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The ‘Project Execution Phase’ 

is the most important stage among the project

management plan. It is which the preparation of deliverables and control of the
project’s evolution is being conducted. This is the main and most essential as it is the
real start of the project. We might look at this step as a result of the planning stage
because it’s dependent on what you have chosen to do during that part of the
project’s development.

During the project execution phase, you and your team will work on all of the
aspects that you have planned and assessed during the previous project
management steps. It is during this stage that you need to focus most of your
attention and avoid making mistakes for a proper project development cycle. It’s also
called the project implementation stage because you begin to implement the
decisions that you have taken previously. The main goals for this phase will be to
prepare deliverables, to motivate your team to complete their assigned activities in
time for the final project delivery, and to control each aspect of the project’s progress.
Monitoring and communication are the key components for this phase. And to be able
to conduct these, you will need to implement a range of project management processes.
These processes help you to manage time, cost, quality, change, risks and issues. They
also help you to manage procurement, customer acceptance and communications.

Generally, the ‘Project Execution Phase’ is all about action and direction which
is essential to achieve productivity and success.

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