness catch to anchor point. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
positions - Employees required
- Anchor point not secure or strong enough. illiterate readers standards
to work at heights when the detailed
- Deliberately dropping materials or equipment. must be formally risk assessment is
- Not keeping all debris, rocks, scraps and rubble away from the work area trained for the task at done.
edges. hand.
- Employees working at heights not certified to work at heights in accordance - Anchorage points
with the SAQA requirements for working at heights training. must be certified by a
- Employees allowed to work at heights who is not medical fit and not in competent person
possession of a valid medical certificate of fitness. before being used.
- No rescue plan in place for employees working at heights. - Fall arrest or
restraints to be
inspected before use.
- Tools to be secured
while working at
heights to prevent
falling objects.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Fall protection - No site and task specific fall protection plan available for the work at hand. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Employees not trained on the fall protection plan. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Fall protection plan not compiled and approved by a competent and - Competent fall illiterate readers standards
approved fall protection planner. protection planner to when the detailed
be appointed and risk assessment is
- Fall protection plan not implemented and maintained throughout project. must compile and sign done.
off the fall protection
- Fall protection plan
to address all site-
specific conditions.
- Fall protection plan
to be implemented
before height work can
- Fall protection plan
to be updated
throughout the project
should the need arise
for scope changes.
Structures - No structure inspections being done to prevent any part of the structure Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
from being overloaded or becoming unstable. Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- The structure information not being made available on site to ensure the - Strict adherence to illiterate readers standards
designs are being complied with. allowable loads must when the detailed
- Structure records and maintenance not done by the owner. be maintained. risk assessment is
- Structure not inspected as legislated in the regulations. - Structure designs to done.
be available on site if
any uncertainty arises
or information is
- The client to ensure
that structure
inspections are
conducted as
- Structure
maintenance records
to be kept.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Temporary Works - Temporary works not designed by appointed Engineer. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Offloading & Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Temporary works not being signed off by appointed Engineer prior to using can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
storage of temporary works. - Must be designed
temporary works illiterate readers standards
- Temporary works not being inspected on a daily basis by competent, and inspected by a when the detailed
material. competent appointed
appointed person. risk assessment is
Erection & person as per the done.
dismantling of - Temporary works erected by incompetent employees / erectors. specification
temporary works. - Temporary work erectors not trained on the specific system being used on requirements.
General site. - Must be inspected
working - Temporary work drawings not signed off by appointed, competent daily.
operations on Engineer. - Contractor not working from latest revision drawing.
temporary works. - Must have detailed
- Temporary works not adequately erected, supported, braced and designs available
maintained by competent person. upon request.
- Temporary work structure not erected according to the design. - Must be done by
- Employees slipping on temporary work decks due to application of release trained employees that
agents. have been found
competent in erection
- Temporary work structure stripped before concrete acquired sufficient of the specific system.
- Temporary work structure erected on uneven floor surface.
- No safe access for employees onto temporary work structure.
- No solid edge barricading installed around temporary work decks. -
Employees other than the erectors allowed onto temporary work deck while
there is openings in deck.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Ladders - Damaged ladder being used on site. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendations: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Ladder not inspected before use. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Ladder not positioned on level ground surface. - Must be inspected illiterate readers standards
before use. when the detailed
- Employee using ladder unsafely.
- Must be fit for risk assessment is
- Incorrect ladder being used for activity being performed. purpose. done.
- Materials (tools & equipment) falling from ladder. - Must be stored in
- Ladder not clearly marked / identified by means of a number and not secured location
inspected by the appointed Ladder inspector. without damaging
- Ladder not recorded on the ladder register. equipment.
- Ladder not fitted with non-skid devices at the bottom ends and hooks or - Must be removed
similar devices at the upper ends of the stiles. from site if found
damaged or defective.
- Ladders not stored correctly. - Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Electrical Tools - Incorrect wiring. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendations: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Incorrect use of the equipment. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Persons not properly trained. - Must be inspected illiterate readers standards
before use. when the detailed
- Tools not inspected prior to use or issue.
- Must be fit for risk assessment is
- Electrical tools being used in inclement weather. purpose. done.
- Operator of electrical being electrocuted. - Must be stored in
- Operator of electrical tool being exposed to high noise levels. secured location
- Contact with rotating or moving parts. without damaging
- Injuries due to materials being ejected.
- Must be removed
- Electrical fires. from site if found
- Moving parts – entanglement. damaged or defective.
- Vibration. - Dust inhalation. - Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Hand tools - Tools not inspected prior to use or issue. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendations: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Strike injuries to hand. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- “Home – made” hand tools being used. - Must be inspected illiterate readers standards
before use. when the detailed
- Cuts from sharp blades.
- Must be fit for risk assessment is
purpose. done.
- Must be stored in
secured location
without damaging
- Must be removed
from site if found
damaged or defective.
- Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Stacking and - Brick pallets double stacked and not secured by being tied or wrapped. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
storage Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Brick pallets double stacked next to public areas. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- No Stacking & storage supervisor appointed. - Must be done under illiterate readers standards
appointed supervision. when the detailed
- Laydown areas not inspected weekly by appointed person. - Must be done as per risk assessment is
- Use of an unsuitable pallets for the loading or storage methods of bricks site requirements at done.
and other materials. designated areas
- Continued use of damaged pallets. clearly marked and
- Insufficient storage areas provided.
- Employees must be
- Storage areas not demarcated and clearly identified. provided with the PPE
- Storage areas not kept neat and under control. as determined in the
- Employees removing materials from the bottom of the stack and not from task risk assessment
the top.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Housekeeping - Materials / equipment not stored properly. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Waste, scrap and debris not removed from site at appropriate intervals. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Materials on site obstructing means of access to and from site / work areas - Must be done daily illiterate readers standards
and passageways / walkways. and must be managed when the detailed
by the principal risk assessment is
- Materials not being used on site is accumulating and not removed. contractor. done.
- Construction sites not properly / sufficiently fenced off and access points - Waste and rubble to
not being controlled. be removed from site
- Catch platforms not erected where overhead work is taking place. - No at appropriate
Housekeeping supervisor appointed as per the Cairnmead Specification. intervals.
- No weekly housekeeping checklist completed as per the Cairnmead - Employees must be
specification. provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Storage and use - Flammable liquids solids, and gasses not stored correctly. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
of flammable Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Required notices and signs not clearly displayed in the area where can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
liquids flammable liquids, solids or gasses is stored / located. - Must be done under illiterate readers standards
- No fire extinguishers / insufficient fire extinguishers available in close appointed supervision. when the detailed
proximity. - Must be done as per risk assessment is
site requirements at done.
- Material safety data sheets not available & not communicated with designated areas
employees. clearly marked and
- Employees must be
provided with the PPE
as determined in the
task risk assessment
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Flame cutting and - Effect the structural integrity of the structure if welding is not done correctly. Cairnmead As far as possible 9 M 9M 9 Occupational Health and Safety
welding Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- CO2 welding not being protected from weather conditions when doing CO2 can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
welding on site in order to prevent wind from blowing the CO2 away from the - May only be used by illiterate readers standards
welding point. trained and appointed when the detailed
- No flash back arrestors installed on gas welding equipment. employees. risk assessment is
- Gas welding & cutting: - Must be stored in line done.
with the
o Fire caused by heat, sparks, molten metal or direct contact with the flame. manufacturer’s
o Explosion when cutting up or repairing tanks or drums which contain or specifications.
may have contained flammable materials. - Employees must be
o Fire / explosion caused by gas leaks, backfires and flashbacks. provided with the PPE
o Fumes created during flame cutting. as determined in the
task risk assessment
o Fire / burns resulting from misuse of oxygen.
- Working areas to be
o Burns from contact with the flame or hot metal. clearly marked via
o Crushing or impact injuries when handling and transporting cylinders. signage.
- Employees not wearing the correct personal protective equipment. - Have sufficient
- Fire extinguisher not available in nearby vicinity. firefighting equipment
available at all times.
- Must have the
required permits in
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

Electrical - Unfamiliarity with the site and/or uncertainty about the job. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
installations Recommendations: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Faulty electrical installations or equipment may result in electrocution, can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
burns or other injuries to employees. - Employees must be illiterate readers standards
- Employees doing the electrical installations not competent. provided with the PPE when the detailed
as determined in the risk assessment is
- Electrical shock causing injury or death of employee. task risk assessment done.
- Fire resulting from an electrical fault. - Must be done under
- Changes to wiring / installation not being reflected in drawings. constant supervision.
- Working at heights and danger of falling objects. - Must be done in line
- Inadequate light to work safely. with engineer
- Excessive worker fatigue, due to pressure of deadlines or other factors. -
Inadequate lock out procedures / lock out procedures not implemented - Must be done in line
correctly. with task risk
assessment to ensure
- Cramped working conditions, including cable trenches and cable pits. - No the safety of
COC issued for permanent / temporary electrical installations. employees.
- Temporary electrical installations not inspected weekly by competent,
appointed person.
- Contractor conducting electrical installation work not register with the
Department of Labour as an electrician.
- Cable trays should not be used by any person as a “scaffold” support.
Emergency - Principal Contractors’ emergency plan and procedures not issued to CairnmeadRecommen As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
preparedness and subcontractors on site and not communicated with all employees. dation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
response - Emergency plan not being revised as deemed necessary by changes in can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
Emergency construction site. - Emergency plan of illiterate readers standards
plan and - Emergency contact numbers not made available and displayed in the existing facility when the detailed
procedures. prominent areas on site. must be taken into risk assessment is
Emergency - Emergency evacuation drill not conducted at least once every 6 months. account regarding done.
contact numbers. - Principal Contractor not appointing competent Emergency evacuation response planning.
Emergency controller as per Cairnmead specification. - Employees must be
drill. - When working at existing Shopping Centre / offices that fire escape and trained on the
emergency routes are being obstructed. emergency plan when
they enter the site.
- Emergency
assembly areas to be
clearly marked and
maintained throughout
the project duration.
- Drills to be done as
specific in
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:

Incident Reporting - Incidents not reported as per the Cairnmead specification. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
procedures - Incidents not being reported to the supervisor immediately or before end of Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
First Aid shift. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
First aid - Incident report not comprehensive in terms of the requirements as per the - Emergency plan of illiterate readers standards
dressing register Cairnmead specification. the existing facility when the detailed
Incident - Incident not investigated by competent appointed person. must be taken into risk assessment is
investigations - Preventative measures not communicated to employees on site. - account regarding done.
Reporting of Employees not being trained on Incident reporting procedures. response planning.
incidents to - No trained First aider appointed. - Employees must be
Department of - No first aid kit readily available on site. trained on the
Labour emergency plan when
they enter the site.
- Emergency
assembly areas to be
clearly marked and
maintained throughout
the project duration.
- Drills to be done as
specific in
Fire Fighting - No competent fire equipment inspector appointed. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Fire fighting - Not sufficient employees trained in firefighting. Recommendations: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
Fire prevention - No suitable and sufficient fire-extinguisher equipment available. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
Fire - Fire extinguishers not clearly identified in terms of a number and not - Employees must be illiterate readers standards
extinguisher inspected monthly by a competent person. trained in the usage when the detailed
Extinguishing of - Fire extinguisher not serviced at required intervals. and sage storage of risk assessment is
fire. - Incorrect type of fire extinguisher available. equipment. done.
- Site to be inspected
to determine if the
number of equipment
is sufficient.
- Equipment to be
serviced annually.
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:
First Aid - Contractor not providing sufficient first aid equipment to site. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
- No trained first aider available where applicable. Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- First aid equipment not being inspected and kept up to date. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- First aid locations not identified on site. - Sufficient amount of illiterate readers standards
first aid boxes to be when the detailed
made available on risk assessment is
site. done.
- Trained first aiders to
be appointed where
- First aid locations to
be clearly marked.
- Employees to be
trained in the first aid
procedures to follow.
Incident Reporting - No first aid kit sign displayed. Cairnmead As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
procedures - Name and contact details of trained appointed First Aider not displayed on Recommendation: have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
First Aid Emergency contact numbers or on first kit if applicable. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
First aid - Monthly inspections not being done on first aid kit to ensure legal - Employees must be illiterate readers standards
dressing register compliance. trained on the when the detailed
Incident - All usage of first aid kit not recorded on dressing register. procedures regarding risk assessment is
investigations incident management. done.
Reporting of - Employees to be
incidents to inducted on the first
Department of aid requirements.
Tools in poor - Constrain cost of annual budget of tools and equipment. Tools well maintained As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
condition - Tools possibly can break or stop working. and checked by a have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Slow down work on site competent person can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
illiterate readers standards
when the detailed
risk assessment is

Taking away tools - IOD on site Trained competent As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
which have the - Loss of Limb persons using the have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
potential to cause - Possible hospitalization or death. tools must be able to can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
injury identify when illiterate readers standards
something is not right when the detailed
risk assessment is
Document number:
Revision: Rev 2
Baseline Risk Assessment –
Status: Active Rev Date: 05/08/2021
Building/Plumbing Maintenance
System: SHE Document type: SHE File
Discipline HSE Page:
Not being ale to - Prolong of Project Substandard tools As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
do the job - Termination of contract due to unexpected site visit or audit by client. cause substandard have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
properly and - IOD work. Use the correct can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
taking chances - Loss of Limb tools in good illiterate readers standards
- Possible Hospitalization or death. condition. The issue of when the detailed
PPE hard hats, safety risk assessment is
shoes, safety glasses, done.
leather gloves, (dust
mask) , overall.
Workers trained on the
correct use of issued
Working in the - Possible termination of contract. Ensure that As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
wrong area - Wrong Scope. instructions are clear have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Extra cost to the company. and well understood can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Loss to company financials. illiterate readers standards
- Prolonging of project. Toolbox talks are when the detailed
taken place on site risk assessment is
regarding signage done.

Injury - Prolong of project SHE Rep must ensure As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
- Hiring of extra staff members, NON scheduled extra cost to company area is well barricaded have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
financials. can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Avoiding possible First aid attention / hospital can lead to legal trouble illiterate readers standards
with client or staff member. when the detailed
risk assessment is

Flooding of - Trips and Slips Hydro-Jet Cleaning As far as possible H&S 9 M 9M Occupational Health and Safety
Bathrooms - Minor injury machine to unblock have a picture which Act and Regulations (85 of
- Possible server injury drain can be of benefit for 1993) and incorporated safety
- Damage to tiles/paint/bathroom utilities illiterate readers standards
- High water bill for client. when the detailed
risk assessment is

Designation Name Signature Date

Appointed Client J.Naicker 05.07.2021

Heath & Safety
Risk Assessor
Document number:
Revision: Rev 0

Baseline Risk Assessment - Refurbishment Status: Active Rev Date: 05/07/2021

System: SHE Document type: SHE File

Discipline HSE Page:

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