18.04.21 - SR.N-SC - Jee - Adv - 2016 (P2) - SPL GTA-1 (P-2) - QP

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Sec: Sr.

IIT_N-SUPER CHAINA Date: 18-04-21

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 186

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

18-04-21_SR.N-SUPER CHAINA _Jee-Adv_SPL GTA-1(2016-P-2)_SYLLABUS




Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 6) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 7 – 14) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 15 – 18) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 19 – 24) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 25 – 32) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 33 – 36) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 37 – 42) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 43 – 50) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 51 – 54) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 2

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
PHYSICS Max.Marks: 62
(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. A particle P of mass 2 kg describes an elliptical orbit of semi-major axis a=5m and

semi-minor axis b=4m due to an attractive force towards a focus S where r is the
distance P from s and   40Nm2 ,Now,
o s
A) Its velocity at C is 2 ms-1 B) Its velocity at C is 4 ms-1
C) Its velocity at A is 1 ms-1 D) Its velocity at A is 4 ms-1
2. A ball is projected from ground with initial velocity u at an angle  (with horizontal)
from point A on ground .It strikes a point ‘P’ at height ‘h’ from ground level .Provided
that the maximum height attained by the balls is H, the angle made by the velocity
vector of the ball with horizontal at point P at the moment of striking is:

 2 gh   2 gh 
A) tan 1   B) tan 1  
 u cos    u sin  

 2g  H  h    2g  H  h  
C) tan 1   D) tan 1  
 u   u cos  
   

3. Two circular rings of identical radii and uniform resistance of each ring is 36  ,are
placed in such a way that they cross each other’s center at C1 and C2 as shown in figure.
An ideal cell of emf 20 volts is connected between A and B. The power delivered by
cell is

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P

c1 c2

A) 80 W B) 100 W C) 120 W D) 200 W

4. In the circuit shown in figure the switch S was initially at position 1 for a long time.
Now switch S thrown from position 1 to position 2.The voltage drop across the
resistor at that instant is (Just after shifting of switch)

A) Zero B) E C) LC D) LC
5. A mass ‘m’ is hung on an ideal massless spring and another equal mass is connected
to the other end of the spring. The whole system is at rest. At t=0, both the masses are
released and the system falls freely under gravity. Assume that natural length of the
spring is L0 . its initial stretched length is L and the acceleration due to gravity is g.
What is distance between masses as a function of time.


2k k
A) L0   L  L0  cos t B) L0   L  L0  cos t
m m

2k 2k
C) L0  2  L  L0  cos t D) L0   L  L0  sin t
m m

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
6. The diagram shows part of a disc of radius R carrying uniformly distributed charge
from to R of density  .Electric potential at the center C is

R R R R
A) B) C) D)
2 0 16 0 24 0 32 0

(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
7. A slab of transparent materials is made as shown in the figure. Monochromatic
parallel beams of light of same wave length are normally incident on the slabs. The
thickness of C is twice the thickness of B. The number of waves in A = the number of
waves in the combination of B and C. The refractive index of material A is 0 1.5 and
that of C is 2 1.4

 0  1.5

1  2  1.4


A) The refractive index of B is 1.6

B) The frequency of light in B is two times the frequency of light in C

C) The refractive index of B is 1.7

D) The frequency of light in B is the same as the frequency of light in C

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
8. According to Maxwell’s distribution of molecular speeds for the below graph drawn
for two different samples of gases A and B at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively,
which of the following statements is/are incorrect.

A) If T1  T2 , then molecular mass of gas B  M B  is greater than molecular mass of gas

A M A 

B) If molecular mass of gas A  M A  is equal to molecular mass of gas B  M B  ,

then T1  T2
C) If T1  T2 , then molecular mass of gas B  M B  is necessarily less than molecular mass
of gas A  M A 

D) If gas A is O2 and gas B is N 2 ,then considering them to be ideal gases, T1 is

necessarily less than T2
9. A uniform rod of mass m and (length l is released from rest in the vertical position
  00  on a rough (Surface is sufficiently rough to prevent just sliding) square corner
A, as shown in figure, then choose correct options.

A) If the rod just begins to slip when   37 0 with vertical, then the co-efficient of static
friction  between the rod and the corner is 0.3
B) If the end of the rod is notched so that It cannot slip, then the angle  at which
contact between the rod and the corner ceases is 530

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
C) If the rod just begins to slip when   37 0 , then the coefficient of static friction
between the rod and the corner is
D) If the end of the rod is notched so that it cannot slip, then the angle  at which
contact between the rod and the corner ceases is 370
10. A wire having a uniform linear charge density λ , is bent in the form of a ring of radius
R . Point A as shown in figure, is in the plane of the ring but not at the centre. Two
elements of the ring of lengths a1 and a2 subtend very small same angle at the point A.
The elements are at distances r1 and r2 from the point A respectively
(point ‘A’ is very close to centre and r1 < r2 )

A) The ratio of charge of elements a1 and a2 is

B) The element a1 produces greater magnitude of electric field at A, than element a2

C) The elements a1 and a2 produce same potential at A
D) The direction of net electric field at A is towards element a2
11. The figure shows, a graph of the current in a discharging R-C circuit, the resistance of
resistor is 10 

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 7

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
A) The initial potential difference across capacitor is 100 volt
B) The capacitance of the capacitor is F
10 ln 2

C) The total heat produced in the circuit is J
ln 2

D) The thermal power in the resistor will becoming times of initial value with a
time constant sec
2 ln 2

12. A thermally insulated chamber of volume 2V0 is divided by a frictionless position of

area S into two equal parts A and B. Part A has an ideal gas at pressure P0 and
temperature T0 and in part B is vacuum. A massless spring of force constant k is
connected with piston and the wall of the container as shown. Initially spring is
unstretched. Gas in chamber A is allowed to expand. Let in equilibrium spring is
compressed by x0 . Then

A) final pressure of the gas is
1 2
B) work done by the gas is kx0
1 2
C) Change in internal energy of the gas is kx0
D) temperature of the gas is decreased
13. A point object is located at a distance of 100 cm from a screen. A lens of focal length
23 cm mounted on a movable frictionless stand is kept between the source and the
screen. The stand is kept between the source and the screen. The stand is attached to a
spring of natural length 50 cm and spring constant 200 Nm-1 as shown in figure. Mass
of the stand with lens is 2 kg. Then

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Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P

A) The impulse P that should be imparted to the stand so that a real image of the
object is formed on the screen after a fixed time gap is 4 kg ms-1
B)The impulse P that should be imparted to the stand so that a real image of the
object is formed on the screen after a fixed time gap is 8 kg ms-1
C) The fixed minimum time gap between two pin stands when the real image of the

object is formed on the screen is sec
D) The fixed minimum time gap between two pin stands when the real image of the

object is formed on the screen is sec
14. In the given diagram three concentric conducting charged spherical shells are
indicated. Initially both the switches are open. Select the correct alternatives (s)

A) If only switch S2 is closed then the charge transferred through this switch will be
B) If only switch S2 is closed then the charge transferred through this switch will be
C) If only switch S1 is closed then the charge transferred through this switch will be
D)If only switch S1 is closed then the charge transferred through this switch will be

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 9

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Questions 15 and 16
A long solenoid contains another long co–axial solenoid as shown. Radii of solenoids
are 2R and R. Both the solenoids have n number of turns per unit length and initially
both carry no current. At the same instant currents start increasing linearly with time
(constant of proportionality is equal to k) in both the solenoids in same direction. At
any moment current flowing in the inner solenoid is twice as large as that in the outer



15. Flux of magnetic field linked with cross–section of outer coil as a function of time t is
A) R 2 0 nkt B) 2R 2 0 nkt
C) 4R 2 0 nkt D) 6R 20 nkt .
16. Induced electric field at a distance r from axis of smaller coil is  R  r  2 R 
 0 nk  0 nk
A) [2R 2  r 2 ] B) [2R 2  r 2 ]
r 2r
 nk  nk
C) 0 [R 2  r 2 ] D) 0 [R 2  r 2 ] .
2r r

Paragraph For Questions 17 and 18

A frame of reference that is accelerated with respect to an inertial frame of reference is
called a non-inertial frame of reference. A coordinate system is fixed on a circular disc
rotating about a fixed axis with a constant angular velocity ω is an example of a non-
inertial frame of reference. The relationship between the force Frot experienced by a
particle of mass m moving on the rotating disc and the force Fin experienced by the
particle in an inertial frame of reference is

  
Frot  Fin  2m vrot   m   r   
SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 10

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
where vrot is the velocity of the particle in the rotating frame of reference and r is
the position vector of the particle with respect to the centre of the disc
Now consider a smooth slot along a diameter of disc of radius R rotating counter
clockwise with constant angular speed ω about its vertical axis through its centre. We
assign a coordinate system with the origin at the centre of the disc, the x axis along the
slot, The y axis perpendicular to the slot and the z axis along the rotation axis

 R ˆ
 
   K A small block of mass m is gently placed in the slot at r  
 
i at t =

0 and is constrained to move only along the slot .

17. The distance r of the block at time t is

R B) R c o s  t
cos 2t
2 2
R  t  t R 2 t 2 t
e  e  D)
e  e 
18. The net reaction of the disc on the block is
A) m 2 R sin  t ˆj  mg kˆ B) m 2 R  e t  e  t  ˆj  mg kˆ
C) m 2 R  e 2 t  e2 t  ˆj  mg kˆ D)  m 2 R cos  t ˆj  mg kˆ

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 11

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max.Marks: 62
(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. Which of the following pair of species have paramagnetic nature as well as behave as
mixed anhydrides ?

A) NO 2 , ClO 2 B) NO 2 , Cl 2O 6

C) N 2O3 , Cl 2O D) N 2O5 ,Cl 2O7

20. For the hypothetical reversible reaction, X 2 g   Y2 g   2 XY g  , G 0 & S 0 are 20 kJ/mol
and 20 JK 1mol 1 respectively at 200 K. If  n  C p  is 20 JK 1mol 1 then , H r0 at 400 K
A) 20 kJ / mol B) 7.98 kJ / mol C) 28 kJ / mol D) 38 kJ / mol
21. During electrolysis under suitable conditions, 0.015 mol of chromium is deposited on
the cathode when 0.09 mol of electrons is passed through a chromium containing
electrolyte. Which of the following substance could have been the electrolyte?
A) CrCl2 B) Na2Cr2O7 C) CrF5 D) CrCl3


Major product formed in the above reaction (A) is:

A) B)

C) D)

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 12

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
23. Predict the major product formed when the following reaction occurs in dilute base:

OH / 

A) B) C) D)

24. Biodegradable polymer which can be produced from glycine and aminocaproic acid is:

A) PHBV B) Buta-N C) Nylon 6, 6 D) Nylon 2- nylon 6

(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
25. Which of the following cations can be detected by the flame test?

A) Mg 2 B) K  C) Sr 2 D) Ba 2

26. Correct statements about froth flotation process used in metallurgy.

A) It is based on the difference in wetting nature of different minerals.

B) Sodium ethyl Xanthate is used as collector.

C) NaCN is used as a depressant in the mixture of ZnS and PbS when ZnS forms

soluble complex

D) This method is generally employed to dress the sulphide ores.

27. Which one of the following are acidic gases

A) NO2 B) CO2 C) SO2 D) ClO2

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 13

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
28. Choose the correct statements regarding hydrolysis of XeF2 , XeF4 and XeF6 :

A) XeF2 and XeF4 shows redox reactions.

B) All form HF as one of the product

C) XeF2 forms only one gaseous product.

D) XeF6 forms two gaseous products.

29. Four solutions of various electrolytes are given along with their percent ionization

(I) 0.1M NaCl  aq  (90% ionized)

(II) 0.05 M CaCl2  aq  (80% ionized)

(III) 0.04 M K 3  Fe  CN 6   aq  (60% ionized)

(IV) 0.03 M FeCl3  aq  (70% ionized)

Identify correct statement(s) assuming all solutions to be dilute-

A) Solution (IV) has maximum vapour pressure

B) Solution (I) has minimum vapour pressure

C) Solution (III) has lowest freezing point

D) Solution (I) has highest boiling point

30. Which of the following plot(s) is/are not correct for chemisorption of a gas on solid
surface   Extent of adsorption  ?
m 

A) B)

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P

C) D)

C CH2 C OH Product(s)

When n  1 , organic product formed is P1

When n  3 , organic product formed is P2

When n  4 , organic product formed is P3

Correct statement(s) is/are is

A) P1 gives Tollen’s test B) P2 is cyclic anhydride

C) P3 gives 2,4-DNP test D) P3 gives Tollen’s test

32. The correct option(s) regarding the complex Co  en   NH3 3  H 2O  

 en  H 2 NCH 2CH 2 NH 2  is(are)

A) It has two geometrical isomers

B) It will have three geometrical isomers if bidentate 'en' is replaced by two cyanide

C) It is paramagnetic
D) It absorbs light at longer wavelength as compared to Co  en   NH3 4 

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 15

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 33 and 34

AlCl 3 Zn(Hg), HCl/  SOCl 2

+ O C10H10O 3 (C10H12O 2)
(1) (2) (3)
(X) (Y)
(Z) (C10H11OCl)

Pd - C /  Zn(Hg), HCl/  AlCl 3

(C10H8) (C10H12) (C10H10O)
(6) (5) (4)
(S) (R) (W)

33. What product will be obtained if ‘W’ is treated with C 6H 5MgBr followed by D3O  ?



C) Ph D) Ph

34. What product is obtained when R is heated with KMnO4 / H  ?





SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 16

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
Paragraph For Questions 35 and 36
Two liquids A and B mix to form an ideal binary liquid solution. On adding solid

solute C to the solution, A starts polymerising into a hexamer soluble solid 'A 6 '

following zero-order kinetics with a rate constant  101 moles / min . If initially 10

moles of A and 20 moles of B were taken to form liquid solution and 5 moles of C

were added, then answer the following questions based on above information and data

given below :

[Data: vapour pressure of pure A =100 Toor, vapour pressure of pure B = 90 Torr]

35. The vapour pressure of the solution 1 hr. after solid C is added will be given by :

220 2200 2200

A) Torr B) 98 Torr C) Torr D) Torr
3 29 24

36. Which of the following statement in incorrect regarding the above process?

A) The vapour pressure will keep on decreasing initially.

B) The vapour pressure will become constant 100 min after addition of C.

C) Two hours after addition of C, the vapour pressure will become 72 torr.

D) Four hours after addition of C, the vapour pressure will become 67.5 torr.

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 17

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
 c  c
37. Let A  ct1 ,  and B  ct2 ,  be two points on hyperbola xy  c 2 (where t2  t1 and t , t1 , t 2  0 )
 t 1  t 2 
Let P  ct ,  be a variable point on the hyperbola lying between A and B such that area
 t 
of APB is maximum, then t1 , t , t2 are in
A) A.P B) G.P C) H.P D) A.G.P
38. Let S  (3, 4) and S '   9,12  be two foci of an ellipse. If co-ordinates of the foot of the
perpendicular from focus S to a tangent of the ellipse is (1,-4), then eccentricity of the
ellipse is
12 5 24 7
A) B) C) D)
13 13 25 25
39. Points G and O denote the centroid and circumcenter of ABC . Suppose that
AGO  90o and AB=17, AC=19. If BC  m n , where m and n are positive integers
then the possible value of m  n 

A) 2 B) 3 C) 7 D) 8
40. Three concentric circles of which the biggest is x 2  y 2  1 , have their radii in A.P. If
the line y  x  1 cuts all the circles in real and distinct points. The exact interval in
which the common difference of the A.P will lie is
 2 2   2 1  1
A)  0,  B)  0,  C)  0, 1  D)  0, 
 4   2   2 2   8 

41. Let a,b,c be complex numbers such that a  a  b  3 3, a  b  c  21 and

2 2
a 2  b 2  c 2  ab  bc  ca , then b  c equals

A) 132 B) 140 C) 147 D) 150

 1 2cos  4 cos3
42. If   , then the value of   is equal to
7 cos  cos 2 cos 4
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 4

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 18

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
1 1
43. The values of  for which the parabolas y   x 2   x  and x   y 2   y  are
24 24
tangent to each other is /are
3 13  601 13  601 2
A) B) C) D)
2 12 12 3
44. n boys and n girls are to be seated in a row. The number ways in which they can be
A) is 2(n !)2 if boys and girls are to sit alternately.
B) is ( n  1)( n !) 2 if no two boys sit together.
 2 
C) is 
r 0
n 1
Cr  n 1 r Cn 2 r   n ! if every boy has at least one girl sitting beside him.

(where [.] denotes the greatest integer function)

 2 
D) is 
r 1
n 1
Cr  n 1r Cn  r   n ! if every boy has at least one girl sitting beside him.

(where [.] denotes the greatest integer function)

r n
n 2  8n  14
45. If  n
  then which of the following can be TRUE?
r  0 Cr r 0 2.n Cr

A) n  1 B) n  2 C) n  3 D) n  7
46. From a point A on x-axis, 2 tangents are drawn to x 2  y 2  16 meeting y-axis at P and
Q, then
A) The minimum value of AP 2  AQ 2 is 64
B) The minimum value of AP 2  AQ 2 is 128
C) Minimum area of APQ is 32 sq. units

D) For minimum area of APQ , the point A is  4 2,0  or  0, 4 2, 

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 19

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P

47. 
The value(s) of "  " for which the straight lines r  3iˆ  2ˆj  4kˆ  1 ˆi  ˆj  kˆ and 

 
r  5iˆ  2ˆj  kˆ   2 ˆi  ˆj  2kˆ are coplanar is/are:

5  33 5  33 5  33 5  33
A) B) C) D)
4 4 4 4
48. The equation of the sides of the triangle having (3,-1) as a vertex and x  4 y  10  0 and
6 x  10 y  59  0 as angle bisector and as median respectively drawn from different
vertices, are.
A) 6 x  7 y  13  0 B) 2 x  9 y  65  0
C) 18 x  13 y  41  0 D) 6 x  7 y  11  0
49. If (1  x  x 2  x 3 )100  a0  a1 x  a2 x 2  ....a300 x300 then which of the following statement(s) is
/are correct?
A) a1  100
B) a0  a1  a2  ....  a300 is divisible by 1024
C) coefficients equidistant from beginning and end are equal
D) a0  a2  a4  .....  a300  a1  a3  a5  ....  a299  2100
50. Let z1 , z2 and z3 be three distinct complex numbers satisfying z1  z2  z3  1 . Which
of the following is/are always true?
 z1    z  z1  
A) If arg   then arg    where z  1
 z2  2  z  z2  4
B) z1 z2  z2 z3  z3 z1  z1  z2  z3

  z1  z2  z2  z3  z3  z1  
C) Im  0
 z1 .z2 .z3 

D) Orthocentre of the triangle formed by z1 , z2 and z3 is z1  z 2  z3

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 20

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 18-04-21_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_SPL GTA-1_P-2 Q’P
(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 51 and 52:
There are 8 students from 4 different schools (2 from each school). These 8 students
are to be put into 4 different rooms (2 students in each room). Then
51. The number of ways in which exactly 1 room contains students of same school is
A) 24 B) 288 C) 768 D) 1440
52. The number of ways in which no room contains students of same school is
A) 24 B) 288 C) 768 D) 1440

Paragraph For Questions 53 and 54:

The two foci of an ellipse are A  3, 4  and B  h,16  . The line x  3y  1 touches the
ellipse at P  4,1 then

53. The value of h equals

A) -1 B) 1 C) 2 D) -3
54. The length of latus rectum of ellipse is
5 10 7 10 11 10 10 10
A) B) C) D)
3 3 3 3

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 21

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

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