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Year & Country Title/Author Dependent Limitations Results or Conclusion &

Variable Explanation Recommendation

2018 Jul-Aug Exposure to video exposition to Video Games Only studies directly Only four of the included exposure to VGs before falling
games: effects on investigating the studies examined total sleep asleep can have important
sleep and on post- effects of VGs on sleep time and sleep onset latency. effects on the subsequent
sleep cognitive aspects of sleep in terms of features and post-sleep Dworak et al Found that sleep characteristics, in both
children/adolescents and
abilities. A systematic quality and quantity cognitive abilities have interactive computer game
adults. The reduction of TST,
review of been selected and consumption resulted in
increase of SOL and the
experimental discussed. prolonged SOL, more time in possible change of components
evidences. sleep onset latency (SOL) stage 2 sleep, and less SWS as of sleep (mainly SWS and REM)
Sara Peracchia, a percentage of TST. For this identified in the study
Giuseppe Curcio study 10 male adolescents investigated, are clear
total sleep time (TST) Very limited number of were recruited: females were indicators of poor sleep quality,
available study on this excluded to avoid the higher tiredness and fatigue
topic further research influence of menstrual phase that may have repercussion on
subjective evaluation of is strongly needed. and oral contraceptives, as cognitive and behavioural
daytime sleepiness well as for the well-known activities of the subsequent
waking. In fact, some cognitive
gender differences in video
abilities as sustained attention
gaming (i.e., boys spend more
and verbal memory, can result
sleep components than twice as much time worsened as a consequence of
playing VGs as girls). VGs exposure. Since the
relevance of sleep for health
and life quality, a great effort is
Results showed that playing at required to address additional
the computer before going to research for clarifying the role
bed increased sleep latency of acute and chronic exposures
(+2,3 min), an effect that was to videogames.
possibly due to physiological
arousal of CNS: it is well
known, in fact, that
performing mental tasks
before sleep, significantly
increases sleep latency.
Furthermore, in the present
study, the brightness of the
display did not show any
influence on sleep latency, as
previously reported.

This study indicated that video

gaming may disrupt sleep by
displacing sleep time (i.e.
delaying bedtime). Also,
participants reported
significantly lower satisfaction
with the duration of video
gaming after 50 min as
compared with 150 min,
desiring a further 37 min
(compared with 14 min more
for the 150 min condition) to
feel they had played “long
enough”. Therefore,
unmonitored regular video
gaming seems unlikely to be
self-limiting (i.e. cease at
normal bedtime): this finding
is consistent with qualitative
research reporting that almost
no amount of time is
subjectively considered “long
enough” for adolescent video
gamers. The desire to continue
video gaming was significantly
correlated to objective SOL in
the regular video gaming
condition, suggesting that
cognitive engagement with a
videogame may affect sleep
onset when pre-sleep video
gaming activity is considered
2020 Online Games Addiction sleep quality The results showed that the College student gamers
and the Decline in Sleep higher level of online game experience addiction to
Quality of College addiction, the lower the sleep online games which has an
Student Gamers in the quality of college student gamers impact on poor sleep
Online Game in the online gaming community
quality. Game addiction
Communities in (p= 0,000; r= -0,751). Game
experienced by college
Surabaya, Indonesia. addiction experienced by online
Andhika Cahya gaming college students has a students gamers has a
Kharisma , Rizki physical impact, especially the physical impact, especially
Fitryasari, Praba Diyan sensory system of the body's the sensory system of the
Rahmawati sense of sight which causes the body's sense of sight which
effects of fatigue that lead to causes the effects of fatigue
difficulty in falling asleep and that lead to difficulty in
achieving good quality of sleep. starting sleep and achieving
College student gamers can good
manage their free time for quality of sleep. College
playing online games so they students gamers can
don't develop into addictions and
manage their free time for
therefore they can have a good
quality of sleep playing online games so they
don't develop
into addictions and have a
good quality of sleep.
2019, September The Association This study is a cross- The results revealed that Mental health educators
Between Mobile sectional design. adolescent with mobile
Game Addiction and Mobile Game and practitioner should be
Addiction Scale Thus, we could not game addiction had higher
Depression, Social aware of the negative
determine a causal self-reported depression,
Anxiety, and
Loneliness link between study social anxiety and effects caused by
Depression Scale variables. Future loneliness, which have
Jin-Liang Wang, Jia- addictive mobile gaming,
Rong Sheng, Hai-Zhen investigations supported our three
Wang Child Loneliness should adopt an hypotheses regarding the as this is such a common
Scale experimental design association between phenomenon today.
to establish the mobile game addiction and Specifically, attention
Child Social causal relationship depression, social anxiety,
should be given to male
between variables, and loneliness. Further,
Anxiety Scale adolescents who are
or a longitudinal gender difference was
design to examine observed in the path addicted to mobile
the prospective between mobile game gaming, as they may
relationship among addiction and social
suffer more social
the variables. As anxiety, with male
prior studies adolescents having a anxiety.
indicated, the stronger association
association between between mobile game
mobile game addiction and social
addiction and anxiety. This indicates that
mental health male adolescents may
problems might be experience more social
reciprocal. Second, anxieties if they use mobile
the sample is a game addictively,
homogeneous group compared with female
of students from a adolescents.
middle school in
China. Whether the
results can be
generalized to all
adolescents is a
question for future
2017, December Video game The results of this The results showed that a Based on the study
Dietary habits
addiction and study should be significant portion of them findings, that adolescents
psychological interpreted with (around 16%) were who live in Saudi Arabia
distress among Physical activity calculation several limitations in addicted to video games may have an increased
expatriate mind. This study and that the correlation risk for video game
adolescents in Screen time dealt with a between video game addiction, which is
Saudi Arabia relatively small addiction and strongly associated with
Nazmus Saquib, sample (n = 276) psychological distress was greater distress. The
Psychological distress
Juliann Saquib, although it targeted very strong and significant. negative impact from
AbdulWaris Wahid, two expatriate Being female, fewer hours video game addiction on
Abdulrahman Akmal Physical indices
schools and the of sleep, and higher screen the life of the adolescent
Ahmed, Hamad Emad
Dhuhayr, Mohamed overall participation time were more likely to be is pervasive and severe.
Saddik Zaghloul, from the eligible associated with We recommend that
Mohammed Ewid, students was high psychological distress; on public health authorities
Abdulrahman Al- (85%). A larger the other hand, eating and researchers place
Mazrou sample is necessary healthy was less likely to video game use and
for the accurate be associated with addiction as one of the
estimation of the psychological distress. health priorities in the
association of the community. Future
outcome with the research should aim to
other covariates in acquire a comprehensive
the model. The understanding of video
study results pertain game addiction among
to addiction adolescents in Saudi
prevalence among Arabia for the
adolescents from development of
central Saudi Arabia, programs to manage this
and may not problem and its
represent the consequences
adolescents from
larger coastal cities.
A third limitation
was that the
participants' height
and weight data
were self-reported.
A certain degree of
measurement error
is attributable to the
although research
indicates self-
reported height and
weight data to be
reasonably accurate.
2021, April Depression and Age The results indicated that both Children and adolescents
anxiety symptoms videogame use and IGD both increased videogame
associated with Sex increased significantly for use at T2, but only
internet gaming adolescents at T2. The cross- adolescents significantly
disorder before and family monthly income lagged panel model results increased IGD severity at T2.
during the COVID-19 suggested that depressive and The findings supported the
pandemic: A parental education level, anxiety symptoms at T1 compensatory hypothesis,
longitudinal study. time spent at home positively predicted IGD and and are consistent with the
Zhaojun Teng, Hailey videogame use at T2 Interaction of Person-Affect-
M. Pontes, Qian Nie, (especially for boys), but not Cognition-Execution model
Mark D.Griffiths, inversely. Perceived COVID-19 as individual responses to
Cheng Guo impacts mediated the COVID-19 may function as a
relationship between mediator between personal
depressive and anxiety predisposing variables and
symptoms at T1 and IGD at T2. IGD.

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