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Here are the steps to operate a computer :

1. Before powering up the computer system, make sure that the power cable is connected to
the back panel of the CPU and is plugged into the electrik socket
2. make sure the video cable is already connected to the video card correctly into the back of
the pannel.
3. make sure both the devices, the mouse and keybord, are mounted on the rear panel to the
right. Because if one is installed then the port cannot enter. Steps 1 to 3 are basically very
easy to do because in addition to the mouse and keybord devices, other components can
only be plugged into the appropriate port in order to prevent novice users from installation
4. when everything is plugged in securely, then press the power button on the CPU, usually
located on the front panel of the CPU.
5. The computer will display the Windows loga and the dekstop image.
6. Once the dekstop image appears, then the computer is ready to operate.
7. The proper way to shut down or turn off the computer system is by clicking on the ‘star’
button and choosing the ‘Turn Off Computer’ option. This will display the options to ‘stand
by’, ‘Restart’, or ‘Turn Off the CPU.
1. What is the first step of using a computer ?
a. Make sure that the cable is connected to the CPU
b. Power of the CPU
c. Clean the CPU
d. Sit on chair
e. Read the manual
2. What kind of the text is it ?
a. Narrative
b. Procedure
c. Descriptive
d. Report
e. Explanation
How to cook instant noodles
When you want to cook instant noodle, you will need these things :
 Instant noodles
 Water
 A bowl

Firstly, heat 400 cc of water until boiled and add the nodless after that. Meanwhile the noodles
are cooked, mix the chili powder, the oil, and the seasoning into a bowl pour the cooked noodles
into The bowl. Delicious noodle are ready to be served.

3. What kind of the text is that ?

a. Procedure
b. Report
c. Descriptive
d. Exposition
e. Narration
4. How many ingredients needed to make the food above ?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. Five
5. How much water do we need to boild one pack of instant noodels ?
a. 200 CC
b. 300 CC
c. 400 CC
d. 500 CC
e. 600 CC
Instructions :
 Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their
tended fax number and your phone number. Place the cover letter on top of
your documents and insert it into a fax machine.
 Enter the fax number
 Press the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers
into the machine.
 Wait for your document to pass through the machine and collect them when
 Wait for confirmation page to print
6. What does the text tell us about ?
a. How to use a fax machine
b. How to create a cover letter
c. How to use a printer machine
d. How to use a photocopy machine
e. How to use a manual
7. What is the next step after inserting the document into the fax machine ?
a. Place to cover letter on the top
b. Wait for the documents
c. Enter the fax number
d. Press the send key
e. Read the manual
8. “Wait for your document to pass through the machine and collect them when finished”
Which of the following is the synonym of the underline word ?
a. Design
b. Industry
c. Engine
d. Tool
e. Steps
9. First, seperate colored clothes from the others. Then, put them in a washing machine,
turh the machine on, set it to the wash selection, and pour the detergent powder in.
Next, wait for the tub to fill with water. ...the process of washing has finished, let the
clothes drain through the drai hose.
the correct word to fill in the blank is ....
a. After that
b. After
c. And then
d. Next step is
e. Finally
10. After that, see the knob of the wash timer again, this time is to rinse for three minutes.
Do this twice for a good rinsing. ..., put the wet clothes into the spin processing shuts
off. Now you’re ready to put the clothes on the line.
The correct word to fill in the blanks is ....
a. After that
b. At least
c. Before
d. Next step is
e. Finally.
A Skillful Piece of Work
Once, Birmingham and Sheffield , two of the largest towns in England, began to
quarrel. The quarrel started when each of them claimed to beable to produce the
most skillful pIece of work. A special jury was chosen to decide which city would
show the greatest skill.
The day arrived. A steel spider with long thin legs was produced by representatives
of sheffield. The spider was made by the best workers. It was as small as a pea. It
ran about on the table as if it were alive. A wonderful mechanism had been put in
that little body. Everybody was sure that the first place would be given to sheffield.
The a sewing needle was laid on the table by representatives of birmingham. A
smile appeared on the lips of the jury when the needle was noticed.
Then the top of the needle was screwed off and for needles were drawn out, one
from another. the first needle, as it was, had been the case of the four other
needles. The needles were handed over to each member and examined with great
In whose favor did the jury decide?
11. Where are both city located?
a. Australia
b. France
c. North America
d. England
e. Russia
12. What was made by the representatives of Birmingham?
a. A spider robot
b. A walking pea
c. Small needles
d. A wooden spider
e. A needle case
13. How big was the spider?
a. As big as a pea
b. As big as a needle
c. Smaller than a needle
d. Bigger than a pea
e. Bigger than a man’s palm
14. What is the synonym of ‘skillful’?
a. Expert
b. Expertly
c. Expertise
d. Experimental
e. Experimentation
15. In passive voice, the ... is more important than the ...
a. Doer,action
b. Action,doer
c. Doer,audience
d. Audience,action
e. Action,reason
16. The correct types of a scientific text are ...
a. Narrative, recount, explanation
b. Description, procedure, exposition
c. Report, exposition, explanation
d. News item, procedure, narrative
e. Report, recount, discussion
17. The generic structures of a report text are ...
a. Materials, steps
b. Issue, argument for and against, conclusion
c. Identification, descriptions
d. General classification, descriptions
e. Orientation, events
18. “JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.” The suitable passive interrogative sentence
for the answer is ...
a. “Harry Potter books were being written by JK Rowling.”
b. “Who did write the Harry Potter books?”
c. “by whom were the Harry Potter books writen?”
d. “who was the writer of Harry Potter book?”
e. “JK Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter books.”
19. The verb of passive voice consist of “finite ‘to be’ and past participle”. What is the past
a. The second form of regular verbs
b. The first form of irregular verbs
c. The finite form of the verbs
d. The third form of regular and irregular verbs
e. The verbs in the past
20. What ... cannot be undone.
a. Does
b. Did
c. Done
d. Is done
e. Was did

Jl. Jambu 129 Bima

30th January 2017
Dear Frodi,
It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother
was ill, for your brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did
not seem to think the illness was very serious, the news of your mother’s death
came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear
fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always thought so
much of your mother and loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to
myself, for your mother was always very kind to me. Her death must be a terrible
grief to your father, too. Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.
Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such
sorrows we are always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel
with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,

21. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
a. Relatives
b. Employers
c. friends 
d. siblings
e. employees
22. . From the letter we know that ….
a. Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death 
b. Jean sent letter to Frodi several weeks ago
c. Jean was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
d. Jean had known Frodi’s mother before 
e. Frodi is the only child in his family

Surabaya, 1st February 2017

Dear Nathan
How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here.
We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to
be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in Science. There are extra
lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in
solving Mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have
any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Your buddy
23. What does the letter tell us about?
a. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic
b. Preparing for the national examination 
c. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
d. Giving a solution to a friend
e. Having extra lesson at school
24. Why is Rendy worried that he may fail the national examination?
a.  There are extra lessons at Rendy’s school
b. He will have the national examination soon
c. He is confused in solving Mathematic problem 
d. He appreciated Igon’s help
e. His friends are all well prepared
25.  “I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems.” The word “confused” means …
a. Unable to think clearly 
b. Unable to speak fluently
c. Unable to perform well
d. Unable to read quickly
e. Unable to behave politely
26.  “I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.” The antonym of the word “fail”
is ….
a.  Escape
b. Reach
c. Predict
d. Underestimate
e. Success 
27. The body of a personal letter contains....
a. The address and the date of the letter
b. The greeting to open the letter
c. The messege you want to write in the letter
d. The short expression to close the letter
e. The signed name of the writer
28. A personal letter of recommendation is ...
a. A letter written to ask for an apology because of the mistake you had made
b. A letter written as appreciation for the help given to you
c. A character reference letter written for you by someone you know personally
outside of work
d. A personal letter written to express condolence following a death of a friend or
e. A letter written to invite a friend to come visit you
29. To initiate a relationship toward a new pen pal or a company, we send ...
a. An invitation letter
b. An introduction letter
c. A condolence letter
d. An appreciation letter
e. A correspondence letter
30. The correct use of capitalization is ...
a. Dear sir,
b. Truly yours,
c. With best wishes,
d. Dear Mr. Stuart,
e. Sincerely,
To celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day, All students are invited to join a
writing competition.
Express your love to our country through writing. Contact each class captain for further

31.  The event was made by …
a.  The school
b. The government
c. The authority
d. The student organization
e. Personal
32. Independence day of Indonesia is celebrated on …
a. August 7th
b. August 17th
c. August 27th
d. April 21st
e. April 1st
33. The contestant can ask this information to …
a. The student organization
b. Headmaster
c. The captain of the class
d. The teacher
e. Their friends

Students Organization
SMA Negeri 22
Jl. Satama No.8 Jakarta 13780. Telp (021) 7403316
Dear Rita, We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
– On Saturday, April 24th, 2018
– At 1.30 p.m — 2.30 p.m.
– In the school hall
Agenda : Final preparation for the PORSENI 2018 competition
Please come on time. See you there!
34.  What will the meeting discuss?
a. The result of PORSENI 2018
b. The final preparation for the PORSENI 2018 Competition
c. The competition for PORSENI 2018
d. The competition for the student organization
e. The competition football
35. The meeting will be held ….
a. In the afternoon
b. In the evening
c. In the morning
d. At night
e. Not long after the break
36. RSVP stand for.. .
a. Please replay
b. Responds please
c. Regrets only
d. Respondez s’il vous plait
e. A French sentence
37. What we should we put under the RSVP ?
a. Invitee’s address
b. Porpuse of the event
c. Time and date
d. Please ov the event
e. Contact number
38. The structure of an invitation letter is ...
a. Heading, greeting, body, closing, signature
b. Greeting, body, RSVP
c. Name of the host, kind of the event, RSVP, signature
d. Orientation, body, closing, signature
e. Name of the invitee, time and date of the event, contact number of the host

Dear Gigih,

Due to the English Debate Competition 2018 event on 1 December 2018, at Dubai,
please come
to the selection of English Debate Competition 2018.
The top three students will become UNA’s Delegate and compete with others top
students in the world. I believe that you have the quality to pass the selection.

Atim Sekarwangi
39. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
a. To invite Arum attend the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
b. To invite Gigih join the internal selection process
c. To invite someone join the English Debate Competition 2018 at Dubai
d. To inform Gigih the selection of English Debate Competition 2018
e. To invite someone join the internal selection process
40. “The top three students will become UNA’s delegate and compete with others…” The
word “become” has synonym to …
a. Participate
b. Watch
c. Register
d. See
e. Having Teamwork

Elsa          : “What do you think about the new rules of school’s hours? I really don’t like the ideas
that I should wake up earlier than before?
Eko            : “I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.

41.     From the dialogue, we know that....

a.  Elsa likes the new rules
b. They are against the new rules
c.  Eko has no opinion on the new rules
d.  Elsa doesn’t understand the announcement
e. Eko makes the new rules
42.    The dialogue above uses the expression of….

a. Gratitude

b. Suggestion

c.  Invitation

d.  Opinion

e. Confirmation
Teacher    : “What are your opinions on bullying?
Mamat      : “…… it’s bad because it makes people feel badly about themselves and that
shouldn’t happen.
Icha          : “I think bullying is a harrowing epidemic, and it needs to be stopped.

43. Suitable expression to complete the dialogue is….

a.  I don’t mind
b. Can you help me
c. I’m so sorry
d. Excuse me
e.  I suppose
44.  Which of the following is TRUE according to the dialogue?
a. Both students supporting bullying
b. Bullying is the name of a disease
c.  Icha is strongly reject bullying
d. Being bullied brings good to people
e. Bullying does not affect the community
45.   These are the effect of bullying, except….
a.  Lack of self confident
b.  Felling inferior
c.   Nice attitude
d. No respect
e.  Over proud
46. Marta    : “It’s very hot here….
Sinta    : “Sure. No problem.
a. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
b. Could you close the door?
c. Would you turn off the fan?
d. May I leave now?
e. May you leave now?
47. Chandra : Hello, it’s Chandra. Can I help you ?
Bams : Can I talk to Mr.Budi ?
Chandra : Sure, ......
a. He is in meeting now
b. Any messege
c. Just a moment, please
d. Call him letter
e. Sorry he is busy
48. Costumer service : Costumer service, this is, Linda speaking, can I help you ?
Arda : I am Arda, I want to active online banking on my phone.
Costumer service : ..........
Arda : sure, 088865742345
a. Can I have your number ?
b. What is yor number
c. Where is your phone
d. How much is your number
e. How I get your number ?
49. The one that expresses a suggestion is ...
a. Could we meet on Thursday?
b. Should we meet on Thursday?
c. We could meet on Thursday.
d. We have to meet on Thursday.
e. Would you like to meet on Thursday?
50. I think Arman ... talk to his parents about his decision. (suggestion)
a. Ought to
b. Must
c. Might
d. Could
e. Will


f. 2
g. The dialog below is for
question number 5 and 6
h. Teteh : “I’m sorry I can’t
make it” (5)
i. Yu’ul : “That’s OK. We’ll
do it some other time” (6)
j. 5. What The underline
k. a. Canceling an appointment
l. b. Agreeing an appointment
m. c. Ask Something
n. d. Refusing an invitation
o. e. Offering help
p. 6. What The underline
q. a. Respond of Offering help
r. b. Respond of Refusing
s. c. Respond of Agreeing
t. d. Respond of Canceling an
u. e. Respond of Disagreeing
an appointme
1. D
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. E
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. E
27. C
28. C
29. B
30. B
31. A
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. D
37. E
38. E
39. B
40. A
41. B
42. D
43. A
44. C
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. A
49. B
50. A

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