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1. Telangana has improved its rank in Human Development Index (HDI) from 13 in
2004-05 to 10 in 2011-12 among the states in India.
2. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a simple measure to assess the overall
status of a human development in terms of three dimensions – such as long and
healthy life, knowledge and decent
standard of living.
3. According to the UNDP methodology, life expectancy for long and healthy life,
literacy rate and school enrolment rate for knowledge and per capita Gross District
Domestic Product (GDDP) for decent standard of living are the indicators
considered for these three dimensions.
4. The Sample Registration System (SRS) data has revealed that IMR in Telangana
State declined to 34 in 2015 as compared to 35 in 2014. However, the NFHS Survey
2015-16 reported that IMR in the state is 28.
5. MMR ranging from 71 in Hyderabad to 152 in Adilabad.
6. A higher percentage of children are stunted in Khammam and Adilabad districts
which have a high concentration of tribal population, and in the bottom level HDI
districts of Nizamabad, Mahbubnagar and Medak
7. Harithaharam has expanded the tree cover throughout Telangana which would
contribute to a reduction in temperatures resulting in less evaporation of water in
rural and urban areas.
8. Mission Bhageeratha has the mandate of providing adequate and safe drinking
water to all the households in their premises across the villages and urban areas.
The water for this mission is drawn from the two perennial rivers Godavari and
Krishna. This would reduce the withdrawal of ground water for drinking purposes.
9. Mission Kakatiya would also add to the ground water resources
10. The social structure in Telangana is highly skewed towards socially marginalized
sections-backward castes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and religious
minority groups- which constitute 85 percent of the state population.
11. Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy have retained their top two positions in the spectrum
of human development of Telangana State, in both the years (2004-05 and 2011-
12). Nizamabad, Medak and Mahbubnagar have remained in the bottom.
12. .Ranga Reddy in the case of health, Karimnagar in the standard of living and
Nizamabad where the proportions of health and education are equal.
13. Telanana index was higher than the national average in 2011-12.
14. According to the estimated HDI for 2015- 16, the top 3 districts would be
Ranga Reddy and Khammam.
15. Nizamabad, one of the bottom districts, would join the middle order districts.
16. Medak and Mahbubnagar would continue to be in the bottom of the human
17. Nalgonda, one of the middle order districts, would slip to the bottom districts
18. IMR ratio was higher than the state average in the districts of Nizamabad, Adilabad,
Mahbubnagar and Medak
19. Mahbubnagar and Adilabad with a high gender gap in mean years of schooling are
lacking in school infrastructure, especially toilets for girls.
20. The total number of active looms in Telangana by the most recent count (2013) was
28,643, which is a third of the number in 1995. At present, handloom weaving
continues in some strength only in the districts of Mahbubnagar, Karimnagar, Medak,
Nalgonda and Warangal.
21. Nizamabad, among the bottom human development districts, has registered the
highest growth in human development. This is because of the income enhancement
and social
security programmes of the government.
22. Hence, high and inclusive, diversified and productivity-led economic growth is
imperative to improve human development and reduce it inequalities in
Telangana state.
23. The Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) is defined as the number of maternal deaths
during pregnancy or within 42 days after the termination of pregnancy per one lakh
live births during a year.
24. The MMR declined by 34 points from 212 in 2007- 09 to 178 in 2010-12 and to 167
in 2011-13 at the national level.
25. The status of HDI of Muslims Minorities has increased during 2002-13.
26. Ranga Reddy, the top human development district, has utilised the funds allotted
under social services efficiently. Similarly, the middle order district Karimnagar has
utilized funds efficiently while Nalgonda district has not utilized funds efficiently.
The bottom three districts- Nizamabad, Mahbubnagar and Medak-have suffered
from inadequate funds.

28. There would be 47 lakh children in the age groups of 7-14 years by 2026.
29. The practice of open defecation is high in Adilabad
30. The percentage of women age 20-24 years married below 18 years in Telangana
(27.6%) is higher than in Tamil Nadu (18.3%) and Karnataka (23.2%) but lower than
in Andhra Pradesh (32.7%)
31. Telangana had higher teenage child births (10.6%) than Tamil Nadu (6.3%) and
Karnataka (8%).
32. Considering this estimate as a base, IMR declined by 15 points (from 49 to 34 per
1000 births) in a 9-year period, indicating a decline of 1.7 points per annum. (Rural-
37 and Urban-27)

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