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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) Doc. No. ANX-1 of BG-06874IN (JSA) , Rev.

Title of Activity / Work: Excavation & Trenching Doc. Rev. Date 13-Jul-16

Name of Project Site: Job No. :

Location of Project Site: PTW No.:
Name of Contractor: JSA No.: TEIPL/JSA/003
Date of JSA Preparation: JSA PART A:- 13-Jul-16 JSA PART B :- Activity / Work Location Name:

Compliance? Yes /
Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility No Remarks


1 Preparatory Works & Manual Slippery surface & tripping hazard Slip/Trip/Fall may cause injury Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances to prevent slippery Execution Engineer & Job
handling of material surface. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Proper access to work location. Access should be free of tripping materials.
Use Mandatory PPE- Safety Shoes/Gum boot with steel toe, Safety Helmet.
Sharp edges / surfaces Contact with Sharp edges /
surfaces may cause injury or Keep hands away from sharp edges / surfaces.
Use safety gloves.
Length & weight of the material Hit by material may cause Barricade the working area.
Injury Assess the weight to be lifted.
Follow buddy system for handling lengthy / heavy object.
Loose Grip, Slippery surface of material, Fall of object may cause Injury Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances of slippery surface of
throwing of material material.

Hold the material firmly while handling.

Material should not be thrown from top on ground / other level.
Secure the material while shifting on vehicle or trolley.
Use of safety gloves.
Wrong Posture Backache, Strain Follow Safe Manual Handling techniques.
Use mechanical equipment if load is too heavy to handle.
Train all concerns in manual materials handling techniques.
2 Manual excavation / Mechanical Dust Skin and eye irritation, cough , Proper leveling/compacting ground. Execution Engineer & Job
Excavation lung irritation Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Storing soil or other fine particles material in low height of the heap. Cover them
with empty gunny bags.

Ensure all site traffic adhere to the site speed limit.

Vegetation clearing should be carried out on a needs basis.
Wear dust mask.
Sprinkle the ground surface with water unless it is moist.
Underground utilities like electrical, Fire / Explosion / Electric Take excavation permit. In case isolation of underground services required take
telephone cables, water,steam pipes, gas shock may cause Injury LOTO permit.
line, etc.
Obtain permission from respective authorities of U/G services, prior to
excavation, if required.

Locate the position of buried utilities by referring to drawings, Route marker,

Concrete saddles, Sand Padding.If required use Cable/utility detectors.

Make trial pits by manual excavation to locate the exact position of buried
utilities/cables prior and thereafter use mechanical means.

Handtools used for excavation shall be provided with wooden or insulated

material handle.

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Compliance? Yes /
Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility No Remarks

Unsecured / Loose pit walls Cave-in can cause Injury or Proper sloping, benching or shoring shall be done as appropriate as per soil type.

In case water emerged, dewatering by dewatering pump.

Use PPE- Safety Shoes/Gum boot with steel toe, Safety Helmet, Dust mask, safety

Accumulation of debris and other material at Falling of material (Soil) may Keep excavated soil, debris atleast 1m away from the edge of the excavation.
the edges of the excavation cause injury.
Boulders and big stones that may be slide or roll into the excavation shall be
removed promptly.

Water logging , Rain water ingress Drowning may cause In case water emerged, dewatering by dewatering pump.

Unsecured Excavation edges Fall of person / material may Do not walk or stand on edge of the excavation. Provide barricade around
cause injury excavations. Hard Barricade of 1m height should be provided for excavations
beyond 1.5m depth.

Provide minimum two access / ladders for such excavation/trench.

Provide access, ladders or stair every 25 feets in excavation.
Don’t allow vehicle, equipment to operate too close to excavated areas and
maintain at least 2 m distance from edge of cut.

Display safety warning Signs

3 Providing Illumination Poor Illumination Fall of person / material may Ensure proper Warning lights and illumination. Execution Engineer & Job
cause injury Provide barricade around excavations. Hard Barricade of 1m height should be Supervisor; HSE
provided for excavations beyond 1.5m depth. -Monitoring & Training

Provide two entries/exits / ladders for such excavation/trench.

Display safety warning Signs.
4 Crossing Excavations No proper platform crossing to cross Fall of person due to jumping Execution Engineer & Job
trench. over the excavation may Provide safe crossing bridge/ramp with handrail for trench Supervisor; HSE
injury -Monitoring & Training
5 Excavation near the existing Existing structure Collapse of the structure may Provide support for existing structure, if any. Use under-pining method and or Execution Engineer & Job
structure cause injury Construct retaining wall side by side if required. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
6 Working inside the excavation Snake / Insects presence in the excavation Poisoning due to Snake / Identify the presence of Snake / Insects. Execution Engineer & Job
Insects venom may cause Use Snake / Insects repellents. Supervisor; HSE
fatality -Monitoring & Training
7 Working inside the excavation Oxygen deficiency or presence of hazardous Asphyxiation Take "Confined space entry permit" ( excavation >= 1.5 meter depth) in addition Execution Engineer & Job
gas (Open Excavation/Pit having Depth >=1.5 to "Excavation Work Permit" for Excavations having more than 1.5 m depth & Supervisor; HSE
m depth & less than 4.5 m width and where width is also more than 4.5 m but where release of toxic/poisonous/flammable -Monitoring & Training
depth is more than width) fumes, gases is possible by any means (through soil or ruptured pipe line). Or
Excavations having more than 1.5 m depth & width is also more than 4.5 meter
but access is very critical, Emergency evacuation system/equipment Not available
and/or Oxygen level is less than 19.5%.

Gas testing shall be carried out by authorised gas tester.

Ensure other equipment exhaust doesn't enter the trench.
Provide mechanical ventilation if there is no natural ventilation .
Collapse of excavation wall/ Cave-in Serious injuries/ fatility Provide proper sloping/ benching/ shoring for excavation as applicable. Execution Engineer & Job
Competent supervisor shall inspect excavation prior to entry. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Provide minimum two access / ladders for such excavation/trench.
Keep excavated soil, debris atleast 1m away from the edge of the excavation.
8 Placing of braces / jacks Unsecured cross braces or trench jacks Fall of material (jacks or cross Cross braces or trench jacks, if any should be truly in horizontal positions, secured Execution Engineer & Job
braces or soil) may Injury to prevent sliding, falling or kick –outs. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
9 Mechanical Excavation Excavator movement close to workers Collision or Struck by Barricade excavator operation area. Execution Engineer & Job
excavator may cause injury Persons should not work/stand in boom arm radius of the excavator. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Functional Reverse horn in excavator.
Depute banksman to signal excavator.
HT overhead line Electrical shock may cause Ensure to maintain safety clearances (>3m) between Excavator Boom Arm and
injury HT cable. If required isolate / de-energize service lines.

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Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training

HT overhead line Electrical shock may cause Compliance? Yes /

Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard injury Effect Control Measures Responsibility No Remarks

Dedicated banksman to give signal & present all the time to monitor excavator
boom arm movement.

10 Tipper operation Tipper operation near workmen Collision or Struck by Tipper No one shall be allowed to stand / work under the raised tipper. Execution Engineer & Job
may cause injury Ensure that reverse horn on tipper are functional. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Signal man shall be provided for tipper movement.
11 Backfilling Removal of trench support from top Collapse of soil may cause Backfilling & removal of trench supports should progress together from the Execution Engineer & Job
injury bottom of the trench. . Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Ropes shall be used to pull out the jacks or braces in unstable soil from the above.



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Note: This is standard JSA prepared based on general hazards. Site has to review this JSA & Update considering process involved, site & work location condition, equipments/machines/ tools use, people involved and activities near by job location.

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