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Writing an Abstract for a Research Manuscript: Providing an Honest, Succinct

and Complete Summary

Article  in  The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India · December 2015


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2 authors:

Sandeep B Bavdekar Nithya J Gogtay


KEM Hospital

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64 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 63 ■ December 2015

Art of Writing

Writing an Abstract for a Research Manuscript:

Providing an Honest, Succinct and Complete
Sandeep B Bavdekar1, Nithya J Gogtay2

abstract, they might perceive the

Abstract study to be weak and simply move
Abstract is a vital part of a research paper. Besides the title, it is the on to the next paper. 1 Although
various types of articles (reviews,
most widely read section of an article. The first impressions created by
case reports, opinion article, etc.)
the abstract on editors and reviewers can have a great influence on the
have abstracts, this article will
fate of the article. After its publication, a reader might decide to give
discuss abstracts in the context of
the article a miss, if he finds the information provided in the abstract
research articles.
uninteresting, irrelevant or uninspiring. An abstract should, therefore,
be packed with all important relevant information about the study, Types of Abstracts
so that reviewers and readers understand the rationale of the study,
are assured of adequacy of the methodology employed, are informed Abstracts can be descriptive or
about the important findings and appreciate the reasonable conclusions informational. 1 The descriptive
stated in the abstract. Brevity, self-sufficiency, providing complete and abstracts only portray what the
accurate information in an unbiased manner are some of the important paper contains without providing
characteristics of a good abstract. any details. The reader is required
to read the entire article to know
what the article really contains.
Such abstracts are usually ultra-
Introduction the abstract, they try to determine short (75-150 words) and are rarely
if the article would be of interest used for original research articles.

A n abstract is a summary
of a full article. Annesley 1
has rightly compared abstract
a n d r e l e va n c e t o t h e j o u r n a l ’ s
readership. If they decide to send
it for peer review, the prospective
They are more commonly seen with
Case Reports, reviews and opinion
articles; articles that do not contain
to an ‘elevator talk’, wherein an reviewers are generally provided original research data. 1 In contrast,
author summarizes the important access only to the abstract before informational abstracts intend to
information the paper conveys they agree to review the whole provide a gist of what the research
with an aim of getting the reader paper. Abstract is the only part of article contains and are, therefore,
interested in the idea, enticing him the article that readers get to see built in the form of a synopsis of
to read the whole manuscript. It is, when they search through electronic the entire article. They include
therefore imperative that authors databases 2 and several journal details of the research study and
give great attention to writing a websites allow the non-subscribers have enough material information
good abstract for their paper. The access to the abstract alone. 1 Once to act as a proxy for the entire
importance of an abstract cannot be published, most readers decide to paper. 1 Informational abstracts
over-emphasized. After the title, it read the paper only if they find the can be unstructured or structured.
is the most commonly read part of abstract interesting or stimulating. Unstructured (also called as non-
a manuscript. 1 Once a manuscript Here, an abstract acts as a trailer. 3 structured) abstracts are free-
is submitted to a journal for If readers are unimpressed by flowing and as the name suggests,
consideration for publication, the information contained in the
editors read the abstract to check
if the article is likely to meet the 1
Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics, TN Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai,
preliminary criteria for processing Maharashtra; 2Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai,
it further. On the basis of the first Maharashtra.
impressions made by the title and Received: 05.10.2015; Accepted: 10.10.2015
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 63 ■ December 2015 65

have no pre-defined arrangement good idea to write an abstract with sub-headings include Background,
or organization in the form of a structure based on the IMRAD Objectives, Methodology, Results
sub-headings. By comparison, format and then strike out the sub- and Conclusions. Some journals
structured abstracts have a planned headings if the journal demands an have separate sub-headings such
and ordered assembly with sub- unstructured abstract. as settings, design, participants and
h e a di n g s su c h as b ac kg rou nd , Ground work: Before one starts methods that would otherwise have
objectives, methods, results and writing an abstract, an author been included under the common
conclusions. These sub-headings must perform a proper ground sub-heading of methodology.
could differ from journal to journal.4 work and the most important
Both structured and unstructured task in this is to carefully read
abstracts have a prescribed word and understand the instructions Also labeled as “Context”, this
count (or character count) limit. provided by the Journal regarding section should briefly outline the
Structured abstracts contain more writing an abstract. These directives current knowledge and gaps in
information, are easier to read, apply to the format (structured or knowledge regarding the research
recall and search for, and are unstructured), word limit, sub- question that was pursued. This
generally preferred by readers headings and other details such section should attempt to inform
and authors. 5 But, they usually as font type and size and spacing, readers about the study rationale 8
consume more space and can etc. It is advisable to read abstracts in one or two sentences. Having
suffer from the same limitations of papers published in the recent a lengthy background section is
as the unstructured abstracts. 5 In issues of the journal to get an idea counter-productive as it limits the
any case, the choice of preferring about what is generally preferred space available for showcasing
one type of abstract over the other by the journal editors. findings in the study.
does not rest with the author. He
When to start writing an
is obliged to provide an abstract Objectives
Abstract: Some experts advise
in the format prescribed by the
authors to begin writing a
Journal. Sometimes this is merged with
manuscript by drafting the
the background in the abstract.
Characteristics of a Good abstract first. 6 They claim that
It has been variously labeled as
this strategy helps authors clarify
Abstract their messages and make writing
‘Aims’ or ‘Aims and Objectives’.
Usually, it is expected that the
A good abstract is a complete the rest of the manuscript easy.
authors would list one (or two)
and honest summary of the whole This strategy renders writing
major objective in one sentence.
manuscript with a coherent stream the abstract quite difficult and is
of thoughts. It should stand on fraught with the danger of abstract Methods
its own. The reader should not depicting information that has
be required to refer to the whole not been included in the final This is one of the largest sections
paper for understanding what is draft of the manuscript. On the of the abstract. It should contain
said in the abstract. The abstract other hand, most authors prefer enough information about what
should state research question to start writing the abstract only was done and how. The content
(or the hypothesis), objectives, after the manuscript draft has of this section should be used to
key points in methodology that been finalized. 7 This is logical, assure readers that appropriate and
would convince the readers about too. An abstract is a summary adequate techniques and strategies
the soundness of the methods of the manuscript and hence it were employed in the conduct
e m p l o ye d , i m p o r t a n t a n d k e y is reasonable to first finalize the of the study. 8 It should contain
observations and the “take-home” manuscript and then to write its information about the setting, the
message, so as to tell a complete extract. It also allows the author study design, blinding (if done), the
story. 1 to link the abstract to the title and population studied, recruitment
the introduction by re-emphasizing and data collection methodology,
Writing an Abstract: The the message conveyed in the title sample size, intervention, follow-
through abstract and by aligning up, primary outcome measures,
the background information parameters evaluated and main
Since most biomedical journals conveyed in the abstract with that analysis methodology. 2,8-11
prefer to have informational in the introduction section of the
abstracts, this section will provide main text. 1 Results
tips for writing such an abstract. Understanding what goes under This section may be variably
Whether a journal prefers a each sub-heading: The sub-headings labeled as ‘Observations’ or
structured abstract or a simple prescribed vary from journal to ‘Findings’. It is the most important
unstructured one, it is always a journal. However, the common
66 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 63 ■ December 2015

Table 1: Pitfalls to be avoided while writing an abstract of a research paper attempts to write the abstract
Pitfall Remark for a completed manuscript. The
Not complying with ‘instructions to The editors are likely to send it back to the author to most important task in front of
authors’ in terms of the prescribed ensure that it conforms to the guidelines provided the authors is to decide what is
word limit, font type or size, sub- and for technical correction; thereby increasing the extremely significant and should
headings, etc. processing time
be included in the abstract (the
Inaccurate account of the article Discrepancies in the information provided in the
‘must include’ part) and what can
abstract and that in the main text of the manuscript
may result in high risk of rejection be left out (the ‘can omit’ part).
Failure to provide a ‘stand-alone’ Every abstract should be ‘self-sufficient’. For example, Of course, there would be some
abstract Conclusions stated in the abstract should be the ones additional material that the authors
that can be drawn based on results depicted in the would include, if space is available
(the ‘desirable to include’ part).
Writing abstract that lacks focus Get rid of extraneous details and linguistic jargon
Hence, once the ground work is
Providing biased information If authors choose to present only selected results in
the Abstract, reviewers and readers are likely to feel
done, the authors should read the
cheated once they read the whole evidence presented entire manuscript and decide what
in the article. salient points have to be included
Poor language and grammatical and These create a bad impression on the reviewers and in the abstract. These portions can
typographical errors readers. Even, repeating phrases and sentences in be underlined and kept ready for
the main text and abstract can cause boredom and
hence should be avoided. Readers might think that consideration for inclusion in the
the authors, instead of undertaking the intellectual abstract.
and creative job of abstract writing, have merely used
While writing the abstract,
a software program or just done the ‘cut-paste’ job
mechanically. Avoid using abbreviations unless they authors should use short, clear and
are universally known and accepted (e.g. DNA). No direct sentences. As the abstract
justification to cite references in the abstract. and the manuscript cater to the
and probably the largest section of should be provided. same population of readers, same
the abstract. This is understandable level of technical language can be
because it describes what was Conclusions used. Although experts generally
found in the study; the aspect advocate the use of active voice
This section should state the in scientific writing; significant
that authors wish to display and
most important message of the use of passive voice is permitted
the feature that readers are most
study and should include answer while writ ing ab st ract t o h el p
interested in. It should be packed
to the research question. 8 It should reduce the word count. It should
with as much detailed data, as
a l wa y s c o n t a i n i n t e r p r e t a t i o n represent ‘true’ summary of the
the word count would permit.
regarding the primary outcome whole manuscript with all possible
The data should be provided in
measure. It can also be used to important details presented in
an objective manner citing actual
list other findings of significance an unbiased fashion. It should
numbers 2,9 rather than using terms
and authors’ views regarding be packed with information and
such as ‘most felt better’, ‘a few
implications of the study. 8,9 The formulated in such a way that
developed headache’, ‘majority
conclusions stated in the abstract readers are able to understand the
of participants responded’, or
should be based on results depicted rationale behind the study and are
‘some reported giddiness’!!! The
in the abstract. able to comprehend the basis on
data presented in an abstract
should include the number of Some journals have separate sub- which the conclusions are drawn. 1
participants enrolled and analyzed; headings to describe limitations of Pitfalls listed in Table 1 need to be
numerical information related to the study. CONSORT Guidelines carefully avoided.
the analyses performed (in terms for abstracts 11 and International Research manuscripts generally
of mean and standard deviations, Com m itt ee of Medical Journal contain 2000-3000 words. Using
median, effect sizes, relative risks, Editors (ICMJE) 12 recommend that the tips mentioned above, it is
numbers needed to treat, etc.), the trial registration number and not difficult to have a 500-600
results of analysis of primary name of the registry and details of word initial summary as the first
objectives along with results of funding should be included as a draft of the abstract. Since, one
tests of significance (p values), part of the abstract. has to adhere to the guidelines
harms 11 and important negative Tips for Actual Writing of an regarding the abstract word-count
findings, if any, even if they are Abstract: Manuscript writing is limits; this initial draft should be
not supportive of the hypothesis a creative activity and though edited further. One should first get
proposed. 8 Wherever applicable, pleasurable, it does take a toll of rid of redundancies and replace
relative risk, attributable risk, one’s energy. Hence, it is advisable verbose passages with concise
response rates, odd’s ratio, etc. to wait for a few days, before one statements. Then one can select
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 63 ■ December 2015 67

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