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about Mireya. Mireya is a "hacker" In the sense that show knows how to code a teeny
tiny lil bit but she actually specializes in physical intrusion and social
engineering to steal credentials(edited) Anything she can't outright hack with
scripts written by someone else/can't social engineer or steel is something she
will generally not try to fuck with. She has a terrible gambling addiction.
Her credit is so fucking terrible she can't even get personal loans anymore has to
go through loansharks
She's also on a government watchlist because her father was a terrorist. (In the
other game it was human supremacy, white supremacy probably works here.)
(Maybe an association with muh Bloods) But yeah. She's heavy into debt with a bunch
of different people so she's trying to get money to pay them all off while
simultaenously trying to get life back together
Also, she has a criminal history, so it's hard for her to get a job.

I envision Kensha being much like Mireya. Really heavy into the street/night life.
Has some practical skills but relies on tricks, lies and fast-talk to get what she
is after.
Both of the women are focused on amassing wealth, though for different reasons
Mireya wants wealth just because she wants to flex, while Kensha wants to prove
that she can take over the family business when daddy gets too old
Two of 'em would run scams 'n shit together to help support Kensha's startup, so as
a result She probably has good knowledge on mireya. Took it personally when she
found out Mireya was a SPY
Despite that, doesn't wanna kill her, but she's pissed enough to occaisionally try
to fuck up whatever plans Mireya has going.

Alice Fischer
Mireya's closest friend before she left the gang. Alice is one of the many drug
dealers that the bloods employ to sell exclusively to the lesser races.
She's Ambivalent about her work. The effects of it are jarring to her, yet she
genuinely believes that this is the only way to stave off the white genocide that
is steadily threatening to eradicate her people.
Publicaly, she puts on a hard-as-nails persona, though it quickly dissolves behind
closed doors around those she trusts.
Like the rest of the bloods, she believes Mireya got killed by a pack of wild
niggers or something once they found out she was working against them.

Tom Kent
"Children are our future" is one of the many mantra that persists within blood
culture. As such they often pair off younger initiates with older children as part
of a mentoring program. Tom was Mireya's mentee. He's about 13 years old and thinks
the world of Mireya. Her skills of manipulation and deception are something to be
admired and before she'd left she'd been teaching him tricks of the trade. The
racism and prejudice of the gang are his 'normal' and as such he has a fair bit of
views that seem bizarre to one outside of the gang. As with everyone else, he
believes Mireya was likely killed.

Game Concept:

The general idea for this game is a war between Kensha and Alice Fischer disguised
as Mireya's father Merle with Mireya being in the middle. It should be tough for
her to choose which side she ends up taking because both sides do both great and
horrible things for her. Be flexible for whatever she ends up wanting to
*Think of a terminal state for the game, the thing that would happen regardless.*

*What happened to Alice's sister and how did it happen.*

Mission for Mireya: Alice wants to test Mireya's loyalty, so she entrusts her to
sneak into an in-progress expansion of the casino and place three bombs to
completely bring down the expansion and to put down a hologram of their flag. The
surprising part is that Kesha will be there being toured, so Mireya will have to
see here there. There are five guards, but they aren't too heavily armed and
armored. Kensha has her tiger. On any sign of possible danger Kensha will be
escorted out roughly without the tiger. At least one of the people Mireya goes on
the mission with is Marlin, Tom's 16 year old BF. There is an attempt on his life
by black gangsters. The point is to try and get the niggos to commit an atrocity to
get Samantha's bloods involved and start a legitimate war

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