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models that aim to predict potential range shifts damage inflicted by sudden cataclysms, which all too
and broad-scale community reshuffling. Finally, often involve humans. The great auk is an early en-
there is a clear taxonomic, geographic, and disci- try, the flightless seabird suffering centuries of ex-
plinary bias. Most examples come from plants or ploitation through egg collecting and overhunting,
large vertebrates in Arctic ecosystems, with a culminating in its extinction in 1844. Contemporary
strong focus at the population level. This shortage, environmental damage and erosion of biodiversity
however, provides ample opportunities for explor- take greater prominence as the volume progresses. A
ing more thoroughly and widely the ecological visceral account of white-nose syndrome, a fungal
patterns and processes reported in this volume. disease that threatens North American bat popula-
Overall, the book is clearly recommendable, espe- tions, is presented as an ongoing legacy of the trans-
cially for anyone interested in how ongoing and atlantic Columbian exchange. The disease exists in a
future climate change will affect high-latitude eco- benign form in Europe, but may have first emerged
systems. in North American bats via Howe Caverns, a popular
W. Daniel Kissling, Institute for Biodiversity & New York State tourist attraction. Modern transpor-
Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, Am- tation has led to a reworking of the biosphere
sterdam, The Netherlands through the often inadvertent transfer of species,
including the lethal genus of chytrid fungi currently
The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural His- wiping out amphibians on a global scale.
tory. The Sixth Extinction places our understanding of
By Elizabeth Kolbert. New York: Henry Holt and Com- mass extinction in a historic and prehistoric context,
pany. $28.00. xiii ⫹ 319 p.; ill.; index. ISBN: through an engaging and accessible manner, the
978-0-8050-9299-8 (hc); 978-0-8050-9311-7 (eb). author regularly drawing upon her own global
2014. travels. Kolbert offers an extensive introduction to
This volume traces an ongoing mass extinction event the history of life and death on Earth, with a
in the current geological epoch. The Anthropocene take-home message on the erosion of biodiversity
or Holocene extinction appears to journalist Eliza- in the Anthropocene. In the book’s closing para-
beth Kolbert—author of Field Notes from a Catastrophe: graphs, the author muses that human deprecation
Man, Nature, and Climate Change (2006. New York: of the natural world may stem from our biological
Bloomsbury Publishing)—as an inevitable outcome makeup, due to a driving passion for expansion
of human expansion. She uses examples from the and exploration, or “madness gene.” If human-
geological and historical past to place the resulting kind is itself a virulent and invasive species, the
loss of fauna and flora in a broader context of the Anthropocene extinction cannot truly be consid-
history of life on Earth. The book traces historical ered an “unnatural history.” Instead, the sixth ex-
conception of mass extinction to revolutionary France tinction appears to be another Cuvierian catastrophe,
and the work of French naturalist Georges Cuvier, bearing all the hallmarks of its five precursors.
who theorized that life on Earth had been disturbed Matthew Holmes, Centre for the History & Phi-
by multiple cataclysms. Earth has suffered five such losophy of Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, United
catastrophic episodes, from the Ordovician to the Kingdom
Cretaceous. Kolbert portrays humankind as the driv-
ing force behind the sixth extinction in the Anthro-
Past mass extinctions are more than points of his-
torical or scientific interest to the author. These an-
cient cataclysms warn of the future consequences of
human actions. So the sudden annihilation of the EVOLUTION
hugely successful ammonites following the K-T aster- The Princeton Guide to Evolution.
oid impact at the end of the Cretaceous period dem- Editor-in-Chief: Jonathan B. Losos; edited by David A.
onstrates the fragility of seemingly ubiquitous Baum, Douglas J. Futuyma, Hopi E. Hoekstra, Rich-
species, including our own to catastrophic environ- ard E. Lenski, Allen J. Moore, Catherine L. Peichel,
mental change. Kolbert’s book is also an environ- Dolph Schluter, and Michael C. Whitlock; Advisors:
mentalist tract in this sense, covering ongoing work Michael J. Donoghue et al. Princeton (New Jersey):
to preserve global biodiversity and citing studies of Princeton University Press. $99.00. xiii ⫹ 853 p. ⫹
ocean acidification alongside accounts of cryogenic 7 pl.; ill.; index. ISBN: 978-0-691-14977-6. 2014.
cell banks and the ultrasound scanning of pregnant This is an excellent guide to evolution; such a
rhinos. volume is long overdue. It is comprehensive, the
Chapters of the book are organized around an entries are clearly written, and the array of con-
extinct or endangered species, each indicative of the tributors is drawn from among the very top re-

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