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Project 3: Services Organization

Solution for B - Document C

The Project Charter is the document that gives the authority to the project manager to start the project.
Here is the sample Project charter.

Introduction: This project charter provides high-level information about the project that is undertaken
by ABC organization for the client XYZ.

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to give authority to the project manager

Project Title: Enhancement of existing airline ticketing application for the client XYZ

Project Sponsor: Mr. John

Date Prepared: 1/1/2016

Project Manager: Mr. Kevin

Project Customer: XYZ organization

High-Level Risks: Uncertainty in meeting the timeline, which is six months

High-Level Requirements:
Increase the application’s capacity so that it can handle 2M users.
Retain the existing speed of the application while users fill their information during ticket booking

Project Description: To enhance existing airline ticketing application for the client XYZ so that it can
handle 2 million users, in a duration of six months with a budget of $10M

Project Purpose or Justification: At present, the application, which we maintain for the client XYZ,
handles 1 million users at any time. As the number of airline travelers has increased, the client has
requested us to increase the capacity of the application so that it can handle 2 million users to improve
the business. With the execution of this project, ABC is expected to generate more revenue and more
business in the near future.

Parameters Project Objectives Success Criteria Person Approving
Scope To enhance existing The application should John-Sponsor
airline ticketing not handle more than
application for the client 2M users
XYZ from 1 million users
to 2 million users
Time 6 months The project should be John-Sponsor
completed within the
timeline of 6 months
+/- 10%
Cost $6M The project should John-Sponsor
end with $6M +/-10%

Summary Milestones Due Date

Project charter approval 1 week from the start of project

Project Kickoff 4 weeks from the start of project

Project Management Approval 6 weeks from the start of project

Project Closure 6 months

Key Stakeholders Role

XYZ organization Customer—to whom the project will be delivered

John Project Sponsor—the project initiator, who is internal to the


Kevin Project Manager—the one who leads and directs to make the
project successful within the scope

Functional Head Functional Manager—the one who provides the resources


Project Sponsor Project Manager

Date: Date:


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