3 MBA E-Business

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1. If you are a manager in an Information

Technology Industry how would you plan for
the supervisor’s job by using their ability to
manage the workers? Prepare a detailed work
plan for a supervisor.
2. Theory X and Y are concerned with the nature
of human beings. How does the nature of job
situation affect the application of these
respective theories? What are their
3. “Management planning is an intellectual
process which seeks to achieve a coordinated
structure of operations.” In the light of this
statement, discuss the nature and significance
of planning.
4. Assume that you are a planning manager for
an automobile manufacturing company. How
will you plan for your company by using the
forecasting methods?

1. Discuss the difficulties in developing new

products. What steps are involved in
developing a mobile phone?
2. Evaluate the pricing strategies adopted by
washing machine manufacturers. Prepare a
table showing the salient aspects of each
3. How will you measure the effectiveness of
distribution set up of home based battery
chargers (Inverters).
4. What kinds of sales promotion techniques are
available for Lap Top Computers? Based on the
schemes available in the market, suggest a
suitable scheme for a company planning to
launch a Lap Top Computer.

1. Differentiate the training needs from training

evaluation. What are the essential ingredients of a
successful evaluation of training programme?
2. Explain the importance of collective bargaining in
Industrial Relations? Is collective bargaining
successful in India? – Discuss.
3. Evaluate the importance of Performance Appraisal
in an industrial organization. How would you make
it more effective? Explain.
4. How will you ensure discipline on employees
without getting de-motivated? How does discipline
process affects work motivation of employees?

1. “The Management Accountant’s role is that of

a servant of managers, assisting them by
supplying appropriate information.
Management accountants thus have little need
to consider ethical or empowerment issues.
Justify this statement.
2. “The NPV model should not be used for
investment decisions about advanced
technology such as computer – integrated
manufacturing systems”– Do you agree?
3. From the particulars given below you are
required to prepare for the board of directors
of X Ltd. A statement embodying the volume of
working capital required for financing a level of
activity of 13,000 units of out put per annum.
Elements of costs (as per unit)
Raw materials 7
Labour (direct) 3
Overheads 4
Total costs 14
Profits 3
Selling Price 17
Raw materials in stock on an average of 3
weeks. Materials are in process, on average, 3 weeks
finished goods in stock on an average of 6 weeks.
Credit allowed by suppliers on month and to
debtors 6 weeks. Lag in payment of wages and
overheads 1 weeks.
Cash in hand and at Bank is expected to be
4. The following information is obtained from the
books of Y Ltd. For the year 2005, sales,
2,50,000, variable cost 1,50,000 and fixed
costs 75,000/-.

a. Find out the

p . Ratio, BEP and
margin of safety at this level.
b. Calculate the effect of :
i. 20% increase in selling price
ii. 10% decrease in selling price
iii. 10% decrease in fixed cost
iv. 10% decrease in variable cost
v. 20% increase in the sales price
accompanied by an increase in fixed cost
by 25, 000/-.
vi. 20% increase in the sales price,
accompanied by 10% decrease in variable
cost and10% increase in fixed cost.

1. Sys. ‘M’ Company has just developed new

software that allows Business-to-Business
exchanges to process buy and sell transactions
much more quickly than with other tools
currently being used. Sys M Co. meant to
create a new e-business to sell that process to
B2B exchanges but Sys M Co. needs seed
money to get started. A professional associate
has secured a third party introduction to a
group of angel investors and Sys M Co. is
meeting with them to pitch the e-business
a. Create a one-page pitch documents
highlighting the e-business.
b. Also, give the questions and their
answers that may be asked about the new
process, B2B exchange market place.
2. How important it is to set the goals and
objectives of the website before its design?
Where does the target audience play a role in
finalizing the design of website?
3. Give explanation in detail on-line airline
ticketing system. How is it different from
conventional system? Explain with the help of
a diagram, types of transactions one can do,
mode of payments and the various security
features of on-line banking system.
4. Discuss the Local Area Networking and Wide
Area Networking Technologies and identify
their respective applications in the Banking

1. Consider a “Software Management System” that

maintains database using the following tables:
Project (p-id, p-title, start-date, duration,
Clients (c-id, c-name, c-address, c-phone)
Employee (e-id, e-name, e-address, e-
Project-person(p-id, e-id)
Please note that an employee may be working on
more than one project in the organization at a
time. Make suitable assumptions, if any. Write the
following SQL queries on the tables:
a. Find the c-id and c-name of the clients who
have given maximum number of projects to
the company.
b. Find the list of all the employees and the
projects they have worked from time to time.
c. Find the names of all those employees who
have worked on all the projects of client whose
c-name is “IGN”.
d. Find the projects which will be completed
this week.
Find all the clients who have not given any
project. Also find the person who is not working
on any project at all.
2. Cricket and Tennis are two sports in which India has
excelled in the recent times. Both of our cricket and
tennis players have won many championships and
laurels worldwide. Indian cricket team has been on
the top of the ICC test rankings and one-day
formats after the advent of foreign coaches. BCCI
which manages cricket in India recently has
devised the IPL wherein cricket is played in the
twenty overs a side format trying to match soccer.
Tennis is both an individual sport and a team sport
wherein many of our tennis players including men
and women have been ranked sufficiently high on
ATP rankings.

Questions :
a. Construct an ER diagram of the Indian
cricket team.
b. Construct an ER diagram of tennis player.
c. Illustrate the super type / sub type
relationship where the overlap rule applies
taking the ER diagram of the Indian cricket
team as an example.
d. Illustrate the super type / sub type
relationship where the disjoint rule applies
taking the ER diagram of the Indian cricket
team as an example.
3. Is DBMS usage always advisable or some times
we may depend on file base systems? Comment
on the statement by describing the situation
where DBMS is not a better option and file base
systems is better.
4. Consider the following employee database
(a) Create the procedures for following queries:
1. Find details of dependents for employee
having name SUERSH.
2. Find the name of the manager of the
department in which employee with ESSN
code 5078 works.
3. Find the name of all employees whose age is
less than 18 years.
4. Find the DOB of the son of the employee
having employee code ESSN 5078.
5. Find the details of the departments in which
the employee having employee code ESSN
5078 has worked.
(b) Write appropriate triggers, exceptions and
functions for the above employee database
schema :

1. Establish a generalized framework through

which one can view the management
information system concept.
2. Discuss in detail, the different strategies that
can be adopted for determining information
requirements of a mid-sized company.
3. How important is the informal systems in
system analysis? Explain with suitable
4. Design an Inventory Accounting system for an
organization of your choice. Explain the system
with the help of a flow chart.

1. Consider developing a system for Inventory

Management for a super market that has a
number of branches all over a city. Perform the
following activities:
a. Suggest the most proper Software
Engineering model for developing this project
with justification.
b. Derive the requirement specifications.
c. List all the functional and non-
functional requirements.
d. Produce a project-scheduling chart
using Gantt chart technique.
e. Give the scope of the solution.
f. Suggest the tools/ platform, hardware
and software requirements.
g. Suggest the networking architecture.
h. Suggest the security mechanisms to
be implemented.
2. Mr. SURESH is the Project manager for a
Defiance project. The scope of the project has
been completed. He receives a request for a
new module to be developed as part of this
project. What should he do next? Which option
he would select and why? What is the reason
for ignoring remaining options?
a. He should approach the Senior
Management and ask them for a new module
to be developed as part of this project.
b. He should send the request to Change
Control Board for approval.
c. Since the project scope is completed,
he should inform the customer that this
change cannot be done as part of the
3. You are a senior consultant with PM Right
Track (PMRT), a competent project
management consulting company. The CEO
has called you in for advice. The information is
brief, but this is all the information that he and
the new finance manager are able to provide.
The CEO’s mandate to you is to:
a. Report your assessment of the current
project status.
b. Compare your assessment with sound
project management practices.
c. Recommend steps to bring the project to
a close.
d. Recommend improvements to the XY
Department’s future project management
e. If a very similar project had to be done
again, what attributes and / or skill sets
would you recommend in selecting a project
f. What other advice might you give to
the CEO?
4. Tsunami hit the coastal line of India, thousands
of people suffered. Government decided to
have technology which can detect the
possibility of such natural disaster in advance.
Considering this as project:
a. Define the scope of project.
b. What are chances of failure of project?
c. Conduct feasibility study.
d. On which factor success of above project
e. Which organizational structure will be
suitable for project? Why?

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