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Contact no:+91-9861766949(M)
To pursue a challenging career and function effectively in an organization with opportunities to
use my analytical skills.To constantly upgrade my knowledge and skills and make a difference in
whatever I do.


Board / University Institution Year Of %age/

Passing CGPA

B.TECH (CSE) B.P.U.T NMIET, Bhubaneswar 2010 6.40

DIPLOMA (CSE) S.C.T.E & V.T DRIEMS, Cuttack 2006 68 %

10th BSE Kalinga Vidya Pitha, Cuttack 1999 55.6%


PROJECT TITLE: Development of Feature Rich Employee Transfer Application.

Tools Used : Java, Oracle 10g

Platform : Windows Xp, Processor Pentium vi.

Description : Develop an intranet Application for an organization for maintaing

information related to its employee transfer and generating the transfer related
documents. This application would be facilitating the system administrator to search the
employee transfer record, make new transfer and so amend the allowances offered to
the employee who usually depends on the post of the employee and the type of transfer
he is getting.

In this project we have an intranet based Employee Trans system, where every of the
organization will be identified with his/her own user id and password. In this system
there has to be one admin whose responsibility is to grant access to new user i.e. to
provide the new ID and password and if an user has to be debarred or an employee
retires from organization then his user id & password has to be revoked from the
system. It is the work of the admin to take total control over the system. In this system
the admin and employees are search the records, updating the records and also making
new transfer record etc.

 Language : C, C++, java

 OS : Windows XP, Windows 7, DOS


 As part of computer engineering was involved in various tasks of computing like

designing. programming related to software and also tasks with respect to hardware in
various small projects and seminars in college.
 Open minded and have good interaction skills to move in a team and get the work done
 Sincere, hardworking and love to take up challenges

 Good problem solving ability and analytical skills.


 Date of Birth : 26th July,1984

 Gender : Male

 Father name : Mr Uttam Charan Nayak

 Address : at-mundamal, p.o. choudwar

Dist-Cuttack, Odisha#754025
 Mother tongue : Oriya

 Nationality : Indian

 Marital Status : Unmarried

 Languages : English, Hindi, Oriya


 Watching movies, Listening to music.

 Making friends with unknown people

I do here by declare that the particulars of information and facts stated herein above are true,
correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date : Signature
Place : (Arghya Prakash Nayak)

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