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Fuel 87 (2008) 2090–2094

A new method for the determination of wax precipitation from

non-diluted crude oils by fractional precipitation
Baudilio Coto *, Carmen Martos, José L. Peña 1, Juan J. Espada, Marı́a D. Robustillo
Department of Chemical and Environmental Technology, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, c/ Tulipán s/n, 28933 Móstoles (Madrid), Spain

Received 8 May 2007; received in revised form 13 December 2007; accepted 19 December 2007
Available online 15 January 2008


Wax precipitation is one of the most important flow assurance problems. Unfortunately, experimental data are very scarce to confirm
existing models for prediction of such precipitation problem. This work reports a new experimental method. Multistage fractional wax
precipitation was carried out by decreasing the temperature of crude oil. No solvent dilution was used, so the effect of solvent on tem-
perature wax precipitation was avoided. The reproducibility of the method was tested with comparable results. The precipitation curve
and the wax appearance temperature were obtained for two crude oils with different chemical nature using the reported method.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fractional precipitation; Waxes; Wax appearance temperature; Pour point

1. Introduction Detailed crude oil composition can not be properly

determined due to the high number of compounds present
Paraffinic waxes present in petroleum mixtures can pre- in the mixture. It is commonly accepted to group the differ-
cipitate when temperature decreases during oil production, ent compounds present in crude oils in different families
transport through pipelines or storage. The presence of according to their chemical structure (paraffins, naphthenes
such solid waxes increases fluid viscosity and its accumula- and aromatics, PNA) or polarity (saturates, aromatics, res-
tion on the walls reduces the flowline section, causing the ins and asphaltenes, SARA) [9]. Light components of the
blockage of filters, valves and even pipelines, increasing crude oil keep the heavier ones in solution, but the solubil-
pumping costs, and reducing or even stopping oil produc- ity of such different species in the mixture depends on pres-
tion or transport [1–7]. Great savings in operational costs sure, temperature and composition of the crude oil. Waxes
can be achieved by correctly predicting this solid precipita- may precipitate due to a temperature decrease because
tion problem. The two main variables usually considered in their solubility is so low that a solid phase can appear even
wax precipitation studies are the wax appearance tempera- if the content in long chain hydrocarbons is not superior to
ture (WAT) and the amount of wax precipitated as a func- 2%. Such waxes are usually considered to be heavy hydro-
tion of operating conditions (wax precipitation curve, carbons (C20–C60) mainly formed by linear n-alkanes, and
WPC) [8]. These magnitudes may anticipate potential represent the major risks to produce wax deposition prob-
wax deposition and suggest the convenience to rely on oil- lems. Two different types of waxes are usually present in
field chemicals or alternative technologies to mitigate the crude oils: macro and microcrystalline. Macrocrystalline
problem. waxes are mainly n-alkanes with chain length within C20–
C50. Microcrystalline or amorphous waxes present a high
proportion of isoparaffins and naphthenes within the range
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 4887089; fax: +34 91 4887068.
C30–C60 [8].
E-mail address: (B. Coto).
Alfonso Cortina Technology Centre, REPSOL-YPF, S.A., 28933 In order to study wax deposition, the determination
Móstoles (Madrid), Spain. of the amount of wax precipitated as a function of

0016-2361/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Coto et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2090–2094 2091

temperature is required. Different methods based on sol- showed differences related with the different chemical struc-
vent dilution have been reported in the literature. One of ture of the selected crude oils.
the most commonly used was proposed by Burger et al.
[10] in which the crude oil is dissolved in a solvent mixture 2. Experimental section
(ether/acetone), cooled at 253 K and filtered afterwards at
this temperature. This method is widely accepted to repre- 2.1. Materials
sent the total amount of wax able to precipitate in a crude
oil. Musser et al. [11] reported the characterization of Two different crude oils were selected to carry out the
waxes precipitated by this method from different crude oils. different experiments. Crude oil 1 was a naphtenic crude
Elsharkawy et al. [8] reported a modification of Burger’s oil from West Africa and crude oil 2 was a paraffinic crude
method, including previous crude oil dissolution in pen- oil from the North Sea provided by REPSOL-YPF. The
tane. Nermen et al. [12] carried out a separation of waxes chemicals, suppliers and purities used in the experiments
by fractional crystallization at low temperature using dif- were the following: ethylenglicol–water mixture (IADA,
ferent solvents. They studied the most important variables 50/50%), nitrogen (Air Liquide, 99.999%), dichlorometh-
affecting the crystallization process (temperature, solvent ane (Scharlab, 99.9%), acetone (Scharlab, 99.8%), n-pen-
composition, dilution solvent ratio and washing solvent tane (Scharlab, reagent grade), and n-hexane (Scharlab,
ratio) and the results were focused on obtaining the most reagent grade).
appropriate conditions for the fractional precipitation of
some crude oils. Handoo et al. [13] reported a fractionation 2.2. Wax precipitation
method using a mixture of solvents (methyl isobutyl ketone
and toluene), recovering and recrystallizing the soluble Wax precipitation was carried out using a similar proce-
fraction at lower temperature. dure to that proposed by Burger et al. [10]. Crude oil is dis-
The use of solvents in these precipitation methods pre- solved in n-pentane and stirred during 30 min. Acetone
sents a series of limitations. The presence of solvents has (acetone/n-pentane ratio 3:1) is added to the mixture and
a great influence on the paraffin precipitating temperature cooled down to 253 K for 24 h. The solid phase present
because of the dilution effect, and therefore the WAT can in the oil is separated by filtration in a Buchner funnel
not be properly determined. Thanh et al. [5] also showed using a glass microfibre Whatman filter N° 934. The solid
that these methods are not able to separate microcrystalline phase is re-dissolved in n-hexane in order to remove
waxes from non-hydrocarbons (resins and asphaltenes). asphaltenes. After solvent removal the final product is
These authors have reported a method in which the previ- weighted.
ous separation of pentane insoluble products modifies the
chemical composition of the crude, and may also affect 2.3. Fractional precipitation
the phase equilibria. Likewise, in most of these methods
the amount of waxes precipitated at a single temperature The filtration procedure is shown in Fig. 1. 50 g of crude
is determined, but it is not possible to study the amount oil (stream 1) are cooled in a cryostat at a slightly higher
of wax precipitated against temperature. This is a very temperature than its wax appearance temperature (WAT)
important limitation in the available experimental informa- for 24 h. The crude oil is then filtered by means of the tech-
tion that has made several authors to propose procedures nique described above using a glass microfibre Whatman
for the determination of crude oil precipitation curves filter N° 934 during at least 2 h. The solid phase (stream
based on alternative techniques such as DSC [14], NMR 3) is collected for further recovery of the precipitated waxes
[15] and FT-IR [16], but its comparison with experimental while liquid phase (stream 4) is used for next precipitation.
data can not be carried out straightforward. The filtration area is washed with dichloromethane to
In this work, a new method of multistage fractional recover the remaining crude oil and after that, solvent is
crystallization has been developed. This method is based removed by vacuum evaporation at 338–343 K, and the
on the same principles as those previously described, but obtained crude oil is mixed with the liquid phase (stream
it introduces some differences in the experimental proce- 4) obtained in the filtration process.
dure. The precipitation process is carried out by decreasing The solid phase (stream 3) is washed with acetone to
crude oil temperature in small steps (about 5 K) without reduce the soaked crude oil. This washing process is carried
any previous dilution, thus avoiding the solvent effect on out at room temperature in a Buchner funnel using vac-
the precipitation temperature. The filtration is carried out uum. Acetone is removed by vacuum evaporation and
with a small overpressure instead of the classical vacuum the remaining crude oil is added (stream 9) to the next pre-
filtration to avoid undercooling of the crude oil and the cipitation experiment fluid.
cake during filtration and washing of the precipitated The remaining solids (stream 6) are recovered by wash-
wax. The reported technique and a modification of Bur- ing the filter with dichloromethane, and after solvent
ger’s method [10] was applied to two different crude oils removal by heating at 323–333 K, the final free-solvent
obtaining the WAT, the complete precipitation curve and product (stream 8) is weighted and stored for further
the amount of solid precipitated at 253 K. Obtained results characterization.
2092 B. Coto et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2090–2094

Fig. 1. Experimental procedure of fractional precipitation.

The mixture (stream 10) formed by the rest of liquid are more realistic as it allows reproducing wax precipita-
crude oil is used for the next precipitation step at a lower tion along a temperature profile similar to that in pipelines
temperature. This procedure can be repeated 4 or 5 times where flow assurance problems can appear.
by decreasing system temperature about 3–5 K in each
step. This process allows to obtain the amount of solid pre- 3. Results and discussion
cipitated at each temperature and therefore to obtain the
complete precipitation curve and the WAT of a crude oil. All the results for the crude oil characterization are sum-
The main part of the experimental system for fractional marized in Table 1. Wax content at 253 K and the frac-
precipitation is the filter, which is temperature-controlled. tional precipitation curve (cumulative weight percent)
Temperature is controlled by recirculating a mixture of were obtained by the methods described above for crude
ethylenglicol–water from a thermostatic bath in the range oil 1 and 2. The WAT of each crude oil was extrapolated
of 243–323 K. The top of the filter is covered and con- by fitting the precipitation curve to the temperature value
nected to a dry nitrogen stream in order to carry out filtra- where the precipitated solid is 0%. The pour point was also
tion under a slight over pressure. Fig. 2 shows a scheme of experimentally determined [17] for the selected crude oils.
this installation. In order to check the reproducibility of the fractional pre-
A limitation of this new experimental procedure is that cipitation method reported two sets of experiments were
at very low temperatures the filtration process can not be carried out using crude oil 1 (results were denoted as crude
applied due to the increase of the viscosity of the crude oils. oil 1 and crude oil 10 ).
For that reason, it was not possible to reach the tempera-
ture of 253 K for the selected crude oils. Such limitation
3.1. Wax content
does not affect the procedure of wax precipitation at
253 K similar to that described by Burger due to the dilu-
Wax content at 253 K is assumed to represent the total
tion of the sample. However, the results obtained by the
amount of wax and it was determined following a modifi-
fractional precipitation procedure reported in this work
Table 1
Obtained results for the selected crude oils
Crude Wax content at Fractional precipitation WAT Pour point
oil 253 K (wt%) (K) (K)
T (K) Precipitated
solid (wt%)
1 9.56 283 1.60 284 273
278 5.52
275 6.39
272 8.04
268 10.56
10 – 283 1.81 – –
278 6.07
272 7.75
2 15.15 293 0.13 294 258
288 0.92
283 2.10
278 2.73
273 4.58
268 5.44
Fig. 2. Scheme of the filtration system.
B. Coto et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2090–2094 2093

cation of the method used by Burger [10] as mentioned experiments. The absolute average deviation calculated
before. It can be seen from Table 1 that the amount of solid was lower than 0.6% in all cases.
precipitated at 253 K is lower for crude oil 1 (9.56%) than Fig. 4 shows the wax content at 253 K, the fractional
that obtained for crude oil 2 (15.15%), in agreement with precipitation experimental results and the calculated
the paraffinic nature of this one. WAT for crude oil 2. As it is shown in Fig. 4 wax content
at 253 K is clearly superior to that obtained at the lowest
temperature (268 K) in the fractional precipitation experi-
3.2. Fractional precipitation ment. This corresponds to a low slope of the precipitation
curve which makes paraffins precipitate in a wide range of
Fractional precipitation was carried out for the selected temperature (293–253 K), indicating a wider distribution of
crude oils using the procedure shown in Fig. 1. The results, paraffins for crude oil 2.
listed in Table 1, show an increase in solid precipitated with When the results obtained in the experiments carried out
temperature decreasing, as it was expected. at similar temperatures for both crude oils are compared a
The precipitation curves provide estimation for the higher amount of precipitated solids was obtained for
WAT of the crude oils extrapolating the curves to 0% of crude oil 1 (for instance at 268 K, the precipitated solids
precipitated solid. The calculated values are also listed in were 10.56% and 5.44% for crude oil 1 and 2, respectively).
Table 1. However, the range of temperature in which paraffins can
Fig. 3 shows wax content at 253 K, the results for the precipitate is clearly larger for crude oil 2 (293–253 K) than
fractional precipitation experiments and the calculated that in crude oil 1 (283–268 K) in agreement with the
WAT for crude oil 1. Wax content at 253 K (9.56%) and higher WAT and total wax content values obtained for
the fractional precipitation value at 268 K (10.60%) are crude oil 2. These results can be explained by a wider dis-
very close for this crude oil. This result is in agreement with tribution of paraffins in crude oil 2 than that presented in
the high slope value of the precipitation curve which leads crude oil 1. For that reason, at temperatures above 280 K
to the paraffins precipitation of this crude oil in a narrow the amount of precipitated solids can be higher for crude
range of temperatures (283–268 K). This could be oil 2 than that for crude oil 1 as it is shown by the obtained
explained in terms of a relatively narrow distribution of results.
paraffins with few long chain paraffins. Pour point of the crude oils reported in Table 1 was
The amount of solid obtained by fractional precipitation experimentally determined [17]. The pour point is a physi-
can not be directly compared to the wax content obtained cal measurement related with crude oil flow and the
at 253 K because of the impossibility to reach a tempera- amount of solid precipitated at that temperature should
ture of 253 K in the fractional precipitation method and be similar for any crude. In this work, the amount of solid
also because of the solvent effect in the wax content precipitated at the pour point was calculated for both crude
determination. oils by linear extrapolation of the experimental values
The reproducibility of the reported method was checked obtained by fractional precipitation. It is necessary to
by repeating the precipitation curve of crude oil 1. These remark that for crude oil 2 this procedure represents an
results are also listed in Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 3. No extrapolation to a temperature value of about 15 K below
remarkable differences or systematic deviations were the experimental temperature range. A value of 7.43% and
observed and a good agreement was obtained in both

16 16
Precipitated solid (w%)

12 12
Precipitated solid (w%)

8 8

4 4

0 0
250 260 270 280 290 300 250 260 270 280 290 300
Temperature (K) Temperature (K)

Fig. 3. Obtained results for crude oil. j, Wax content at 253 K. Fig. 4. Obtained results for crude oil 2. j, Wax content at 253 K. h,
Precipitation curves obtained by fractional for crude oil : h, Experiment Precipitation curve obtained by fractional crystallization. 4, Extrapolated
1 (crude oil 1); 4, Experiment 2 (crude oil 10 ). N, Extrapolated WAT. WAT.
2094 B. Coto et al. / Fuel 87 (2008) 2090–2094

12 Acknowledgements

The authors thank Repsol-YPF for providing the crude

Precipitated solid (w%)

oil samples and for the financial support through the re-
7.5% search project ‘‘Aseguramiento de flujo de crudos de petró-
leo: Estudio de la precipitación de parafinas”.


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