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A case study will be upload on Saturday for submission next Friday.

Interested groups can send an email to the class president to volunteer to present the case by the
next Monday. The presenting group will be picked on the first-come-first-serve basis. In case no
group volunteers, a presenting group and a debating group will be chosen and announced by the
next Tuesday.

Case study time

Case study presentation and debate will be conducted after break.

• 10 mins for presenting;

• 10 - 15 mins for two assigned groups debating;

• 5 mins for lectuer summarizing the case presentation and debate.

In order to meet the time constraint:

• The presenting group is required to prepare all necessary equipment before presentation time.
Failure to prior prepare for presentation shortens your presentation time.

Presentation contents should consist of:

• Brief introduction of the case;

• Addressing case questions.

Presentation can be conducted in any form.

Debate should cover the following contents:

• The debate group might ask the presenting group to further elaborate one or several points of
the presentation;

• The debate group might add another perspectives/ approaches to the case;

• No criticism or personal insult is allowed. In case the two groups cannot conciliate a conflict (if
any), the final decision will made by the lecturer.

The presenting group will get two grades: one for presentation, and the other for report
submission. Any member of the presenting group absent from the presentation will get 0 for
presentation grade.

The debate group will get two grades: one for debate, and the other for report submission. Any
member of the debate group absent from the debate will get 0 for debate grade.

The remaining groups will get one grade for report submission.

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