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Course description:

This course deals with concepts, principles, theories & techniques of nursing care management of at risk & sick
adult clients in any setting with alterations/problems in oxygenation, fluid & electrolytes, infectious,
inflammatory & immunologic response, cellular aberrations, acute & chronic. The learners are expected to
provide nursing to at risk & sick adult clients utilizing the nursing process.

Learning outcomes:

1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the nursing
care of at risk and sick adult clients with problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolytes,
infectious, inflammatory and immunologic response, cellular aberrations, acute and chronic.
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care to at risk and sick adult clients with problems in
oxygenation, fluid and electrolytes, infectious, inflammatory and immunologic response, cellular
aberrations, acute and chronic utilizing the nursing process.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles and
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally appropriate
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a
systems approach.
9. Conduct nursing research with an experienced researcher.
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global health
developments in general, and nursing and other relevant theories in particular.
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.

 Evalution checklist 10%
 Graded recitation 10%
 Case scenario 20%
 Case study presentation 50%

Uniform and Grooming

All affiliating nursing students shall observe the proper dress code/ Uniform.
Female students shall keep their hair properly tied, no excessive make up and
accessories shall be allowed.
Male Nursing Students will not be allowed to go on duty with earrings, visible body
piercing and long or untidy hair.
Students shall enter the hospital wearing a smock gown and leave the hospital
premises wearing the same.
ID or nametag, whatever is applicable, shall be worn during the shift.

3 colored ballpens
Hand sanitizer/ Alcohol
Bandage scissor
Digital thermometer
Small notebook
Pencil and eraser
penlight/ Flashlight
Tape measure

LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) • is a platform that holds course content and materials,
delivers activities, holds on-line discussions and administration in one on-line system. GOOGLE

House rules

 Always enable your video

 Mute your audio, especially when not speaking
 Find a quiet place/space when participating
 Let our online classroom be a safe place. Do not share ANY INFORMATION/MATERIALS in the
online classroom publicly.
 Do not rename yourself
 If uncomfortable to speak, use the chat portion in the online learning platform.
 You are not allowed to use social media DURING synchronous lecture. Turn your cellular phones
into silent mode
 Do NOT record the lecture without the permission of the faculty
 Please close all unused applications in your computer. Focus on the RLE itself
 In case of internet disruption, immediately text your class representative. The class
representative is authorized to directly message the teacher through text
 All the requirements of this course shall be submitted through the LMS
Schedule of Activities
(Virtual Clinical Teaching and Learning Activities)

Time Tuesday
Facilitate student to pray the Nurses’ prayer
6:45 am – 7:30 am Check’s attendance and paraphernalia.

Conducts orientation to students on

7:30 am – 9:30 am - The 3-day virtual activities in pedia
- Discussion Grading System, Conduct and Decorum
- Setting Expectations, Learning Objectives
- Orientation on Required Outputs and Submission Date
- Ward Familiarization (Virtual Tour)

9:30-9:45 am

- Discussion of Routine in the ward, ward process, parts of char, medication

9:45 am – 12:00 am administration, oxygenation, IV therapy and other topics.
- The performance of her role (as handle or assist before, during and after delivery) in
admitting pregnant women and in handling and assisting NSD cases
- the set-up, policies, rules and regulations inside the PEDIA WARD
- process of admission, trans-in, trans-out and other topics

12:00 – 12:30 pm LUNCH BREAK

12:30 – 3:00 pm
Presents the case scenario
- Exemplification of a case scenario emulating an actual Nursing care and management of
a specified case
- Gives a lecture about the case presented
- Give instructions on the required outputs for the activity

- Google classroom (worksheets/video links/article links)
- Messenger
- Email
- Text messages
 Accomplish activity requirements/outputs
 Consults teacher via messenger/email/text

 Monitors students through messenger/email/texts
 Gives feedback to student’s questions/clarifications

Time Wednesday
Facilitate student to pray the Nurses’ prayer
6:45 am – 7:30 Check’s attendance and paraphernalia.
Case scenario presentation and discussion
- Evaluation of the students answer
7:30 am – 9:30 - Rationale of an actual Nursing care and management of a specified case
am - assessment, prioritization and Planning, nursing interventions (dependent,
independent and collaborative) and Evaluation (including Documentation)

9:30-9:45 am
Presents the case study
9:45 am – 12:00 - Gives a lecture about the case presented
am - Simulation of endorsement process
- Give instructions on the required outputs for the activity
A. patient data
o Demographic data
o Chief complaint
o History of present illness
o Past medical history
o Family history
o Laboratory Findings
o Review of anatomy and physiology
o Pathophysiology (highlight patient manifestation
C. Drug Study
D. Sample charting
E. Discharge Planning
12:00 – 12:30 pm

12:30 – 3:00 pm
- Google classroom (worksheets/video links/article links)
- Messenger
- Email
- Text messages

- Continuation of activity requirements/outputs
- Submission requirements/outputs once done
- Consults teacher via messenger/email/text
- Monitors students through messenger/email/texts
- Gives feedback to student’s questions/clarifications

Checks students outputs

Time Thursday
6:45 am – 7:30 am Facilitate student to pray the Nurses’ prayer
Check’s attendance and paraphernalia.

7:30 am – 9:30 am Case study presentation and discussion

- Evaluation of the students answer
- Rationale of an actual Nursing care and management
of a assigned case
- assessment, prioritization and Planning, nursing
interventions (dependent, independent and
collaborative) and Evaluation (including

9:30-9:45 am HEALTH BREAK

9:45 am – 12:00 am Continuation of case study and discussion

12:00 – 12:30 pm LUNCH BREAK

12:30 – 3:00 pm SYNCHRONOUS ACTIVITIES (Google meet)

Facilitate student to pray the Nurses’ prayer

Check’s attendance

- Feedback on student’s submitted
- Sharing of learning insights of the students about
o The patient’s case
o Virtual RLE experience

- Suggestions for improvement of virtual RLE activity

o strengths
o weaknesses
o problems
o solutions

Facilitates closing prayer

Ward Familiarization (Virtual Tour)
Case scenario

100%-86% 85%-80% 79%-75% 65% Weight

Correctness and Correct and complete Correct but Incorrect responses No responses 60%
completeness responses incomplete
Organization Presents an excellent Responses Responses show minimum No effort to 30%
organization of include few items effort at organization of research
thought with obtained from thought with additionally
introduction, body additional introduction, body and
and conclusion research work conclusion
Timeliness and Submits output on time Submits output Submits output within 3-5 Does not 10%
attitude within 1 or 2 days days after deadline submit any
after deadline output
Total 100%
Case study presentation

100%-86% 85%-80% 79%-75% 65% Weight

Correctness and Correct and complete Correct but Incorrect responses No responses 60%
completeness responses incomplete
Organization Presents an excellent Responses Responses show minimum No effort to 30%
organization of include few items effort at organization of research
thought with obtained from thought with additionally
introduction, body additional introduction, body and
and conclusion research work conclusion
Timeliness and Submits output on time Submits output Submits output within 3-5 Does not 10%
attitude within 1 or 2 days days after deadline submit any
after deadline output
Total 100%

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