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The failure of a transformer will

become even more expensive
and unacceptable for the
authorities and the cost of
transformer maintenance will
be negligible when compared
to the failure costs

50 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 1 | 2020

Halstead’s visual correlation between gas

concentrations and temperatures from 1973
is probably the most cited paper for DGA
diagnosis, but time showed that it has many

The stresses from the insulation materi- gases in the headspace above the oil or
als increase gradually. In the last century, in an alarm relay such as Buchholz [2].
the ratio of oil volume to the transformer 5 % in gas space or 0.5 % in oil have been
power decreased substantially, and con- the pre-failure limits for the last 80 years.
comitant with this trend, the transformer
power and voltage increased. This means 1966 - DGA intuitive diagnosis [3] and
less cooling and less insulation for each basic key gas.
MVA and kV.
1973 – Thermodynamics approach, Hal-
The transformer’s efficiency increased as stead [4]. Probably the most cited paper for
well, mainly due to the development of DGA diagnosis. Presents a visual correla-
new core material alloys. Also, the thick- tion between relative gas concentrations
ness of the core plates gives assistance in and assumed temperatures. Although this
reducing no-load losses. model is widely accepted in the industry,
time showed that this model has many re-
Insulation oil history strictions. Some of them are described in
recent literature [5]. One of the most im-
1919 – Hydrogen appears to be correlated portant understanding should be the un-
to the disruptive discharge of the insulat- derstanding that the graph of gasses and
ing oil [1]. temperature is not bidirectional. In most
thermal fault cases, gas formation is a sign
1930 - 1960 and until today - According to of high temperatures inside transformers,
IEEE approach, the diagnosis of the trans- but temperatures do not always produce
former condition is done by interpreting gases in real operational transformer. The
percentage concentration of combustion main cause of these discrepancies is the

With time, the size of the transformer in-
creased exponentially both in power and
voltage. Although huge improvements
have been made regarding the magnet-
ic core and the decrease of core losses, a
transformer is now producing much more
heat due to the design optimization and
size reduction. Heat reduces the insulating
properties of the insulating matrix, reduc-
ing the conducting properties and accel-
ageing and corrosion. hundreds of different molecules in dynamic fluctuating. Each isomer decomposes on a
different energy level

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 51

In most thermal fault

cases, gas formation is
a sign of high tempera-
tures inside transform-
ers, but temperatures
do not always produce
gases in real opera-
tional transformer

kinetics, activation energies of molecules

formation. These phenomena were also
observed in several attempts when using
chemical indicators tags for the tempera-
ture inside the transformers or via fiber
optics measurement.

Different oil molecules breakdown in dif-

ferent gases at the same temperature. The
unrealistic one-way and unique correla-
tion of gases emerging from oil and tem-
perature or defects that produce them
does not correlate with the reality.

1970 -1990 - Different schemes and dia-

gnosis methods such as Laborelec [7], key
gas method, nomograph [8], Dörnenburg
[9, 10], numerical and graphical methods
such as Rogers Ratios, Church, Nomogra-
phy [11, 12, 8, 13] were developed.

A recommended review of almost all

DGA methods can be found in [13] by
Mollmann and Pahlavanpour.
at the same temperature 1977-1978 - IEC599 and IEEE C57.104.


52 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 1 | 2020

It is the best available data for DGA inter-
pretation processes, filtered by engaging
and available experts of the époque. Today
and probably then as well, not all experts
can influence the content of a standard,
but the brainstorm during the meetings
can influence the participants.

1974 -1980 and 1980 – 1989 – Basic Du-

val triangle, Figure 3 [14, 15].

2002 - Additional Duval triangles version

for OLTC, low temperature [15, 16] and
non-mineral oils in 2008.

2012 - 2014 Duval pentagons, Figure 4 [17]

and some similar concepts by Mansour

2017- many papers published on DGA )LJXUH'XYDOSHQWDJRQV

interpretation, a new approach to ther-
modynamics theories by S.M. Ghoneim
[5] and reviews by Shirai et al. [6] and X.
Deng at al [19].

2017 – Duval pentagon for different non-

mineral liquids [20].

2018 – Different scholars around the world

attempt to develop even more sophisticat-
ed geometric shapes such as the heptagon
for DGA interpretation by O. Gouda, Fig-
ure 5 [21].

1985 – computerized algorithms, artificial

intelligence, health index including differ-
ent weighting methods for gases and/or
their energies, more advanced algorithms
including all chemical and electrical tests
were used. AI was presented in 1985 [22]
provement to the DGA diagnosis. One of
the first commercial software introduced
in 1992 was TOA4 made by Delta X which
was founded by J. Dukarm [23].
Hydrogen detectors appeared only due to
technological limitation of the 1970s, while
Nemeth et al. [24] developed an ANN
based fault diagnosis recently, but the probably the most informative behavior is
software evaluation showed that the solu- that of oxygen, especially for modern non-
breathing transformers
tion is still not sufficient to make an opera-
tional decision and it is necessary to con-
sult an expert as well.

2000 – many authors published researches cies when comparing success values. For diagnostic accuracy is different. Maybe
and academic thesis on DGA from a pro- example, the benchmark for all those stud- the next step should be a comparison
gramming point of view. One of the most ies is a classical Duval triangle. In some among the studies of accuracy. It would
popular subjects, besides new diagnosis studies, it reaches 96 % and more, but in not be surprising if these studies were
models and algorithms and AI, is to com- other, it reaches lower success rate, espe- found to be somehow biased. It is a very
pare the different diagnostic schemes, cially if it is divided into specific failures. well-known fact that statistics results are
models and diagnosis [25]. Of course, it is Some authors also observed that in diffe- highly influenced by the study’s strategy.
not surprising that there are inconsisten- rent transformer types, the percentage of In this case, a few unresolved issues can be

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 53

Future scenarios for DGA

Duval’s basic triangle is the most popu-
Asia 1 lar diagnosis method. The reason for its
Asia 2 popularity can be found in the fact that it
Canada 1
800 was based on the statistical occurrence of a
Manufacture 1
failure in the operating transformers and in
Asia 3
600 US 1
the laboratory [5], which means that it cov-
Organisation 1 ers all possible faulty conditions. Another
400 US 2 advantage seems to be that hydrogen is not
Organisation 2 taken into consideration in this model. In
200 Europe contrary to other opinions, the hydrogen
can substantially increase the uncertainty
of the diagnosis because it can be created by
H2 CH4 C2H2 C2H4 C2H6 CO
many issues unrelated to common failures,
such as hydrolysis, iron corrosion, core
)LJXUH'LIIHUHQWOLPLWVIRU'*$XVHGE\GLIIHUHQWRUJDQL]DWLRQV lamination, and much more. If the gas con-
centration is below the threshold value, the
normal state is achieved. The minor uncer-
One of the reasons why general software tainty of this method is probably due to the
uncertainty surrounding the cutoff values.
fails to predict incipient failure for the
majority of transformers is that there are no DGA diagnosis will develop and change
rapidly with the development of more eco-
straight rules valid for all transformer types, nomical and environmentally friendly ma-
manufacturers, applications, etc.
terials and approaches. The old methods
and diagnostic schemes will continue to dis-
appear and be replaced with the new ones.

found, as in the case of ratio methods such The solution is to calculate the 90 % or These changes are driven by four main
as IEC or Roger. The question is whether 95 % or 98 % according to the mainte- trends:
unresolved interpretation is a normal be- nance policy of the transformer owner. • Development of materials and tech-
havior? The triangles and other geometric If a false alarm is preferred regarding nologies used by transformer manu-
and ratio methods shapes do not contain missing failures, then 90 % limit is a facturers impose new models for gas
"normal" zones, which have to be achieved preferential choice. Nevertheless, the evolution related to the internal and es-
by using correct value limits for gas con- limits should be calculated according to pecially insulating materials. Of course,
centrations. By using this, the accuracy the transformer’s special characteristics. the new technologies will be a few steps
of the diagnosis will depend on the user, Those characteristics should be very ahead of the diagnosis concepts.
instead on the diagnostic method. The carefully selected by a transformer spe- • Development of online measurement
reason for this is that the limits for nor- cialist according to the restrictions and technologies will provide more data
mal or alarm values depend on practically replacement policy. No straight rules on more tests. Data integration is one
endless parameters; some of them are at- valid for all transformer types, manu- of the keys to successful failure presen-
tributed to the technician’s skills. facturers, applications, etc. can be de- tations.
duced. This is one of the reasons general • Software and hardware for calculating
Selecting the proper limits is very tricky as software fails to predict incipient failure and integrating the data using the sim-
shown in Figure 6. for the majority of transformers. ilar mode experts use. Although the


54 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 1 | 2020

gap seems to be significant right now, it Number of correct cases
could be overcome in the future.
• Availability of DGA diagnosis experts Diagnostic Total
method LT MT HT PD LED HED accuracy %
will be reduced for utilities and trans-
former owners. If the big laboratories Proposed pentagon 59 18 41 24 45 78 70%
disappear, specialist will no longer be
available. Duval triangle 1 39 10 48 20 48 59 59%

Duval triangle 1+4 28 13 48 13 48 59 55%

Up until now, and probably in the near
future, no diagnosis can be 100 % accu- Duval triangle 1+5 55 8 50 13 48 59 61%
rate and the efficiency of DGA tests and
diagnosis could be questioned. In the fu- IEC 60599 74 23 34 12 29 45 57%
ture, energy sources will be limited due to a)
global warming, but the needs for electric-
ity will not decrease. These may affect the
transformer loading conditions and their
DGA method
redundancy. The failure of a transformer 100 91.09 92.08
will become even more expensive and a 76.24
80 69.31
problem for the authorities. The cost of
transformer maintenance, treatments,

and monitoring will be negligible when 40

compared to the failure costs. This may 20
help in encouraging the professionals to
turn to this special and multidisciplinary
Rogers KeyGas Duval IEC Fault
profession. Some countries already initi- b) Summary
ated this trend.
Recently, many scholars around the world
compared the accuracy of the existing di-
agnosis methods. Even though the con-
clusions are non-consistent, the modern Duval’s basic triangle is based on the
methods seem to be more accurate than
the older ones. For example, one study
statistical occurrence of a failure in the
attributes 50 % accuracy to the Duval tri- operating transformers and in the laboratory,
angle and others attribute 88 % or even
91 %. Who is correct? which means that it covers all possible
faulty conditions
Overall conclusion
The importance of DGA will continue to forecast, that in about 10 years, the clas- guarantee enough accuracy and reliability.
increase until other measurement tech- sic gas chromatographic techniques will Also, the transformer technology will im-
nique for the transformer health condi- be replaced by more reliable and simpler pose a technology capable of measuring
tion is invented. DGA will be preferred to detection and separation. Probably some low total gas concentrations with higher
the electrical test methodology. The mis- kind of spectrometry will be used again repeatability, especially for new oil types
sion will remain to improve the accuracy for offline and online application, maybe a such as the biodegradable ones.
by continuous examination of all the sta- cheaper version of mass spectral methods
ges, from sampling to diagnosis. The off- or new solid-state detectors will be more One of the main obstacles for a more reli-
line and online will continue to compete efficient, cheaper, and more accurate than able diagnosis via health indexes or statisti-
with their pros and cons, and of course, GC. The classical extraction methods will cal evaluation from a large database is data
will continue to provide a lot of materials be no longer applicable for the new insulat- privacy and security. Sharing data between
for debate and exchange of opinion at dif- ing liquids of any type. Also, the portable private organizations and companies is
ferent forums. As seen in the past, most of device will be preferred due to their fast not an option in our days and will prob-
the online devices existing today will dis- response in emergency situations, but also ably not be an option in the near future.
appear and will be replaced mostly by the during normal circumstances. The most The data characteristic to the transformer
new version of historical measurement reliable, easy to operate, fast, portable in- operation is a major factor for energy con-
methods. Scientists and engineers will try strument for DGA disappeared from the trol infrastructure and, at the same time, it
a new approach for the same principles. market, and hopefully will be available in can be unavailable to the transformer man-
Also, in laboratory, DGA methods will be the future again. The GC headspace tech- ufacturer. Without sharing operational
modified. As a chemist with 30 years of ex- nique cannot survive long in this epoch, data, the computerized diagnosis will
perience in gas chromatography and other because it demands very skilled and high- be limited to a relatively small fleet. The
analytical chemical techniques I dare to ly paid operators, and even they cannot quality of the diagnosis is highly depend-

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 55

Type of Gas Analysis by Mass Spectrometer CombusƟble Gas Content
Methane 0.1 0.1
Hydrogen 0.1 0.1
Carbon monoxide 0.1 0.1
Argon 0.2
Carbon dioxide 0.4
Nitrogen 99.1
Total 100
Total combusƟble gas content* 0.3
*Gas detector reading 0.3 %

able on the size of the database. If these experts. Among those, issues relevant to which correlated to more specific hydro-
obstacles are not solved, the importance DGA, such as stray gas, gas evolving, ma- carbon raw material with enthalpy ener-
of a skilled and experienced expert will terial compatibility between new insula- gies connected to the formation of each
increase. At this stage of AI development, tion materials, liquids, influence of trans- species. Now, the future studies on these
only experts are capable of learning to de- former designs on DGA, and others can issues have to take into consideration the
duct and invent one of the best mandatory be found. For example, carbon monoxide kinetics of all gas formation. Unlike the
opportunities to share data and gain expe- is three times more likely to be found in old transformer designs, the new design
rience through active participation within a new transformer design. The 90 % of CO has high load and forced oil flow where the
specialized working group such as stan- values in non-free breathing transformers oil does not have enough time for equilib-
dardization bodies, CIGRE or specialized that operate at low to medium high load rium, even in high energy conditions. In
and high-level conferences and meet- can be above 900 ppm, without any signs these cases, the formation of the gas is in-
ings. For example, the sulfur corrosion of cellulose degradation. These also ap- fluenced by time contact of the failure lo-
issue was discussed and clarified on such peared recently in the literature [28]. cation and a specific oil amount. Also, the
meetings and conferences long before it gas solubility and dispersion factor of the
appeared in any diagnose algorithm stan- Additional gas such as ethylene [29] and gas in transformer’s internal parts should
dards or health index code. Also, today ethane [30], display concentrations dif- be taken into consideration. The updated
there are such hot topics that are intensely ferent than predicted by thermodynamics DGA diagnosis has to take in mind other
discussed among the experts. They will theories such as Halstead’s [4] and later considerations beside the classical one.
only appear in computerized algorithms F. Jakob and J.J. Dukarm’s [31]. Shirai et Of course, the most important activities
after being thoroughly explained by the al., developed a more general theory [6] when it comes to correct assessment and
improved diagnosis is to participate at the
transformer inspection after DGA eval-
In the future, portable devices will be uation. As is the case with medicine, the
DGA technique is an endless study and
preferred due to their fastt response
re pons in research process [33]. The DGA experts
emergency situations butt also during
du have to accompany the oil sample taken
from sampling during the test in field or
normal circumstances laboratory and later on when explaining
the meaning of the diagnosis to the client
and during later inspection of tested sam-
ples. Of course, the software cannot cover
Hydrocarbons vs. DGA limits values in ppm and entahlpies in kJ this entire value chain, it can only assist
experts, but it cannot explain the process
or make a decision.
When comparing the enthalpies with the
value limits for DGA, it is probably logical
that, for the gases with the highest enthalpy,
the limits will be lower. These are also con-
sidered in [34]. Table shows that only acety-
CH4 C2H4 C2H6 C2H2
lene conforms the logic, and that methane,
DGA limit values IEEE C57.104-2008 [ppm] Company X 90% typical DGA values [ppm] instead of having the highest limit values,
Enthalpies of formation of dissolved gases [kJ] has a medium one. All those gases that rep-
resent the thermal faults are another evi-

56 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 1 | 2020

100 % correct in real life for transformers One of the main obstacles for a more reliable
in service.
diagnosis via health indexes s or statistical
One possible solution to this is to use other
materials that have to be attached in the re-
evaluation from a large database
tabase is data
gion susceptible to vulnerability inside the privacy and security
transformer and that decompose on cer-
tain predefined temperature. An attempt
to develop such a material was made by A. drogen to a gas more valuable for trans- [6] H. Shirai, S. Shimoji, and T. Ishii, Ther-
Skholnik et al. in 2004 when they tried to former condition monitoring such as modynamic study on the thermal de-
integrate such a material in a few transform- ethylene, acetylene or carbon oxide. From composition of insulating oil, IEEE Trans-
ers in Israel [36] which was patented in this historical review, it can be observed former Electrical Insulation, Volume EI-12,
2008. This patent is similar to the ones de- that hydrogen detector appears only due Issue 4, pp. 272–280, August 1977
veloped by M. Duval [37] in Canada since to technological limitation of the 1970s.
it has additional material inside the trans- Probably the most informative behavior [7] R. Wilputte, M. Randoux, Experience
former for measuring the real tempera- of a gas dissolved in oil is that of oxygen, obtained with the routine testing of the
ture. In the Canadian patent, the substance especially for the non-breathing modern insulating oils of power transformers on
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transformer can influence it. Israeli patent the early days [39] and also recently [40,
is composed of several different materials 41]. Today, the technology for detection [8] J. O. Church, T. J. Haupert, F. Jacob,
that may indicate not only the tempera- of each gas dissolved in oil, as well as a Analyze incipient faults with dissolved
ture, but also the location of the hot spot. technology for cheap detection of dis- gas Nomograph, Electrical World Issue
Each version has advantages and disad- solved oxygen, exist [42]. As is the case 201, pp. 40–44, 1987
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assumptions that both methods need to field will also experience the prevailing [9] E. Dornenburg, W. Strittmatter, Mon-
confirm is the thermodynamic theory of tendency of shifting away from human itoring oil-cooled transformers by gas
correlation between the temperature and experts and other simple or conventional analysis, The Brown Boveri Review, Issue
gases ratio. The theory was, of course, val- version to artificial intelligence. The moti- 61, pp. 238–247, 1974
idated in laboratory experiments, but the vation for this process will, on one hand,
question, if it is suitable for real operating be the exponential accumulation for Big [10] R. R. Rogers, IEEE and IEC codes to
transformers, should be debated in further Data and on the other the diminution interpret incipient faults in transform-
published research. Another open ques- of experienced and skilled experts after ers using gas in oil analysis, IEEE Trans-
tion for both approaches is the kinetics overcoming the sharing operational data actions on Electrical Insulation, Issue 13,
issue e.g., if the substance will degrade in obstacle. pp. 349–354, 1978
time at a much lower temperature instead
of instantaneously at the predicted temper- References [11] Dissolved Gas Analysis by Gas Chro-
ature. Those open questions are of course matography: A Modern Tool to detect
valid for all current internal materials that [1] O. H. Eschholz, Some Characteristics Incipient Faults in Power Transformers,
are used for transformer operation, inclu- of Transformer Oil, The Electric Journal, CPRI, Report number 93, June 1979
ding the oil and cellulose. page 75, February 1919
[12] E. Dornenburg, O. E. Geber, Analysis
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Inst. Petroleum, Volume 59, pp. 239–241, [14] M. Duval, Dissolved gas analysis: It
More and more users find that although September 1973 can save your transformer, IEEE Electri-
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no method can provide a real early trigger [5] S. Sherif, M. Ghoneim, Intelligent pre- 6, pp. 22-27, 1989
warning for the abnormal state [38]. diction of transformer faults and sever-
ities based on dissolved gas analysis in- [15] M. Duval, A review of faults de-
Another anomaly that will be probably tegrated with thermodynamics theory, tectable by gas-in-oil analysis in trans-
fixed in the future concerns the online IET Science, Measurement & Technology, formers, IEEE Elec. Insul. Mag., Volume
gas detector which will switch from hy- Volume 12, Issue 3, May 2018 17, Issue 2, pp. 31-41, 2001

w w w . t ra n s fo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 57

[16] M. Duval, The Duval Triangle for [27] D. A. Mansour, Development of a [35] P. S. Pugh, H. H. Wagner, Detection
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and Low Temperature Faults in Trans- Gas Analysis in Power Transformers, Gas Analysis, AIEE Transactions, Vol-
formers, IEEE EI Magazine, Volume 24, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and ume 80, pp. 189-195, 1961
Issue 6, p. 22, 2008 Electrical Insulation Volume 22, Issue 5,
October 2015 [36] A. Scholnik et al., Chemical tagging in-
[17] M. Duval et al., The Duval Pen- dicators and method to locate overheat-
tagon—A New Complementary Tool [28] I. Hoehlein, R. Froetscher, Carbon ed spots in liquid-filled electrical devices,
for the Interpretation of Dissolved Gas oxides in the interpretation of dissolved Patent US number: 20100319606, 2008
Analysis in Transformers, IEEE Electr. gas analysis in transformers and tap
Insul. Mag., Volume 30, pp. 9-12, 2014 changers, IEEE Elec. Insul. Magazine, [37] Duval et al., Method and device for
Volume 26, Issue 6, pp. 22-26, 2010 measuring the temperature of a hot spot
[18] D. A. Mansour, A New Graphical in an oil-containing electric apparatus,
Technique for the Interpretation of Dis- [29] S. Besner et al., Unusual Ethylene IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insula-
solved Gas Analysis in Power Trans- Production of In-service Transfor Oil at tion, Volume EI-17, Issue 5, October 1982
formers, IEEE Conf. on Electr. Insul. and Low Temperature, IEEE and US patent US3848187A
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pp. 195-198, 2012 [30] J. Allgood, L. Lewand, McGuire [38] J. A. Gomez, Experimental Investi-
Ethane Gassing Issues: Effects of Ox- gations on the Dissolved Gas Analysis
[19] X. Deng et al., Experimental research idation Inhibitor Content on Ethane Method (DGA) through Simulation of
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[20] M. Duval et al., The new Duval Pen- [31] F. Jakob, P. Noble, J. J. Dukarm, A [39] W. Lampe, E. Spicar, K Carrander,
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[21] O. E. Gauda, Proposed heptagon [32] R. Cox, Categorizing Transformer Transformers Magazine, Volume 2, Issue
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transformers, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., UK, 2017
2018, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp. 490-498 [41] S. Tenbohlen, New Concepts for Pre-
[33] A. Shkolnik, M. Grisaru, Correlation vention of Ageing by means of On-line
[22] R. I. Lowe, Artifical Intelligence between DGA results and transformers Degassing and Drying and Hermetically
Techniques Applied to Transformer Oil defects, Doble Conference 2002 Sealing of Power Transformers, CIGRE,
Dissolved Gas Analysis, Minutes of the paper A2-204, Paris, 2014
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ence of Doble Clients, 1985 for determining Incipient faults by Dis- [42] M. Grisaru, Unpublished material,
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[23] J. J. Dukarm, Transformer oil di-
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Marius Grisaru has a M.SC. on Electro-Analytical
[24] B. Németh, New method for improv- Chemistry from the Israel Institute of Technology.
ing the reliability of dissolved gas anal- Marius has almost 30 of intense experience on almost
ysis, 2011 Annual Report Conference on all transformer oil tests chain, from planning, sampling,
Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phe- diagnose, recommendations and treatments mainly in
nomena Israel but also in other parts of the world as well. He is
responsible for establishing tests strategy and procedures,
[25] A. Kahalani, M. Grisaru, Reliability and for creating the acceptance criteria for insulating liquids
improvement for high voltage oil trans- and materials, based on current standardization and field experience.
former by predictive plan, Eurodoble He trains and educates electrical staff on insulating matrix issues from a
2006 chemical point of view. He is an active member of relevant Working Groups of
IEC, CIGRE and former member of ASTM.
[26] M. Nor Asiah et al., DGA Interpre- He is also the author and co-author of many papers, CIGRE brochures and
tation of Oil Filled Transformer Con- presentations at prestigious international conferences on insulation oil tests,
dition Diagnosis, Trans. Electr. Electron. focused on DGA, analytical chemistry of insulating oil and advantageous
Mater. Volume 13, Issue 5, pp. 229, 2012 maintenance policy for oil and new transformers.

58 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 7, Issue 1 | 2020

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