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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) Doc. No. ANX-1 of BG-06874IN (JSA) , Rev.

Title of Activity / Work: Site preparation & development Doc. Rev. Date 13-Jul-16

Name of Project Site: Job No. :

Location of Project Site: PTW No.:
Name of Contractor: JSA No.: TEIPL/JSA/001
Date of JSA Preparation: JSA PART A:- 13-Jul-16 JSA PART B :- Activity / Work Location Name:

Compliance? Yes /
Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility No Remarks


1 Site preparation & development Snakes or insects Poisoning due to Snake / ††1) Spraying of chemicals/repellent to prevent Snakes or insects. Execution Engineer & Job
Insects venom may cause 2) Good Housekeeping and cleaning ground to make place inhabitat for Supervisor; HSE
fatality snakes/insects. -Monitoring & Training

3) Provide First Aid box. Tie up with near by hospital

4) First aid trainings.
2 Site preparation & development Mosquitos Skin Rash, dengue, fever, 1) Spraying of pest control chemicals to keep away mosquitoes and to kill it’s Execution Engineer & Job
malaria , skin irritation larvae. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
2) Maintain Good Housekeeping.
3) Regular cleaning of accumulated water from pits /ditches.
4) Dengue / Malaria awareness.
3 Site preparation & development Dust Skin and eye irritation, cough , 1) Proper leveling/compacting ground. Execution Engineer & Job
, transportation lung irritation 2) Storing soil or other fine particles material in low height of the heap. Cover Supervisor; HSE
them withall
empty wet gunny bags. -Monitoring & Training
3) Ensure site traffic adhere to the site speed limit.
4) Vegetation clearing should be carried out on a need basis.
5) Cleaning eyes / face with water.
6) Provide windbreaks either natural or constructed that reduces the wind
velocities. Natural wind breaks can be native shrubs or trees left in place during
site clearing. Constructed barriers can be made from metal / wood sheets.

7) Air Monitoring for dust (Particulate Matters).

8) Water Sprinkling on ground.
4 Cutting ground, transportation Flying stone while cutting ground, Contact with sharp object 1) Proper leveling/compacting ground. Execution Engineer & Job
transportation, strong wind may cause severe injury 2) Ensure all site traffic adhere to the site speed limit. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
3) Barricade and Put Safety Signage in cutting operation area.
4) Provide windbreaks either natural or constructed that reduces the wind
velocities. Natural wind breaks can be native shrubs or trees left in place during
site clearing. Constructed windbreaks can be made from metal / wood sheets.

5 Tree Cutting, Use of tools Sharp Thorn /sharp edges Contact with sharp object 1) Cut the trees with thorns carefully by mechanical tools / cutter. Execution Engineer & Job
may cause severe puncture 2) Use gloves. PPE Assessment Audit Supervisor; HSE
injury. -Monitoring & Training
3) Guard the tools.
4) Hold the tool firmly while cutting.
5) HSE Training,

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Compliance? Yes /
Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility No Remarks


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Note: This is standard JSA prepared based on general hazards. Site has to review this JSA & Update considering process involved, site & work location condition, equipments/machines/ tools use, people involved and activities near by job location.

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