University of Swaziland Supplementary Examination 2014/2015

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TITLE OF PAPER . Advanced Analytical Chemistry


TIME ALLOWED Three (3) Hours.

INSTRUCTIONS Answer any Four (4) Questions. Each

Question Carries 25 Marks

A periodic table and other useful data have been provided with this paper.




Question 1 (25 marks)

(a) What are the factors that influence the conductivity ofan electrolyte? From the list of
stated facto~ identify the most important one and state the factors that affect its own
value too. [5]

(P) (i) Define the terms 'cell constant' and 'equivalent conductance'
(ii) State their respective S.1. units and obtain an expression that relates the two'
(c) Using the pmciples of ionic atmosphere, discuss (with an illustrative example), the
variation of limiting ionic conductance, A°+, ofcations ofelements in the same group of
the periodic table. [5]
(d) A 560.75mg weak, monobasic acid, HB, (F.W. 122), was dissolved in 250 mL of
dionized water at 25°C. Ifthe measured resistance of the solution is 5570 at 25°C, and
the cell constant ofthe conductivity cell is 0.075 cm-1, calculate the following for
the acid: ,.
(i) The molar conductance.
(ii) The degree ofdissociation.
(iii) The ionization constant. 10]
(Ao H ... =349.6,Scm mor\ A~ = 40.9Scm mor
3 3 1

Question 2 (25 marks)

(a) State the precautionary steps you would take in order to maximize accuracy of data
during a conductometric titration [4]

(b) Summarize the general procedure for end point determination during a conductometric
titration. Why are measurements near the equivalent point unnecessary? [3]

(c) With specific examples and illustrative diagrams, explain why the titration ofa weak acid
with a weak base is preferred to the titration ofa weak acid with a strong base. [4]

(d) Show the general forms of the titration curves for the following conductometric titrations
and indicate the equivalent point in each case;
(i) Titration ofHCl solution with 0.50M NaOH.
(ii) Titration ofHCI solution with 0.50MNH.tOH [4]

(e) A solution containing a mixture ofan aliphatic acid and an aromatic sulphonic acid was
titrated conductometrically with a 0.200MNH3 solution (as titrant). The conductance data
obtained (after correction for the titrant volume) are as follows:

Burette 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.50 30.. 3.20 3.50 4.20 4.50 5.00 6.00 8.00
NS cmlequiv- l 2.01 1.75 1.47 1.33 1.19 1.19 1.26 1.47 1.51 1.51 1.52 1.53

(i) Determine the number of equivalents ofeach acid present in the mixture.
(n) Comment briefly on the shape ofthe titration curve. [10]

Question 3 (25 marks)

(a). Enummerate the salient properties of an ideal reference electrode? [4]

(b). For the AgiAgCI reference electrode:

(n) Write the half-cell reaction and its shorthand notation. [2]
(ii) Write the Nernst equation for its potential and show that the potential depends
on the [KCI], the filling solution. [3]
(iii). Draw a labeled schematic diagram of this electrode and briefly describe its
preparation. [5]
(iii) Give one advantage and one disadvantage ofthis electrode when compared
with the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). [2]
(iv) Which is more temperature dependent - the one prepared using saturated KCl
or the one prepared using 3.5M KCI? Explain. [4]

©. A cell was prepared by dipping aPt wire(indicator electrode), and a S.C.E into a solution
containing a 02M Fe3+ and O.lM Fe2+ and the two were connected to a potentiometer so that
the Pt-wire is the cathode while the S.C.E is the anode.
Calculate the theoretical cell voltage, given that:

Fe3+ + e" = Fe2+ : EO = +O.771V

Erer = 0.245V(i.e. Esce = 0.245V)

Eg = 0, and Activity Coefficient = 1.0 [5]

Question 4 (25 marks)

(a) Summarize the make up, the half - cell line notation and the half cell reaction of a
saturated calomel electrode. [6]

(b). The potential (in volts), of some reference electrodes vs SHE, as a function of
temperature are as tabulated below:

I Temp(°C) Calomel(O.lMKU) Calomel(Saturated KCL)
(Saturated KCI)

10 0.3362 0.2543 0.2138

20 0.3359 0.2479 0.2040
25 0.3356 0.2444 0.1989
30 0.3351 0.2411 " 0.1939
40 0.3336 02340 0.1835

(i) Identify the electrodes having the poorest potential stability qith temperature variation.
How does this observation affect its performance as a reference electrode? [4]
(ii) Arrange the electrodes in the increasing order oftheir potential- temperature
coefficient(or gradient). [2]
(iii) Which would you prefer for an analysis: a saturated calomel electrode or a O.IM
KCI calomel electrode? Why? [3]

(c) what are the advantages ofAgjAgCI reference electrode over a SCE [2]

(d) A cell consisting of a SCE (E = 0.25V), and an electrode ofunknown potential, has a cell
potential of 0.62 V. Calculate the potential ofthe unknown electrode if
the polarity ofthe SCE is: (i) positive, (ii) Negative

Question 5 (25 marks)

(a) Give a classification of ion selective electrodes and give aD. example in each case.[6]

(b) State three favourable features of ion selective electrodes. [3]

(c) In general, W ions interfere during the use of other types of glass membrane electrodes.
Suggest bow serious W ion interference can be avoided during the analysis of other
cations using a glass membrane electrode. [2]

(d) (i~ using appropriate d.ia.gratns, descn"be the make up~ the working mechanis~ the
electrode response and the major interfering ion of a fluoride ISE. [6]
(ii) To which class ofthe ISE does it belong? [1]
(iii) W hy is the membrane ofthis electrode is dopped with Eu(II). [2]

(e) A lithium ion - selective electrode bas a selectivity coefficient, Ku +. 00+ = 5.0 x 10-5• On
being laced in a 3.44 x 104 M Lt solution, its potential, v~us SeE, was -0.333V.
Calculate its potential when 2+ is added to give 0.100 M Ca2+. [5]

Question 6 (25 marks)

(a) State the differencels between

(i) Voltammetry and potentiometry,
(ii) Voltammetry and coulometry. [4]

(b) Briefly account for the following observations:

(i) Highly reproducible current-potential data often obtained from polarographic analysis.
(ii) W reduction does not interfere with most reductions at the Hg surface of a DME.
(iii) Alkali metals (with lower standard potentials) can be reduced more easily than W at a
(iv) A DME is preferred for cathodic reactions during amperometric titrations while aPt
electrode is preferred for anodic reactions. [10]

(c) At the D~ the iodate ion undergoes the following reaction:

When a l.4lmM solution ofKIO) in a O.IM perchloric acid was

reduced polarographically at a DME with a drop time of2.18s and Hg
flow rate of 2.67mg1s, the diffusion current was 37.1 JLA.Determine the
diffusion coefficient ofthe iodate ion in O.IM perchloric acid. [11]

.. :-, "-:, ",', .\' ....

, . ,:; ,:,:~\;>{"r <il~:·:'Ut::"~~~i?~:,::;~::;/i;;,4:;~:;'i':;'~:" ;;~, ~,~:i;+ ,;'i".,
PERIODIC T~\B.LEX);}JEJ3EJ\lENTS(; '.. V;:i:,:U,
.' C ~~fii;': :' ';',:,'.;;>,: ;~~;;'.t;:CJ::) \:~)',it'. ,*' ;.. ,, , " " ' , . . I ..' ".,
'1 I 2
1.008 '

1 I, 1;1 '"
:,6;941' 'm.012
2' 'I " Li Be
3 ' " 4 '
:22..990 /' 24.305
3 I Nn 'Mg,' : TMNsrTION
II ,: 12 . , :

39.098 , '40.078 44.956 47,.88 ' 50,942 51.996 54.938

4 J{ " , Cn Sc ' Ti v· Cr' Mn
,i9 ' 20 , '21 '22 23 ' 24 25
85.468 87.62 88.906 ,91.2 44 92.906 95.9,4 " ' 98.9"07
5 ,Rb Sr Y Zr Nb". 'Mo' Te
37 .38 39 40' '41 ":42; . ' ,·43

Hf ..
'Re' Os

t~O;2, '

55 56 57 72 73 74 "" .15

223 I 226.03 (227) (261) (262) (263) , .. (262)

,7 Fr ' Ra .... Ac ,Rr . JIa f . Unh' , lIltS :.
87 88 89 104 105 " , 106 107,

140.12 140;91 144.24'/ (145)

*Lanth'anhJe Series Ce, ' PI" Nd '.Pm
58 ' 59" :, 60'

** Actinide Series, 132,04 231.04 238.0-3 237.05

,Tit " Pa ' ,U: <'Np'
90, 91 92:'; , 93
() indicates,'dw maS}{ nrmlbcr


', .•.. ;':.:.:.;.; ;0,':';';';'; :., •• '.',..... '.' :'" ..:<,. '.'_ ,',


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. c·ons,ant·
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.. ,.....i.o.mlcmass

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-.. "... ~ .._.. . . _.. . .

.:·~--;I~· ,:." :. ! .;". .. M ~ ~ ;:of \:~;-.'

..... ~~."
';' . .,·.. ~~!~~~;f,~t~ ,.:
. ,'.:',
"'f~>';',,:-~-.,:,. proton' .....
c~·/!.L. :~::·;;> : :__ n~~~~cj_r;i.~'·.

...... .,
.\ .
':. '
Vacuum 8.854 19 x , d- 12 J-.' C Z f"!'l-'
~;rE:o in-' Ii
. Sohi.·magneton-'
l.lJ265 X 10-'o.J-' C l
Ps = efl/2m~ 9 .27~ 02 x 10";2~.J t:"'


• =en/2m;> . S:05079 x 10-:,v,"J l '.

.E!ectron ii' .g.... . 2.00232.

value .

3ao'r radius
5.291 77x 10-1\ m'


1.09737 x i0 5 cm- 1 '

Fine. strtJc:nJre
-Gravitational' G


Standard. t _ .. g . - z
.__9.80.E..65.1D s~ _.'

·-:,f fiee raUt

.t ~aC': (ceiin&dl value::


n .u m c d Ie: l..,\ G Prefixes

femto .pico nano micro miili centi deci kilo mesa giga
. iO-'s 10-'2 10- 5
10"" 10- l
10~1 '10- 1 10,] 10 6 10'
'--"--'--- - ------ - .--- ---_._- -_. ­
. YOi' + 6H"" + Se-' = !1 2 + 3H 2O;" .1:2'&
Br 2(1) + 2e- .
= 2Br~ 1.065
= 112 + 2Cr­ '. 1.06:

Vor +2H++ e-
:V02+ + H 2O
= 1.00­
HNO: + H+ + e-
= NO(g) + H2O" '1.00

NOi + 3H+· + 2e­ = HN0 1 + HlO .0.94 .

2Hg2+ +2e­ == Hgi+ 0.92
Cu 1 + + y- -i- e-
=; CUl(s}

Ag+ + e­ Ag

'H !h2+'..+.?_e ­ = ~Hg 0.79

Fe'+ :+ e- . = Fe z+ 0.771·

02(g) + 2H+ + 2e~ H 20 l 0.682

2HgCli + 2e­ = Hg 2Cl l (s) + ~Cl- . 0.63
.HgISO~(S)·:+ 2e-: . "'I' 2Hg + SO~- o.6is

SblOS + 6H+ + 4e­ .= 2SbO+ + 3H I O . . 0.581

Hl~S04 + 2H+ + 2e-. = HAsO l +2H:P 0.559

Ii +2e­ 31.- ­ 0.545
Cu+ + e­ = Cu 0.52 .
V0 2 ++ 2B+ + e- V·+ + H. 10
. 0.337
Fe{CNH- + e-
Fe(CN')~- 0.36

Cu l + +.2e­ Cu . 0.337

UOi~ + 4H+ + 2e­ U'" + 2H 2 O 0.334


" Ni:+,Sf1~ '!;"• • .

NiH f.·2L':'
", ...... :
, y3+':i-e-:: '·-Q.255
Col-> '1- 2e­ = Co ' ..... 0.277 '
Ag(CN)2" + e-
= Ag+'2CN- ,-0.3\ ,
Cd l + + 2,­ ,Cd ":'0.403.
'CrJ+ + e- Crl+ ", -OAI
Felt + 2e'­ =i Fe -0.440
2C0 2 + 2H+ + 2e- , Hl C1 0 4 "':'0.49
H 3P0 3 + 2H+ + 2e­ ,';".'HPH10 1 + H 20 -O.5Q
U 4 + Te-:
Z!lH +2e-,
= Zn , -0.763,
Crl+'+ 2e­ = Cr -0.91
'Mn 1 + + 2e~' ='Mn .... US
,Z,4+ + 4e:­ Zr -1.53
, TiH 4- 3e-­ Ti -1.63
AI l + 4- 3e­ AI -1.66
Th 4 + + 4e­ = Til -1,90
'Mg2+ + 2~­ Mg -2.31
La 3 + + 3e-, = La -2.52
Na+ + e­ N~ - 2.714
Ca H + 2e­
Ca -2.87 :,
Sr1+ + 2e­
Sr' -2.89.
K+ + e­
K -2.925
Li+ +'e­ Li ,-3.045

, .

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