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Bachelor Auction Plan

1) Advertising Event
i) -Facebook event page and statuses advertising event a day before from both members
and bachelors. Show members how to “invite all” friends to an event/ set one up.
ii) -Little fliers in Trabant. Fliers on all community boards and Dorms
(a) (Trabant, Perkins, The Green, Main Street, Laird, Harrington, Library etc.)
iii) -Get a kiosk at least TWICE before the event to advertise. Once after spring break
and once on the Wednesday or Thursday before the event.
iv) -Press Release to
(a) The Review, STN, WVUD etc.
v) -Bachelors will also advertise themselves to their networks
(a) Encouraged to bring their own friends/ guests to support and or/ bid on them.
vi) -If possible, get webhosting for a website where we can put all of the bachelor’s
profiles (Picture with some information about them such as hobbies and interests.)
vii) -If we can pull it off, maybe even some YouTube videos for individual bachelors.

2) Sponsorship
i) -create a list of all possible places to make an ask (concentrate on Main St.
businesses) and then send a letter/drop it off to each of those places
ii) -In the letter, include a description of what this event is and stress that all proceeds go
to the PRSSA-UD Scholarship Fund (and a short explanation of what those
scholarships fund)
iii) -Send some members out to businesses on Main Street to garner sponsorship for
event in the form of GIFT CARDS that can be used in the bachelor packages for their
dates. Get gift cards free or at least for a reduced price.
(a) Two $10 gift cards or Four $5 gift cards. Coupon for 2 free sandwiches.
Whatever we can get.
(b) And try to get money from businesses in exchange for advertising space in the
program that will be handed out the night of the auction.
iv) -Maybe get them to sponsor a specific bachelor or student who works in the store
who will be in the bachelor auction.

3) Venue
i) -Trabant Multipurpose Rooms-
(a) Event Services : (302) 831-2633. – Should we get 2 or 3 rooms?
ii) -Stage/ elevated area where Bachelors can be seen. +
(a) Walkway/ runway optional.
(b) Tables and Chairs – enough room for people to mingle and be comfortable.
(c) Catering- food and drinks
iii) -Display table where there will be a display of the bachelor’s
(a) Pictures and general information in bullet points. Bright colors.
iv) -Table for registration-
(i) Guests will be given a “sign” with number on it to bid with. Name tag and
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v) -Table where highest bidders go at the end of auction to pay for their dates. Collection
of funds.
vi) -Optional- table for silent auction.

4) Bachelors/ Prep
a) -This is a great opportunity for members to have experience tapping into their networks. I
have/ know a decent amount of attractive male friends who I’m sure would love to have
women fighting over them.
b) -Fill out questionnaires to get some personality details.
(1) Give them a week to turn in/ email back. Need someone to take care of organizing
this information and putting it into the program.
c) -Coach Bachelors on
(1) how to act/ make themselves seem more appealing/ provide them with as much
info as possible on what they need to do, when/ where they need to be.
(2) How long they need to stay at the event to mingle. Appropriate behavior. Honor
contracts to follow through on a date with the highest bidder.
d) -Dress Code- Button down shirt and tie, decent pants and shoes.
e) -Date packages- Special talents/ interests bachelor has?
(1) Surfing, rapping, poet food lover, or just good at a certain subject.
(2) Pair a skill/ activity bachelor can teach/ do with bidder + a gift card for food on
Main Street/ movie coupons.
(3) Bachelor can make their date package as awesome and creative as they want to
be, but they may need some help from us.
*I’m keeping in mind that both the bidders and the bachelors will generally be
“poor” college kids.

5) Entertainment/ Peripherals
a) -DJ to do the music for the event. I have a friend who can possibly do it.
(1) If not him, I’m sure there are musically inclined students on campus who would
be willing to do it.
b) -I need someone who may be interested in graphic design (but not necessary) to do the
programs and or the display.
(a) Multiple people would be great.
(2) For the programs, I want a picture of each bachelor and just a few bits of
information to get people intrigued enough to look at all the information on the
display board.
(3) Ads from businesses that donate will also be in the program.
(4) The display board will need to be bright, interesting and informative with pictures
of the bachelors and at least a page of bulleted information taken from the
c) -Ice breaker- to encourage mingling and more aggressive bidding- hold a trivia game
where questions will be asked about the bachelors and those who get it right get a prize.
This encourages bidders to get to know the bachelors/ become more interested in them.
(1) We can hold a silent auction while people mingle.
d) -Raffles- Maybe tickets to a sporting event or spring concert? This could even be part of a
super date package.
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6) Night of Event
i) -People go to registration to get nametag, program and get assigned a number to bid
ii) -Singles Mingle for 30-45 mins. Bidders get to know bachelors.
(i) Look at information. Silent auction.
(b) Pull some of the bachelors up for spotlight interviews where they go on stage
and answer a few question (get exposure to the bidders)
iii) -Auction –
(a) Call up each bachelor one at a time.
(b) Say name and assigned number.
(c) A little bit about them and do something charming for the audience.
iv) -Bids should start as low as $2 and this should be advertised on the fliers.
(a) My reasoning is that we are poor college kids and I don’t want to start at a
high amount that will scare people away.
(b) $2 sounds low enough that ANYONE will be able to afford at least that much.
(c) $1 is a bit too small.
(d) $3 and $4 is a bit odd and $5 is too much.
(e) But the bidding amount/ increment is definitely negotiable.
v) -When a bachelor has been bought they may sit with the highest bidder. People are
allowed to bid on and buy more than one person.

7) After
i) -At the end, bidders pay for their bachelors at a table.
(a) During the auction, someone will need to keep track of which number bought
which bachelor and how much.
ii) -Liaison
(1) I think we should have someone introduce the bachelors to their highest bidder so
it won’t be too awkward, and also to answer any questions.
(2) Decide whether the bidders get the bachelors numbers or vice versa.
(3) The liaison or someone else will need to follow up on bachelors and make sure
the dates follow through.


-For the sake of simplicity, I have referred to this has a bachelor auction, but do you think we
should sell dates with both men AND women?

-I think it would be cool to have a celebrity/ special bachelor as an added draw to the event.
The one I have in mind is Tucker Max who has written 2 successful books and is well known
in the college community. This is a LONG SHOT but I would merely like permission to
TRY. Anyone one else you guys can think of would be great too.

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