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K: Knowledge; U: Understanding; A: Application; An: Analysis; E: Evaluation; C: Creativity

Subject: Science Class: VII Lesson Duration: block

Week #:7 Date: 8th September Lesson #:25 & 26

Resources/ Teaching Aids/ References: syringe, balloon

Main Topic: gases

Learning Objective(s)/ WALT: The students will be able explain the properties of gases.

Learning outcomes: The students will be able to:

• Explain that gases are made up of particles

• Describe how the particles in gases are spread widely apart and how they move.

Key Concepts/Keywords:

• collide

• particle theory

• random


Introduction Composition of S/s will be asked about the gases present in the air. 10 min
air Some common gases like nitrogen, oxygen, carbon
dioxide will be talked about. A video on Macy’s
thanksgiving festival will be shown where students
will observe huge floating characters filled with
Helium balloon. The concept of gases having varied
density will be discussed.

Main Lesson Properties of gas Teacher will ask a student to inflate a balloon and tie 35 min
it. Then he would press it gently inwards and release.
S/s observe the compressible nature of the gas. Next,
compressibility a syringe will be filled up with air to its maximum
reading and s/s note the volume of air inside.
Keeping a hand on the nozzle the plunger will be
pressed downwards. S/s will record the change in
volume. They will be encouraged to discuss some
day-to-day examples in order to develop better
understanding. The oxygen compressed in the tank
gases have very of a scuba diver will be talked about.
low density

Plenary Q1 & 2 pg 89 15min


What went well?

Even better if/what needs to be worked on:

I was able to inculcate through this lesson: K, U, A, An, E, C

Sign: Teacher HoS

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