Second Term Vocabulary 2

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Games and sports

 There are lots of activities that we can do or play in our free time. Let's see some of
those sports in the video.
Also, let's take a look to some games around the world:


It brings nations closer together and have them compete in 33

different sports.  its rings represent the five continents of the
world. They are held every four years.

Olympic Games

The first Olympic Summer Games of modern times took place in

Athens in 1896. The programme of the Summer Games is limited
to a maximum of 28 sports, 301 events and 10,500 athletes. They
are held every four years.

Olympic Summer Games

Just a few weeks after the Olympic Games, it’s time for the
Paralympics. They are the Olympic event for athletes with
physical and mental disabilities and now usually take place in the
same cities that have also hosted the Olympic Summer

Paralympics Games
The first Olympic Winter Games were held in 1924. Before the
first Winter Games, some of the events (figure skating, ice
hockey) had been part of the Olympic Summer Games

 Olympic Winter Games
 Also, most of the championships around the world are considered games.
On the other hand, games can also be referred to:
Board games: Such as Monopoly, chess, card games, bingos and almost all games that can
be played at home.

Video games: X-box, Play station, Nintendo, computer games...

Now, let's practice!

Taking into account the pictures, decide if each one of the sentences
correspond to sports or games:
Example: The Fifa World Cup is a  __game___
1. Kids love to play with their X-box. It is a 

2. Playing tennis is very demanding. Tennis

is a 

3. Gymnastics give you a lot of flexibility.

Gymnastics is a 
4. When you play chess, you need to be
focused on your opponent movements.
Chess is a 

5. Baseball is very popular in the United

States. Baseball is a 


Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 30,00 sobre 50,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Complete the dialogue with the vocabulary from the lesson:
Phil: What time is that Respuesta

 game on? Brazil is going to play against Colombia and I want to see Neymar and James
playing. I thought it started at two.
Jack: We must have had the wrong time. Oh, well … soccer’s not my favorite Respuesta
 anyway. I prefer Respuesta

. and the NBA players.

Phil: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was tennis. I love watching the tennis Respuesta

. However, I'm also a big fan of NBA. 

Jack: And in the Respuesta

 every four years, basketball is very important. 

Phil: Sure thing! Why don’t we go and practice now since the soccer game isn’t on?
Jack: Excellent idea. Let’s go.


Let's practice!
Using the information from the video and the presentation, rewrite
the sentences using the frequency adverbs. Be careful with spelling
and the punctuation marks:
For example: 
I eat apples (never): I never eat apples.
1. My sister listens to music in the evening. (sometimes): Respuesta
My sister sometimes listens to music in the evening.

2. Dario and Robert save homeless animals in their free time. (always):  Respuesta
Dario and Robert always save homeless animals in their free tim
3. Adriana goes to that restaurant. It is awful. (never): Respuesta
Adriana never goes to that restaurant. It is awful.

4. During the week, I buy a slice of pie and a black coffee after lunch.
During the week, I usually buy a slice of pie and a black coffee

(usually): Respuesta

5. Pablo and his family go out to have dinner. (rarely): Respuesta

Pablo and his family rarely go out to have dinner.

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 20,00 sobre 25,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
In order to use the Fequency Adverbs correctly, we need to keep in mind habitual and every
day actions. On the following video you can see the link between these topics. Pay attention:
So, simple present (the one we use for routines and repeated actions) can work perfectly with
the frequency adverbs. 
There is one correct sentence in each set. Please, choose the correct option.
Keep in mind we are talking about the simple present and its link with the
frequency adverbs. 
1. Respuesta

a. My mother goes usually in the evening to buy groceries.

b. My mother usually go in the evening to buy groceries.
c. My mother usually goes in the evening to buy groceries.
2.  Respuesta

a. Tony, our black dog, never drinks water from the pool.
b. Tony, our black dog, never drink water from the pool.
c. Tony, our black dog, drinks never water from the pool.
3.  Respuesta

a. When Alice has a test, she studies always.

b. When Alice has a test, she always studies.
c. When Alice has a test, she always study.
4. Respuesta

a. Mariana and Gia sometimes fight, but they are good friends.
b. Mariana and Gia sometimes fights, but they are good friends.
c. Mariana and Gia  fight sometimes, but they are good friends.
5. Respuesta

a. When I have a lot of work to do, I  have always a cup of coffee.

b. When I have a lot of work to do, I always has a cup of coffee.
c. When I have a lot of work to do, I always have a cup of coffee.
Pregunta 3
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 40,00 sobre 50,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta

Verbs to talk about sports.

There are three verbs that we use with sports and other free time activities: go, do and play,
but they are not interchangeable:

 Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The verb go here implies that we
go somewhere to practice this sport: go swimming.
 Do is used with recreational activities and with individual, non-team sports or sports in
which a ball is not used, like martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics,
do karate.
 Play is generally used with team sports and those sports that need a ball or similar
object (puck, disc). Also, those activities in which two people or teams compete against
each other: play football, play poker, play chess.

Remember, you can also play with different tenses to communicate. For example: I went
running last month.
Please, if you need further information, click HERE.

We use GO + ING We use PLAY with... We use DO with...

I usually go swimming every My friend Marcus plays volleyball! We often do aerobics at the gym.

 When my husband has time, we

They go running on weekends. Juan doesn't play football, he plays do
tennis. puzzles for fun.
Now let's practice!
Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence:

1. Do you want to Respuesta

 with me next week?


2. I don't know how to Respuesta

 hockey. Can you teach me?


3. When my friends and I Respuesta

 yoga, we feel relaxed.


4. She Respuesta

 his first ballet presentation when she was 8 years old.


5. I want to Respuesta

 dancing this friday. 


6. He used to Respuesta

  jogging every morning when he was young boy.


7. This summer, Tim is going to Respuesta

 horseback riding.

8. Where is Mary? - She is Respuesta

 aerobics now. Don't bother her.


9. My grandmother is 80 but she still Respuesta

 gymnastics every morning.


10. You play rugby on a pitch. Where do you Respuesta



a. What do the letters NBA mean ? 

National Basketball Association
b. Which of these countries has never won the football World Cup? 

c. When were the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia? 


d. What kind of ball do they use in the game of rugby? 

Oval ball

e. How often do the Winter Olympics happen? 

Every four years

f. Where does the sport of judo come from?

g. How many spots are there in a dice? 
21 spots

h. Who starts a game of chess? 

The white player

i. Why are there 52 cards in a normal pack? 

No one knows

j. How does a soccer player referee signal the end of a game? 

Giving three long blows with his whistle

k. How much does an ice hockey match last? 

60 minutes

l. What color is the shirt worn by the race leader in the Tour of



Read the following short paragraph about Mary and her hobbies and interests. Pay
attention to how often and when she does her various hobbies. Once you understand,
go to the exercise and answer the questions.
Mary's Hobbies and Interests
Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can run before work.
She doesn't often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter.
Mary often rides a horse at a stable near here home. She sometimes goes after work, but she
usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice
on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra
money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes
doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone
because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does
her activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

Now, choose the correct answer for each question:

1. Why does she usually get up early? 
She gets up early to run before work

2. How often does she ski? 

She occasionally skis in winter

3. How often does she ride a horse? 

She often rides a horse

4. When does she usually go horseback riding?

She usually goes horseback riding on Sundays
5. What kind of music does she like doing?

 6. How often does she go to concerts in the city?


7. How often does she watch TV?

She seldom watches TV

8. What does she usually do if it's raining?

She goes to the gym

9. How often is she alone?

She isn't often alone

10. How often does she do something alone?

She occasionally does something alone


Relatives and siblings

Your family members are also called your relatives. You have an immediate or nuclear family
and an extended family. Your immediate family includes your father, mother and siblings. Your
extended family includes all of the people in your father and mother's families.
Your sibling is your brother or sister. If you have 1 brother and 2 sisters, then you have 3
siblings. Your parent is your father or mother. Your child is your son or daughter.
Your spouse is your husband or wife.
You may also have a stepfamily. Your stepfamily includes people who became part of your
family due to changes in family life. These changes may include death, divorce or separation.
New partnerships create new children. The new children and their relatives become part of
your blended family. Some people are born into a stepfamily.
Note that spouses and step-relatives are relatives by marriage. They are not blood relatives.
Your father and mother are related by marriage. But your father and you are related by
In a family, the word generation means all the people in one stage of the family. For example,
your parents are one generation, you and your siblings are the next generation, and your
children and their cousins are another generation.
Pregunta 1

Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from this lesson:
1. Your sister’s daughter is your 

2. Brothers and sisters are considered 


3. A husband or a wife is an 


4. Your brother's son is your 


5. Mom and dad are considered 


Pregunta 2

Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta
Decide if they are related by blood or by marriage.
Related by marriage
1. A husband and his wife: Respuesta
Related by blood
2. A grandmother and his grandson: Respuesta

Related by blood
3. Cousins: Respuesta

Related by marriage
4. Parents in law: Respuesta

Related by marriage
5. Your uncle and his wife: Respuesta



Let's see the follwing video to understand how to use the past simple and the past continuous
and the difference between them.
Now, complete the sentences using information from the video:
past simple
1. We use Respuesta

 for activities that started in the past and finished in the past.
past continuous
2. We use Respuesta

 to emphasize the lenght of the activity in the past.

past continuous
3. We use the Respuesta
 to talk about actions in the past, interrupted by a sudden event.
4. We use the "verb to be" in past (was and were) as the auxiliary for the Respuesta
past continuous

past simple
5. With the Respuesta

 we need to know the past tense of regular and irregular verbs.

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 10,00 sobre 15,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Let's take a look to the structure of past simple and past continous or progressive:
And there are some signal words to keep in mind and know when to use past simple or past

Now let's practice!


Choose the best option to complete the story. 

Two days ago, a murder Respuesta

 in Market Street at about seven pm. This was an important case, so yesterday, Sherlock
Holmes Respuesta
 at the crime scene to investigate. He Respuesta

 one of the tenants in the house:

were you doing
Sherlock: »What Respuesta

 yesterday at seven?«. 
was watching
Tenant: »I Respuesta

 a football match on TV.«

Sherlock: »Respuesta

 you alone?«
Tenant:»Yes, I Respuesta

Did you hear

 anything suspicious?«
were arguing
Tenant:»Yes, about seven o'clock, two people Respuesta

 in the hallway. But the football match Respuesta

 so interesting. So I just Respuesta

didn't hear
 up the TV and then Respuesta

 anything anymore.«

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 35,00 sobre 35,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

In this part of the lesson you're going to learn how to use "USED TO". Please, click on the
We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
For example: 

 I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.

 Ben used to travel a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he
 I used to drive to work but now I take the bus.

We also use it for something that was true but  no longer is. For example: 

 There used to be a cinema in the town but now there isn't.

 She used to have really long hair but she's had it all cut off.
 I didn't use to like him but now I do.

Let's practice:
Organize the sentences. Please, use all the words and punctuation marks. Be careful
with spelling when you write your answer.
There used to be a cinema here.
1. to/cinema/a/there/used/be/here/.  Respuesta

He used to have long hair.

2. he/hair/to/used/long/have/.  Respuesta
I used to eat a lot of fast food.
3. lot/i/eat/food/to/used/a/of/fast/. Respuesta

She used to smoke 20 a day.

4. smoke/20/she/to/day/a/used/. Respuesta

It used to be very expensive.

5. be/it/to/expensive/used/very/. Respuesta


Pregunta 4
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 24,50 sobre 35,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

There was and There were

Take a look at the following examples:
Now, let's practice:
Complete each sentence with "there" and the verb "be" in the past tense (was
or were). Some sentences are negative.
there was
1. Respuesta

There were
 a car accident just ten minutes ago. Respuesta

There were
 several people hurt. Respuesta

there wasn’t
 a lot of police at the scene. Respuesta

  any news of it on TV. (negative). There I Respuesta

There wasn’t
, watching helplessly. Respuesta

 anything anyone could do. (negative).

there was
2.  Respuesta

were there
 a big party last night. A lot of people  Respuesta

there was
.  Respuesta

was there
 a lot of noise and my friend, Bob Respuesta



Listen carefully and pay attention to details. Then, complete the conversation but be
careful with spelling.


Cargado: 0%

Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

Carl: Hi. My name's Carl. Nice to meet you.
Pancho: Nice to meet you, too. My  Respuesta

 is Francisco.

Carl: What?
Pancho: Francisco, but all my friends and  Respuesta

 back in Peru call me Pancho.

Carl: Okay, Pancho. So, tell me about your family?

Pancho: Well, I have  Respuesta

 brothers and six  Respuesta

Carl: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Pancho?
Pancho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family.
Carl: So, what do your  Respuesta


Pancho: My father is a Respuesta

 driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job, but he works hard to support the family.

Carl: How about your  Respuesta

Pancho: She helps run a small family store with some of my older  Respuesta
 and sisters.

Carl: What kind of store?

Pancho: We mainly sell Respuesta

, like bread, eggs, soft drinks, rice, sugar, and cookies. Things that people buy  Respuesta

every day

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Select True or False for the following statements.
1. Pancho has a big family                     Respuesta

2. Pancho is the youngest in his family. Respuesta

3. Pancho's mother doesn't work.          Respuesta

4. Pancho's family has a food store.  Respuesta

5. Pancho's parents live in Perú.            Respuesta


Read carefully and then, asnwer the questions.

Family is ...

The nuclear family is the traditional family structure in the West. This term, originating in the
1950s, describes families consisting of a father, a mother, and their offspring. Under this
structure, the family is seen as the basic unit in society; the father functions as
the breadwinner and the mother as the homemaker. Nowadays, alternative family types are
becoming more prevalent, such as single-parent families, families headed by same-sex
parents, and extended families where families live with their kin, which may include several
generations. Extended families are less common in North America, where it is not uncommon
to place grandparents in retirement homes.

A Social Trends survey in 2009 reported radical changes in child rearing and marriage

practices in the United Kingdom. Figures showed that while 30 percent of women under thirty
had given birth by the age of 25, only 24 percent had tied the knot. This marked the first time
childbirth had become the first major milestone in adult life, ahead of marriage. In 1971 in the
U.K, 3/4 of women were married by the age of 25 and half were mothers.

Judging by the high rates of divorce and the increasing number of children born out
of wedlock, it would appear that the family as an institution is in decline. American sociologist
Stephanie Coontz believes so too, but for different reasons. Coontz points out that marriages
are no longer arranged for political or economic reasons, and children are no longer required to
contribute to the family income. Marriages nowadays are founded on love. She believes this
shift towards love and free choice has actually weakened both the family by making it optional
and the bond between the husband and wife by making it contingent on emotional fulfillment.

Let's take vocabulary from context. Choose the best option according to its
context in the reading. There is one option which you don't need:

Prevalent Widespread; common

Respuesta 1  

Rear  Bring up and care for a child until it is fully grow n

Respuesta 2  

Wedlock  The state of being married

Respuesta 3  

Institution  Respuesta 4 A custom or system that has existed for a long time.

Kin  Your family or your relatives

Respuesta 5  

Tie the knot  Respuesta 6 Get married


Breadwinne The income-earner of a family

r Respuesta 7  

Offspring  Children
Respuesta 8  

Bond  Relationship; link

Respuesta 9  

A very important stage in the development of something.

Respuesta 10  


Let's practice!

Pregunta 1
Puntúa 100,00 sobre 100,00
Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

Complete the following sentences with the correct option:


1. I lost my  Respuesta

and all my money was inside it.


2. I missed my Respuesta


3. The customs officer lost my Respuesta


4. I’ve found my boarding Respuesta

. It was lost. 

takes off

5. My plane Respuesta
 at 7:00 a.m.


6. We have been waiting for this Respuesta

 for a long time. I haven't traveled to Jamaica before,

7. For this vacation, I want to go to Paris, but first I need to get


a Respuesta

ID card

8. I don't know where my Respuesta

 is. Have you seen it?

book his room

9. He didn't Respuesta

 with time and now he doesn't know where to spend the night.


10. Don't forget to give a tip to your Respuesta

 at the hotel.



Let's see the difference between the past simple and the present perfect.
So, the difference between these two tenses is that:

There are some signal words that can help you decide when to use past simple or when to use
present perfect. 

Now let's practice!

Have you played
ALEX:  Respuesta

  the new computer game yet?

BOB: No, not yet. I Respuesta

haven’t had
 it yesterday and I Respuesta

  the time to try it yet.

Did you go
ALEX: Respuesta

  to the cinema last night?

BOB: Yes. I Respuesta
Have you been
. I went there with Sue and Louis. Respuesta

  to the cinema recently?

ALEX: I Respuesta

   to the cinema two weeks ago.

haven’t seen
BOB: So you Respuesta

  the new action film yet.

Did you enjoy
ALEX: No, unfortunately not. Respuesta

BOB: Oh, I really Respuesta

didn’t like
  it. But Sue Respuesta

  it - There was too much action!

did you take
ALEX: But why Respuesta

 her with you? She Respuesta

 me last week that she hates  action films.

has tried
BOB: I think she has an eye on Louis. She Respuesta

   to flirt with him lately. So he couldn’t concentrate on the film.

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 40,00 sobre 40,00
Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


They are all used when actions are going to happen, or are expected to happen, or were
unexpected around the present time. Here we go into more detail about the difference
between still, yet and already:

Still is used to say an action or situation continues to the present because it has not finished.
It often refers to something happening for longer than expected.
Notice the position of still before the verb or adjective.

 My grandfather is sixty-nine and he still works every day at the kiosk

he owns.
 Do you still live with your parents?
 It's 8pm, and I can't leave the office because I still have work to do.
 Are you still angry with your partner?
 He is still asleep so don't wake him up.

If the verb has two parts, still goes between both the verbs:

 She started her exam an hour ago and she is still answering the
 Is it still snowing? (= it continues to snow, it hasn't stopped)
 When I went to bed, Angelica was still working.

But if one of the two verbs is negative, still goes before that negative verb:

 Lucy has stopped smoking but her brother still hasn't quit.

 I took the clock to the repair shop though it still isn't working.

Yet refers to an action that is expected in the future. It is not used in the past.
FOR QUESTIONS: To ask if something expected has happened. It is usually placed at the
end of the sentence or question.
 Are we there yet? (A typical question kids ask while taking car trips
with their parents)
 Is the report ready yet?
 Hasn't your mother told you yet? We're moving to Alaska!

FOR NEGATIONS: To say that something expected hasn't happened:

 Mary can't go home yet, she hasn't finished her work.

 They haven't paid me yet. (I was expecting to paid before now.)
 My parents haven't kicked me out of their house yet.

FOR AFFIRMATIVES: It is used to refer to an action that happened sooner than expected.
It is used in affirmative sentences in the present or past, but never future.

 A: Ask Katie to send the article to her editor. B: She

has already sent it.
 I already know what I'm going to buy you for your birthday.
 They've already seen "Spiderman 15" and really don't want to see it

In present and present perfect questions, it comes immediately after the subject.
However, in present perfect sentences, the order is subject + have+ already + past

Let's practice!
Write still, yet or already according to the sentence. Be
careful with spelling.
1. Don't come in here with those muddy shoes!! I have Respuesta

  cleaned this floor!!!

2. Have you finished that composition for History class Respuesta

? You only started an hour ago!!

3. I don't want to see "Alien 9" at the cinema again. I've  Respuesta


   seen it twice.

4. They have studied for a long time at the university, but they

haven’t got their diplomas Respuesta

5. Haven't you finished that composition for history class Respuesta


 ? You started over four hours ago!!


6. Oh, nothing for me, thank you. I've  Respuesta

 eaten. I had dinner less than an hour ago.

7. "Have you called Yasmin to wish her luck for the exam today?"

"No, not Respuesta

   . I'll do it now!"


8. It has been more than 40 years, but she Respuesta

  loves disco music.


9. Have you started this exercise Respuesta


10. It is 10 p.m. Why are you Respuesta

 at work? 


Listen to the following audios at the Airport.


Cargado: 0%

Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

I. Answer the following questions. Select the best answer.
Speaker A
1. How much time does the flight delayed?
Two hours

Speaker B
2. What number is the gate for passengers to Tokio?
Gate 21

Speaker C
3. Who are the passengers that the flight attendant is called?
Gemma and Ryan Grey

Speaker D
4. Where are they travelling to?

Speaker E
5. What is the name of the airport?
JFK Airport

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 30,00 sobre 30,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
II. Listen again the audio and complete the following conversations.
Speaker A
 Good morning. This is an announcement for all Respuesta

 travelling on the 9:25 flight Respuesta

 to Rome. 

Speaker B
Would all passengers travelling to Tokyo on flight FR3421 please have your Respuesta
boarding passes

 and Respuesta
 ready for boarding.

Speaker C
This is the final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Grey flying to Athens on
flight Respuesta

. Your flight is ready to leave. Please go to Respuesta

 14 immediately. 

Speaker D
This is an announcement for passengers travelling to Amsterdam on Respuesta

boarding tickets
 KL1050. Will all passengers with express Respuesta

 and passengers travelling with young children please go to gate 6 for boarding. 

Speaker E
JFK airport
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have landed at Respuesta

 in New York where the local time is 18:30 and the temperature is 76º. We hope you have
enjoyed your flight with American Airlines this evening and wish you a very safe Respuesta


 to your final destination. 

Pregunta 3
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 24,00 sobre 40,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
III. According to the previous listening, select true or false for the following statements.
A. The flight is delayed by bad weather.

B. Passengers for Tokyo don't need passport.


C. Gemma and Ryan are going to travel to Athens.


4. Passengers travelling with young children have a special gate.


5. The temperature in New york is 56°.


Read the following information about the old

I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the army
for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can't remember
all of them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I have
also been once to Russia but I didn't like it at all: much too cold for me!

They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four times but never for
more than five years. I don't think women really understand me!
I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a programme about life in
the military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've
met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous
cinema and television personalities. I've never met the American President though which is a
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also eaten and drank
some strange foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a
little island in Italy many years ago.
Now, answer the questions.
He worked in the army
1. What job did he have before retiring? Respuesta

for 51 years
2. How long was he in the army? Respuesta

3. How many times has he been to Australia? Respuesta

He has been there six or seven times

No, he didn't
4. Did he like Russia? Respuesta

5. Why has he been married so many times? Respuesta

Because women don't understand him

Yes, he has
6. Has he ever been on the radio? Respuesta

When he was on the radio

7. When did he meet the prime minister?  Respuesta

No, he hasn't but he wants to

8. Has he ever met the American president?  Respuesta

In India
9. Where did he eat cat and rat?  Respuesta

Yes, he has. In Italy

10. Has he ever drunk Mirto?  Respuesta


Let's practice!!!
Complete each sentence with the correct option:
1. To go snorkeling you need  Respuesta

2. To do  Respuesta

 it is important to have a good bicycle.

3. For skysurfing it is completely necessary the  Respuesta

good runnig shoes

4. To practice parkour you need Respuesta

wind surfing
5. A swim suit would be necessary for Respuesta

Complete the conversation using the vocabulary from

this lesson:
A: Hey Daniel. I was thinking maybe we could go out this weekend and do some extreme
sports. What do you think?
B: It's a great idea Paula. I have a friend who lives near the rocky mountais. Maybe we could
go  Respuesta
A: I don't know... it sounds dangerous and I'm afraid of hights. What about Respuesta

? You can use your bike to do it.

B: No, it's broken. 

cliff diving
A: Ohh, I see. And what about Respuesta

? There is a good cliff nearby and I know you love to swim.

B: NOOOO, I really don't know how to swim, so that is not option. I would prefer
going Respuesta

, maybe we can see a bat deep inside a beautiful cave. What do you think?

A: It's a great idea. let's go.

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 40,00 sobre 40,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Sometimes, we don't know how to talk about television. Here you are some useful expressions
to use in daily life:
This is the most useful question about the programmes on TV
What's on tonight? tonight.

What's on the other side? We use this expression to see if there is a better programme on
another channel.

We use it to warn someone that a favourite programme is about to

It's starting!

It is a common way of asking for control of the TV. Another question

Where's the remote?
is "who's got the remote?

We use this when we have seen the programme before. This

It's a repeat
happens more and more

This is a load of rubbish. is a useful negative comment on a programme or film you don't like.

Quiet! I'm trying to watch This is useful if someone is making noise while you are trying to
this. concentrate.

Are you watching or can I If a boring programme is on and you want to change, you use this
turn over? expression.

This tells someone that you are recording a programme, now or in

I've set the video
the future.

My programme's on in a
We often refer to our favourite programme as 'my programme.'

Also, there are different kinds of shows:

Comedy shows
Drama shows

Soap operas

Educational shows
Music shows

Shows for kids


Complete the dialogue:
A: Hi Juana, how are you?
soap opera
b: Excellent. I'm watching the new Respuesta
 about the life of some Colombian football players. It's called "La Selección"

A: Oh really? My mom doesn't like those kind of programmes. She is always watching "Señal
Colombia", where we can see a lot of Respuesta


B: Wow, you must learn a lot. However, I'm excited because in a few days, it is going to start
"El Desafio", a new Respuesta

A: My brother is very excited about that too, because they have to learn how to survive, right?
B Yes. How about you? What is your favourite Respuesta

A: Well, I love cartoons. My favourite is Dragon Ball. My parents say that Dragon Ball is not
show for kids
a Respuesta

because it shows a lot of violence. I disagree... but...

B: You have to listen to them.... Oh, my show is Respuesta

 in a minute. I have to go

A: Ok, I'll see you later. I hope it won't be a Respuesta

. It's boring when you know you have seen it before.    



Let's practice!!
Write the missing information in the correct tense (using
will, going to or present continuous) taking into account
the verb in brackets. Please, be careful with spelling, do
not use contractions and do not forget the punctuation
is meeting
1. Tony Respuesta

 a friend tomorrow.(meet)

will snow
2. I think it Respuesta


will visit
3. Perhaps I Respuesta

 New York one day.(visit)

are you leaving

4. What time Respuesta

will win
5. Who Respuesta

the next World Cup? (win)

will not fail

6. I'm sure youRespuesta

 the exam next week. (not fail)

am visiting
7. I Respuesta

 my parents this week-end. (visit)

will bite
8. Don't touch that dog. It Respuesta

 you. (bite)

are coming
9. They Respuesta

 for a meal tonight.(come)

is going to rain
10. Look at those clouds, it Respuesta


Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 45,45 sobre 50,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

 This words indicate movement in any direction. Let's click on the video so you can understand
this better.
So, we have some prepositions that indicate movement such as:

Choose the correct preposition:
1. We walked Respuesta

 to the top of the mountain and then we cycled Respuesta
  to the bottom again.

2. We both jumped Respuesta

 the swimming pool at the same time.

3. When I finished high school I drove Respuesta

 Europe in a caravan with two of my friends. 

4. In some countries it's considered unlucky to walk Respuesta

 a ladder.

5. The athletes ran Respuesta

 the track for 1 hour.

6. You must always wear a helmet when you cycle in case you fall Respuesta

  the bike.

7. The first person to swim Respuesta

  the English Channel was Mathew Webb, in 1875.

8. He broke his ankle when he was trying to jump Respuesta

 a hump in his street.

9. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor who sailed Respuesta

 the world in the 16th Century.

10. He was skiing Respuesta

  the hill when he had the accident. 


Listen to the following conversation.



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Tiempo restante-0:00

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What are they going to do?
They are going to go the cinema

2. What time are they going to see the movie?

At half past seven

3. What are the two action films?

Mr and Mrs Jones and War games

4. What movie are they going to see?

Midnight moon

5. Where are they going to meet together?

At the cinema

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 30,00 sobre 50,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Listen to the conversation again. Then, select true or false for the following statements.

Cargado: 0%

Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

1. Mario doesn't want to see an action movie.


2.Tamara has seen before Mr and Mrs Jones.


3.The action movies are in 3D.


4.They decide to see a movie about vampires.


5.They are going to watch the film at 12 o' clock.



Taken from:
Reality TV is more than just ‘Big Brother’. Read out about some unusual reality TV
programmes that are popular in the UK.

Reality TV is extremely popular in the UK. At their best, these programmes give us a good look
into the lives of different people in Britain. At their worst, they are a very cheap way to make
programmes and sometimes involve people behaving very badly.
Here’s a selection of some of the UK’s reality TV shows.
Strictly Come Dancing

In the show a celebrity learns to dance with a professional dancer. Every week they have to
learn a different ballroom dance such as the tango, the waltz or the cha cha cha, and perform it
live on TV on Saturday night. Four judges, who are all professional dance experts, give the
celebrities scores and they comment on their dances. After that, the public call in and vote for
their favourite couple. The two least favourite then have to dance again and the judges decide
who stays in the competition and who leaves. This is a very popular show with small children,
teenagers and adults of all ages.

A group of young people live in a house for a week and must stay awake. Each day there are
tests to see how well they can function even though they are totally exhausted. They must
leave the house if they fall asleep. Viewers vote on who stays in the house and text their
comments every day.
Come Dine with Me

Each week four people prepare dinner in their home for the other contestants. Each competitor
then gives the cook a grade out of 10 for the food and entertainment. The winner gets a £1,000
cash prize. Sometimes the food is terrible and the contestants are very rude to each other.
World’s Strictest Parents

Badly behaved British teens are sent abroad to live with a super strict family for a week. The
teenagers have to follow the rules of their host family and go to the local school. After seven
days the teenagers return home and their parents tell us if their behaviour is better. There is
often a lot of crying and shouting in this show but it can be incredibly funny too.
Don't Tell the Bride

The groom (the man who is going to get married) has to arrange the wedding without the help
of his bride (the woman he is going to marry). He has to choose the location, the dress, the
flowers, the cake, the music….everything, in fact! The groom is always very stressed and
worried. Usually the bride is very happy with the wedding but occasionally there are disasters,
for example, the bride’s wedding dress is too big or the groom forgets to order a cake.
Relocation, Relocation

This show follows people deciding on a new place to live in the UK. They are filmed during the
process of moving town and house. For viewers who are going to buy a home soon, it’s really
interesting to see the prices of flats and houses in different parts of the country.
Learner Drivers

This show follows people as they learn to drive. People are filmed while they fight with their
driving instructors, test the patience of other motorists and pass or fail their driving test.
Learning to drive is very stressful, as we can see in this programme.

The show follows the daily lives of police officers (informally known as 'coppers') from different
police forces around Britain. We see them in lots of different situations, such as riot control, city
centre night-time policing, and responding to emergencies. Watching the police in action is
absolutely fascinating!

Now, match each sentence with the correct show

Don't tell the bride
Respuesta 1  
Here, the man is a mess trying to organize the
big event. 

Come dine w ith me

Food is important but is funny to see how rude Respuesta 2  
they are with each other

If you don't behave, maybe you are going to be World’s Strictest Parents
Respuesta 3  
sent away for a week.

Respuesta 4  
Cops, crimminals and some more.

Respuesta 5  
It is important not to fall asleep or you will

Strictly Come Dancing

Respuesta 6  
This is a very popular show for people of all

Relocation, Relocation
You don't like your house anymore? Let's help Respuesta 7  
you move into another.

Learner Drivers
Respuesta 8  
You want to learn how to drive, but it is


Now let's put this vocabulary into a context.

Please, complete the sentences with the correct option.
first class

1. I'll assign you a Respuesta

  seat to give you more room to stretch your legs out.             


2. The captain and his Respuesta

  sit in the cabin.        

3. Passengers must stay seated on the plane with their Respuesta


 during landing.        

4. When you paid for your airfare online, you should have printed
boarding pass

your Respuesta



5. You are seated in  Respuesta

 30, seat B.        


6. Respuesta

   will be served before we begin the in-flight movie.

7. In the unlikely event of a water landing,  Respuesta
life vest

  can be found underneath your seats.          


8. Please fasten your  Respuesta

 while the captain prepares for take off.  

9. If you need any help, please use your Respuesta

call light

 to call the flight attendant.

10. We are about to go through a large pocket of Respuesta


 so prepare for a bumpy ride.


Pregunta 2
Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00
Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

There are lots of thing to do at home. Most of the times, people divide their resposibilities to
complete them. Here are some of those chores we have to do everyday.

Let's watch a video of a woman doing them.

Now let's practice:
do the dishes
1. My mother asked me to Respuesta

make the bed

2. My father has to  Respuesta

vacuum the apartment

3. My brother needs to Respuesta
4. My grandmother asked me to  Respuesta

 her cat’s litter box.

5. My roommate asked me to do the Respuesta

toilet brush
6. You can use a Respuesta

 to clean your bathroom's toilet.

7. To do the dishes you use a Respuesta

makes dinner
8. At nights my mom Respuesta

 because we are always hungry.

tidy the room
9. When your bedroom is a mess, you need to Respuesta

10. Doing the Respuesta

 takes a lot of time in my house because we are 7 people and we all need clothes.



 We can use have to + infinitive, must + infinitive and should + infinitive to express
obligation (something you have to do). But here are some differences between them. Let's see.
So, it is important to understand what are they for. Look at the following summary chart:

Now, let's practice!

Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
Remember, we are talking about "must", "have to" and

1. I think you   Respuesta

 speak to your brother and try to solve that problem.             


2. You  Respuesta

 come with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous.   


3. You are very fat. You Respuesta

 practice sport if you want to lose weight.       


4. Please, we are in the church; you  Respuesta

 stop making that unpleasant noise. (A father to his son)         


5. If you want to watch TV, first you Respuesta

 finish your homework.

have to

6. If I want to buy a new house I Respuesta

 get a mortgage. (A mother to her daughter)          


7. You cannot go out with your friends. You Respuesta

 stay at home because you have fever!

have to

8. In internal flights you Respuesta

 check in one hour before the departure.    

have to

9. I Respuesta

 go to the bank to get some money.         


10. I think you Respuesta

 visit Paris. What a beautiful city!

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 25,00 sobre 50,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
Can and could are modal auxiliary verbs. Be able to is NOT an auxiliary verb (it uses the
verb be as a main verb). 
In this lesson we look at can, could and be able to, followed by an exercise. Please, take a
look at the following video.
Let's see how each one of these work.


NEVER use "to" after can. 

For example: I can to play tennis. 
can for possibility and ability
We use can to talk about what is possible, what we are able or free to

 She can drive a car.
 John can speak Spanish.
 I cannot hear you. (I can't hear you.)
 Can you hear me

can for permission
We sometimes use can to ask or give permission for something:

A. Can I smoke in this room?

B. You can't smoke here, but you can smoke in the garden.


could for past possibility or ability

We use could to talk about what was possible in the past, what we were
able or free to do:

 I could swim when I was 5 years old.

 My grandmother could speak seven languages.
 When we arrived home, we could not open the door. (...couldn't open
the door.)
 Could you understand what he was saying?

could for requests
We often use could in a question to ask somebody to do something.
The use of could in this way is fairly polite (formal):

 Could you tell me where the bank is, please?

 Could you send me a catalogue, please?


be able to for ability

We use be able to to express ability. "Able" is an adjective meaning:
having the power, skill or means to do something. If we say "I am able
toswim", it is like saying "I can swim". We sometimes use be able
to instead of "can" or "could" for ability. Be able to is possible in all
tenses - but "can" is possible only in the present and "could" is possible
only in the past for ability. In addition, "can" and "could" have no
infinitive form. So we usebe able to when we want to use other tenses
or the infinitive. Look at these examples:

 I have been able to swim since I was five. (present perfect)

 You will be able to speak perfect English very soon. (future simple)
 I would like to be able to fly an airplane. (infinitive)

Now let's practice!!!

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. Respuesta

 he understand what you were talking about?

2. My sister Respuesta

 play tennis now.    

3. I Respuesta

 walk when I was less than a year old.   

4. (Polite) Respuesta

  you tell me what time it is, please?            

was able to
5. My grandfather Respuesta

 walk without any help last night.      

be able to
6. I would like to  Respuesta

  play the piano. 

been able to
7. How long have you Respuesta


be able to
8. I'll Respuesta

   help you later.        

9. Can you help me? I Respuesta

 understand this.   

be able to
10. Will Man Respuesta

   live forever one day?


Bored Betty
You are going to listen to a conversation. Pay special attention to details and complete
the blank spaces. Be careful with spelling


Cargado: 0%

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Tiempo restante-0:00

Betty: Oh Kevin, I'm so bored!

Kevin: I thought you had some studying to do!
Betty: I've finished it already. I'm so bored that I have completed both my assignments three
days ahead of schedule. What Respuesta

 we do? You usually have some good ideas.

Kevin: How about watching this new reality program on the TV tonight? It looks pretty
interesting if you ask me.
Betty: I hate reality programs. Did you see the one that won in theRespuesta

 last week? She was supposed to be living in the jungle, right, but she had perfect hair and make
up every morning...oh, it was so false. It's very ironic that they call it reality TV, don't you think?

Kevin: Hmm...well, let's Respuesta

 a game then. It's been years since we played a game like Scrabble or Monopoly. What do you

Betty: I always lose! I can't keep my concentration on those games...and I always land on your
hotels on Fifth Avenue. Do you remember how much I owed you last time we played at Jane's
Kevin: Yeah, that's true. What about a game of cards then? You liked it the last time we
played poker, didn't you?
Betty: Well, only because your friend Carl was here! No, I want to go out. It's not too late.
We Respuesta
 go see a movie at the cinema - what do you say?

Kevin: No, I'm really broke this week. I had to buy my mom a Respuesta

 gift and I won't get paid till next Tuesday. Do you Respuesta

 any cheaper suggestions?

Betty: We Respuesta

 always go and play tennis.

Kevin: It's eight o'clock in the evening!

Betty: I know but they've just opened up this new floodlit tennis courts on Rigby Road. It only
costs $4 on weekday evenings for an hour. You've got two dollars haven't you?
Kevin: Hey, that sounds like a good idea. I Respuesta

 do with some exercise. Do you have another racket I Respuesta

 borrow? I lent mine to Carl a month ago.

Betty: Ooh, well what about inviting Carl to come and Respuesta

Kevin: No way! You'd Respuesta

 concentrate on the game!

Betty: OK, I have a spare racket you could borrow. Let's go!


Decide if each statement is true or false.

1. Betty hasn't finished what she had to do. Respuesta

2. Betty thinks reality shows are fake.Respuesta

3. Kevins doesn't have any money to go to the cinema. Respuesta

4. Betty likes Carl. Respuesta

5. Kevin has a spare raquet at home. Respuesta


Hi! I’m Lilly and I live with my family in a big house. I’m 11 and I have a younger brother, Tom.
He’s 8. My mum is a nurse, she works in a hospital. She works a lot, usually at night. She
doesn’t have enough time to do the housework so my dad often helps her and he likes it! He
works in a bank. He arrives home after 4 pm so he can do a lot of things in the house. Mum
can't cook all meals so my dad does it. Every evening he cooks the dinner. My brother and I
help him. We set the table. After dinner dad washes up and I help him to dry the dishes. Then
we have a shower or bath and dad reads us tales or short stories.

In the mornings mum arrives and makes the breakfast. Tom and I make our beds. Dad takes
us to school by car. On Mondays we clean all the house. I dust the furniture and dad vacuums
the floor. Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants. Dad likes cleaning the windows but
he hates ironing. He never does it. My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our
Three times a week mum does the washing and I help her to hang out the clothes. On Fridays I
tidy my room. At the weekends – when mum doesn’t work – we wash the car together and dad
mows the lawn. We all like gardening.
Some people think that my father is a strange man but I think it is very nice from dad to help at
home and mum loves him a lot!

Now, answer the questions:

1 Who prepares the food for dinner ? Respuesta

after 4 p.m.
2 When does dad come home? Respuesta

three times a week

3 How many times does mum do the washing a week? Respuesta

4 Who takes the rubbish out? Respuesta

They wash the car

5 What do they do at the weekends? Respuesta

No, he can't. He is too young to do it

6. Can Tom cook? Respuesta

No, he doesn't
7. Does dad hate cleaning the windows? Respuesta
8. What is grandma's chore? Respuesta


No, she has the weekends off

9. Does mom works all week? Respuesta

10. Do all the members of the family have responsibilities in the house? Respuesta
Yes, they do



Let's see the main vocabulary when we refer to television and its programmes.

is the distribution of audio and/or
video content to a dispersed audience
via any electronic mass
communications medium

a commercial

An advertisement on TV
a couch potato

A lazy person who sits around all day

watching TV

a documentary

An educational TV program or movie

usually describing nature or history

a drama

A serious TV program, movie or play

that involves all the emotions 

to kick back

Verb. To sit in a big comfortable chair

or lie on a couch and relax

prime-time A. between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM

every night
This expression is used when referring
to the television schedule.The most
popular shows are shown during
prime time.

a sitcom

A half-hour comedy show. Situational



The broadcast of all the important

events in a region, news and
information around the globe.

a contest show

A show where participants compete

to get a prize at the end. 

a crime show A show that simulate crime scenes

and tries to solve them. Cop shows
can be considered here too.

a science fiction show

A show with realities that are not

possible in our world. 

Use the vocabulary from the box to complete the

conversations. Please, be careful with spelling.
commercials       documentary         couch potato                 crime              prime time               kick back              
drama           sitcom                        contest                        science fiction           

Janet: Let's do something! Why don't we go out for dinner or go dancing.
Jack: I'm watching TV.
couch potato
Janet: You're always watching TV. Stop being such a Respuesta

 . Get up, and let's do something!

Jack: I am doing something. I'm watching TV.

Janet: You're always watching some stupid Respuesta
 . It's a waste of time, and a waste of brain power.

kick back
Jack: Sometimes it's nice just to Respuesta

 , relax and laugh a little. There is nothing wrong with a little comedy in one's life. In fact, that's
why I married you.

Janet: Ha, ha! VERY FUNNY!

prime time
Jack: Besides, I am watching something serious. It's 8:30 and we are at Respuesta

Janet: What? I bet it's some ridiculous Respuesta

 with perfect looking people complaining about daily life.

Jack: No, you’re wrong again.

Janet: Then it must be a Respuesta

 show describing how some woman went crazy and killed her husband.

Jack: No, I watched that last night. You had better guess quickly - the Respuesta

 are almost over.

science fiction
Janet: Is it a murder mystery? Or some Respuesta
 show like Star Trek?

Jack: No.
Janet: A Respuesta

 show where they test your knowledge of useless information?

Jack: No, it's a Respuesta

 on dolphins in the Caribbean.

Janet: Hey, that sounds interesting!

Jack: Why don't we make some popcorn and then watch the rest of it together.
Janet: Good idea
Pregunta 2

Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

In this lesson we are going to learn about the different places where people live. Let´s take a
moment to watch the video:
Also, houses have parts. Let's see some of them:
 Also, they have rooms:
Now, let's practice!
Choose the correct option for each sentence:
1.  The shower is in the Respuesta

2.  My Respuesta

 is always a mess after I cook dinner for my family

3. Which is NOT a material to build a house: Respuesta

4.  The fridge is in the Respuesta

5.  My parents told me that Santa Claus came down by the Respuesta

 on Christmas.

6. "Flat" is a synonim of Respuesta

7. Respuesta

 are built on rivers or lakes. 

8. In tropical countries you can find a lot of Respuesta

 made of wood and plants.

9. A shack is a house made of carton boxes. It is very probable that this house doesn't
have Respuesta

yes, there are

10. Are there poles in some types of houses? Respuesta


Let's practice!
Choose the correct option in each case:
1. Everyday we Respuesta

 the 7 p.m. News.

am planning
2. I Respuesta

Do you want
 a visit to the cottage next week. Respuesta

 to come with me?

is turning
3. Look! Beth Respuesta

is starting
 on the tv. The sitcom Respuesta

 right now!
4. Daniel always Respuesta

 Coke at his apartment.

5. Peter isn't at my flat. I Respuesta

 he is at Fred's duplex.


Change the verb into the correct form of the present

simple or continuous according to the context.
1. Usually, my sister Respuesta

 (drink) coffee in the morning, but in the afternoon she Respuesta

(prefer) tea.
2. John was at his home this morning, but now he is Respuesta

3. My mother in law Respuesta

 (wake) up at 7:00 a.m.

4. We are Respuesta
 (train) two days next week.
does not like
5. Bob Respuesta

 (not/like) reality television. 

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 30,00 sobre 30,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Remember- the simple past talks about something that happened before. It happened and
it finished. Some words are regular and just have -ed added at the end like walked, helped,
and played. Others are irregular and have many variations like ate, began, and slept.
The past continuous talks about something that was happening before, but for a period of
time. It uses was or were + verb-ing like was eating or were playing. It gives a background for
something that was happening while a different event happened.
Example: While I was eating, the telephone rang.
So, during the time I was eating (let's say from 6:30-7:00 p.m.) somebody called my house
(let's say they called at 6:49p.m.) One thing happened (simple past) during the period of time
another thing was happening (past continuous.)
Here is another example: They saw an old man as they were walking down the street.
You can think of walking as a video. You see the movement. You see the time passing. Think
of saw as a photo. It is one point of time. You don't think of the time passing.
I dreamed in English when I was sleeping.
She was listening to the radio when the mail came.
They visited Sydney when they were traveling in Australia.

Let's practice!!
Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
was washing
1. I dropped a cup while I Respuesta

 the dishes.
2. Jon and Bill were washing the car in front of the house when they  Respuesta

 their friend Alex.

was doing
3. Tony came to see me while I  Respuesta

 my homework.
were playing
4. The children Respuesta

  when their father came home.

5. When Inga was watching t.v., she Respuesta
 the news were very violent.
was writing
6. I Respuesta

 my report and my boss Respuesta

was taking
7. While my mom Respuesta

 a shower, I decided to go out.

was playing
8. My little cat Respuesta

 with your scarf. He was so happy.

9. French people Respuesta

 mute films.
10. A few years ago, colombians Respuesta

 lots of problems to travel because of their visa.


Pregunta 3
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 3,08 sobre 40,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta
A very confusing concept is when to use WILL and when to use BE GOING TO when we refer
the future.
Both refer to the future but there is a slight difference but in most cases they can be used
interchangeably with no difference in meaning. Even if you misuse them, a native speaker is
going to understand you without any problems.

When to use GOING TO

The structure BE GOING TO is normally used to indicate the future but with some type of
connection to the present. We use it in the following situations:
1. When we have already decided or we intend to do something in the future:

 They're going to retire to the beach - in fact they have already

bought a little beach house.

2. When there are definite signs that something is going to happen:

 I think it is going to rain - I just felt a drop.

3. When something is about to happen:

 Get back! The bomb is going to explode.

When to use WILL

In other cases, where there is no implicit or explicit connection to the present, use WILL:
1. For things that we decide to do now.

 I'll buy one for you too.

 I think I'll try one of those. (I just decided this right now)

2. When we think or believe something about the future.

 My team will not win the league this season.

 I think it will rain later so take an umbrella with you.

3. To make an offer, a promise or a threat.

 I'll give you a discount if you buy it right now.

 I promise I will behave next time.

Let's practice!!
Decide what is the best option (Future will or future
going to). Use the verbs in brackets to complete each
sentence. Please, be careful with spelling and do not use
will traveled
1. Next summer, I  Respuesta

 (travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday.
will takes
2. It's getting cold. I  Respuesta

 (take) my coat!
will go
3. Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I  Respuesta

 (go) with you!

will not study
4. Jane and Tom  Respuesta

will study
 (not/study) medicine next year. Jane  Respuesta

going to take
(study) French and Tom  Respuesta

 (take) a gap year.

will help
5. Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I Respuesta

  (help) you carry them.

going to suffer
6. Experts say the Earth Respuesta

  (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.

going to rain
7. Look at those black clouds. I think it Respuesta

will phone
8. Bye Bye Joe. I Respuesta

 (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!

are you going to do
9. What Respuesta

am going to visit
  (you/do) tomorrow? I  Respuesta

 (visit) my grandparents.
10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch." - Peter: " I Respuesta
will lend

  (lend) you some."



Now, answer the questions.

teenagers, television and depresion
1. The main topic of the record is  Respuesta
media use and depression
2. The resarch found a relationship between  Respuesta

at 21
3. When did people start to show signs of depression? Respuesta

Brian Primack
4. Who was the lead author of the study? Respuesta

in the Archives of General Psychiatry

5. Where was this study published? Respuesta

Decide if each statrement is true or false according

to the listening.
1. The research took seven years. Respuesta

2. The researchers say they found a relationship for depression with the use of other media
such as movies, video games or radio Respuesta

3. People who describe themselves as happy spend less time watching television. Respuesta
4. Young women were more likely than young men to develop depression. Respuesta

5. Every hour of television meant an 8% increase in the chances of developing signs of

depression. Respuesta


There are houses all over the world. Some houses are large. Some are small. Some are made
of wood. Some are made of rock. Some are made of mud. Some are made of cloth. In cold
places, some houses are made of ice – frozen water! People usually build their houses with
something that is easy to find, and make houses with materials that are affordable in contrast
with the regular ones. For example, there are many trees in a forest. So people who live there
might build a house made of logs. Or maybe, you feel recycling is your life, then maybe,
building a house with empty pastic bottles is for you. It depends on how creative you are and
what would you like your house to be. 

However, wooden houses have been around for centuries due to the fact that you can find
wood pretty much anywhere, its a strong material and keep warm the space.Some houses
have one room. Some houses have many rooms. There is usually a bedroom for sleeping.
There is often a kitchen for cooking and also a bathroom. There is often a living room for sitting
and talking. Some houses have basements. The basement is under the main part of the
house. Some houses have attics. The attic is above the main part of the house. Most houses
have a door so people can enter and exit the house. Most houses have windows so the people
can look outside. Windows also let air into the house from outdoors. Some houses are fancy.
They are painted bright colors, and are very decorative. Some houses not fancy –– they are
plain and simple. Houses look very different in different parts of the world. But, people who live
in a house probably all agree that there is no place like home! No matter what kind of house
you live in: plastic, wood, concrete... your home not necessarily is where you live, but where
your heart is. 

Now, answer the following questions:

1) Why are many forest houses made of logs? Respuesta
All options are correct

For sleeping
2) Why do houses have bedrooms? Respuesta

Under the house

3) Where is the basement of a house? Respuesta

4) Have wooden houses considered to be dangerous? Respuesta

It hasn't been mentioned

let people look outside

5) Houses have windows to… Respuesta

Water that is frozen

6) What is ice? Respuesta

Yes, they did

7) Did wooden houses exist a few centuries ago? Respuesta

a room above a house

8) An attic is… Respuesta

bright and decorative

9) If something is fancy, it is… Respuesta

feel the same way about something

10) If people agree, they… Respuesta



In this lesson we are going to talk about business and office vocabulary. Please, click on the
Now, let's take a look at some vocabulary to talk about meetings and presentations:

a meeting room

a presentation

hand shake

a projector
a laptop

a memory stick/ pen


a document

a filing cabinet

a printer

a spreadsheet
a calendar

a shredder

a briefcase

Let's practice!
Complete the dialogue with words from the box. Be
careful with spelling:
calendar               presentation                 collegues                    charts                    clock        meeting room  
laptop              break                Xerox machine              pen drive
A: Mrs. Brown, good morning
B: Mr. Crow, how are you?. Everything ready for your  Respuesta

? I need to see the results of your work.

pen drive
A: Don't worry boss, I have everything I need in my  Respuesta

. All I hope is that the office's  Respuesta

 doesn't have any virus.

meeting room
B: It doesn't. Anyway, don't forget the meeting is in the  Respuesta

, and all your  Respuesta

 will be there. 

A: I'm aware of that... Excuse me madam, do you remember if the meeting is before we go for

? Because I brought some snacks, but if they go out, they won't eat them.

B: It's before, at 10 a.m.

A: Thanks. I'll carry all the  Respuesta
 to show how we have grown in this year.

B: That is exactly what I want to see. I marked this important meeting on my  Respuesta

A: I'll see you at 10.

B: Good luck. The  Respuesta

 doesn't lie. You still have one hour to prepare everything.

Xerox machine
A: I'm going to take make some copies of the report on the  Respuesta

 and that's it.

B: Ok



Sometimes, we can get confused about the use of present perfect or the past simple. Here are
somethings to remember.
Now, let's see when to use one or another.

Finally, let´s see the manage of time.


Let's practice!!
Choose the correct option (simple past or present perfect)

1. Peter Respuesta

  football with his boss yesterday.

have cleaned

2. They Respuesta

 the car. It looks new again.


3. Last year we Respuesta

 to Italy in a business trip.

have just finished

4. John and Peggy Respuesta

  the report on new sales. Now they can start the presentation.


5. I Respuesta

 the new manager two days ago.

have never visited

6. We Respuesta

  another country before.


7. She Respuesta

 a new car in 2011, after her business trip to Hong Kong.

have forgotten

8. I'm sorry, but I Respuesta

 my passport. I can't continue with the boarding process.

Did you win

9. Respuesta

 the game of chess last night?

have not eaten

10. The company executives Respuesta

  their lunch yet.

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 15,00 sobre 25,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

Let's remember some important things about "Used to" and its functions:
Now, let's take a look and remember the structure:
Let's practice!
Write a sentence with "used to". Be careful with spelling.
For example:
Diane/not/go out on thursdays: Diane didn't use to go out on thursdays.
I used to lives in a flat when I was a kid.
1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.  Respuesta

2. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.  Respuesta

She used to love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.

He didn't used to smoke

3. He / not / smoke.  Respuesta

4. She / be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.  Respuesta
She used to be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all.

They both used to have short hair.

5. They both / have short hair.  Respuesta

Complete each sentence with words from the box. Be

careful with spelling.
   is not             past            infinitive                     simple            didn't
1. We use 'used to' to talk about things that happened or were true in the  Respuesta

, but not now.

2. You can always use the past  Respuesta

 instead of 'used to'.

is not
3. We use 'used to' to emphasise that the action or state  Respuesta

 what happens now.

4. 'Used to' is followed by the  Respuesta

5. To make questions and negatives with 'used to', we use 'did' and  Respuesta

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 25,00 sobre 25,00
Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Modal verbs are unlike other verbs. They do not change their form (spelling) and they have no
infinitive or participle (past/present).The modal verbs include can, could, must, should, have to.
Modals are auxiliary verbs. They do not need an additional auxiliary in negatives or questions.
For example: Must I come? (Do I must come?), or: He shouldn't smoke (He doesn't should
Here are some characteristics of modal verbs:

 They never change their form. You can't add "s", "ed", "ing"...
 They are always followed by an infinitive without "to" (e.i. the bare
 They are used to indicate modality allow speakers to express
certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity, ability.

Here is a list of modals with examples:

Modal Verb Expressing Example

Strong obligation You must stop when the traffic lights turn red.
must logical conclusion / He must be very tired. He's been working all day
Certainty long.
must not prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital.
can - can't ability I can swim.
permission Can I use your phone please?
possibility Smoking can cause cancer.
could - ability in the past When I was younger I could run fast.
couldn't polite permission Excuse me, could I just say something?
(could not) possibility It could rain tomorrow!
50 % obligation I should see a doctor. I have a terrible headache.
advice You should revise your lessons
He should be very tired. He's been working all
logical conclusion
day long.

Now, let's practice!!

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1.  Respuesta

 you help me please?

2. You Respuesta

  do more sport if you want to lose weight.

3. You Respuesta

   do your homework first if you want me to let you go out with your friends.
4. He has just broken his leg so he Respuesta

  play football.
5. Drivers Respuesta

   drive over the speed limit.

6. I Respuesta

   speak Chinese: it's too difficult!

7. She Respuesta
 take an umbrella: I think it's going to rain!
8. We Respuesta

   take photos inside: it's not forbidden.

9. I think we Respuesta

   take this road: it's not on my map!

10. You look pale! You Respuesta

  sit down and have a glass of water.

11. We Respuesta

   stop when the traffic light is red.

12. How  Respuesta

  you say such a thing?

13. You Respuesta

   take the blue one: it suits you!

14. You Respuesta

  smoke so much: it's bad for health.

Pregunta 4
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 22,50 sobre 25,00

Marcar pregunta
Enunciado de la pregunta


Let's take a look at the presentation and then answer the questions:

Let's practice!!!
Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the
adjective in brackets. Be careful with spelling:
more difficult
1. Making a presentation for the general manager is Respuesta

 (difficult) than making a report.

2. The Xerox copy machine is Respuesta

 (fast) than your multifunctiional printer.

3. The coffee is Respuesta

 (hot) in the morning break than in the afternoon's.

4. My calculator is Respuesta

 (good) than yours. 

more interesting
5. The charts to show the growing of the company are Respuesta

 (interesting) than last year's charts.


Choose the correct option to complete each sentence with

the superlative form of the adjective:
the worst

1. Our manager is Respuesta

 boss of the company.

2. The projector we use to make the presentations is one

the cheapest

of Respuesta

 there are in the market.

3. I need to talk to Shirley because she is Respuesta

the best

 accountant in the office and my budget is out of range.

the biggest

4. This branch of the company is Respuesta

 in Bogotá.

the most expensive

5. Dr. Smith’s car is Respuesta

  of all. 


Listen to the recording carefully and pay attention

to details. Then, complete the sentences with the
best option:


Cargado: 0%

Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00

tourist guide
1. What is the best job Diana has ever had? Respuesta

to the canyon
2. Where did Diana take the tourist? Respuesta

No, it wasn't
3. Was the tour full of people? Respuesta

because they were tired

4. Why did some people stay at the hotel? Respuesta
5. How many people work as tourist guide in the tour? Respuesta

Decide if each statement is true or false according
to the dialogue:
1. People didn't have enough time to have lunch. Respuesta

2. Diana's job is easy.  Respuesta

3. They got back to the hotel at 4 p.m. Respuesta

4. They are going to visit the aquarium and the museum.  Respuesta

5. Alan was not invited for the next day tour.  Respuesta



As an employer, it is your responsibility to provide a safe work environment for all employees,
free from any hazards and complying with all state and federal laws. Health and safety in the
workplace is about preventing work-related injury and disease, and designing an environment
that promotes well-being for everyone at work.
Knowledge is the key ingredient in providing a safe work environment—if everyone knows the
correct procedures then accidents and injuries can be kept to a minimum.The following
checklists are also available to help you provide a safe working environment:

Employer responsibilities with health and safety

Work health and safety procedures must be implemented wherever the work is being
conducted, be that in an office, factory, construction site or home. You should develop and
have in place a work health and safety policy to meet the following standards:

 ensure that the way work is done is safe and does not affect employees' health
 ensure that tools, equipment and machinery are safe and are kept safe
 ensure that ways of storing, transporting or working with dangerous substances is safe
and does not damage employees' health
 provide employees with the information, instruction and training they need to do their
job safely and without damaging their health
 consult with employees about health and safety in the workplace
 monitor the workplace regularly and keep a record of what is found during the checks.

It is important that you check your relevant state or territory legislation for more specific
guidelines as health and safety legislation can be different in each state and territory, and
specific industry sectors may also have precise requirements.
Tips for a safe working environment

When a new employee starts with your company, it is important that they are aware of the
occupational health and safety policies and procedures so that they are able to complete their
job requirements safely. You should consider:

 briefing all new employees on work health and safety policy at induction
 providing a training session to new employees on all safety procedures, including
evacuation and other emergency procedures
 making reasonable adjustments if required.

Safe working practices should also be reviewed and emphasised with all employees

Now, according to the reading, please, answer the

prevent work related injuries and hazzards
1. A safe work environment is Respuesta

2. What is the key for a safe work environment? Respuesta
3. Every workplace should have a work health and safety procedures?  Respuesta
Yes, they should

4. How many standards should have a safety policy? Respuesta

5. Do evacuation and emergency procedures make part of the safe work policies? Respuesta
Yes, they do

Mark each statement true or false according to the

1. Employers must design an evironment that promotes well-being. Respuesta

2. To keep accidents at minimum everyone should know the procedures.  Respuesta


3. An induction of safety is not always necessary for new employees.  Respuesta

4. Federal laws provide a general guideline to this policies.  Respuesta

5. How work affects employees isn't an important part of this policies.  Respuesta

At the hotel
Complete the dialogue with the correct option:

Customer: Excuse me, can I have a local map?

Clerk: Yes, here you are.
Customer: I want to have a city  Respuesta

, do you have any suggestion?

Clerk: You can go to the Love River or Clax Island.
Customer: How can I get there?

Clerk: You can take city  Respuesta

, route 214 from our  Respuesta
 to the Love River.
Customer: How can I go to Clax Island?

Clerk: First, you can take  Respuesta

 to Siziwhan, and then take the ferry to Clax Island.

Customer: What can I do over there?

Clerk: You can watch the famous sunset and taste delicious  Respuesta

 over there.

Customer: Ohh yes. I saw Clax Island in a  Respuesta

 about wild life. It was very interesting.

Clerk: I remember... It was on the Discovery Channel. Do you want me to ask for a  Respuesta

 on today's tour?

Customer: Sounds great. Yes please. We are going there, thank you.



Using the words in brackets, complete the text below
with the appropriate tenses: Present simple or
continuous. Be careful with spelling and do not use
1. Every Monday, Sally Respuesta

(drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I Respuesta

am studying
(work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I Respuesta

 (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

is sleeping
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John Respuesta

(sleep) .

is raining
4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It Respuesta

 (rain) .

always rains
5. I hate living in Seattle because it Respuesta

 (rain, always) .

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 12,50 sobre 25,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Complete the sentences using the past simple or
continuous of the verbs in brackets. Please, be careful
with spelling. 
1) When the post man Respuesta

(arrive), my father Respuesta

(have) a shower.

2) While my brother Respuesta

(study), my grandma Respuesta
(make) some muffins

3) I Respuesta

(go) to the doctor 2 days ago because I Respuesta

(have) a terrible headache

4) When I Respuesta

(be) 10, I Respuesta

(eat) a sandwich every evening

5) He Respuesta

was talking
(miss) the train because he Respuesta

(talk) with some friends

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 25,00 sobre 25,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Choose the correct option in order to complete the text. 

Rafa Nadal  Respuesta

has won
 born in Manacor in 1986. He  Respuesta

 four French Open titles and an Olympic gold medal. In 2008, Nadal  Respuesta

 the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon.

has been
Since 2004, Nadal  Respuesta

have played
a strong competitor to Roger Federer. They  Respuesta

against each other in seven Grand Slam finals. Nadal  Respuesta

 five of them. Nadal  Respuesta

 World No. 2 behind Federer for a record 160 weeks. He  Respuesta

the first in the rank for 46 weeks.

has played
Rafa  Respuesta

 the Davis Cup with the Spanish team four times so far. They  Respuesta

didn't play
the trophy in 2004 and 2008, although he  Respuesta
 on the final due to a knee injury.
Some trivia about him:


 He  Respuesta


playing tennis when he  Respuesta



 In 2002, he  Respuesta

his first ATP match at Majorca at the age of 15.

has always played

 He  Respuesta

with his left hand although he is right-handed.


 He  Respuesta

the Fundación Rafa Nadal, which promotes sport as an integration tool for those who need
it the most, such as handicapped, immigrant and socially excluded people

Pregunta 4

Puntúa 15,00 sobre 15,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
am going to
1. I've already decided. I  Respuesta

 buy a new car.

am going
2.I  Respuesta

 to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.

3. Do you want to have chicken or beef? - I think I  Respuesta

 have beef.

4. That's much too heavy for one person. He  Respuesta

 give you a hand.

are going to
5. Next year Daniel and Tamara Respuesta
 buy a new home.

Pregunta 5
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 12,00 sobre 15,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

Choose the correct modal to complete the sentences:
have to

 In the petrol station we  Respuesta

switch off the engine before filling the tank


 You Respuesta

read more; it is very good for your education


 Kevin, you Respuesta
shave yourself; you look a little bit scruffy (A mother to her son)


 You Respuesta

get up; it is very late (orden)


 The police told us that we Respuesta

get out of the car


Listen carefully to this report about the benefits of

running barefoot (without shoes). Then, choose the
best option to complete each sentence.


Cargado: 0%

Progreso: 0%

Tiempo restante-0:00
1. Running shoes could increase the risk of  Respuesta

2. The subjects of the study were tested on a  Respuesta

University of Virginia
3. The study was made by the Respuesta

United States and Kenya

4. The researc compared runners from  Respuesta

5. The runners were divided into  Respuesta
 groups to make the research.

knees, hips and ankles

6. Running shoes create more stress on  Respuesta

7. Running barefoot is  Respuesta

 than running with shoes.

8. The efects of runnig with shoes are greater than the efect reported by walking
high heels
on  Respuesta

9. The study appeared in the official scientific journal of  Respuesta

American Academy of Physical Medicine

10. There were  Respuesta

 runners who were tested for the research.


Read carefully and then, answer the questions:

Reality Television

Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted

dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather
than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened"
documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of
television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000.

Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz
shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the
1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused
productions such as Big Brother.

Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows
frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic
locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen
handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production

Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary
situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen
women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television
also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and
performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother
participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description
for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big
Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the
producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the
environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out.
Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios,
challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark
Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and
avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not
reality TV. It really is unscripted drama."

Now, answer the questions:
1. In the first line, the writer says 'it is claimed' because  Respuesta
they want to distance themselves from the statement

been popular since approximately 2000

2.Reality television has  Respuesta

has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere

3. Japan  Respuesta

the name is inaccurate

4. People have criticised reality television because Respuesta

5. Reality TV appeals to some because Respuesta

it shows average people in exceptional circumstances

is more likely to turn its participants into celebrities

6. Pop Idol Respuesta
7.The term 'reality television' is inaccurate Respuesta
for special-living-environment programs

to create conflict among other things

8.Producers choose the participants Respuesta

thinks the term 'reality television' is inaccurate

9. Mark Burnett  Respuesta

have good narratives

10. Shows like Survivor  Respuesta

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