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“PROJECT BASA – LOG with Portfolio”

(A Developmental Reading Program)


In its continuous quest for excellence and to ameliorate not only the academic
performance of students, but revive the youth’s love and interest in the printed
world instead of social media, the Department of Education came up with a series of
reading activities as stipulated in DepEd Order 244 during the celebration of the
National Reading Month, which enjoins all public and private institutions to conduct
various reading activities and learning facilities. Among those are Read – A Thron,
Shared Reading Project (Big Brother or Sister/Kaklase Ko, Sagot Ko), Intensified
Remedial Reading, Five Words a Week (FWAW), A Paragraph a Day (APAD), and DEAR
Project. All these and more were initiated by DepEd to zero out non-readers and to
institutionalize the National, “Every Child a Reader Program”, in its’ hope to make
reading relevant again to the youth.
Indeed, reading is one of the most consequential communicational activities of
every individual. It is a skill and an indispensable means by which a learner may
succeed in other subjects of the total school program. A mastered skill needed in the
process of acquiring boundless knowledge. People use it every day when working,
reading signs, billboards, announcements and directions for travelling to reach their
destination safely, and accomplish varied activities in work and school. It is a tool and
a very essential instrument in learning. Indeed, it’s importance cannot be overlooked
for it plays a big role in every persons’ life.
Every language teacher dreams each learner to become a reader child; yet in
reality, many of the Grade 9 students from the 4 sections handled in Burauen
Comprehensive National High School were identified as Frustrated Readers, based on
the Phil-IRI Oral and Silent Reading Test results conducted on the month of July.
Studies have also shown that that learners confronted with reading difficulty skills
are those that are poor academic performers in school.
The Department of Education (DepEd) is well aware of this existing condition
among elementary and secondary learners. In order to alleviate this, DepEd Order
No. 145 series of 2015 promotes, “Every Child a Reader Program” (ECARP), making
the Filipino learners a generation of readers.
To cater the reading difficulty issues of these students, the language teachers
of Burauen Comprehensive National High School tried to adopt and implement
various reading programs. One of which is “DEAR Time with Class Book”,
implemented in selected Grade 9 classes handled for six years. However, in the
course of its’ implementation; several issues and concerns were encountered which
hindered the realization of the ultimate goals and objectives of the said reading
program. A need for another reading program that will ultimately sustain the
difficulty needs of the respondents in reading was thought of. Hence, “Project BASA-
Log with Portfolio” was not only adopted, but was conceptualized and implemented
in order to freeze out mere word callers among students and to meliorate their
reading comprehension skills difficulty.

II. Objectives:

The main objective of Project BASA-LOG are as follows:

1. Develop students’ love for reading and discovering books.
2. Enhance the reading comprehension and other reading difficulties of
3. Enhance the students’ oral and written communication skills.
4. Widen the vocabulary skills of students.

III. Technical Description:

To enhance the students’ reading comprehension difficulties and

communication skills, which is basically one of the important skills and must have of
students, this developmental reading program was conceptualized. An oral reading
test with questions about the story read was conducted to all students handled on
the month of July. Teacher used reading rubrics to evaluate the reading level of
students. Identified students in the Frustration Level will automatically be the
respondents of the above stated developmental reading program.
The said students will be given a short reading story prepared by the teacher
with five to six questions each after the story. A Reading log sheet will likewise be
provided where they will write their answers to the questions, and fill in the
necessary information asked for about the story. On the log they will write a short
summary of the story (5 to 7 sentences) using their own words based on their
understanding and recollection of what they read, aside from the selected elements
of the story they need to supply with answers.
Next they will be instructed to fill in the Personal Dictionary Work Sheet. It
must contain at least 3 difficult or unfamiliar words they encountered while reading
the given story. They are to copy the sentence on the work sheet with the difficult
word, give the definition as used in context, and then finally; use it in their own
sentence. An Independent Reading Log Rubric will be used to check the respondents
reading log outputs. And to monitor their progress, a Monthly Reading log Sheet will
be given to them where the score for the comprehension questions and the time
consumed in reading is also recorded. Selected students will be chosen to act as
timer or time watch while respondents are reading the given story.
To help the proponent in checking the reading log of the respondents,
identified students who got perfect scores in the Oral and Silent Reading test
conducted, and who of course based on the rubrics used, are Independent readers,
will be tapped to assist the proponent in checking the reading log and Personal
Dictionary Work Sheet of the respondents. They will likewise serve as peer tutors of
the respondents in reading and proper pronunciation of some unfamiliar words.
Project BASA-Log will be done every Friday during the ICL (Independent
Cooperative Learning) period of the proponent in the respective sections of the
identified respondents. Students are required to provide a BASA-Log Portfolio where
they will place all their Reading Logs and personal Dictionary Sheets. Before the end
of the school year, a post Oral and Silent Reading Test will again be conducted on
February 2020 to determine whether or not there is an improvement on the
proponents’ reading performance based on the test result.

IV. Schedule:
The schedule of Project BASA-Log is as follows:

Grade & Section Reading Schedule

9- Einstein 7:45-8:45 am / Friday
9- Sapphire 8:45-9:45 am / Friday
9- Emerald 10:00-11:00 am / Friday
9- Diamond 11:00-12:00 am / Friday
9- Beige 1:00-2:00 pm / Friday
V. Expected Outcome:

A successful implementation of this developmental reading program is

expected to improve the reading difficulty skills of the identified proponents at the
end of its execution period. Reading story copies or print outs, Reading Logs and
Personal Dictionary Work Sheets will hopefully be provided by the school thru MOOE,
Project BBB ( Barya Barya Galing sa Basura ) an Income Generating Project of the
implementer of the or other school funds to ensure the total and hassle free
administration of the above mentioned reading project. Furthermore, full support of
the implementation is expected from the administration. Bench-marking and
adaption of other Language teachers of this reading project in their own classes is
similarly expected to help not only the proponents’ students, but all students with
identified difficulty needs.
Work plan


1. Preparation of the
proposed Developmental July 01 – 12, Approved developmental Project Proponent
Reading Program, Reading 2019 reading program- for and School Heads
materials, Reading Log implementation.
Sheets, and Personal
Dictionary worksheets.
2. Validation and approval of Project Innovator,
the reading stories to be 3rd week of Validated Reading stories School Heads, and
used in conducting the Pre July 2019 or passages for Pre PHIL- Students
PHIL-IRI Test IRI Reading Test
3. All the Grade 9 students
handled will undergo the July 22-26, Result of the Pre PHIL – IRI Project Proponent &
Pre-PHIL – IRI Reading Test 2019 Test and confidential list identified
(Oral and Silent) and identify of respondents respondents/students
the respondents.
4.Conduct or
implementation of the August 2019 Pictorials, BASA-LOG Project Innovator &
“Project BASA – LOG with - December Portfolio of students, and identified
Portfolio” to the Grade 9 2019 Teacher’s Journal on respondents/students
student respondents Project BASA - LOG
5.Conduct of the Post PHIL – 1st week of Result of the Post PHIL – Project Innovator,
IRI Reading Test January 2020 IRI Test and School Heads,
6.Analysis and January 13 – Fully implemented Project Innovator,
interpretation of the results 24, 2020 Developmental Reading and School Heads,
Program with MOV’s
7. Submission of the result February Fully implemented Project Innovator,
of the study to the school 2020 Developmental Reading School Heads, EPS &
and to the Division Office Program with MOV’s SDS


1. Preparation of the proposed Letter size paper, printer, ₱ 2,500.00
Developmental Reading Program, Reading ink, folders
materials, Reading Log Sheets, and
Personal Dictionary worksheets.
2. Validation and approval of the reading Letter size paper, printer, The cost is already
stories to be used in conducting the Pre ink, folders included in Activity 1
3. All the Grade 9 students handled will Letter size paper, printer, The cost is already
undergo the Pre-PHIL – IRI Reading Test ink, folders included in Activity 1
(Oral and Silent) and identify the
4.Conduct or implementation of the Reading Stories, Reading ₱ 1,500.00
“Project BASA – LOG with Portfolio” to books, Letter size paper,
the Grade 9 student respondents printer, ink, folders
5.Conduct of the Post PHIL – IRI Reading Letter size paper, printer, The cost is already
Test ink, folders included in Activity 1
6.Analysis and interpretation of the Letter size paper, printer, ₱ 500.00
results ink, folders

7. Submission of the result of the study to Travel Expenses to D.O., ₱ 500.00

the school and to the Division Office Letter size paper, printer,
ink, folders
Total ₱ 5 ,000.00
Prepared by:

Proponent/Master Teacher II


Assistant Secondary School Principal II

General Secondary School Principal IV


EPS – English

Chief-Curriculum Implementation Division

Recommending Approval:

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent
My Personal Dictionary Sheet
My Sentence: _____________________________
Word # 1:
Sentence from Text:
Word # 4:
Sentence from Text:
Definition (as used in context): _________________________

Definition (as used in context):

My Sentence: __________________


My Sentence: ____________________________
Word # 2:
Sentence from Text:
Word # 1:
Definition (as used in context): Sentence from Text:
_________________ ________________________

My Sentence: Definition (as used in context):

______________________________ ________________

My Sentence:
Word # 3:
Sentence from Text: _________________________________________
Word # 2:
Sentence from Text:
Definition (as used in context):
Definition (as used in context):
_________________ Date:________________________________________
My Sentence: Grade &
______________________________ Section:__________________________________
Reading Log #:
Reading Test Score:
Word # 3: Answers:
_________________________________ 1.___________________________________________
Sentence from Text: ____
________________________ 2.___________________________________________
Definition (as used in context): 4.___________________________________________
_________________ ____
My Sentence: _____________________________ 7.___________________________________________
Title of the
_________________________________________ Story:__________________________________

Word # 4:
Sentence from Text:

Definition (as used in context):

__________________ Characters:____________________________
My Sentence: ____________________________
Summary of the
My Reading Log Sheet

_____________________________________ 7.___________________________________________
_____________________________________ ____
Title of the
_____________________________________ Story:__________________________________
_____________________________________ Author:_______________________________
_____________________________________ ___
_____________________________________ Setting:_______________________________
_____________________________________ ___
Moral /Lesson of the
Story:__________________ Characters:____________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ ___
_____________________________________ Summary of the
_____________________________________ Story:______________________
_____________________ _____________________________________
Date:________________________________________ _____________________________________
____ _____________________________________
Name:_______________________________________ _____________________________________
____ _____________________________________
Grade &
Reading Log #: _____________________________________
____________________________________ _________________________________
Reading Test Score: Moral /Lesson of the
________________________________ Story:__________________
____ _____________________________________
2.___________________________________________ _____________________________________
____ _____________________________________
3.___________________________________________ _____________________________________
____ _____________________________________
5.___________________________________________ _____________________
Independent Reading Log Rubric

Possible Points
Reading Log-
 The log is filled out correctly, completely and neatly.
 The book title, along with minutes and pages read are 30
recorded for the week.
Written Response
 The response is logic and organized with a clear beginning,
middle and end.
 Complete and varied sentences are used throughout the 25
 Students use interesting and descriptive vocabulary.

 The student demonstrates an understanding of the text. 25
 The response includes important knowledge and details
from the text.
 The response is free from major spelling and grammatical
errors. 10
 The response is easy to read and understand.

 The response is neat and easy to read. 5
 It is free from erasures.
 The summary of the story has a minimum of 5-6 5
Total: 100 %

Why Pedro Got Left

Pedro was forever forgetting something. When mother sent him to buy something in the
market, by the time he got there, he had forgotten what she wanted. When father asked him to
wash the car, he wouldn’t think another thing about it until he saw him driving out the garage
with the dirty car.
It wasn’t that he had a weak mind or anything like that. His mind was as keen as any other
boy’s about football or swimming, and other things that interested him. He was only careless
about those things he didn’t really want to do.
One day, the teacher told the class that he planned to take them on a special nature study
trip to a beach several kilometres away. Everybody was excited including Pedro. Such a trip
sounded more like a holiday than a lesson. But they must bring a note signed by one of their
parents, giving permission for them to go.
By next morning, all the children had brought their notes except Pedro. He had forgotten
as usual. Not that he didn’t want to go on the trip. He wanted that very much. But he just didn’t
want to go to the trouble of getting a note.
Then came the day for the wonderful trip to the beach. The teacher walked down the line
looking each one over carefully. He spotted Pedro and asked for the note, but he had forgotten it
again. He told his teacher he would go and get the note, but there was no more time. Everybody
was on board except him.
Suddenly, the driver started the bus, and away it went, leaving Pedro standing by the
roadside. He could hardly believe his eyes. They had gone without him! On such a wonderful trip,
too! And all because he had forgotten a measly old note! A tear trickled down his face as he
watched the bus disappear in the distance. But hard though it was, the lesson was one he needed
to learn. He tried to remember everything he was told to do. (Uncle Arthur’s Best Stories)
Selection Quiz
Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the answers on your Reading
Log Sheet provided.
1. What kind of a child was Pedro as described in the story?
a. obedient c. kind
b. forgetful d. lazy
2. What did the teacher tell them to bring for them to be able to join the nature-study trip?
a. Permission letter c. letter of request
b. Friendly letter d. excuse letter
3. Why did Pedro tend to forget almost everything he was told to do?
a. Because he has a weak mind
b. Because he was lazy to do things he was ordered to do
c. Because he only wants to do things that interested him
d. Because he often do not listen to them
4. Why did Pedro fail to bring the letter signed by his parents?
a. He didn’t want to go on the trip.
b. He didn’t want to go to the trouble of getting a note.
c. He was not interested of the trip.
d. He would rather stay in school and listen to lessons.
5. What lesson did Pedro learn after the incident?


Answer Key BASA-LOG Stories

BLS# 1
1. Brother and sister
2. forest
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. because the brother drink on the brook with magical spell casted by the witch
BLS# 2
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. He tried to remember everything he was told to do.

BLS# 3
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. Enemy soldiers camped on the mountainside near the cave
5. a

BLS# 4
1. a
2. b
6. a
7. Enemy soldiers camped on the mountainside near the cave
8. a

Once there was an orphaned brother and sister who lived with their cruel stepmother.
They were beaten regularly every day and were only given hard dry crusts to eat. They were so
lonely in that house that they decided to run away from that place.
So off they started the next morning through the fields and meadows, over hedges and
ditches, and walked the whole day ‘till they reached the forest.
Now their cruel stepmother, who was in reality a witch, secretly followed them and cast
her spells over all the streams in the forest. After a long tiresome day, they finally reached a little
stream. Brother immediately decided to drink but sister heard a murmuring saying; “who drinks
of me will be a tiger!! So she cried out and stopped her brother.
When they came to the second brook, sister heard it saying; “who drinks of me will be a
wolf! So she stopped her brother from drinking. Again brother did not drink, but said that when
they reach the next stream, whatever she says, he must drink for he can’t bear his thirst
At last, when they got to the next brook, no matter how hard the sister begged him not to
drink the water for he will turn into a roe, he did not listen, and sure enough, no sooner than his
lips touched the water, he fell on the grass transformed into a little Roe-buck.
(From “The Red Fairy Book edited by Andrew Lang)
Selection Quiz
Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the answers on your Reading Log Sheet
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What is the setting of the story?
3. Why did the two children run away from their house?
a. Because they wanted to look for their mother and father
b. Because their stepmother was a witch
c. Because they were looking for a stream where they could drink
d. Because their stepmother was cruel to them
4. What did the wicked stepmother do in the story?
a. She looked for her stepchildren in the forest
b. She casted her spells on all the streams in the forest
c. She begged them not to leave her
d. She was so glad to get rid of them
5. What did the sister hear on the second brook?
a. “Who drinks of me will be a wolf!”
b. “Who drinks of me will be a lion!”
c. “Who drinks of me will be a tiger!”
d. “Who drinks of me will be a roe!”
6. Why did the brother turn into a Roe-buck?
7. What is the lesson or moral of the story?


Courageous Kimbo

Kimbo was just a little black mongrel, but her master Kenneth, loved her dearly. They were the
best of friends and lived together in a mission hospital. When war came, and Kenneth had to flee for his
life, Kimbo went along with him.
For two days they walked together, hoping to get away from the enemy soldiers. Fortunately, they
found a small cave, and here they stayed for a long time, going out only at night in search of food. A
farmhouse stood nearby, and the farmer’s wife gladly shared what she had with him. As the soldiers came
closer, it was no longer safe for them to visit her, so she puts food in a bag, and hid it behind a big rock.
Then Kenneth and Kimbo sneaked out and took it into the cave.
Kimbo went along on all these trips, although Kenneth was afraid she might bark if a cat, or a dog,
or an enemy soldier passed nearby. But she never even growled. She seemed to sense danger and never
made a sound.
As time went by, things became worse. Enemy soldiers camped on the mountainside near the
cave. Kenneth didn’t dare to go out anymore, even at night. When this happened poor Kimbo couldn’t
understand why. She was hungry and wanted her tea. It was hard for Kenneth but going out for food was
too dangerous. So they both lay down and went to sleep.
Suddenly Kenneth awoke. Something or somebody was touching him. It was Kimbo, poking him
with her nose, as if to show him something. He put out his hand in the dark and felt around. There close
beside him was the food bag! Kimbo had gone down the mountainside in the dark, all by herself, and
brought it back! After that, every night Kimbo would go down the mountain and fetch the bag of food,
which the farmer’s wife so faithfully left beside the rock.
After the war, they found their way back to the hospital, and Kimbo was welcomed as a very brave
dog. (From Uncle Arthur’s Best Stories)
Selection Quiz
Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the answers on your Reading Log Sheet
1. What is the story about?
a. About Kimbo’s bravery and faithfulness
b. About the farmer’s wife generosity and kindness
c. About the character’s survival in the story
d. About how the characters found their way home after the war.
2. Why did Kenneth need to flee for his life?
a. Somebody was running after him
b. There was a war in their place
c. He was sent away from the mission hospital
d. He was looking for another place to stay
3. Where did they stay during the entire war?
a. In the farmhouse with the farmer and the farmer’s wife
b. In the mission hospital with the doctors and nurses
c. In the cave near a farmhouse
d. In the camp site near the mountainside
4. Why was Kenneth afraid to go out from the cave and fetch the bag of food hidden behind the
big rock?
5. Why the story is entitled “Courageous Kimbo?”
a. It shows how brave a dog Kimbo is
b. It shows how smart a dog Kimbo is
c. It shows that people and dog can be best of friends
d. It shows how loyal a dog Kimbo is to her master Kenneth


The Girl Who Ran Away from Home

Once upon a time there was a rich man who had two daughters. The man was a good father and
he loved his two daughters dearly. He was willing to do anything for them to make them happy.
Their home was well furnished and beautiful. They always had plenty to eat and fine clothes to
wear. They were also sent to a nice and expensive school. But one of the girls was not happy. She didn’t
like the rules that her father laid down sometimes. She thought she would never really enjoy life until she
got away from home.
She wanted to live alone in the city without the rules of the father. She wanted freedom! So she
decided to speak to her father and tell him what she wanted to do. Her father was upset, but knowing
that she would never appreciate home until she had been away from it, he gave her some money and told
her she might go if she wished.
The daughter was so pleased and so excited, and at once packed up her belongings and started off.
Her mother cried when she kissed her before she left, and so is her father. But the daughter was too
excited to notice how they felt. She was excited to reach the city and spend her money. There she made a
great many friends, who were only too well pleased to help her spend it. They gave her what seemed to
be a happy time, although it meant doing many things that her father told her were wrong.
One day, the girl discovered that her money was going out. It came to her as a great shock that the
money she had brought with her was almost gone. Her new friends soon discovered this, so one by one
they left her, until at last, when she was penniless, and she discovered that she was friendless too. Not
one of them was willing to help her.
At last, when she had nothing to eat and all, she decided to return home. Her father who had been
waiting for her every day since she left home was overjoyed that he immediately ordered for a big party
celebration. She realized how much she had wronged her parents and vowed to always listen and to
follow them on. (Unknown Author)
Selection Quiz
Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the answers on your Reading Log Sheet
1. What did the daughter in the story want to do?
a. She wanted to study abroad and work there.
b. She wanted to live alone in the city without her father’s rules.
c. She wanted to be independent and get rid of her father .
d. She wanted to explore the world and enjoy life.
2. How much did the father love his two daughters?
a. He would do everything to make them happy.
b. He would provide them everything they need and want.
c. He would give up all his wealth for them.
d. He would never let them down.
3. How did the parents feel when she left their home?
a. Happy c. pleased
b. Sad d. excited
4. What did the daughter discover when she was already penniless?
a. That all her great friends were willing to help her.
b. That it was indeed fun to live alone and far from her family.
c. That not one of her friends was willing to help her.
d. That she can survive without money and all.
5. What is the lesson or moral of the story?
a. Children must learn to be independent at a young age.
b. Father knows what’s best for their kids.
c. We should spend our time and money wisely.
d. Children would never appreciate home and family, until he had been away from it.



Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, the king was dying. His heart stops. He feels
content. He hears a voice. The voice tells him that if he can find three people who want him to
live, he may return to life. He gets out of bed. He thinks he has been a good king and has worked
hard for his people. He is sure that many people are sad about his death.
The king sees a child crying. The child says that she wishes the king were alive so that her
parents would not have gone to the castle. The king goes to the home of his best friend, Amir.
The king expects him to be sad. Instead, Amir has gone to be friends with the new king. Next, the
king goes to the poor part of his kingdom. People in a bar say bad things about him. Only a hated
criminal in prison feels sorry for him and regrets his death. The king is upset and returns to his
castle. He is sure that his wife will be the third person to want him alive. However, he finds her
with her secret lover.
At midnight, the king is dead. The expression on his face doesn’t look happy anymore.
(Mary E. Coleridge)
Selection Quiz
Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the answers on your Reading Log Sheet
1. As the king dies, a voice offers to make a deal with him. What is the deal?

2. After rising from his deathbed, why does the king decide not to go to his wife right
a. He was a good friend so he wanted to see his best friend first.
b. He had been a good king so he wanted to see other people who were sad of his
c. He wanted to know how good a king he was when he was still alive.
d. He wanted to know if the child was sad of his death.
3. What does the king find out about his friend Amir?
a. Amir is a loyal friend.
b. Amir is indeed a trustworthy friend.
c. Amir befriended the new king.
d. Amir was so sad of his death.
4. Why does the king go to the poor section of the kingdom?


5. What does the king see and hear when he enters the queen’s room?

What Men Live By

Simon was a poor shoemaker from a small place in Russia. One day, he found a naked,
freezing man at the side of the road. The man’s name was Michael. Simon gave Michael his
coat and took him home. Matrena, Simon’s wife was at first angry at her husband. However, she
began to feel kindly toward Michael. Her kindness made him smile. He stayed and became
Simon’s assistant.
One day, a rich man ordered a pair of boots. He said that if the boots didn’t last a year,
Simon would go to prison. Michael smiled for the second time. He made slippers instead of boots.
The man’s servant returned. He said the man had died and needed slippers to be buried in.
Years later, a woman named Mary ordered shoes for twin girls. She said that she adopted
the girls. The mother died in childbirth. They have been the joy of her life. Michael smiled for the
third time. Then Michael said he was once an angel in heaven. God has sent him to take the soul
of the twins’ mother. Michael said he learned the truth that love lives in people. He learned that
people cannot know their own needs.
Lastly, he learned that people live by love. Because God is love, they live by God. Then
Michael’s wings came back. He went to the heavens. (By Leo Tolstoy)

Selection Quiz
Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on
your Reading Log Sheet provided.

1. When Simon brings him home, what makes Michael smile for the first time?

2. A wealthy man orders boots. What requirement does the wealthy man say the boots must

3. What does Michael know about the wealthy man that the wealthy man does not know?
a. He learned the truth that love lives in people.
b. He learned that people cannot know their own needs.
c. He learned that people live by love.
d. All of thee above

4. Explain Mary’s relationship to the twin girls.

5. Why does God punish Michael? What is Michael’s punishment?

6. Describe the manner in which Michael leaves Simon and Matrena’s hut at the end of the


Christmas Storms and Sunshine

There are two local newspapers in one of the biggest English town. Mr. Hodgson works for
the Liberal Examiner. While Mr. Jenkins works for the conservative Flying Post. At home, the two
men live with their wives in the same apartment building. The couple dislike each other. The
Jenkinses think they are better than the Hodgsons because they have more money. The Hodgsons
think they are better because they have a child.
On Christmas eve, Mrs. Hodgson hits Mrs. Jenkin’s cat for eating some of her meat. Mrs.
Jenkins scolds Mrs. Hodgson. Mrs. Hodgson is ashamed, but she doesn’t apologize. Later that day,
her baby gets very sick. Mrs. Hodgson asks Mrs. Jenkins for some hot water to help save the
baby. Mrs. Jenkins is still angry about the cat. At first she will not help. Then she changes her
mind. She saves the baby’s life.
On Christmas morning, Mrs. Jenkins’ cat eats the sausages she bfor Christmas dinner. Mrs.
Hugson brings Mrs. Jenkins some homemade sausages. The Jenkinses then invite the Hugsons to
dinner. The two women become friends. The men think better of each other than before. (by
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell)

Selection Quiz
Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on
your Reading Log Sheet provided.

1. Why do Mr. Hugson’s and Mr. Jenkins’ job cause friction or conflict between the two
a. Because they envy each other
b. Because the two men work in a rival local newspaper
c. Because they both think that they are better the other
d. Because the other one has no child

2. Why do Mrs. Hodgson and Mrs. Jenkins envy each other?

3. Why does Mrs. Hodgson desperately needs Mrs. Jenkins help?

4. During the emergency, Mrs. Jenkins does more than Mrs. Hodgson asks of her. What else
did Mrs. Jenkins do to help?

5. How does Mrs. Hodgson repay Mrs. Jenkins for her kindness?


The Miracle of Purun Bhagat

Purun Dass was a prime minister of Northern India. India was part of the British Empire.
Purun Dass helped his state become modern like Great Britain. The British honoured him for this.
One day, he gave up all his power and wealth to become a holy man. He wandered about. He had
to beg for food and shelter. He called himself Purun Bhagat.
Later, he was alone, walking and thinking. He found an empty shrine on a mountain and
decided to stay there. There he prayed all day. The people in a nearby village brought him food.
He felt that he was a part of nature. The animals trusted him and came to share his fire and food.
Many years passed.
One night, a monkey and deer came to his shrine. They acted like they were trying to tell
him something.
At last he realized that a landslide was about to happen. He rushed to warn the villagers. The
deer helped Purun Bhagat lead them all them out of danger. Then Purun Bhagat died. The
villagers built him temple and worshipped him. They never knew that he was once the prime
minister who believed in modern ways. (by Rudyard Kipling)

Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on your
Reading Log Sheet provided.

1. What is Purun Dass’ position in the government of India?


2. Why is Purun Dass honoured by the English?

3. Purun Dass suddenly leaves his job for a very different way of life. What does he decide to

4. How does Purun Bhagat spend most of his time in his new home?

5. Of what danger do the animals warn Purun Bhagat, and how did he save the villagers?

6. After Purun Bhagat dies, how do the villagers show their respect and gratitude?


The Man in the Water

In 1892, an airplane crashed onto a bridge in Washington D.C. It was not an unusual plane
crash. Yet it got more attention than usual. The author wonders why. He thinks that the event
was a triumph for human nature. He describes the event. Six passengers are in the water. They
hold on to the tail of the airplane. One of them is a middle-aged man. A helicopter lowers a
rescue line to him. The man hands it to someone else. Finally, the man drowns.
No one knows who the man was. To the public, he becomes a symbol of all people. He
becomes proof that no one is ordinary. Yet, he gives up his life for others. He is also a perfect
example of “man against nature.” Nature doesn’t care about the people in the water. The man
cares totally for them. Nature is not guided by morals. The man is totally guided by morals. The
man in the water dies. Yet, his death reminds all people of their power to give life. (By Roger

Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on your
Reading Log Sheet provided.

1. Why did the plane crash get more attention than usual?
2. What does the author think as his reason for rescuing a survivor?

3. How does the man in the water become a hero?

4. How does the man’s anonymity affect the way the public views him?
a. To the public, he is a saviour.
b. To the public, he is just an ordinary person.
c. To the public, he becomes a symbol of people and a proof that no one is ordinary.
d. To the public, he just wants to die that’s why he saved the other passengers.

5. According to Rosenblatt, what does the incident demonstrate about the difference
between man and nature?
a. Nature cares for man after all, just as man cares for it.
b. Nature can be dangerous, just as men can be destructive.
c. Nature is guided by morals just like man.
d. Nature doesn’t care about people in the water, while the man totally cares for them. It
is not guided by morals, while man is totally guided by it.

6. What is the lesson or moral of the story?


A Celebration of Grandfathers

Rodolfo Anaya of Central New Mexico remembers his grandfather. He also remembers how
children used to respect old people. The old had a lot to teach children. When Anaya was a child, he lived
with his grandfather. His grandfather did not say much. When he did speak, he said important things
about life and death and how to live. Prayer was important in his grandfather’s life. Through prayer he
became a participant in the forces that filled his world.
When he was a child, Anaya could not speak English very well. He grew very frustrated. His
grandfather taught him to have patience. Now Anaya worries that children don’t learn from the old
anymore. When his grandfather was dying, Anaya remembered everything that his grandfather had said.
He had said that old age and death are natural. Time changes all things. People need to accept change. He
had said that people forget the pain and all things. People need to accept change. He had said that people
forget the pain and weakness of old age. They see old age only as a time of peace and wisdom. Anaya
believes that people should always remember the values of his grandfather’s generation. That is why we
should always greet old people with respect and say, “Buenos dias le des Dios’ – God give you a good day.
(by Rodolfo Anaya)
Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on your
Reading Log Sheet provided.
1. When Anaya was a child, what were the important things that the young learned from the old?

2. Why was prayer such an important part of his grandfather’s life?

3. What advice did his grandfather give Anaya when, as a boy, he had difficulty learning
a. To be more persistent
b. To have patience
c. To continue learning the language
d. To have an English tutor

4. What did Anaya worry now that his grandfather was already dead?
a. That children will no longer learn to pray.
b. That children don’t learn from the old anymore.
c. That children will not learn to accept change.
d. That children will be afraid of death and pain.

5. What values did people learn from the generation of Anaya’s grandfather?
a. That old age and death are natural.
b. That people need to accept change.
c. That we should always greet old people with respect.
d. That people forget the pain and all things.


The Study of History

Larry Delany is interested in his parents’ past. They live in Cork, Ireland, a big but a peaceful place.
He likes to think about the people his father and mother might have married. He wonders how different
he would have been if his mother or father had married someone else. He asks his parents about their old
sweethearts. His questions amuse his father. But his father’s teasing upsets his mother. Larry goes to see a
rich neighbourhood. One of his mother’s boyfriends had lived there. He also visits a poor neighbourhood
where his father’s old girlfriend still lives, and he meets the woman’s son. The son introduces Larry to his
mother, Mrs. Santos. She has seven children, while Larry is an only child. Larry is polite and educated,
while Mrs. Santos’ children are rude, pushy, and not interested in reading.
Larry impresses Mrs. Santos. He is fascinated by her and her children. Her family is very different
from his. Larry returns home. He tells his parents that he met Mrs. Santos. His father is delighted.
However, his mother is upset. She indicates that she does not raise her children properly, drinks and
gossips. That night Larry thinks about who he might have been. He gets confused and starts to cry. His
mother holds his hand. He becomes calm again. Larry realizes he wants to keep his own identity and
would never trade his mother for anyone else. He is glad she is his mother. (by Frank O’ Connor)
Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer the following questions. Write the answers on your
Reading Log Sheet provided.

1. Why does Larry consider his parents’ past such a rich subject for study?
a. The thought of it amuses him and his father.
b. He wonders how different he would have been if his parents had married someone else.
c. Deep in his heart he actually wanted to have a different parent.
d. He wanted to have an extremely different kind of family than his own now.

2. How does his father mood change when Larry asks him about his past?
a. His questions irritate his father.
b. His questions upset his father.
c. His questions amuse his father.
d. His questions delight his father.
3. How does Larry’s mother react when her husband mentions his past girlfriends?
a. His mother is upset.
b. His mother is happy.
c. His mother is excited.
d. His mother feels sad.
4. What are some of the differences that Larry notices between himself and the Santos’ children?

5. What does Larry realize that night when he goes to bed?

a. Larry realizes that he wants to have a different parents and family.
b. Larry realizes that he wanted to be like the children of his parent’s pas girlfriends and
c. Larry realizes that he actually wanted to be an exactly different person that he is now, and a
bigger family like his parent’s past boyfriends and girlfriends.
d. Larry realizes he wants to keep his own identity and would never trade his mother for anyone



Nicholas Gage recalls how he came to the United States as a nine-year old refugee. He cannot
speak English. He is placed in a class for the mentally retarded. Four years later his English is better. In
Junior High School, Nick is placed in a program for students who are planning to attend college. There Nick
meets Marjorie Hurd. Miss Hurd teaches English and also runs the newspaper club. She introduced the
class to the literary wealth of Greece through the stories that they read and discuss. She also reveals the
logic and structure of English Grammar to Gage.
One day she tells Nick to write about his past. Nick writes about the night -time escape from his
village in Greece. He also writes about his mother’s death and how much he misses her. He narrates how
his mother was imprisoned, tortured, and killed by Communist Guerrillas for sending her children to
freedom. Nicholas’s essay earns him a medal in a national contest. The essay is Nick’s first literary work.
And when the entire Greek Community celebrates the honour, Nick understands the power of the written
word to deeply affect other people.
He studies journalism in high school and college. He wins the Hearst Award for College Journalism.
He receives the award from President John F. Kennedy. After many years, Nick turns his mother story into
a popular book. Gage gets many honours for his writing. For all these honours, he is grateful to Miss Hurd.
Gage dedicates this essay to her. (By: Nicholas Gage)

Selection Quiz

Read over the questions and think about the events described in the story. Then answer each question in
sentences or phrases.

1. How did Nicholas Gage’s mother die?

a. She was imprisoned and electrocuted for sending her children to freedom.
b. She was imprisoned, tortured and killed for sending her children to freedom.
c. She was sentenced to death for sending her children to freedom.
d. She was mutilated for sending her children to freedom.
2. How does Gage meet Miss Hurd?

3. How does Miss Hurd affect both Gage’s understanding of English and his appreciation of his
a. By encouraging them to speak English and read about Greece.
b. By giving them assignments in English and the history of Greece.
c. By introducing the class to the literary wealth of Greece and revealing the logic and structure
of English Grammar.
d. By introducing the class to the literary wealth of Greece and writing essays in English Grammar
4. What event helps Gage begin to understand the power of the written word?

5. What effect has Miss Hurd had on Gage’s life?


Alone in his hotel room, Buddy thinks about his childhood. His family was poor. They lived in a
sharecopper’s shanty in the South of New York City. His parents worked long hours in the fields. All of the
children wanted an education, but they all have to leave school at a young age and work. Buddy was the
youngest child. His parents and oldest brother Charley encouraged him to stay in school and “be
somebody.” His entire family was delighted when Buddy graduated from high school. Buddy graduated
from college. Then he became a successful professor.
He is now attending a meeting in New York City. Earlier in the day, Buddy made a surprise visit to
Charley and his wife. He did not tell them he was coming. He knows that Charley and Bea would spend
days fixing up their apartment if they knew in advance that he was coming. They live in Harlem. Charlie is
proud of Buddy’s success. However, Charley does not want people to know that Buddy comes from a poor
family. Bea gives Buddy some sweet potato pie inside a brown paper bag. Charley drives Buddy back to his
expensive hotel. He refuses to let Buddy take the bag out of the car. Charley says that successful men do
not carry brown paper bags. Buddy is annoyed, but finally he leaves the bag in Charley’s taxicab. Buddy
crosses the hotel lobby. He sees that Charley is following him. Charley is proudly carrying the brown paper
bag. Buddy felt sorry for his brother. Charley never had any childhood at all. As the oldest he worked from
early morning until dark, and had the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings. (By: Eugenia

Selection Quiz

Read over the questions and think about the events described in the story. Then answer each question in
sentences or phrases.
1. Why does Buddy say,” …….Charley never had any childhood at all?”

2. Why couldn’t all the children receive an education?

3. Why does Buddy have the opportunity to continue in school and even graduate from high school
and college ?
a. His parents and oldest brother Charley encouraged him to be in school and be somebody.
b. His parents and oldest bother Charley encouraged him to be in school so he can help the
whole family.
c. His parents and oldest brother Charley encouraged him to be in school so he can help his other
d. His parents and oldest brother Charley encouraged him to be in school so he can build a nice
house for the whole family.
4. Why doesn’t Buddy tell Charley that he will be in New York City for a conference?

5. Why doesn’t Charley let his brother carry the brown paper bag through the hotel lobby?




In a small town in America, Millicent Arnold is locked in a dark basement. She is taking a
test called an
“Initiation.” If she passes this final test, she will become a member of a special girl’s club at
school. Millicent recalls the events of the past few days. Her best friend Tracey is sad about
Millicent’s initiation. Tracey was not invited to become a member of the girl’s club. Tracey is
worried that Millicent will no longer be her friend. Although Millicent is sad about Tracey, she is
excited about joining this special club. As part of the initiation, Millicent is ordered around by
club members. She has to do embarrassing things. She has to ask adults on a bus what they eat
for breakfast. One man’s answer makes her laugh. He says that he eats “heather birds’ eyebrows
on toast.” His answer inspires Millicent. She realizes that she doesn’t need to belong to a club in
order to relate to other people. On the final night of initiation, she decides not to join the club
after all. Happily, she realizes that her own personal initiation has just begun. (by: Sylvia Plath)

Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer each question in sentences or phrases. Write the
answers on your Reading Log Sheet provided.

1.Why is Millicent locked in a dark basement?

2. Why is Tracey sad about Millicent’s joining the sorority?

3. What happens if Millicent passes the final test of the sorority?

4.What does Millicent realizes as she questions people on the bus?

5.What decision does Millicent make? Why?



Margaret is in school, but she decides to get a job. She wants to work on the
streetcars of San Francisco. Her mother tells her, “They don’t accept colored people on the
streetcars.” Margaret is determined to get a job on the streetcars. She goes to the streetcar
company to apply for a job. The receptionist tries to get rid of Margaret because she is an African-
American. The receptionist tells Margaret that the personnel manager is away. Margaret calls
Negro Organizations for help. The Organizations tell her that there are better paying jobs that
need workers. Her mother tells her to do what she wants.
Margaret is determined to work on a streetcar. She returns to the office over and
over. Finally, she gets the job. She is the first African-American to work on the San Francisco
streetcars. When the school year begins, Margaret realizes that she and her schoolmates have
grown apart. Her schoolmates talk about football games and student elections. Margaret,
however, is older and wiser. She has had to work for what she wanted. (by: Maya Angelou)

Selection Quiz

Read over the questions and think about the events described in the story. Then answer each
question in sentences or phrases.
1.Why does Margaret want to work on the streetcars of San Francisco?


2. Why does the receptionist try to get rid of Margaret?


3. How does Margaret’s mother encourage her to continue seeking her dream job?


4.How does Margaret finally get a job on the streetcars?


5.Why does Margaret feel different from her schoolmates?



One Thousand Dollars

During the early 1900’s, young Bobby Gillian has just inherited one thousand
dollars from his uncle. The will states, however, that Gillian has to tell how he spends the money.
He was not happy with his inheritance. He thinks that the inheritance is an awkward amount of
money. His uncle also left $10 and a ring to Miss Hayden. She is the daughter of his uncle’s friend.
She has lived in the uncle’s house ever since her father died. Gillian visits Miss Hayden. He tells
her that his uncle has left her one thousand dollars. He gives her the money. He then tells her
that he loves her. She does not accept his love. Gillian writes a note, telling how he spent the
thousand bucks. He takes the note to the lawyer. The lawyer then reads him an additional part of
the will. This part states that if Gillian spends the money unselfishly, he will get an extra $50,000.
However, if he spends the money foolishly, the $50,000 will go to Miss Hayden. Gillian takes back
the note that states honestly how he spent the money. He made another note and gave it to the
lawyer. He tells the lawyer that the note was a list of gambling bets. Gillian leaves the lawyer’s
office, happy that Miss Hayden now has $50,000. (By: O. Henry)
Selection Quiz

Recall the events in the short story. Then answer each question in sentences or phrases. Write the
answers on your Reading Log Sheet provided.

1.Why Gillian displeased with the amount of his inheritance?

2.Who is Miss Hayden?

3. Why does Gillian give Miss Hayden the thousand dollars?

4.Why does Gillian lie about how he spent the thousand bucks?

5.Why does Gillian tear up the first note that he wrote?


Work plan


1. Preparation of the
proposed Developmental July 01 – Approved Project Innovator,
Reading Program, Reading 12, 2019 developmental reading and School Heads,
materials, Reading Log program- for
Sheets, and Personal implementation.
Dictionary worksheets.
2. Validation and approval
of the reading stories to be 3rd week of Validated Reading Project Innovator,
used in conducting the Pre July 2019 stories or passages and School Heads, and
PHIL-IRI Test Pre PHIL- IRI Reading Students
Test result
3. All the Grade 9 students
handled will undergo the July 22-26, Result of the Pre PHIL – Project Innovator &
Pre-PHIL – IRI Reading Test 2019 IRI Test and confidential identified
(Oral and Silent) and list of respondents respondents/students
identify the respondents.
4.Conduct or
implementation of the August Pictorials, BASA-LOG Project Innovator &
“Project BASA – LOG with 2019 - Portfolio of students, identified
Portfolio” to the Grade 9 December and Teacher’s Journal respondents/students
student respondents 2019 on Project BASA - LOG
5.Conduct of the Post PHIL 1 week of Result of the Post PHIL Project Innovator,
– IRI Reading Test January – IRI Test and School Heads,
6.Analysis and January 13 Fully implemented Project Innovator,
interpretation of the – 24, 2020 Developmental Reading and School Heads,
results Program with MOV’s
7. Submission of the result February Fully implemented Project Innovator,
of the study to the school 2020 Developmental Reading and School Heads,
and to the Division Office Program with MOV’s EPS & SDS


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