Brazilian Yedls 2020

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Brazilian maize yields negatively affected by

climate after land clearing
Stephanie A. Spera   1,2,3 ✉, Jonathan M. Winter   3,4 and Trevor F. Partridge   4

Over 50% of the Brazilian Cerrado has been cleared, predominantly for agropastoral purposes. Here, we use the Weather
Research and Forecasting model to run 15-year climate simulations across Brazil with six land-cover scenarios: (1) before
extensive land clearing, (2) observed in 2016, (3) Cerrado replaced with single-cropped (soy) agriculture, (4) Cerrado replaced
with double-cropped (soy–maize) agriculture, (5) eastern Amazon replaced with single-cropped agriculture and (6) east-
ern Amazon replaced with double-cropped agriculture. All land-clearing scenarios (2–6) contain significantly more grow-
ing season days with temperatures that exceed critical temperature thresholds for maize. Evaporative fraction significantly
decreases across all land-clearing scenarios. Altered weather reduces maize yields between 6% and 8% compared with the
before-extensive-land-clearing scenario; however, soy yields were not significantly affected. Our findings provide evidence that
land clearing has degraded weather in the Brazilian Cerrado, undermining one of the main reasons for land clearing: rain-fed
crop production.

eforestation and land clearing for agropastoral purposes in the local convection triggered as a result of greater sensible latent
Brazil have been linked to myriad negative environmental heat ratios35. However, at regional and global scales, critical thresh-
consequences, such as decreases in biodiversity1–3, evapo- olds exist where tropical deforestation could lead to decreases in
transpiration rates4–6, and carbon storage7 and increases in tem- precipitation because less water is recycled back through the atmo-
perature8,9, dry-season length10–13, streamflow14–16, fire occurrence17 sphere30. The Cerrado plays an integral role in supporting stable
and CO2 emissions18–20. However, crop and livestock production rainfall over the Amazon as air masses travelling over the Cerrado
are essential to Brazil’s economy. In 2018, agribusiness alone gen- to the Amazon gain additional moisture from the evapotranspi-
erated more than a fifth of Brazil’s total gross domestic product, ration of Cerrado vegetation29,36. Moreover, the land cover that
and Brazil is ranked in the top three for global soy and maize pro- replaces cleared areas matters: replacing all deforested areas in the
duction and exports21. In 2019, maize production increased by Amazon with soybean may lead to greater decreases in precipitation
18% due to both cropland expansion and a productive ‘safrinha’ than replacing them with pasture grasses because of differences in
(second crop in a double-cropped rotation) season22. Brazil’s rise albedo and evapotranspiration rates37.
to becoming a major global breadbasket has come most recently at Examining the interactions between intensive double cropping
the expense of the Cerrado and southeastern Amazon (white box, and other land-use changes in Brazil is critical for multiple reasons:
Fig. 1a), the focus of this paper. In this region, only 6% of cropland (1) double-cropping rotations comprise a majority of agriculture
is irrigated23, and a majority of the fields are double-cropped, often across the southeastern Amazon and Cerrado; (2) studies have
first planted with a soy ‘safra’ rotation followed by a maize safrinha demonstrated that compared with single cropping, double-cropping
(‘little harvest’) rotation. Farmers there depend on a predictable rotations transpire similar amounts of water to the atmosphere as
and stable rainy season to successfully cultivate export agriculture; native Cerrado vegetation for a greater portion of the year5; and
however, the modern heavily fragmented landscapes have cre- (3) the ability to double crop is contingent on a climatologically pre-
ated edge effects with varying impacts on precipitation24–26, prob- dictable growing season38. Here, we examine these interactions by
ably through altered convection27. Amazon-focused studies have running six 15-yr (2000–2015) simulations of the National Center for
shown that the expansion of agriculture could create a ‘no-win Atmospheric Research Advanced Research Weather Research and
scenario’28, where agricultural productivity decreases as agricul- Forecasting (WRF) Model with six land-use scenarios (Fig. 1):
tural land increases due to the effects of land-cover conversion (1) Brazil before land clearing (BzBLC), (2) Brazil 2016 (Bz2016),
on regional climate4,28,29. Understanding how land-cover changes (3) Cerrado in single cropping (CeSC), (4) Cerrado in double cropping
affect regional climate in the Brazilian Cerrado is critically impor- (CeDC), (5) Amazon deforestation arc states (Tocantins, Pará, Mato
tant for maximizing food production while minimizing environ- Grosso and Rodônia) in single cropping (AzSC) and (6) Amazon
mental damage. deforestation arc in double cropping (AzDC). The WRF Model gen-
Climate modelling studies generally support observations, erally reproduces precipitation in this region; however, the model
demonstrating that tropical deforestation increases local tempera- underestimates temperature (an ~2 °C cold bias) during the rainy
tures9,30 and Amazonian deforestation exacerbates drought condi- season (November–April) and overestimates evapotranspiration
tions and increases the length of the dry season in the southeastern (~200 mm yr–1), with the largest biases occurring during the early
Amazon31–33, consequently escalating fire risk34. Highly fragmented wet season (September–December) (see Methods, Supplementary
landscapes with patches of vegetation may enhance rainfall through Information and Spera et al.39 for more details).

Department of Geography and Environment, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, USA. 2Neukom Institute for Computational Science, Dartmouth

College, Hanover, NH, USA. 3Department of Geography, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. 4Department of Earth Science, Dartmouth College,
Hanover, NH, USA. ✉e-mail:

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a b c
70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W

10° S

20° S

1,000 km

d e f

10° S

20° S

Tw Ba Wt Bf Sh Gl Sv Sg Mf Wc Pa Pc Sc Dc

Fig. 1 | WRF Model run domain and the six land-cover scenarios. a, BzBLC. The white box indicates our region of interest and the focus of our statistical
analyses. b, BZ16. c, CeSC. d, CeDC. e, AzSC. f, AzDC. Tw, wooded tundra; Ba, barren/sparsely vegetated; Wt, water; Bf, evergreen broadleaf forest;
Sh, shrubland; Gl, grassland; Sv, savannah; Sg, mixed shrubland/grassland; Mf, mixed forest; Wc, woodland/cropland mosaic; Pa, pasture; Pc, mixed
cropland/pasture; Sc, single-cropped agriculture; Dc, double-cropped agriculture.

We quantify the effects of historical and potential land-use double-cropped agricultural areas is closer to evaporative fraction
change on the regional climate along the Brazilian Cerrado– over native Cerrado vegetation from January to April, and tem-
Amazon border, a region that has both experienced much of the perature increases are greater under the single-cropping scenarios
land clearing and expansion of intensive export agriculture since (Fig. 2d) than under the double-cropping scenarios (Fig. 2c),
the mid-1990s (Fig. 1) and is crucial for regional climate regula- providing further evidence of the similarities in latent and sen-
tion1. We then assess the implications of these changes on the pro- sible heat energy partitioning between Cerrado vegetation and
duction of soy (15 September–15 June growing season) and maize double-cropped fields.
(15 January–15 August growing season). This study highlights the
tradeoffs among conservation, crop management and sustainable Evapotranspiration rates are significantly reduced
agricultural development. Annual evapotranspiration is significantly reduced across all sce-
narios compared with BzBLC (Supplementary Fig. 4a and Extended
Differences are largest in the wet–dry season transitions Data Fig. 2a): the mean decrease in annual evapotranspiration
There are significant differences (significance, here and through- between BzBLC and Bz16 is over 6% and between BzBLC and the
out, is defined as non-overlapping bootstrapped 95% confidence Cerrado and Amazon clearing scenarios is over 14%. Dry-to-wet
intervals) between some scenarios and BzBLC in evaporative frac- transition season evapotranspiration is reduced across all sce-
tion (the ratio of latent heat to total available energy at surface), narios and significantly reduced across all but the Bz16 scenario
minimum temperature and maximum temperature during the dry (Supplementary Fig. 4b and Extended Data Fig. 2b). During the
season (June–August) and the dry–wet (September) and wet–dry dry-season and dry/wet-season-transition months, we find similar
(April–May) season transition months (Fig. 2, Supplementary available energy but more sensible heat because of the reduction in
Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 1). Monthly evaporative fraction is transpiration due to land clearing. This change in energy partition-
significantly higher in the BzBLC scenario than in all other scenarios ing is crucial because dry season transpiration is key to initiating
during the months of May, June and July (Fig. 2a). During August, the rainy season. These results agree with previously published
the evaporative fractions of all but the Bz16 scenario are signifi- work demonstrating the direct effects of large-scale land clearing
cantly lower than that of the BzBLC (Fig. 2a). The BzBLC scenario for export agriculture5,15,16.
has cooler minimum and maximum temperatures in all months
except December, January, February and March (Supplementary Exceedances of critical temperature thresholds increase
Fig. 3 and Extended Data Fig. 1). This feature is probably a result During the soy growing season (September–June) all but the Bz16 sce-
of managed crops transpiring at similar rates as Cerrado vegetation nario result in significantly more days with a maximum temperature
during the months of December, January, February and March—the above 40 °C (‘soy hot days’) compared with the BzBLC scenario (Fig.
height of the agricultural growing season5. Evaporative fraction over 3a). The Cerrado conversion scenarios (CeSC and CeDC) result in

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a b 400
350 Bz16
0.6 CeSC
Evaporative fraction

Precipitation (mm)
250 AzDC
0.5 AzSC

0.2 50

0.1 0
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul

c d

0° 0°

10° S 10° S

20° S 20° S

80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W 80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W
Longitude Longitude

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 2 | Hydrologic seasonal cycles and increases in maize warm nights. a,b, Seasonal cycles of evaporative fraction (a) and precipitation (b) spatially
averaged across our region of interest (white box in Fig. 1a). The solid lines represent mean monthly values, and the shaded area represents bootstrapped
95% confidence intervals. Results for minimum and maximum temperature and subregions are presented in the Supplementary Information. c,d, Average
increase in the number of maize warm nights (>24°C) over the maize growing season (January– August) for the AzDC scenarios (c) and AzSC scenario
(d) compared with the BzBLC scenario.

five more soy hot days per season, and the southeastern Amazon con- During the maize growing season (January–August), all five sce-
version scenarios (AzSC and AzDC) result in an average increase of narios also have significantly more days with a maximum tempera-
over seven soy hot days per season. These additional hot days occur ture above 35 °C (‘maize hot days’) than the BzBLC scenario (Fig. 3c).
early in the growing season, September–November (Supplementary Again, the Bz16—the scenario with the least amount of natural veg-
Fig. 7), coincident with decreased evapotranspiration (Fig. 2a). etation converted to cropland—has the smallest increase in maize
All five scenarios also have significantly more nights with a hot days. As with soy hot days, the increase in maize hot days is
minimum temperature above 24 °C (‘maize warm nights’) than the coincident with reduced evapotranspiration over the growing sea-
BzBLC scenario (Fig. 3b), again coincident with decreased evapo- son (Supplementary Fig. 10). Unlike with maize warm nights, the
transpiration. The Bz16 scenario has the smallest increase in warm number of maize hot days is not affected by whether the scenario is
nights (eight per season) (Fig. 3b). The mean maize warm nights single or double cropped because a large number of hot days occur
increase in the CeSC, AzSC and AzDC scenarios relative to the in June and July (Supplementary Fig. 9), where differences in evapo-
BzBLC scenario ranges from 20 to 30 warm nights per season, with transpiration among the scenarios is muted.
the Amazon-clearing scenarios resulting in the largest increases in
warm nights (Figs. 2c,d and 3b). Double-cropping scenarios have Precipitation does not significantly decrease
fewer maize warm nights than the single-cropping scenarios because We focused our analysis on annual precipitation, seasonal precipita-
the presence of safrinha maize decreases minimum temperatures tion and precipitation at the start of the rainy season (September–
March–June through prolonged and increased evapotranspiration October) as previous studies have demonstrated that farmers decide
(Supplementary Figs. 3, 8 and 10). Besides evapotranspiration, whether to double crop during these two months38. Averaged across
no other temperature-independent variable seemed to mimic the the whole region of interest, annual precipitation, start of the rainy
signal that is the increase in minimum temperatures. Increases in season date, end of rainy season date and precipitation during the
minimum temperatures are most pronounced in the Mato Grosso start of the rainy season (September–October) did not decrease
region (Fig. 2c,d and Supplementary Fig. 19 and Extended Data or change significantly for any scenario (Supplementary Figs. 5, 6
Fig. 3), where over 30,000 tons of safrinha maize (42% of Brazil’s and 11a and Extended Data Figs. 4, 6 and 7a). However, precipita-
safrinha maize) was harvested in 201940. tion during the start of the rainy season (September–October) did

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a ture for export agriculture over the past two decades has occurred
20 in the Matopiba region5,41, which comprises southern Maranhão,
Tocantins, southern Piauí and western Bahia. No other scenarios
days >40 °C
No. Tmax

or seasons demonstrate these clear land-use-associated changes in
10 precipitation (Supplementary Figs. 12–14).
5 As highlighted in the introduction, both observational and mod-
elling studies have linked deforestation and agricultural expansion
BzBLC Bz16 CeSC CeDC AzSC AzDC to decreases in precipitation and increases in dry-season length
across our region of interest10,12,13,32,37,42. We therefore expected to see
a clear precipitation signal in our model output. One recent experi-
Mean difference

ment with a coupled ecosystem–regional atmospheric model dem-
onstrated that although deforestation along the Amazon–Cerrado
boundary resulted in decreases in evapotranspiration and convec-
tive available potential energy and increases in convective inhibi-
tion, all of which should suppress rainfall, there was no significant
b decrease in precipitation43. We suspect, then, that the lack of signal
in precipitation may be partly because any changes in latent heat
flux, convective available potential energy or convective inhibition
days >24 °C
No. Tmin

due to land-cover change are eclipsed by the larger advective pat-
terns that create a consistently unstable atmosphere in the region43.
90 Maize yields are reduced but soy yields are not affected
BzBLC Bz16 CeSC CeDC AzSC AzDC We quantify the potential impacts of altered weather due to each
land-use scenario on maize and soy yields using a random forest
30 algorithm trained on historical yield and climate data for the most
Mean difference

productive microregions within the domain of interest. Forcing
the crop model with climate data from the WRF simulations indi-
10 cates that maize yields are reduced across all scenarios compared
0 with BzBLC, including Bz16. All five land-use scenarios result in a
median yield decrease between 6% and 8% per year for the 36 maize
c microregions (Fig. 4 and Supplementary Fig. 46 and Extended Data
80 Fig. 8). The largest yield differences are observed in the AzSC sce-
nario, where certain microregions in the Mato Grosso exhibit yield
days >35 °C
No. Tmax

60 reductions of more than 20% (Fig. 4), consistent with the regional
differences in temperature (Fig. 2c,d).
40 The modelled maize yield differences are driven almost entirely
by differences in temperature between the WRF simulations, which
BzBLC Bz16 CeSC CeDC AzSC AzDC is expected given the lack of precipitation change across scenarios.
35 Accumulated local effect plots, which show the isolated effect of
varying a single variable on predicted yield44, suggest that grow-
Mean difference

25 ing season maximum temperature and the number of warm nights
20 have the greatest influence on maize yields. Predicted partial yields
15 decrease by ~1,250 kg ha−1 as average growing season maximum
temperature increases from 28 °C to 34 °C and by ~700 kg ha−1
as the number of maize warm nights increases from 0 to 50
(Supplementary Fig. 44). Statistical crop models cannot capture
Fig. 3 | Number of days above critical temperature threshold across WRF
the physiological mechanisms responsible for yield predictions and
scenarios. a–c, Estimation plots of the number of days in the soy growing
often underestimate the importance of precipitation45,46. Further
season with a maximum temperature (Tmax) above 40°C (a), the number
work could use a biophysical crop model to explicitly capture the
of days in the maize growing season with a minimum temperature (Tmin)
physiological mechanisms responsible for the predicted yield differ-
above 24°C (b) and the number of days in the maize growing season with
ences and better understand the interconnected nature of land use,
a maximum temperature above 35°C (c). Each point in the scatter plot
regional climate, and crop productivity in Brazil.
represents the spatial average over the whole region of interest for the
Modelled soy yield decreases were much smaller than modelled
15 harvest years (2001–2015) (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence
maize yield decreases and insignificant (Supplementary Fig. 49).
intervals of the effect size (bottom).
Accumulated local effect plots suggest that soy yields are relatively
insensitive to variations in the included climate predictor variables
significantly decrease in the Tocantins subregion between BzBLC (Supplementary Fig. 47). These results are consistent with previous
and both Amazon-clearing scenarios (Supplementary Fig. 11b and work, suggesting that soy is less sensitive than maize to fluctuations
Extended Data Fig 7b). The delayed start of the rainy season in this in temperature and precipitation47,48.
region may be linked to a large but insignificant decrease in June,
July, August precipitation centred over the cleared northeastern Pará Concluding remarks
and northwestern Maranhão (Supplementary Fig. 14 and Extended The conversion of Cerrado and Amazon vegetation to large-scale
Data Fig 5), which, interestingly, is coincident with increased rain mechanized agriculture has been essential in Brazil’s ascension to
over northwestern Amazonia. This particular regional difference a global breadbasket and crop-exporting powerhouse. Changes in
in the start of rainy season precipitation is notable as much of the temperature, runoff, fire, energy partitioning and evapotranspi-
large-scale agricultural expansion and investment in infrastruc- ration are just some of the observable effects of these changes in

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a 60° W 55° W 50° W 45° W b 60° W 55° W 50° W 45° W

5° S

10° S

15° S

20° S BzBLC–Bz16 BzBLC–AzDC 500 km

Percentage difference in yield –20 –20 to –15 –15 to –10 –10 to –5 –5 to 0 0 to +1

c d

0° 0°

10° S 10° S

20° S 20° S

Bz16 AzDC
80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W 80° W 70° W 60° W 50° W 40° W
Longitude Longitude

0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0

Fig. 4 | Decreases in corn yields and increases in maize hot days. a,b, Percentage difference in maize yields between BzBLC and Bz16 (a) and BzBLC and
AzDC (b) across microregions of our study area—highlighted in the pink box in the inset. c,d, Average increase in the number of maize hot days (>35°C)
over the maize growing season (January– August) for the Bz16 scenarios (c) and AzDC scenario (d) compared with the BzBLC scenario.

land cover and land use. The WRF Model is uniquely valuable for 39% increase over the same six months in 2018—and the Brazilian
exploring the effects of land-use changes (such as converting savan- Institute of the Environment and Renewable Energy Resources
nah to double-cropped agriculture) and management regimes punitive deforestation enforcement actions decreased by 20%49.
(single-cropping versus double-cropping rotations) on regional cli- Given the observed impacts of land clearing, and the potential of
mate. However, despite the adjustments discussed in the Methods a tipping point when modification of the landscape affects energy
and Supplementary Information, the model continues to overesti- balances so much so that the savannization of the Amazon occ
mate ground evaporation during the dry- to wet-season transition urs28–30,36,42, understanding the feedbacks between land-use change
(August–October), a period that is crucial to describing land–atmo- and climate is urgent.
sphere feedbacks in this region11,24. These issues with the WRF soil
moisture model have been previously noted and are an obstacle to
better understanding the effects of land-use change during this crit- Methods
WRF Model set-up. We used the National Center for Atmospheric
ical dry- to wet-season period. Research Advanced Research WRF Model v4.0.050 coupled with the Noah
This overestimation in evapotranspiration, coupled with our mulitparameterization (Noah-MP) land-surface model (LSM)51,52. Our model
use of high temperature thresholds for maize and soy, means that domain is 178 × 122 grid cells over northern South America, including the
here we present conservative results. And our conservative results Cerrado and Brazilian Amazon (Supplementary Fig. 1). The model was configured
using a single domain at 36-km grid spacing with 120-s time step and daily
indicate that land-use changes through 2016 have significantly output. Six-hourly European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast
increased the amount of warm nights and hot days within maize Reanalysis-Interim (ERA-I) pressure-level and surface data53 were used as the
and soy growing seasons and negatively impacted maize produc- lateral boundary conditions. We use a model configuration shown to reasonably
tion. Further clearing of natural vegetation for agriculture could simulate South American climate39 (Supplementary Table 1). We refer the reader
create a regional climate that hinders the successful cultivation of to Spera et al.39 for a complete discussion of the model bias in this region. In short,
compared with gridded Climatic Research Unit (CRU v 4.03) precipitation data,
temperature-sensitive export-orientated agriculture. the model demonstrates a slight but insignificant wet bias across much of the study
In the first six months of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency alone area, similar to other studies focused on this region54. Compared with gridded
(January–June 2019), the Amazon lost 336,000 ha of forest cover—a CRU temperature data, the model exhibits a cool bias across our study region

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that is approximately 1.6 °C annually averaged, but focused during November– in our subregional analysis as much of that land has been cleared for pasture, and
April (Supplementary Fig. 2). Compared with Moderate Resolution Imaging we were focused on the expansion of large-scale export agriculture37. We were
Spectroradiometer (MODIS) evapotranspiration data55, the model overestimates interested in the effects of intensive agricultural expansion on regional climate and
annual evapotranspiration by ~180 mm yr–1, with the largest overestimations thus focus on the specific subregions where this has occurred.
occurring during September–December (Supplementary Fig. 2). The model Across our region of interest, average annual precipitation varies between 400
accurately simulates evapotranspiration, precipitation and temperature and 2,600 mm yr–1. Thus, we divide our region of interest into four subregions:
May–August (Supplementary Fig. 2). (1) The Mato Grosso Amazon–Cerrado transition, (2) southwestern Mato Grosso
Six 16-year (1 January 2000–1 January 2016) simulations were conducted. and southern Goiás, (3) Tocantins and (4) western Bahia, southern Maranhão
January through July 2000 were used to spin up the model, and thus our study and southern Piauí (Supplementary Fig. 1). However, for both brevity and clarity,
period is defined as the 15 growing seasons beginning with the 2001 harvest year a majority of the results presented in the main text have been spatially averaged
(1 August 2000–31 July 2001). These model runs output daily data. To further across our region of interest as they did not vary substantially across subregions.
investigate differences in daytime and nighttime dynamics, and because certain Results for all regions are presented in the Supplementary Information.
WRF Model variables are ‘instantaneous’ and thus our daily output values
could not be used, we also ran six 6-yr (1 January 2010–1 January 2016) Scenario comparison. We use shared-control estimation plots to compare across
simulations that output data every 3 h. Here, January through July 2010 was scenarios, and derive 95% nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals with 1,000
used to spin up the model. resamples for each output variable of interest. These output variables are spatially
The Noah-MP LSM51 allows users to choose from multiple means of combining averaged across each regional domain (Supplementary Fig. 1), resulting in 15 data
prescribed data, such as land-cover specific average monthly leaf area index points per region. We choose to use these estimation statistics rather than traditional
(LAI), rooting depth and vegetation fraction (FVEG), with dynamic modelling to significance testing (that is, ordered group analysis of variance testing) because
simulate land–surface interactions. Thus, one can define vegetation parameters in estimation methods both focus on effect size and better facilitate data visualization
three ways: (1) completely based on prescribed data from look-up tables, (2) partly than traditional box plots. To perform these analyses, we use the Data Analysis with
based on prescribed data from look-up tables and dynamic photosynthesis-based Bootstrap Estimation v0.2.4 Python package69. We also compare seasonal cycles across
vegetation modelling or (3) using only the process-based photosynthesis equations scenarios, calculating and displaying both the mean and 95% confidence intervals.
from fixed land-cover categories. To date, the dynamic vegetation model both does We use published crop calendars from the Brazilian National Food Supply
a poor job in simulating observed Brazilian agricultural land-cover parameters Company70 to define the soy and maize growing seasons. Soy is typically the
such as LAI and FVEG and cannot account for double cropping39. Thus, both first safra crop, which spans 15 September–15 June. The safra crop can either be
monthly LAI and FVEG are prescribed (Supplementary Table 2)—a configuration the only crop in a single-cropped rotation or the first crop in a double-cropped
that has been shown to accurately simulate observed land-cover and climate rotation. In a double-cropped rotation, maize is often the second (safrinha) crop.
variables over Brazil39. The maize safrinha growing season spans 15 January–15 August.
Previous work has demonstrated that Noah-MP has difficulty in simulating soil We focus on minimum temperatures of 24 °C for maize and maximum
moisture39,56–58 and, relatedly, overestimates early wet-season ground evaporation temperatures of 35 °C and 40 °C for maize and soy, respectively, as these have been
over the Cerrado region39. Noah-MP is extremely sensitive to soil parameters58. cited throughout Brazilian agronomic71–73 and published academic74–78 literature
Consistent with previous model calibrations, we multiplied the soil resistivity as the most conservative (highest) temperature limits above which production
coefficient by 20 and halved the soil field capacity and maximum soil water-content decreases. We follow the methods of Spangler et al.38 and calculate annual
values51,54 (Supplementary Table 3). accumulated precipitation anomalies to determine the start date and end date of
The Noah-MP LSM also includes a crop model that can be turned on when the rainy season.
dynamic vegetation is turned on. While we intend to employ this crop model in
future work, at this time, it only allows for the implementation of one crop per
Parameterizing and estimating yields. We develop an empirical crop model to
year, and previous work has demonstrated that it does not yet accurately represent
estimate the impact of regional climate variability on maize and soy yields using
agricultural phenology in Brazil39.
Matlab’s treebagger random forest algorithm79.
Land-cover datasets. This study builds on work demonstrating that replacing the Random forest is an ensemble-based machine-learning algorithm consisting
default WRF land-cover surfaces with more-accurate land-cover surfaces from of hundreds of individual regression decision trees, with each tree built with a
Spera et al.5 improves climate model output, increasing the model performance random subsample of the observational dataset and predictor variables. Random
across precipitation, evapotranspiration and temperature variables for at least three forests have been shown to outperform simple linear regressions as they can
months, particularly during the dry- to wet-season transition, compared with capture the nonlinear relationships that relate plant physiology, yield and climate
observational datasets (Supplementary Fig. 2)39. Here, we created new land-cover variability and are increasingly being used in climate–crop interaction studies80,81.
maps in our region of interest for each scenario, which replaced the default WRF In this study we train a random-forest model on reported values of maize
land cover in those regions. Within WRF, one can choose from a US Geological (soy) yield from 2003–2015 (1990–2015) for 36 (67) Brazilian microregions82
Survey-based or MODIS-based land cover. We replace the default US Geological using historical climate data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Survey land-cover map with our new land-cover map over our region of interest Administration’s Center for Weather and Climate Prediction dataset. Average
because it is more accurate, ensuring our region of interest has the most up-to-date yields vary substantially across our study region, due primarily to differences in
accurate land-cover information39. agricultural management and climate. However, as we are interested in capturing
The BZ16 land cover was created following the methods of Spera et al.39 the effect of climate on yield, and do not explicitly consider management, we
by overlaying a MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index-based 250-m resolution eliminate microregions with long-term average yield in the bottom 10%. We
large-scale agricultural map5 over the Landsat-based MapBiomas (v3.1) 2016 further require at least 10 yr of yield data for a microregion to be included in
Brazilian land-cover map59. The BzBLC scenario was created by replacing the the model. As a result of this, our final analysis consists of 36 (67) microregions,
anthropogenic (that is, ‘dryland cropland and pasture’) land cover in our study primarily in the Mato Grosso region in which average annual maize (soy) yields
region with the nearest non-anthropogenic land cover (for example, ‘savannah’, vary from 900 (2,200) kg ha–1 to 6,800 (3,200) kg ha–1.
‘evergreen broadleaf forest’). In the CeSC scenario, the entire Cerrado biome The maize and soy models are both developed using the same eight predictor
was replaced with single-cropped agriculture; in the CeDC scenario, the entire variables: (1) year, (2) centroid latitude, (3) centroid longitude, (4) average growing
Cerrado biome was replaced with double-cropped agriculture; and in the AzSC season maximum temperature, (5) average growing season minimum temperature,
and AzDC scenarios, the Amazon-biome portion of the deforestation arc states of (6) total growing season precipitation, (7) growing season warm nights (the total
Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Pará, and Tocantins are replaced with single-cropped and number of days with minimum temperatures greater than 24 °C) and (8) hot
double-cropped agriculture, respectively. days (the total number of days with maximum temperatures greater than 35 °C).
Our full model domain was composed of 21,716 grid cells, and our region of Previous studies have used a 40 °C threshold for soy senescence83–85. However,
interest (white box, Fig. 1a) contained 17,768 grid cells. We chose to focus our most regions in our domain have very few if any days above 40 °C in the historical
analysis on the states of Mato Grosso, Goiás, Pará, Rodônia and the Matopiba period, making that threshold impractical for an empirical analysis. Comparable
(Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí, Bahia border) region for four main reasons: (1) these to other published crop models47, the trained model explains 49% and 55% of the
states have been subject to a majority of the land clearing—80% in the Amazon60 interannual maize and soy yield variance, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 43).
and over 80% in the Cerrado61,62—and expansion of large-scale intensive export Accumulated-local-effect plots show the sensitivity of the predicted yield to each
agriculture over the past two decades63–65; (2) these recent land-use changes have individual predictor variable (Supplementary Figs. 44, 45, 47 and 48). Further, we
been linked to observational changes in the water and energy balance1,10,12,13,15,16,39,66; perform a simple sensitivity analysis by either increasing or decreasing the five
Brazil itself has targeted the Matopiba region to invest in its agricultural historical climate predictor variables by 10% and rerunning the model. Increasing
development5,41, and most recently, soy is expanding into northern-Mato Grosso the historical climate by 10% (warmer and wetter) results in a 12% (4%) decrease
and southern Pará and land-clearing rates are increasing there67; and (3) consistent, in maize (soy) yield, and decreasing the historical climate (colder and drier) results
accurate, validated crop-specific land-cover maps are available over this region5. in an 18% (3%) increase (decrease) in maize (soy) yield averaged over the entire
We do not include Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo and Minas Gerais in our domain of interest. We quantify the impact of climate change, as a result of the
large regional analysis as much of the land in these states has been cleared for corresponding land-cover change scenario, by using the WRF simulation output to
agropastoral purposes since the 1970s68, and we do not include northern Goiás drive our trained crop models.

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NAtuRE SustAinABility Articles
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Agriculture (2015‐68007‐23133 and 2018-67003-27406), National Science Foundation
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71. Filho, I. A. P. in Embrapa Milho e Sorgo 9th edn (Embrapa, 2015).
Additional information
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Soja (Embrapa Soja, 2016). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.A.S.
74. Schlenker, W. & Roberts, M. J. Nonlinear temperature effects indicate severe Reprints and permissions information is available at
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75. Ferreira, D. B. & Rao, V. B. Recent climate variability and its impacts on published maps and institutional affiliations.
soybean yields in southern Brazil. Theor. Appl. Climatol. 105, 83–97 (2011). © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2020

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Extended Data Fig. 1 | Monthly average minimum and maximum temperatures. Seasonal cycles of a, minimum temperature and b, maximum
temperature spatially averaged over the whole region of interest (white box in Fig. 1a). The solid lines represent mean monthly values, and the shaded
area represents bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals.

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Extended Data Fig. 2 | Differences in annual and September-October-November evapotranspiration across scenarios. Estimation plots of a, annual
evapotranspiration and b, September, October, and November evapotranspiration. Each point in the scatter plot represents the spatial average over
the whole region of interest for the 15 (2001 – 2015) harvest years (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom). Note
CeAzOg = BzBLC in main text. ‘Mean difference’ refers to a difference (mm) in distribution means.

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Extended Data Fig. 3 | Differences in number of days above critical growing season temperature maize thresholds across the Mato Grosso sub-region.
Estimation plots of the number of days in the corn growing season (Jan – Aug) with minimum temperatures above 24 °C (left) and maximum temperatures
above 35 °C (right). Each point in the scatter plot represents the spatial average over the Mato Grosso Amazon-boundary sub-region for the 15 (2001 – 2015)
harvest years (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom). Note CeAzOg = BzBLC in main text. ‘Mean difference’ refers
to a difference (number of days) in distribution means.

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Extended Data Fig. 4 | Differences in start and end of rainy season across scenarios. Estimation plots of the start of the rainy season (left) and end of
the rainy season (right), both defined as the number days after Aug 1. Each point in the scatter plot represents the spatial average over the whole region
of interest for the 15 (2001 – 2015) harvest years (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom). Note CeAzOg = BzBLC in
main text. ‘Mean difference’ refers to a difference (number of days after Aug 1) in distribution means.

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Extended Data Fig. 5 | Seasonal maps of average precipitation change between BzBLC and AzSc and AzDC scenarios. Seasonal maps of the average
precipitation change, in percent, between AzSC and BzBLC scenarios (left) and AzDC and BzBLC scenarios (right) between 2001-2015 harvest years in
each grid cell. Stippled areas highlight where the percent change is greater than 95% of the variance of BzBLC precipitation between 2001-2015 in
each grid cell.

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Extended Data Fig. 6 | Difference in September-October precipitation across scenarios. Estimation plots of September-October precipitation (mm).
Scatterplots of each land-cover scenarios for each year (top) and bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom). Each point in the
scatter plots represents the spatial average over the whole region for the 15 (2001-2015) harvest years (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals
of effect size (bottom). Note CeAzOg = BzBLC in main text. ‘Mean difference’ refers to a difference (mm) in distribution means.

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Extended Data Fig. 7 | Difference in annual and September-October precipitation across scenarios across the Tocantins sub-region. Estimation plots of
a, annual precipitation and b, September-October precipitation in the Tocantins sub-region. Each point in the scatter plot represents the spatial average
over the Tocantins sub-region for the 15 (2001 – 2015) harvest years (top), with bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom).
‘Mean difference’ refers to a difference (mm) in distribution means.

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Extended Data Fig. 8 | Left: Violin plots of the percent difference between predicted maize yield the original land use scenario (BzBLC) and each of the
counterfactual climate scenarios. Right: Estimation plot of corn yields (kg/ha). Scatterplots of each land-cover scenarios (top) and bootstrapped 95%
confidence intervals of the effect size (bottom).

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nature research | reporting summary
Corresponding author(s): Stephanie Spera
Last updated by author(s): 5/7/2020

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Policy information about availability of computer code
Data collection We use the National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model v4.0.0
coupled with the Noah-Mulitparamterization (Noah-MP) land-surface model to perform our experiments.

We also use yield data collected from the Municipal Agricultural Production survey of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics
( The first year of yield data is available starting in 2003 because this is the first year safra (main
harvest) and safrinha (second harvest) corn yields are separated in the reported data.

Data analysis We use shared-control estimation plots to compare across scenarios, and derive 95% nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals with
1000 resamples for each output variable of interest. We choose to use these estimation statistics rather than traditional significance
testing (e.g., ordered group ANOVA testing) because estimation methods both focus on effect size and better facilitate data visualization
than traditional box plots. To perform these analyses, we use the Data Analysis with Bootstrap Estimation v0.2.4 Python package (Ho et
al. 2019, Nature Methods).

We develop an empirical crop model to estimate the impact of regional climate variability on maize yield using Matlab’s treebagger
random forest algorithm (Breimen L 2001, Machine Learning).
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The crop cover dataset is available at

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All studies must disclose on these points even when the disclosure is negative.
Study description Here, we use the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled to the Noah-Multiparameterization land surface model to
run 15-year climate simulations across Brazil with six different land-cover scenarios: 1) the Amazon and Cerrado before extensive
land clearing; 2) Brazil as of 2016; 3) the whole Cerrado replaced with single-cropped (soy) export agriculture; 4) the whole Cerrado
replaced with double-cropped (soy-maize) export agriculture; 5) the Amazonian deforestation arc states with single-cropped export
agriculture; and 6) the Amazonian deforestation arc states with double-cropped export agriculture.

We then develop an empirical crop model to estimate the impact of regional climate variability on maize yield using Matlab’s
treebagger random forest algorithm (Breiman L, 2001, Machine Learning).

Research sample We used the daily output of the WRF regional climate model for each of the five land-use/land-cover sceanarios. Our regional climate
model domain was centered over northern South America and was comprised of 21,716 grid cells, and our region of interest (ROI,
Amazon-Cerrado boundary region) contained 17,768 grid cells within our bigger model domain.

Sampling strategy Each data point is the average across our region of interest per growing season/harvest year, resulting in 15 data points. We also
subset our ROI into four different sub-regions: 1) The Mato Grosso Amazon-Cerrado transition; 2) southwestern Mato Grosso and
southern Goiás; 3) Tocantins; and 4) western Bahia, southern Maranhão, and southern Piauí and spatally averaged across these small
spatial domains - still resulting in 15 data points per scenario per variable per sub-region.

When performing our data analyses, we derived 95% nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals with 1000 resamples for each
output variable of interest.

Data collection The data were output by the WRF software and stored on Dartmouth's high-performance computing cluster.

Timing and spatial scale Climate variables were output daily for the regional climate model domain across all five scenarios between January 1, 2000 and Jan
1, 2016.

Data exclusions January through July 2000 were used to spin-up the model, and thus our study period is defined as the 15 growing seasons beginning
with the 2001 harvest year (Aug 1, 2000 - July 31, 2001).

For the yields analysis, we are interested in capturing the effect of climate on yield, and do not explicitly consider management. Thus
we eliminate microregions in our ROI with long term average yield in the bottom 10%. We also require at least 10 years of yield data
for a microregion to be included in the model. Our final analysis consists of 36 microregions.

Reproducibility Anyone can reproduce these results using the crop cover data set provided with the link above, the freely available Weather,
Research and Forecasting model from the National Center for Atmospheric Research with the adjustments to tables and parameters
outlined in the main text and Supplementary Information file.

Randomization Randomization is not relevant to this study because no treatments are being assigned.
October 2018

Blinding Blinding is not relevant to this study because no treatments are being assigned.

Did the study involve field work? Yes No

Reporting for specific materials, systems and methods

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system or method listed is relevant to your study. If you are not sure if a list item applies to your research, read the appropriate section before selecting a response.

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Materials & experimental systems Methods
n/a Involved in the study n/a Involved in the study
Antibodies ChIP-seq
Eukaryotic cell lines Flow cytometry
Palaeontology MRI-based neuroimaging
Animals and other organisms
Human research participants
Clinical data

October 2018

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