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Questions 21-30

During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in
a large number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison
system, improve education, ban the sale of alcohol, and, most importantly, to free the
slaves. Some women saw materials in the social status of women and slaves. Women like
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were feminists and abolitionists who supported the
rights of both women and blacks. A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd
garrison and Wendell Philips, also supported the rights of women to speak and participate
equally with men in antislavery activities. Probably more than any other movement,
abolitionism offered women a previously denied entry into politics. They became involved
primarily in order to better their living conditions and the conditions of others.

When the Civil War ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the
Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and suffrage to blacks but not to
women. Discouraged but resolved, feminists influenced more and more women to demand
the right to vote. In 1869 the Wyoming Territory had yielded to demands by feminists, but
eastern states resisted more stubbornly than before. A women's suffrage bill had been
presented to every Congress since 1878 but it continually failed to pass until 1920, when the
Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.

21. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A) The Wyoming Territory

B) The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
C) Abolitionists
D) Women's suffrage

22. The word "ban" in line 3 most nearly means to

A) encourage
B) publish
C) prohibit
D) limit

23. The word "supported" in line 7 could best be replaced by

A) disregarded
B) acknowledged
C) contested
D) promoted

24. According to the passage, why did women become active in politics?

A) To improve the conditions of life that existed at the time

B) To support Elizabeth Cady Stanton for president
C) To be elected to public office
D) To amend the Declaration of Independence

25. The word "primarily" in line 10 is closest in meaning to

A) above all
B) somewhat
C) finally
D) always

26. What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?

A) The Wyoming Territory was admitted to the Union

B) A women's suffrage bill was introduced in Congress
C) The eastern states resisted the end of the war
D) Black people were granted the right to vote

27. The word "suffrage" in line 13 could best be replaced by which of the following?

A) pain
B) citizenship
C) freedom from bondage
D) the right to vote

28. What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?

A) Voting rights for blacks

B) Citizenship for blacks
C) Voting rights for women
D) Citizenship for women

29. The word "it" in line 17 refers to

A) bill
B) Congress
C) Nineteenth Amendment
D) vote

30. When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?

A) After 1866
B) After 1870
C) After 1878
D) After 1920

List new vocabulary with their meaning:

century : siglo
reform : reforma
prison. : prisión
grant. : garantía
slaves. : esclavos
feminists : feministas
fervent. : emocionado
abolitionists : abolicionistas
fought. : peleó
belief. : creencia
widows : viudas
primarily : principalmente/originalmente
citizens : ciudadanos
civil war : guerra civil
Amendments : enmiendas
Constitution : constitución
suffrage : sufragio/voto
Discouraged : desanimado
resolved : resuelto/determinado
tirelessly : incansablemente
influence : influir/influencia
stubbornly : obstinadamente/tercamente
resisted : resistió

Question 31-40

The Acacia is a genus of trees and shrubs of the Mimosa family. Although nearly five
hundred species of Acacia have been identified, only about a dozen of the three hundred
Australian varieties grow well in the southern United States, and of these, only three are
flowering. The Bailey Acacia has fernlike silver leaves and small, fragrant flowers arranged
in rounded clusters. The Silver Wattle, although very similar to the Bailey Acacia, grows
twice as high. The Sydney Golden Wattle is squat and bushy with broad, flat leaves and
sharp spined twigs. Named for its bright, yellow flowers, the Golden Wattle is the most
showy and fragrant of the Acacias. Another variety, the Black Acacia or Blackwood, has
dark green leaves and unobtrusive blossoms. Besides being a popular tree for ornamental
purposes, the Black Acacia is valuable for its dark wood, which is used in making cabinets
and furniture, including highly prized pianos.

The Acacia's unusual custom of blossoming in February has been commonly attributed to
its Australian origins. In the Southern Hemisphere, of course, the seasons are reversed, and
February, which is wintertime in the United States, is summertime in Australia. Actually,
however, the pale, yellow blossoms appear in August in Australia. Whether growing in the
Northern or Southern Hemisphere, the Acacia will bloom in winter.

31. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?

A) The Black Acacia

B) Characteristics and varieties of the Acacia
C) Australian varieties of the Acacia
D) The use of Acacia wood in ornamental furniture

32. How many species of Acacia grow well in the southern United States?

A) Five hundred
B) Three hundred
C) Twelve
D) Three

33. The word "these" in line 3 refers to

A) United States
B) varieties
C) species
D) Trees and shrubs

34. According to this passage, the Silver Wattle

A) is squat and bushy

B) has unobtrusive blossoms
C) is taller than the Bailey Acacia
D) is used for making furniture

35. In line 7, the word "flat" most nearly means

A) smooth
B) pretty
C) pointed
D) short

36. The word "showy" in line 8 could best be replaced by

A) strange
B) elaborate
C) huge
D) fragile

37. Which of the following Acacias has the least colorful blossoms?

A) Bailey Acacias
B) Sydney Golden Wattle
C) Silver Wattle
D) Black Acacia

38. Which of the following would most probably be made from a Black Acacia tree?

A) A flower arrangement
B) A table
C) A pie
D) Paper

39. The phrase "highly prized" in line 11 is closest in meaning to?

A) valuable
B) unique
C) stylish
D) attractive

40. When do Acacia trees bloom in Australia?

A) February
B) Summer
C) August
D) Spring

List new vocabulary with their meaning:

1. shrubs : n. noun a plant which is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near
the ground.
2. mimosa : an Australian acacia tree with delicate fern-like leaves and yellow flowers. [Acacia
3. mud : soft, sticky matter consisting of mixed earth and water.
4. wattle : a material for making fences, walls, etc., consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with twigs
or branches.
5. daub : n. verb carelessly coat or smear with a thick substance.
6. legumes : a leguminous plant grown as a crop.
7. includes : comprise or contain as part of a whole.
8. peas : a spherical green seed eaten as a vegetable.
9. lentils : a high-protein pulse which is dried and then soaked and cooked prior to eating.
10. pods : an elongated seed vessel of a leguminous plant such as the pea, splitting open on both sides
when ripe
11. edible : n. adjective fit to be eaten.
12. resin : a sticky flammable organic substance exuded by some trees and other plants (notably fir and
13. dense : closely compacted in substance. crowded closely together.
14. bark : n. noun the sharp explosive cry of a dog, fox, or seal.
15. acidic : having the properties of an acid, or containing acid; having a pH below 7.
16. proven : demonstrate by evidence or argument the truth or existence of.
17. capable : having the ability or quality necessary to do something.
18. arid : very dry; having little or no rain.
19. dozen : a group or set of twelve

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