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MODEL BD−700−1A10 (BD−700)

ATA 34−00




A. Objective

An Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) based CPDLC compatible data link

system is required in order to comply with European Union Data Link Services Implementing
Rule. The introduction of LINK2000+ functionality will provide a set of enroute
Controller−Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) which allows the direct exchange of
text−based messages between the flight crew and the air traffic controller using VDL (VHF
Digital Line) Mode 2 radio. The Data Link messages will be used to replace/supplement
some routine ATC voice communications. This capability has previously been introduced as
part of the V4.9 upgrade (SB 700−23−6012). Additionally, in order to demonstrate that the
aircraft ADS−B OUT system is complied with the requirement of FAA AC 20−165A (FAA 14
CFR § 91.227) and EASA CS ACNS ADS−B Out mandates, hardware and software
changes are required to meet DO−260B/ED102A (FAA AC20−165A and EASA CS ACNS)
standards to support operators.

B. Systems Impacted
Not Applicable.

C. Flight Compartment Procedures Impacted

ADS−B Out.

CPDLC LINK2000+ if aircraft was pre SB 700−23−6012.

D. Passenger Compartment Procedures Impacted

Not Applicable.

E. Pilot Training

Pilot training is required before operating a Global 6000 that has been updated with ADS−B
Out and LINK2000+.

Basic Issue: Feb 13/2017 700−34−6018

Revision 03: Feb 10/2021 Page 1 of 2
MODEL BD−700−1A10 (BD−700)
Pilot training for “Global 6000 LINK2000+ Training” and “Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Broadcast Out Training eLearning” is needed.

No simulation training device is necessary.

Customers can request training locations and availability via Bombardier’s Authorized
Training Provider at:

F. AFM References
The publications that follow are required after this Service Bulletin has been incorporated:
− Airplane Flight Manual, CSP 700−6000−1V, Revision 36 dated Nov 11/2020 or later
approved revisions as applicable.

− Flight Crew Operating Manual, CSP 700−6000−1V, Revision 36 dated Nov 11/2020 or
later approved revisions as applicable.

G. Additional information

Not Applicable.

H. Flight Planning Information

Pilots intending to conduct operations using the ADS−B OUT (compliant with RTCA
DO−260B) and/or ATN CPDLC (Link2000+) functionalities introduced by this Service Bulletin
must file the appropriate flight plan designator(s):
− In Item 10b of the flight plan, operators should insert the descriptor B1 to indicate
“ADS−B OUT” capability.

− In Europe airspace where ATN CPDLC (Link2000+) is available, J1 (CPDLC ATN VDL
Mode 2) shall be included in Item 10a of the flight plan.
− Include CODE/ followed by "A/C Mode S Address", when ADS−B OUT and/or ATN
CPDLC capabilities is filed in Item 10.

− For FAA operations, insert SUR/260B in Item 18 to indicate compliance with RTCA

Refer to the ICAO Flight Plan guide available on the Bombardier Customer Portal for details.

J. Recording
After Service Bulletin 700−34−6018 is incorporated, make sure to update the aircraft logbook
to show that the Service Bulletin 700−34−6018 (Rev 04) as incorporated and, if applicable,
provide a copy of the Pilots Information Sheet to the flight crew.

Basic Issue: Feb 13/2017 700−34−6018

Revision 03: Feb 10/2021 Page 2 of 2

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