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The following is a game that is part of the project of the Center for Research in Geographic Education Practices

(NUPPEG), prepared by the CPII Humaitá geography professor, Stella Mendes:

Number of players: 2
Objective: Discover the 12 mineral explanation areas identified on the opponent's map.
Rules: On your turn, you will choose a state and ask your opponent if there is an area of mineral extraction identified
on the map. If the answer is no, you will try again until find a state with mineral activity. If the answer is yes, you will
try to get the coordinates of the extraction site, risking values for latitude and longitude. if you get it right just the
latitude or longitude, the opponent will tell you which information is correct and you will pass your time to him. If you
miss both, you also pass your turn. If you get the latitude and longitude right, you you will have eliminated one of the
extraction areas and should try to find the location of another area in the next round. After finding the latitude and
longitude, try to find the ore that is extracted in this local. If you get it right, you can play again. Whoever discovers all
locations first wins the game. Good luck!

The maps for Players 1 and 2 are on the next pages:

The following is a game that is part of the project of the Center for Research in Geographic Education Practices
(NUPPEG), prepared by the CPII Humaitá geography professor, Stella Mendes:

Number of players: 2
Objective: Discover the 12 mineral explanation areas identified on the opponent's map.
Rules: On your turn, you will choose a state and ask your opponent if there is an area of mineral extraction identified
on the map. If the answer is no, you will try again until find a state with mineral activity. If the answer is yes, you will
try to get the coordinates of the extraction site, risking values for latitude and longitude. if you get it right just the
latitude or longitude, the opponent will tell you which information is correct and you will pass your time to him. If you
miss both, you also pass your turn. If you get the latitude and longitude right, you you will have eliminated one of the
extraction areas and should try to find the location of another area in the next round. After finding the latitude and
longitude, try to find the ore that is extracted in this local. If you get it right, you can play again. Whoever discovers all
locations first wins the game. Good luck!

The maps for Players 1 and 2 are on the next pages:


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