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● Recognize diversity - must have some awareness of self

● Good health - ensure quality of life & capacity to participate in productive activities
● Most women & families receive most health care - community setting
● Proactive approach - community
○ ↑ - health promotion & illness prevention
● RN role - important in health & wellness of a community
○ Health care needs of individual & implement interventions that affect community as a whole
● Promote health of individual, familys, groups, communities - promote environment that supports health


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● Communities - RN implement strategies & care models that center (2 things)

○ Pt & their family

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● Family-centered care - collab partnership among the individual, family, and caregivers that exist to determine goals,

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share information, offer support, formulate plans for health care
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● Pt & family componset of health care decision-making & delivery processes
○ Evidence-based maternity care responsive to the needs of women & families
● Nursing support of family - forms

○ Informational support
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■ Provide supportive communication via make available understandable info to the family about the
member’s condition, treatment, development
■ Care about behavioral & emotional responses and needs
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■ What to expect regarding the condition

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○ Emotional support
■ Listening, exhibiting caring behaviors, and being concerned in ways that help the family cope with the
member’s illness & other aspects of their lives that are affected by the illness

○ Appraisal support (esteem support)


■ Enhancing, reinforcing, and supporting the family role

○ Instrumental support
■ Providing assistance of any kind - financial, time, labor, or environmental modifications

■ Support to families includes providing a supportive relationship & ongoing information

■ Help maintain family role - offer encouragement, affirmative comment, & appraisal; give emotional
support; & provide competent nursing care
● Philosophy - family-centered care recognizes family as constant
○ Health of all family members & functional abilities influence health of pt & other members of the family

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● Core concepts of family-centered care
○ Providing dignity & respect for the pt & family choices.
○ Sharing health care info that is meaningful & accurate.
○ Encouraging pt & their families to participate in decisions about their care.
○ Collaborating w/ pt, families, & other HCP in the delivery of care
● Family-centered care - preventive care to long-term care
● Enhances confidence of those involved about their skills & helps prepare individuals for assuming responsibility for
their own health care needs
● VITAL - assess how much knowledge the family already has about the pt health or illness
● Family-centered approach - positive outcomes
○ ↓ anxiety, improved pain management, ↓ recovery times, enhanced confidence & problem-solving skills
● Parents should be involved in care of & decision-making for newborns - separations should be minimized
● Open, clear, consistent info & communication should be maintained

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● Family members - considered partners in family-centered care models & empowered by their participation in their

own health care decisions

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● RN - remain neutral (hear & see) → enhance trust & maintain open communication lines w/ all family members

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○ Pt → expert about their own health - work within pt framework when planning health promotion interventions
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● Practicing true family-centered care - empower the family, strengthen family resources, help the woman or child feel
more secure throughout the process

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