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JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) Doc. No. ANX-1 of BG-06874IN (JSA) , Rev.

Title of Activity / Work: Manual material handling Doc. Rev. Date 13-Jul-16

Name of Project Site/Office: Job No. :

Location : PTW No.:
Name of Contractor: JSA No.: TEIPL/JSA/014
Date of JSA Preparation: JSA PART A:- 20-May-19 JSA PART B :- Activity / Work Location Name:

Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility Compliance? Yes / Remarks


1 Manual handling of material Slippery surface & tripping hazard Slip/Trip/Fall may cause injury Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances to prevent slippery Execution Engineer & Job
surface. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Proper access to work location. Access should be free of tripping materials.

Use Mandatory PPE- Safety Shoes/Gum boot with steel toe, Safety Helmet.

Sharp edges / surfaces Contact with Sharp edges / Keep hands away from sharp edges / surfaces.
surfaces may cause injury or
Use safety hand gloves as per nature of job.
Length & weight of the material Hit by material may cause Barricade the working area.
Injury Assess the weight to be lifted.
Follow buddy system for handling lengthy / heavy object.
Loose Grip, Slippery surface of material, Fall of object may cause Injury Clean up Water, grease, oil or other similar substances of slippery surface of
throwing of material material.
Hold the material firmly while handling.
Material should not be thrown from top on ground / other level.
Secure the material while shifting on vehicle or trolley.
Use of safety gloves.
Wrong Posture Backache, Strain Follow Safe Manual Handling techniques.
Use mechanical equipment if load is too heavy to handle.
Train all concerns in manual materials handling techniques.
2 Lifting material Excess Weight/Wrong Posture due to poor Backache, Strain Use correct posture for lifting the load. Ensure vision is not blocked while Execution Engineer & Job
manual lifting and handling, Inadequate carrying load Supervisor; HSE
nos. manpower, Vision block -Monitoring & Training
Train all concerns in manual materials handling techniques.
Provide adequate manpower for Manual Handling depending upon size, and
weight of load to be lifted.

Divide load weight between co-workers

Pinch points , caught in between materials Hand and fingers injuries Keep away body parts from pinch points.
causing hand or finger injuries Proper coordination between workers during manual handing of loads.
Wear the approved working gloves
Fall of materials Injury to leg, foot and hand Assess the weight to be lifted.
Wear safety shoes with steel toe.
Hold the load frimly.
Wear hand gloves, leg guards.
3 Manual handling of material at Fall of material , Fall of person Injury to personnel Ensure safe access and safe way to reach upto load. Execution Engineer & Job
height Wear fall protection devies/FBH. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
Provide fall protection devices like life line, hand railing, platform, etc
Train workers on risk and hazards while working at height.
overhead utilities Electrocution/ stuck by Ensure proper clearance from over head utility lines/ electrical cables/ structures
overhead lines may cause and obstructions.
burn injury

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Sl. No. Subactivity / Steps Hazard Effect Control Measures Responsibility Compliance? Yes / Remarks
4 Manual handling of chemicals chemical exposure and respiration hazards adverse health effect, skin Wear suitable PPEs i.e. chemical suit, appron, rubber hand gloves, safety shoes, Execution Engineer & Job
irritation, respiration eye protector etc. Do not handle chemical container without lid. Use trolley or Supervisor; HSE
problem. Eyw and hand cart to transfer chemical containers manually. Maintain good housekeeping -Monitoring & Training

5 Manual handling of material in Dusting hazards Respiration problem, eye Wear dust mask/ nose mask properly. Wear safety goggles.
dusty area injury

6 Manual handling of material in Poor ventilation, too cold, noisy Personnel injury/ accident Stop the work till working atmoshphere is safe to work.
unsafe working atmoshphere atmosphere, direct sunlight, too hot, croudy
place etc

7 Manual handling of material in Adverse weather condition Personnel injury/ accident Stop the work during rain, cylone, storm or other adverse weather.
adverse weather

8 Manual handling of material unfit, tired, person under influence of drugs, Personnel injury/ accident Stop the work. Take workers to rest. Keep away who is not fit for work. Educate
with unstable mental and mentally upset, physically unfit worker workers.
physical condtition of worker

9 Crossing over drain Crossing drain line, improper ramp/passage Personnel injury/ accident 1) Take required work permit(s). Execution Engineer & Job
way , ramp/passage way without handrails 2) Provide proper ramp / passage way with handrails over drain / trench. Supervisor; HSE
-Monitoring & Training
3) Avoid jumping over open drain /trench for taking short cut.
4) Provide temporary covers over drain lines / trench where workers moves
5) Do not carry heavy object over ramp / passage way which is constructed for
crossing persons.



Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Note: This is standard JSA prepared based on general hazards. Site has to review this JSA considering process involved, site & work location condition, equipments/machines/ tools use, people involved and activities near by job location.

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