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5 Practice Questions

1. Use an algebraic approach to solve each of the following equations. Provide your answers as both exact
values, and as decimal approximations correct to the nearest hundredth. Verify your answers graphically
using your calculator.
(a) 5#& − 11 = 75 (b) 6X# = 30

(c) 3 = 30 (d) 2&•# = 15&

(e) 7(2)& = 5&X (f) 3(7)&• = 8 &XA

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3.5 Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms, Applications

2. A sports car purchased new for $74 000 depreciates at an approximate rate of 15% per year. An equation
that can be used to find the amount of time it would take for the value to fall to $40 000 is:
40 000 = 74 000(R)• ; where R is the amount the value of the car would be multiplied each
year to obtain the new value. (That is, R = 1 − rate of decrease)
Substitute a value for R to algebraically determine the number of years it would take for the value of the car
to fall to $40 000, correct to the nearest tenth of a year. Verify graphically using your graphing calculator.

3. The population of a bacteria culture, given favorable growth conditions, will double every 4.5 hours. An
equation that can be used to determine for a population of 100 bacteria to reach 10 000 is given by:

ee] Q4eg = dedgdQ9 Q4eg(R)B.C ; where the bacteria population is multiplied by R every 4.5 hours.
Fill out the necessary equation values to algebraically determine how long it would take for the bacteria
population to reach 10 000, correct to the nearest whole hour. Verify your answer graphically.

4. Over the past century the doubling period for the world’s population has been approximately 40 years. In
April 2019, the approximate world population was 7.7 billion people.
(a) Assuming that this doubling period remains constant, set up an equation to algebraically determine
how long it would take for the world population to reach 10 billion people, correct to the nearest
tenth of a year.

(b) Use an algebraic process to determine the world population average annual growth rate, correct to the
nearest tenth of a percentage.

Step-by-step solutions, along with videos and additional practice exams, can be found at
A –—˜ˆ~ X#–—˜#_
1. (a) = # 9†$C 86, or, equivalently, … * ≈ ?. :1 (b) = −39†$~ 30, or, equivalently, … * ≈ −0. 3:
–—˜A C –—˜~
A –—˜ C_ #–—˜ –—˜ (ˆ)
(c) = #
(2 − 9†$• 10), or, equivalently,
–—˜A C
… * ≈ 7. 72 (d) = − –—˜ , simplifies to, … * ≈ 7. ?;
š X–—˜AC –—˜ (AC⁄ )
–—˜A‡C –—˜AA‡~
(e) = š … * ≈ 0. 32 (f) = ›Š … * ≈ ;. 7:
–—˜ ( ) –—˜ ( )
ƒ œ

Page |212
Chapter 3 – Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

5. The S&P 500 is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on
stock exchanges in the United States. Over the last 25 years the S&P 500 has grown at an average annual
rate of 7.5%. On January 1st, 2020, the S&P 500 was measured 3230.78.
(a) Assuming the S&P 500 continues to grow at the same rate, set up an equation to algebraically
determine the year during which the index will reach 5000.

(b) Algebraically determine how long it would take for the index to double in value, correct to the nearest
tenth of a year.

(c) Construct two separate equations in the form = Q(R)•/Ÿ , that model the predicted measure of the
S&P 500, (, as a function in time in years after January 1st, 2020, . For your first equation, use " = 1
and the information provided in the question. For your second equation, use R = 2 along with your
result from part (b).

(d) Show that both equations developed in part (c) are equivalent, by using each to predict the value of the
S&P 500 on January 1st, 2030, correct to the nearest hundred.

Practice Questions answers from previous page

2. Solve: 40 000 = 74 000(0.85)•  ;. = years 3. Solve: 10 000 = 100(2)•/B.C  ;? hours
4. (a) Solve: 10 = 7.7(2) •/B_  70. 7 years (b) Solve: 15.4 = 7.7(R)B_  R ≈ 1.017478  7. @% / yr

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3.5 Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms, Applications

6. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of
consumed goods and services, such as transportation, food, and medical care. Changes in the CPI are used
to assess price changes associated with the cost of living.
In March 2010, the Canadian CPI was 115.6, and in March 2019 it was 135.4.
(a) Determine the average annual rate of change of the CPI between 2010 and 2019, expressed to the
nearest tenth of a percentage.

(b) Algebraically determine how long it would take for the index to double in value, correct to the nearest
tenth of a year.

(c) Construct two separate equations that model the predicted value of the CPI as a function in time in
years after March 2019. For the first equation, use your result from (a) to determine a value of R
between 0 and 1, and for your second use your result from (b) to construct a doubling period equation.
Use each equation to predict the value of the CPI in March 2029.

7. Iodine-131 is a radioactive nuclide with important application in medical science. A sample contains 30.00
mg of Iodine-131, and two days later 23.15 mg remain. Set up and algebraically solve an equation to
determine the half-life of Iodine-131, correct to the nearest hundredth.

8. Phosphorus-32 is another radioactive nuclide used in medical science; its half-life is 14.26 days. Set up and
algebraically solve an equation to determine how long it would take for 200 mg of phosphorus-32 to decay to
120 mg, correct to the nearest tenth of a day.

Practice Questions answers from previous page

5. (a) Solve: 5000 = 3230.78(1.075)•  The year 2026 (b) Solve: 6461.56 = 3230.78(1.075)•  9.6 years
(c) = 3230.78(1.075)• and = 3230.78(2)•/•.~ (d) Subst. g = 10 into both – both give approx. 6700

Page |214
Chapter 3 – Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

9. A parent wishes to save $20 000 for an education fund, to be used in 15 years. She plans to invest in a GIC
earning 6% /a (per annum, or “per year), compounded semi-annually. Determine the amount she should
invest today, to the nearest whole dollar, so that it will grow to $20 000 in 15 years.

10. Ray borrowed $20 000 for the construction of a new garage. Interest was charged at 5% / a, compounded
monthly. The loan was paid off in one payment of $24 417.91, at the end of the loan period.
Determine the length of the loan period, in years.

11. Ron has $2500 to invest, with the goal of doubling it in 6 years. Determine the interest rate, correct to the
nearest tenth of a percentage, that he must obtain to reach that goal, if interest is compounded quarterly.

12. Abdel is considering two different investment funds in which to invest $10 000. To help make his decision,
he is considering the performance of each fund over the past ten years.
Fund A has grown at an average rate of 7.4% / a over that period.
Fund B has exactly doubled in value over the past ten years.
Determine the fund that Abdel should choose, making the natural assumption that he wishes to earn the
most dinero (money). Justify your answer with calculations and proper reasoning.

Practice Questions answers from this page

6. (a) Solve: 135.4 = 115.6(R)•  1.8% (b) Solve: 135.4 = 115.6(2)•/Ÿ  39.5 yrs
(c) = 135.4 (1.0177)• and = 135.4(2)•/#•.C equations give 162.9 and 161.4 respectively variance is due to rounding
the R and " values
7. Solve: 23.15 = 30(1/2) /Ÿ  5.35 days 8. Solve: 14.26 = 200(1/2)•/AB. ~
 10.5 days

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3.5 Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms, Applications

13. NR The exact value of the solution to the equation 1(3)*•1 = ;1*X; can be written in the form:
 Exam
Style 9†$ 3⁄2
; where x ∈ ℕ The value of x is _____.

14. In 1994 the average price of a particular product was $7.22. By 2020 the price was $16.38.
(a) Determine the average annual rate of growth for the price of this product, correct to the nearest tenth
of a percentage.

(b) Determine the doubling period for the price of this product, correct to the nearest whole number of years.

(c) Construct two separate equations that model the future price of the product, /, as a function in time in
years after 2020, g. The first equation should use R = 1 + growth rate while the second should use R = 2.

(d) Use each equation to predict the price of the product in the year 2035, correct to the nearest hundredth of
a dollar. (cent)

Practice Questions answers from this page and previous page and this page

9. Solve: 20 000 = Q(1 + 0.03)#_  $8240 10. Solve: 24417.91 = 20000(1 + _._C)•/(•ƒ)  4 yrs
¢ B  11.7%
11. Solve: 5000 = 2500(1 + B)
12. One possible method – find how long it would take Fund A to double…. solve: 2 = 1(1.074)•  9.7 yrs
Since this is a shorter period than the 10 years for fund B …. FUND A is the way to go!
~ ~/Ÿ
13. 1944 14. (a) Solve: 16.38 = 7.22(R)  3.2% / yr (b) Solve: 16.38 = 7.22(2)  22 yrs
• •/
(c) / = 16.38(1.032) or / = 16.38(2) (d) Both give approx. $26.27

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