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 Links

1) For profile creation

2) For profile download (user login)

3) For testing VPN

4) VPN-S (for redshift SQL)

5) VPN Download links

32bit – v3

32bit – v2

64bit – v3


Commands to run on terminal
Code used for installation
sudo apt-get install openvpn
Code used for activation.
sudo openvpn –config profilename.ovpn
Issues and resolutions

1) Authentication error with message “MAC/UUID not matched”

Reason for error and resolution

1.The user change the computer system. – Delete and create new profile
2.The user is switching internet connection from/to WIFI, Ethernet, USB
tethering. – Ask user to connect to internet in a way it was connected during
installation. If not then delete and create new profile and instruct the user.

3.In case of Windows 10, random hardware address under WIFI setting is
turned on. -
Disable random hardware addresses for all networks:

 Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi .
 Turn off Use random hardware addresses.

Turn off random hardware addresses for a specific network:

 Select the Start button, then select Settings > Network &
Internet > WiFi > Manage known networks.
 Choose a network, then select Properties and choose the setting you want
under Use random hardware addresses for this network.

4.In some cases users use mobile USB tethering and the MAC id changes time
to time after restart or after reconnecting USB – Ask user to use some
alternative source of internet connection i.e. WIFI (most used), Ethernet.

Note:- A newly created profile will allow any computer to connect. Once the
first connection is made, the MAC address of that system is registered on
server and no other MAC address will be accepted by server under that profile.

2) Authentication error with message “Certificate revoked”

Reason for error and resolution

The profile is deleted from portal – Create new profile

3) Ovpnagent request error

Reason for error and resolution

1.This mostly happens with older device or slower computer systems. – Install
V2 OpenVPN application.

2.Also due to slow internet speed – check internet speed and ask user to be
close to the router. Possibility is high that the internet connection is good but
the user is not getting good speed on his device. Ask the user to check
internet speed on other device (like mobile) as well. and if internet speed is
low on all devices, ask user to get better internet connection.

3.Due to Antivirus like Quickheal, Guardian by Quickheal, etc – Try to disable

the antivirus and retry. In case no change, uninstall antivirus and restart the
system and retry.

4.If all the above given resolution tried and if the user is using Windows 7
Ultimate – Ask the user to downgrade to Windows 7 professional or upgrade
to Windows 8 and above (consult IT Team first)

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